Hey- anyone willing to beta?

She had been on board for eight days. She counted the days, monitoring the frequency of meals passed through a tiny hole in the heavy door of her cell. She had used the handle of the fork given to her with the first dinner to scratch each day into the wall next to the door, as she had counted the days on Jakku.

On the sixth day she sat cross legged on the floor, head and clothes still bloody from the fight she had put up when first captured. The door suddenly opened.

She was not surprised. She had felt him coming; a darkness on the edge of her consciousness that distracted, making it hard to meditate as Master Luke had instructed.

He stepped into her small cell, and she refused to give him the satisfaction of standing, of reacting or fighting, of betraying any emotion. She opened her eyes, looked up at him disinterestedly, and raised an eyebrow. Seeing the mask, she faced down again, and closed her eyes again in pretence of perfect peace.

He looked at her, and, seeing no reaction, turned to leave, indicating to the storm troopers as he left. They picked her up by her elbows, and carried her struggling form to a shower block further down the hall.

He had gone, she was glad to see. He didn't see the storm troopers, females, thankfully, force her dirty and bloody clothes from body, push her under the warm spray, and monitor as she cleaned her weary body with the provisions provided. She moved out of the spray after a number of minutes, and found a pile of towelling and clean clothes on a bench. Grateful but wary, she dressed, only to be marched back to her cell.

The next day, this repeated, though this time a woman- not a storm trooper, though dressed in heavy black clothes and a black hood, cut her nails, washed her hair and braided it down her back.

Back in her cell, Rey wondered what she was being prepared for.

He is silent.

She doesn't expect much from him; certainly not conversation, but some acknowledgment of their changed status or some insult… Instead the silence is welcome.

She had followed him after the ceremony, two armed storm troopers escorting them to a level on the ship higher than she had ever been.

He is silent and she is grateful. She hesitates, entering the large, furnished room behind his confident stride. She takes in the low, dark bed against one corner and the large window facing out onto the galaxy across an entire wall. She takes in her new husband, his back to her against the far table, removing his mask then resting, hunched, over the table. He doesn't turn to look at her.

Hesitant and unsure of what is expected of her, unsure of anything right now - the last two hours had been so surprising. She stared at his hunched form before moving slowly and hesitantly to a chair in front of the window.

Feeling rather than seeing him move behind her, she waited, tense. Each step he took she could feel. She was so aware of him; had been since that night in the snow.

Feeling him stop a metre or so behind her, she turned. He was staring out the window, his face emotionless and dark eyes trained on some distant point.

Wishing for anything to cut the tension, she opened her mouth. She managed only a croaky "Why…?"

His eyes snapped to hers, making eye contact for the first time since their battle. The scar cut his face in two, deep and puckered pink skin across a pale visage. His eyes, she felt, stole the breath from her body when they locked on hers.

Swallowing deeply, his voice was deeper than she remembered.

"This is to maintain your honor. The simplest way of ensuring you are treated with integrity as you ought to be is for you to be under my protection."

Rey was bewildered. "As your wife?"

He nodded slowly. "As a prisoner you would have been public property." Seeing the revulsion on her face as the implications of his words hit her, he continued. "You will not be expected… That is to say, you need not worry…"

Turning abruptly, he walked to a room attached to the far side of the main room and returned a few minutes later, lowering himself into the bed and turning from her.

Rey hardly noticed his return. She sat seemingly transfixed and stared out to the galaxy beyond, her thoughts swirling with the sheer complexity and confusion of her situation and how it had changed in the last few days. To his implication of how it could be infinitely worse as prisoner if he had not intervened. Of his seeming promise that it was a marriage in name only.

Of how she had gone from free woman of the Resistance, to prisoner, to wife of Kylo Ren.