"Heh, I know I have posted quite a few stories lately, but… This one flies out to my favorite race of ponies, along with a well-deserved Character Choice that some people have begged for. And I think you guys will like the idea." Black Knight leans back into his chair, rocking back and forth, while Silver Star held an embarrassed blush. "T-This story… Isn't meant for foals…" Was all she said, before the Black Knight pulled out his remote, and started the story.
Chapter One
-Sometime After Nightmare Moon's Banishment-
Princess Celestia was torn on two fronts, within herself. One part of the Sun Princess did not want to leave her room, and just cry until the pain of Luna's banishment had stopped. Another part demanded that she continue her royal duties, and assure her subjects that everything will be alright. This was a hard fought battle, one which was tearing her already hurting heart apart. Despite this all this, Celestia remained upon her throne, and continued what was expected of her.
Luckily, they were able to finish Canterlot Castle, so she did not have to remain within the very halls that had caused her all this pain. But, the castle was still so empty, with only her Royal Guard and Royal Servants being her comfort. Though, they could only do so much, and always treated her like some goddess, instead of another pony.
"I am… Going for a walk." She sighed, catching the attention of her two Unicorn Guards, at the base of her throne.
"Would you like an escort, your majesty?" On asked, looking up at the pure white alicorn mare. "If so, we would gladly join you on your walk."
Celestia shook her head. "No, I think a walk, by myself, will do me some good." She answered, walking down the golden steps. "If anypony needs me, I shall be exploring the Castle Gardens."
The Unicorn Guards bowed their heads, respectively, as their princess passed and left the throne room. "I feel so bad for the Princess… Banishing her only sister, the pain must be unbearable." The first guard said, looking to his counterpart.
"If only we had known how Princess Luna felt, beforehand…" The other guard noted, shaking his head. "We could have stopped it, long before the Nightmare took hold of her heart."
"What can we do, to help her?" The first guard asked, looking at the second still. "Her balling it up, cannot be healthy."
The second guard shook his head. "I don't know if there is anything we can-?"
A ball of golden light suddenly appeared at the throne room's center, catching their attention. It started to rapidly spin around, like some a vortex of golden light. It was starting to expand, growing even brighter and blinding the two guards, before exploding! What followed, when their sight had returned, shocked the two Unicorn Guards.
At the center of a scorched circle, stood a unicorn stallion clad from horn to hoof in shining gold armor and red cloth. His sheer size actually intimidated the Roy Guard, because he stood only a hair shorter than Princess Celestia herself! But, what really caught their attention, was the golden spear, with a gold eagle cresting the spear head and some metal tube barely visible within the eagle's beak, locked on to his right shoulderguard.
"H-He looks like one of the Germaneigh Knights…" The first guard said, as he prepared his spear, in case this stallion was going to fight them.
The second guard readied his spear, as well. "But they wear silver armor with green robes, not to mention… The Knights of Germaneigh are Earth Ponies, and this guy is a unicorn with far more armor than they." He noted, eyeing the unicorn's golden armor and red robes. "He is obviously not one of them."
When a pair of red, glowing, eyes appeared within the stallion's golden helmet… The two guards became tense. "In the name of Princess Celestia, identify yourself!" The first guard demanded, earning the strange unicorn's attention. Though, it did not hold for very long, as his curved, armored, horn started to glow gold. The spear gained two spots of the same golden glow on its shaft, like something had grabbed on to it, and detached from his shoulder.
This action seemed to have surprised the golden unicorn, as he started to watch the spear. The crested weapon began to move around, like he had no idea such a thing was possible. The unicorn even tested his ability to wield the spear, like a proper weapon, with basic polearm combat moves.
"Identify yourself, now!" The first guard demanded, again, as the unicorn stopped and silently looked at him. "If you do not comply, we will use force!" The two Royal Guards took a more aggressive stance. "Now, identify-?"
Without warning, and within the blink of an eye, the golden armored unicorn was right in front of the first guard! His spear was tilted, and ready to thrust through the unicorn's exposed throat. What happened next, froze the second guard with fear, unable to protect himself… When his turn came.
-Castle Gardens-
Celestia laid within the very center of the gardens. It was an open area, allowing the moon's light to illuminate the area. A single, marble stone, bench was placed there for visitors to rest on… That is where Princess Celestia, the 'Goddess of the Sun', choose to break down, and cry.
The pain was too much, and grew even ore as she walked by herself. Celestia could not take it any longer, and had to let it all out before it finally broke her completely. She was happy, that it was late and most ponies were asleep right now. The thought of them seeing her break down like this, made her heart shake. They may lose confidence in her ability to lead tem, if she deserved to do such a thing anymore.
Celestia slowly looked up at the moon, the very object that her younger sister cherished so much, and her gaze examined the alicorn mare outline on its face. "Oh, Luna, I am so, so, sorry." The tears continued to fall, as she spoke to the silent moon. "I strived to ensure everypony was safe, within Equestria, that they could live happily within our Kingdom… But I failed." Her voice choked, not hearing the heavy hoof falls behind her. "I failed, because I couldn't ensure that the pony most important to me was happy, nor could I protect you from the Nightmare that corrupted your sweet heart."
The unknown guest remained silent, watching the alicorn mare cry to the moon. His interest peaked by the strange creature's talk, and admittance to their failure.
"Everypony, within Equestria, sees me as some sort of Goddess. All because I am an alicorn who can raise the sun, and now the moon." Her sorrow filled words surprised the unknown guest, who did not know such power existed. "But, they are wrong. I am just a single mare… One, so weak, she couldn't protect her only sister."
Those last words, those humbled words, were very familiar to him. They reminded the guest of his lord, the very being who made his people great. A being with God-like power, who only saw himself as just another mortal… With a responsibility to those before him."
When Celestia fell silent, her visitor took a step forward and alerted the princess to his presence. With a high pitched 'eep', Celestia turned around to see the golden clad unicorn stallion, who almost reached her height. Realizing that she was still crying, Celestia quickly used her wing to wipe away the tears from her eyes. "I-I am sorry, my little pony… You should not see your princess in such a state." Once the tears were gone, the princess made her way over to the unicorn stallion, and gave a warm smile. "I have not seen you before, may I have your name?"
The gold and red clad unicorn remained silent, his spear locked into the right shoulderguard. Now that she was closer to him, Celestia noticed that she had never seen such armor before. The craftsmanship was expertly made, from how form fitting the armor was to how detailed the eagles adorning his armor were. Even the red robes and cloak looked like they were made from the finest silk, the red plum on his helmet looked like each strand was dyed by hand.
To her, he looked like the personal guard to some great, and powerful, King. His red, glowing, eyes completing the look of some stalwart guardian. "Why do you remain silent? Are you unable to speak?" She asked him, the unicorn shaking his head to indicate she was incorrect. "An Oath of Silence, then?" The unicorn gave a nod, indicating that she was correct. A smile found its way upon her muzzle again, and she returned the nod. "I see, I respect your wishes, then, and retract my question. Though, if I may ask you… Please, keep what you saw between us?"
The unicorn just stared at her for a long moment. The princess wondering if this pony was actually contemplating her request. Such a thing, being treated less like a goddess and more like another pony, felt refreshing to her. After a few more moments, he gave a nod.
"Thank you." She sighed, her smile becoming even warmer. "I can tell you are not from Equestria, and must serve somepony powerful… If I may ask, who thy might be?"
The unicorn contemplated her question, for a few moments, before using his armored hoof to write a message. Once he was finished, Celestia quickly read what was written in the dirt. To her surprise, the language looked like Istallion, an ancient and lost language. Luckily, her mother taught such a thing to both her and Luna. "Holy Terra… Sworn Companion to the Emperor of Mankind."
Celestia raised an eyebrow, wondering if she may have mistranslated the last word. "Mankind? Don't you mean 'Ponykind'?" She asked, not really effected by such a title. There were powerful rulers that would become self-proclaimed rulers of certain races.
The unicorn shook his head, and wrote a new message for her. "Not a pony. Fought dreaded foe in palace. Bright flash, appeared in new palace."
Her heart sank, this wasn't a pony, but a loyal protector to some great entity, stripped from his duty and denied a chance to protect this 'Emperor'. She gave an apologetic look to him. "I am sorry to hear this, Loyal One…" She gave a respective nod to him. "I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler-…" Celestia stopped herself, remembering what had occurred recently. "I mean, sole ruler of Equestria."
The unicorn gave a respective nod back to her, like he was acknowledging her title. His new note made her smile. "Understood what you did, hard choice to make. My Emperor makes many of them, with the same result."
"How did he cope with such decisions?" She asked him.
The newest note, allowed her to respect this 'Emperor' even more. "Remembers those he rules over, and his responsibility to them. The Ring Thing, isn't always the Easiest Thing."
"I see." Celestia gave a nod, smiling at the unicorn. "I must thank you, Loyal One… Your words may have saved me from a dark place." The unicorn gave a nod to her. "Is there anything I can-?"
"Princess!" A group of Royal Guards yelled, rushing towards the two of them. "Get away from that pony!"
Their appearance startled her a bit, causing the princess to back up, as they positioned themselves between her and the unicorn stallion. "What is the meaning of this? He and I were merely having a friendly conversation!" Celestia asked, her Royal Guard taking a more aggressive stance while the stallion prepared for battle.
"He is dangerous, your majesty!" One guard replied, as the unicorn's curved horn glowed gold, surprising even Celestia at its color, while he drew the spear. "He's already killed two of the Royal Guard, posted within the Throne Room."
Celesita's eyes went wide, now noticing the blood staining his spear's blade. It took her back some, trying to figure out what to say to that. Though, the answer came when she remembered his explanation to how he arrived within Canterlot. A smile appeared on her muzzle. "His actions are understandable." Her words suddenly caused the guards to become dumbfounded, and looked back at her. "He explained to me that he was fighting a dreaded foe of his people, then was transported to Equestria by force. The guards could have reacted violently to his appearance, and caused him to snap back to the way he was, before the surprise teleportation." She explained.
"But, princess, he still could be-?"
"If he meant to kill me, then he would have done so while I was distracted." Celestia admitted, catching her guards off guard. "He made his presence known to me, and actually held a friendly conversation with me… Even gave me some advice about how to cope with my sister's banishment."
The Sun Princess moved past her dumbfounded guards, and stood next to the unicorn stallion. He gave her, despite wearing a helmet, an inquisitive look. Even the Royal Guards were surprised by her defense of a complete, and obviously dangerous, stranger.
"He informed me, that he himself is a Royal Guard. An elite, I presume?" She looked towards him, the unicorn giving a nod. "Due to his circumstances, and prestige position… I offer him a position within my own Royal Gard, as my personal guard until he finds a way home. Seeing how it may have been our fault, that he is here… The power within the Elements of Harmony isn't something one should use too often, and could have side effects down the road." The Royal Guards went slack jawed at her announcement. "A way to also repay what he did for me, though… I cannot ignore the two slain by your hoof, Loyal One." She gave a regal look, standing before the gold and red clad unicorn. "During your service, if you choose to accept, you will be assigned the most dangerous of missions and assignments. To combat threats, when they appear, until either completion, your return, your released form service, or death." Her voice was commanding, as if she was giving a royal decree. "Do you accept these terms, Loyal One?"
The unicorn just stared at her, as if he was contemplating the offer. The Royal Guard, seeming out of their dumbfounded state and ready for battle, just stared at him. After a few more moments of silence, the wind causing the nearby bushes to rustle, he did the most unexpected thing for his kind.
The unicorn stallion knelt before Princess Celestia, accepting her offer.
Princess Celestia smiled at his response, to her offer, and bowed her head to him. "Then I welcome you as both friend and guard, Loyal One." She said, before continuing with a new idea. "T honor your Oath of Silence, I shall call thee… 'Sun Guard', both name and title for your station."
The unicorn, 'Sun Guard', gave an accepting nod… His story within this strange, and colorful, land starting. And he shall ensure, this charge will be met with the same zeal as his last.