

Smallville: X-Men
(AKA The Massive Author's Note)

10/26/18: Updated the Kryptonian Language section and Added various Chapter notes

Disclaimer (Which doesn't really protect me from anything, while taking up precious space, so this is the only time it'll appear) I own none of these characters, very few of the story elements and make no monetary profit from this. All characters, Marvel, DC, or otherwise, belong to their respective owners and their numerous lawyers and I make no claim on them. Also, I have no desire to fight a court case, so if you happen to belong to one of these massive entities that would squash me like a bug, please ask and the story will disappear without any further hassle.


All Clark Kent has ever wanted was to be just like everybody else. Unfortunately, he has powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men...and his latest one has all but underlined just how dangerous his randomly appearing abilities can be. Fortunately, his mom Martha Kent has an old friend who works at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Children and enrollment is always open.

Welcome to 'Smallville: X-Men'.

To start, briefly, this is a crossover between Marvel and DC Comics - whose jumping off point will stem directly from 'X-Men: Evolution' and 'Smallville'. More specifically this starts during Season 1 of 'Evolution', after 'Rogue Recruit' and almost directly after the episode 'Heat' of Season 2 in Smallville. That being said, while I will probably keep roughly to the 'Evolution' story line (especially in the beginning as things have yet to diverge) Smallville's story line will see the most dramatic departure.

Once I get past Season 2, I doubt that I will use any of the plots (and I use that term loosely) from Smallville, though I may do a take on an episode or plot device. While I lost interest in the show after Season 2, there were some ideas/episodes that stood out and were enjoyable though they were few and far between. Also, fair warning, I am far more familiar with DC than Marvel. This has nothing to do with the comics or movies, but more with the fact that DC has Superman and I am a huge Superman fan (and that's an understatement according to some people I know).

That being said, I will try to do my best to balance the show, and keep Clark/Superman (and other DC characters) from overshadowing the story.


For those that don't know, this fic came about because of me trying to break through my writers block. As such, I will probably be updating this fic most frequently (I have several chapters written, I just need to edit them) at least until I can bring myself to focus on my other fics. At which point I will probably begin to alternate between which fic I update.

As for the date of the update - the 10th of every month is my goal.

I know this will probably put some of you off, but it's the best I can do so I don't just blow through all the chapters I have written and do a poor job editing them.

Alien Languages

As any writer knows, there are problems when dealing with alien languages and when you can only use text to display your alien language, you have to get creative. I should warn you, I love languages, and I will go into insane amounts of detailed research and development even if it'll never see the light of day. That being said, while I might ramble slightly I have tried to keep it to a bare minimum.

Also, something to keep in mind: Character POV will affect how I render language, just as Mr. Cavell did in 'Shogun'. In this case if any aliens are speaking to each other (and provided its from one of their POV) then I will render that conversation in English. If on the other hand the conversation is happening from the POV of someone unfamiliar with the language then the alien language will be rendered to reflect that. It also should be obvious that if its from the POV of someone that only knows bits and pieces of the relevant language, then that too shall be reflected.

-:Kryptonian Language:-

The very first and most frequent language we will encounter throughout the story: Kryptonian.

When I first started considering a Superman/Marvel crossover I went hunting to see what details were already established for this language and was pleasantly surprised to find the unbelievable awesome site /. It goes deep into the language in all of its different variations over the year, especially the Doyle section which offers an extremely well researched and detailed walk through of the language.

Thankfully I was able to reign myself in.

That said I initially intended to make use of the Doyle section, including the excellent Kryptonian Font that they had available. I really wanted to use it. But sadly so far none of the fanfic sites support this font. So originally I thought about rendering the language as something like this: ":|\ ':.|" but decided that I would save us all the headache. (Note this may appear at some future point for another alien language but probably not). So, after further thought I decided to 'Romanize' the language which is the process of using Latin/English letters to represent/transliterate foreign words. The most widely known example being the Japanese rōmaji.

Once I decided to do that, I then considered how to render my version of Kryptonian. I decided to use Hebrew (mostly biblical), which I felt was fitting considering the origins of Superman. Then came the development of the sentence structure, and I decided not to veer away from the biblical language root, meaning that it would be VSO (Verb-Subject-Object) as opposed to SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) like in English. As for punctuation, well, I decided to use the standard practices for the most part.

This dissatisfied me greatly. I really, really wanted that Kryptonian font. I kept coming back to it, testing to see if something had changed within the different sites. I had some hope that AO3 would give me the chance to use it, but alas it too refused to display it. Finally fed up, I decided to see what, if any, fonts these sites would display. And I found out they would display a certain set of mathematical/formula symbols.

You can guess what happened. ┌⌻⍚╽╿┌ ⌏⍢ ┌╽╿⊸⌺⌀⍚ ⑆⌏≬⌻⍚┌ I found a way to get a facsimile of my Kryptonain font! BWHAHAHAHA! So what does this mean? Well the words are transliterations, in a VSO sentence structure. At least I think I have them rendered in a VSO sentence structure, but I have my doubt as I do struggle with that sort of thing. Then of course some of the Kryptonian is represented by 'Ideograph' (the technical term is logogram) for example: (Deity) Rao = ⌠⌾⌡, (Sun) Rao = ⌾.

I'm sure a proper linguist would tear it all apart if they bothered/cared to. The point is, it satisfies me. If they want to come along and help out I would be more than happy to let them. Anyway, I won't go into too much more detail now, I'm sure most of you skipped this part in the first place. Note for AO3: I will probably place the language key in the note of the relevant chapter just in case anyone wants to bother trying to translate the conversations, but I doubt you'll bother.

As for the 'written language' it will remain being described only in vague terms. Also whenever you see something like Rao or Kal-El that is a pronunciation of the Kryptonian word(s) using a non-speakers native language. So humans would say Kal-El (Truth of God) and Kryptonians would say ⊹⌠⌾⌡ (Truth of Rao)


I don't want to spoil anything, so what I will say is that when other alien languages pop up I will briefly discuss them at the end of that chapter. Then when the next update occurs I will move those details to this section.

Pairings: My policy is please don't demand/beg. You may ask, but I may or may not respond or go in that direction, as like everyone else I have my OTP/Preferred pairings, even during a crossover/merging. However, if a pairing is important enough to make you stop reading an otherwise (hopefully) enjoyable story then I respect your choice, and wish you the best.


-List of Cities-

Central City MO. [Kansas City, MO.]
Coast City CA. [San Diego, CA.]
Dakota City MI. [Detroit, MI.]
Fawcett City MN. [Minneapolis, MN.]
Gotham City IL. [Chicago, IL.]
Metropolis MD. [Deale, MD. on Chesapeake Bay]
Middleton CO. [Ouray, CO.]
Sunnydale CA. [Santa Barbara, CA.]

-Asteroid M Location-

Honestly, I did a lot of looking to find out where it was located. I found one source that said the 'Arctic' and the rest just said basically 'space'. One image had what appeared to be icy tundra and an Aurora band, but that did not really help. Both the Arctic and the Antarctic have Aurora. (FYI so does South America, Australia and New Zealand. I did not know that until now.)

So I did some *further* research, looking at both the Arctic and Antarctic...and ultimately decided to use the Antarctic, because it seems to have far less activity going on and plenty of room to operate out of. Besides this is an AU, so things are obviously going to be different.

::Final Thoughts::

Any further thoughts/issues I need to address, I will in relevant chapters, but generally I'm going to try to avoid cluttering my stories with needless Author Note's. I know some people, like myself, prefer to download and read them off line like books (I tend to save in Epub and read them in the Nook app) and it can be somewhat distracting to have extra thoughts cluttering up the space between chapters.

Thank you all for reading...Excelsior!