Hiyori sat closly to her friend Yukine. They watched the twinkling stars, lighting up the pure dark sky.

" Hey Hiyori, do you have any feelings for Yato?" Yukine asked right out of the blue.

This shocked Hiyori, she blushed largly and didn't respond to Yukine's question. This actually made her think about her feelings about Yato. She pondered on it, She relised how much the two of them did for one another, he was her best friend but what if she wanted more and what if he felt the same way.

Yukine left Hiyori after a while. She stayed there for a while longer still thinking about her possible crush Yato. She then left her seat and walked back to her house.

Once it became morning Hiyori woke up to the two boys watching her sleep. SHe sat up quickly shocked by the two boys being there. Yato greeted her with a warm , loving embrace. Hiyori blushed and Yato relised.

" You okay Hiyori?" Yato asked , then letting her go.

" Yato, she's blushing she must love you" Yukine says then elbowing him lightly.

The boys laugh as Hiyori slowly exscapes the two crazy boys. She enters a small bathroom to get dressed and to freshen up before going out with her two friends. She then excited , she was picked up instantly by Yato and he threw her over his shoulder.

" You take to long, next time hurry up" He explained.

Hiyori sighed " Let me down now Yato" Hiyori yelled.

' Ok, but as soon as I do you have to kiss my cheek" Yato smired as he let her down.

Hiyori slapped him insted.

" Fiesty little one arn't you" Yato said then grabbing both of Hiyori's smooth hands.

Yato leaned in resting his forehead on hers and smirked wildly. He began to turn his head and move his lips closer to Hiyori's mouth. They made contact, Yato continously deepened the kiss. Hiyori was in shock but she responded nicely to Yato's moves. Yato pulled back but Hiyori followed him, she clearly didn't want this kiss to end. so they continued for a while more , then they both pulled back.

"Yato" Hiyori said as she hugged him.

" I love you Hiyori" Yato said as he hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

" I love you too Yato" Hiyori said as she looked up to him and smiled