A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first ever story, i've been reading other people's stories and thought that i should create an account and a story. This IS a BlackIce, JackXPitch, story, it is NOT an MPreg story. So if you don't like yaoi (boyxboy) stories or don't ship BlackIce then you DO NOT have to READ this. Any and all types of reviews are welcomed and please, if there are any mistakes or suggestions then YELL THEM OUT! :D

Anyway, on with the story!

Disclaimers: I do not own Rise Of The Guardians.

I do not own the cover picture used for my story.

Chapter: 1

In the south lies a Kingdom. A kingdom in which many, who do not live within its walls, fear it, for rumours about the king himself is spread around the world. These rumours say that the people of the kingdom live in poverty and ruin of their king, yet other rumours say that the king himself is an immortal alchemist. People who live within the west, east and northern kingdoms do not even dare to tread a foot across the boundary.

For they fear of wild wolves hiding among the snow and fearsome black horses that gives even the bravest of warriors fear itself. But, a rumour more feared then the southern king himself is believed that a demon is trapped near a forever frozen lake. Legend has it that no one has ever tried to free the demon, too afraid to step near the lake itself...

...until, after three hundred years of being trapped, a man steps forward, wearing amour as dark as Pitch Black.

The sound of horse shoes stomp the ground as they run past trees, over fallen logs and through puddles of mud and water. Their master rides at the front on the leading horse. While his body rides the surprisingly beautiful dark horse, his mind has gone elsewhere. After a successful night of collecting fear from the people within the kingdom, the rider lets the delicious emotion overwhelm him, savouring the taste. With this much fuel, it feels like that he can do anything that seems impossible in reality.

He was out giving nightmares and feeding off from the scared people, it was magnificent! Even though the people fear the king in the south, giving the rider as much fuel as he wished, it does not mean he does not approve of the way the king rules over his subjects. Whatever it takes, the man in black will overthrow the current king in order to take over the kingdom for himself, no matter what. He has a plan in mind of how exactly he will acomplish his goal. But for it to work, he needs to hire someone to do the dirty work.

As he opens his eyes, he spots the moon high above the sky.

Giving the moon a smug smile, he almost misses when one of his horses uncharacteristically drops out of the herd to change course into a different direction. Forming a frown on his head, he commands the horse he is riding on to change direction, while commanding the rest of the horses to keep going. Once he can no longer see the herd, he tugs at his horse into the same direction he saw the other run towards.

After a few minutes of chasing down the rogue horse, he starts to think about how to punish the disrespectful mare for not obeying his orders. But his thoughts stop processing the minute he hears a howl, soon followed by a dozen more. He starts to exam the surrounding area, when he notices glowing eyes hiding within the bushes. Frowning, the man continues to look around, confident enough that his horse can dodge the danger without worry.

To the right of his view, he notices a lake. A frozen lake to be exact. The rider widens his eyes in realisation. Suddenly, wolves pounce from the bushes with their claws outstretched, ready to attack. The rider frowns, annoyed at the obstacle he would have to endure while his rogue horse gains distance. His horse leaps out of the way from the wolves, dodging the intending strikes. One after another they keep pouncing towards both man and horse, relentless in their attacks.

They keep attacking until one of them manages to scratch the riders black amour. Fed up with the delay, the rider blasts the wolves away with his powers. After being blown away, the man leaves only black grains of sand on the wild wolves, forcing them to lay unconscious, occasionally twitching and whimpering in their sleep. Satisfied with the small victory, he casts one last look towards the frozen lake, confusion evident as he tries to work out why one of his horses would head this way, and continues on with his small journey.

He follows the rogue horse around the lake, just a few miles away, to what looks like a broken down old shack. The horse is standing outside it, pounding the ground with its right hoof, seeming to be impatiently waiting for its master. The man frowns, wondering yet again, why his horse diverted from its usual path to find some shack in the forest and, why now, of all times?

The man tries to command the horse to come back, to order it to go home but it is useless, the horse doesn't listen to him. Instead, the horse pushes its master towards the rundown door with its head. The man, tired of the disobedient horse, humours it and opens the door. He walks through, hearing the wood creak as he steps on it. He looks around the one roomed shack, seeing nothing unexpecting.

Inside the shack, a fireplace is seen to the left side wall, unlit and unused. Before it, is an overturned table and a few wooden chairs. Moss can be clearly seen on the old wooden furniture. A few pails and fraying blankets are seen randomly placed on the floor. To the left side of the room, against the back wall, a pile of straw is seen on the ground. A few more fraying blankets are left to sit on top of it, presumably used for sleeping on.

With nothing interesting is seen inside, the man turns to go back out. But instead of stepping outside, the rogue horse head butts him back inside. The man, surprised by such an action, loses his balance and lands on his back with a grunt. After a moment, he rolls to the side in order to get up, determined to punish the insolent being. But it left his mind as soon as he spots a hidden door in the ground. Intrigued, the man gets up and approaches it.

He grabs the handle of the dusty door and pulls upwards, intent on finding out what is hidden within. Instead of opening towards the back wall of the shack, like he expected, the door opens towards the side. After letting the door rest on the ground with a thud, the man looks down to find a set of stairs. Sighing, the man bends down slightly, to avoid bumping his head and starts to walk down the stairs. Wondering what he may find down there, the man takes the last couple of steps. A door is seen when the man reaches the bottom. He walks over to it and pulls it open with a creak. What he finds inside is both the most beautiful thing he has ever seen yet the most devastating.

A boy, around the age of seventeen, is sitting on the ground with his legs bent. This fact is not so surprising. But what is surprising to the man, is everything else. What the rider sees in front of him is the teenager with his legs bent and slightly apart. A dagger can be seen stabbed through each of his feet with shackles chained onto his ankles. His hands are placed above his head, slightly bent at the elbows. One hand is in front of the other and another dagger is stabbed straight through both palms. His neck is chained in a collar to the wall behind him.

Dried blood can be seen everywhere, from his feet, from his palms, his neck, his stomach and even on the ground. His hair is covered in grime and what the man can see, the boys mouth is gagged with a stained cloth. Despite the blood and grime, the rider can tell that the boy is beautiful.

The boy wears nothing but a cloth which covers his private parts. Around the boy, in a perfect circle from the floor to the wall and back again, is a bright red hot ring of fire, reaching just the height of the rider's chin. Examining the scene more closely before him, the man can see ancient runes carved into the daggers handles, runes with powerful binding spells. The boy's face is slightly bent forward with hair covering his face but the rider has no doubt that, just like the rest of the teen's body, his face would be breathtakingly beautiful.

The boy moans and the man takes action without thinking. Quickly, he kneels by the fire to exami it. He looks at the runes on the daggers and notice one familiar rune. Flames. The rider quickly gets up and leaps through the wall of fire, ignoring the sting of the heat. As soon as he lands within the circle with his eyes cast to the boy's feet, he looks up and stares directly into a pool of crystal clear blue eyes.

The man holds his breath in shock. His eyes are more beautiful than the man thought. Looking more closely though, he can see many emotions swimming in those gorges eyes. Emotions such as confusion, fear, tiredness, distrust and a little bit of panic can be seen in those eyes. The man can see that they are slightly dull too, as if they may not have experienced happy emotions before. At the thought of this, the man feels a slither of pain enter in his heart. These eyes look as though they have been through experience worse than hell.

More determined to help the boy, the rider crouches down and reaches for the dagger in his right foot. Immediately the boy flinches and tries to move away but he is unable to move due to the pain caused by the daggers. The man can feel the fear emitting from the boy but it does not excite him as much as it usually did coming from anyone else. Either way, the man ignores the fear and, once again, reaches for the dagger. He closes his hand around the handle and pulls it out of the foot swiftly. The boy lets out a small scream of pain as the man places the dagger on the ground beside him. He pulls the other one out when he was certain that the boy has calmed down slightly.

After the second scream, the boy lets out a sob. Weather it's from the pain, fear or relief, the man doesn't know. The rider straightens his back and leans forward to remove the third and last dagger. Once again, the boy flinches from him before closing his eyes and turning his face to the side, as if trying to hide away from the expecting pain. The man ignores the boy's movement and reaches for the dagger. With a quick pull, he manages to pull the dagger out of the boy's hands, leaving the wound to bleed as did his feet. The boy lets out one final scream.

The man throws the three daggers into the fire in order to cancel out both the fire and the binding spell. Now satisfied with his accomplishment, the man watches as the boy hesitantly lowers his hands. Just as the man was about to talk to the boy, he saw him sliding sideways and reacts by catching him in his arms. Just before the boy passes out, the man answeres his question.

"Who are you?"

A boy, who once had snow white hair, hears a thud above his head. He looks up sharply. Then the boy hears creaking coming from just outside the door placed in front of him. The fear of it being Him makes him shake. He lowers his head to hide behind his long and overgrown dirty white hair. Wishing with all his might for it to not be Him, even though it may have been months or years since the boy saw him last. But he doesn't know how long he has been down here for. It could have been just months since the last time the boy saw Him or not.

As the door creaks open, the boy closes his eyes, not wanting to see the man he hates and fears the most. He hears footsteps enter the room and stop. The boy, surprised to not hear His voice, opens his eyes and, looking through his hair, the boy sees a man wearing amour as black as night. This man is a stranger. The boy does not recall him from his memory at all. Where did he come from? Who is he? Why is he here? These thoughts were too much for the boy and, mixed that with the constant hot fire circling around him, gave him a headache. He groans at the familiar throbbing pain.

The boy hears the man approach, so he looks back up and is startled to see the man's gold eyes staring straight at him. Watching him as he hitches his breath, the boy notices how his irises shine brightly in the lit room, making him look powerful. The man pulls back and reaches for the dagger on his right foot. The boy flinches back, thinking the stranger was going to hurt him, but the man, instead, swiftly took out the dagger from his right foot. The boy lets out a small scream from the pain, when the stranger takes the second dagger from his other foot, the boy sobs in both pain and relief.

It hurts as much as it did when they were first stabbed through him. As the stranger straightens and reaches for the one above him, the boy closes his eyes and turns his head to the side, wanting for the pain to stop. The man pulls the third and final dagger out and the boy lets out one final scream before opening his eyes. The man before him was like a king to him, or better yet, a dark knight. The boy lowers his hands for the first time in a long time and let them rest in his lap. But he can feel the darkness crawling towards him.

The boy falls sideways, feeling dizzy and knowing that he's going to pass out soon, he asks the man a question and the man replies back with such comfort that the boy felt as though he can trust him. Knowing he is safe with the stranger, the boy finally lets the darkness take him away

"My name is Pitch Black, don't worry my Angel, I'll look after you."

Words: 2,500

A/N: There we have the first chapter. I will ONLY be uploading a chapter ONCE every week.

Please Review!

~Tha Purple Raven~