Fever: Part Two

The knock on his office door sounded through the stillness of the floor. Yugi looked up from his laptop, finding Yami standing in his doorway, a file in hand.

"Hi," Yugi said, sitting back in his chair. "I thought I was the only one left."

It was seven o'clock, and most of the office had cleared an hour earlier, the window behind him having long darkened with the blackness of night, city lights blinking in the void.

"I had some paperwork to complete," Yami said. He crossed into the office, extending his arm as he offered him a file. "Another for you."

Yugi accepted the folder, turning it over in his hands before adding it to the pile that, despite his best efforts, seemed to be growing no matter how many he worked through. It had been three days since he'd come back from the flu, and despite Yami's help on some of the backlog, he still had a ton to make up from the previous week.

"You continue to feel well?" Yami said. He had stripped off his suit jacket, leaving him in a button down and slacks, sleeves rolled up to the elbows.

Yugi nodded. "A lot better," he said, "thanks to you."

In addition to helping out with his work, Yami had checked in on him every afternoon he was out – insisting he drink and eat something, bringing over food when he was ready for solid meals – always lingering for a few extra minutes as if assuring himself he wasn't minutes from dropping dead at his feet. They didn't discuss his admission on the first night, and even after days of mulling over it, Yugi still wasn't sure what the answer to it all was.

Yami nodded, turning back to the doorway.

"Do you want to get dinner tonight?" Yugi said, fumbling as Yami turned around, meeting his eyes. "I mean, as a thank you for all of your help. I'd really like to properly thank you."

"When would you like to leave?" Yami said, eyes trailing to the mound of papers still piled on the desk.

"I think I'm ready now," Yugi said. He reached over, clicking off his desk lamp. "I'm not sure how much more progress I can make tonight. Plus, this pile seems to keep growing. I am afraid if I stay any longer it's going to fall over and bury me alive."

"I will be back in a moment," Yami said.

He disappeared back into the hallway, and by the time, Yugi had shut off his computer and shouldered on his jacket, Yami had reappeared, buttoning the top button on his coat. Yugi shuffled some papers to the side of his desk as he pocketed his phone. Dinner would be the perfect buffer – an hour or so out of the office together to give him a second to feel out what was going on in Yami's head.

Crossing the room, Yugi tied his scarf around his neck, meeting Yami in the door, smiling as he reached him. "Are you ready?"

Yami nodded, meeting his eyes as he remained in the doorway, and Yugi swallowed back the butterflies that spilled through his stomach, heart jumping in his throat as Yami reached out a hand, brushing his fingers over his temple, palm pressing against his forehead.

"Are you sure you are have fully recovered?" Yami said.

The words choked up in Yugi's throat for a moment, focus tuned to the cool press of Yami's hand. "Absolutely!" he said. "I'm much better! Honest."

Yami took his time removing his palm, fingers brushing down his cheek before falling back down to his side.

"We should go," Yugi said, and he was relieved when Yami nodded, stepping out into the hallway. Reaching over, Yugi hit the lights, shutting the door behind him as he offered another smile, following Yami towards the elevators, head still spinning from the brief touch of skin.

They decided on dinner at the izakaya down the street, the air frigid with the bite of mid-winter as they stopped in front of the bar, Yami holding the door open as they skirted inside. The counter was packed with the after work crowd, lights dimmed and casting the patrons in shadow as they headed towards the tables. It was a narrow shop, and they had to maneuver through the crowd at the bar to make it to an empty table, draping their coats over their chairs before sliding into their seats.

It took a moment to wave over a server, placing their orders before settling back.

"So," Yugi said, suddenly unsure of how to broach the topic that had been weighing in on him since last week.

"You wish to discuss something," Yami said.

"Well," Yugi said. He traced the rounded edge of the table with his thumb, dropping his eyes to the formica. "I've just been thinking about what you said last week." He looked up, hands falling back to his lap.

The corner of Yami's lip twitched. "My profession of romantic interest?"

Yugi nodded. "We didn't really talk about it."

"You were ill," Yami said. "It had not been my intention to broach the subject at that moment."

The server chose that moment to return, dropping off their drinks before slinking back towards the kitchen. Happy for the distraction, Yugi picked up his beer, gulping down a few long draughts, bottle cold in his hand as he set it back on the table.

"You're Seto Kaiba's cousin," Yugi said.

Yami nodded.

"And we work together," Yugi said.

Another nod.

"I have some reservations about that," Yugi said. "Don't you?"

Yami's eyes found his. "No."

"None at all?" Yugi said, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Yami said.

Yugi sat back in his chair, taking another long sip of beer, biding his time as Yami did the same.

"Have you dated people at work before?" Yugi said.

Yami shook his head.

Yugi turned the bottle between his fingers, condensation cold against his skin. "It just worries me," he said. "I mean your cousin does own the company."

"Having known Seto in high school, you know that his interests in personnel matters are nonexistent," Yami said. "If an issue should arise between us, he would be the last person in the company to consider it relevant."

"True," Yugi said, "but we do work together pretty closely. What if – ?"

"Yugi," Yami said, eyes finding his. "How do you feel about me?"

A flush crept up the back of Yugi's neck. "Well," he said, "I like you."

Yami gave him a small smile. "Yet you have expressed several arguments against us seeing each other."

"I know," Yugi said, sighing. "I just – worry. I mean, I just moved back, and – " You're really good looking, thoughtful, and smart; and could basically obliterate me if you wanted. " – I haven't dated in a while."

"You were unattached in New York?" Yami said.

The flush crept higher, spreading across his cheeks. He hated telling this story. "Well, actually, I moved there with someone originally," he said. He shook his head. "We'd been dating awhile, and he was moving to the US and asked me to come with him."

Yami took a long sip of beer, setting down the bottle a little harder than necessary. "It was serious."

Nodding, Yugi dropped his eyes to his own beer, wishing he'd downed the thing and was already working a buzz rather than feel the weight of the awkwardness draping over him. "We dated for two years before we moved and another year in New York."

"When did you break up?" Yami said.

"A year ago," Yugi said. He picked up his beer, taking several swallows before meeting Yami's eyes across the table. "After we broke up, I decided to spend my time on my job; and ended up moving up until I eventually I asked for a transfer back to Domino."

"He hurt you," Yami said, frowning.

Yugi forced a smile. "That's the risk you take when you love someone, right?"

Yami's frown deepened, and Yugi was relieved when their server returned, sliding their food onto the table and asking about another round of drinks. Determined to steer clear of any more relationship talk, he turned the direction towards Yami, and by the time they'd finished dinner and made it most of the way towards the metro, he'd discovered that Yami was an only child, an expert on ancient Egyptian mythology, hated miso, and personal friends with the father of Duel Monsters, Pegasus Crawford.

"That's just so crazy that you know him!" Yugi said. He could hear the giddiness in his voice, the result of the second beer that left him cruising just clear of tipsy, the buzz heady and warm as it spread through him.

"He is a personal friend of the family," Yami said, who unlike him, seemed unaffected by the two beers he'd drank at dinner. He had his hands in his pockets, collar turned up to ward off the chill, which had begun to seep into their bones the moment they'd left the restaurant.

"It's just that I thought the Kaiba family hated him," Yugi said.

"He and Seto despise each other," Yami said, offering him a small smile. "However, they have worked through many of their differences for the sake of the mutual gain each company receives from one another."

Yugi shook his head, smiling. "I worshipped Crawford-sama in high school," he said. "I always wanted a chance to duel him. I almost went to one of his tournaments on his island." They slowed as they reached the metro station. "I got invited one year, but my grandfather ended up getting pretty sick, so I couldn't go, but I still can't help but wonder if I could have played all the way through and gotten a chance."

Yami stopped in front of him, a smile turning on his lips. "Perhaps one day you will."

Yugi shook his head, smiling. "I haven't dueled in forever," he said. "I think my dreams of becoming King of Games have come and gone."

Stepping closer, the distance between them narrowed as Yami lowered his head to meet his eyes. All at once, the cold seemed to dissipate, a flush spreading across Yugi's skin as he met Yami's eyes, stomach fluttering as the space grew smaller between them.

"Nothing is impossible," Yami said.

A long beat stretched between them, their lips inches apart, and Yugi could feel his heart in his throat, pulse pounding as he leaned closer, pressing his lips to Yami's.

Yami's fingers slid free of his pockets, an arm wrapping around his waist as he eliminated the remaining distance between them, hand reaching up to cup the back of his head. The warmth spread through Yugi, and he leaned up – wanting, needing to be closer. He could feel the kiss all the way to his toes, the energy spiraling inside of him, giddiness easing as the slow, seductive pressure of Yami's mouth against his loosened his grip on his lingering reservations.

The kiss couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds; but as they separated, Yugi blinked in the light of the street lamps, disoriented as pieced together their journey from the izakaya to the metro, retracing his steps. Yami's hand was still around his waist, still close enough to feel the heat of him, and Yugi looked up, meeting his eyes. They looked as dazed as he felt.

"That was – " Yugi shook his head, fumbling for the right word or any string of intelligent thought for that matter. He tried again. "I – "

Yami leaned forward, hand sliding over his cheek before cupping the side of his face, touching his lips to his once more. The heat surged through him again, and Yugi gripped Yami's jacket, opening his mouth as his tongue touched his bottom lip. The urgency that flooded him was unexpected, and he found himself reaching up, hooking his arms around Yami's neck as their tongues touched, limbs growing heavy as he let Yami lead him backwards until the brick wall of the metro station was hard at his back.

God, kissing him felt good. He tightened his arms, leveraging the angle until Yami was pressed against him, divided only by the heavy fabric of their jackets and work clothes. His lungs were starting to burn when Yami pulled back, his breath heavy as he took a few steps away, eyes locked on his.

Yugi forced himself away from the wall, legs unsteady beneath him as he pressed a hand to his mouth, lips still warm. His heart was thrumming against his sternum, and he forced down a breath, dropping his hand back to his side.

"I will see you home," Yami said, the normal tenor of his voice, edged with hint of the same breathlessness that still filled Yugi's chest.

Yugi glanced at the metro beside him. "It's only two stops," he said, shaking his head. "I'll be okay."

Yami stepped closer, and Yugi's pulse ratcheted faster. "I will see you home," he repeated, and like most things when it came to Yami, Yugi realized, he wasn't asking but telling. He reached forward, hand sliding down his wrist and then over his palm, interlocking their fingers.

He followed as Yami tugged him forward, around the side of the station and towards the entrance. His heart was still pounding as he squinted in the spotlights illuminating the station – too bright as his pupils struggled to dilate. They descended the steps into the metro, Yami's palm warm against his, butterflies flurrying in his gut as he followed his lead.

A/N: I would love to keep writing this as a full-blown story, but I know I can't swing it with my current time constraints. Alas, a two-shot it must be. As always, thanks for reading.