Chapter Nine: Epilogue
They give the Demon Clan the Eibon artefact, and Tsubaki assures them that they will do their best to take it to the most remote part of the galaxy they can find on their travels. Soul suggests they find a lovely volcano to drop it into, or maybe a dying sun. They keep the Entralla artefact. Maka hates having the medallion on board, but she can't argue with the idea that they're also always on the move, never staying for very long in one place. Just because they weren't actively being hunted by the Empire didn't mean they wanted to tempt fate.
It's not ideal, but she has Soul and freedom, and she can make this work.
They don't talk a lot about what happened on Korriban. Maka still wakes up in a cold sweat sometimes, forever dreaming that she's walking closer and closer to that hungry, murderous gaze. Sometimes she wakes up and still feels the power of her rage and her hatred, and those dreams terrify her even more. Soul wakes up unsettled and overly warm - he thinks it's probably a good thing that he can't remember what he dreams about most nights.
If they figured out that each other's presence soothed their nightmares, well. Soul's quarters have a bunk that's large enough if they curl together. They've both been changed in ways that they don't want to admit or want to talk about, but Maka thinks one day they'll be ready. Until then, she's got Jedi training and Soul's irritated face when she fixes something he can't and the slow, sleepy smile he gives her when they wake up tangled together. That's enough.