Ezra snapped his joystick to his left and pulled it backwards. He's closing in onto the Interdictor II to attempt to detonate a rhydonium bomb that will destroy the ship and set the rest of the rebel fleet free. He dodged the bulk and gained a missile lock on the shield generators.

He held down the trigger. The missile rack below his fighter rotated and launched an EMP missile. He then broke off his attack and reversed his fighter. "You boys wanna fight huh? How about a fight for survival?"

He toggled for a singularity rocket. The rack rotated again. A spark of light flew out beneath his starfighter. A tiny black hole appeared in the middle of the pack of TIEs. The TIEs slowed down, then stopped, and eventually consumed into darkness.

Ezra checked the status of the Interdictor II. Apparently the EMP missile paid off. A blackout has occurred in the vessel. He accelerated to full speed, and maneuvered his aircraft to drop his package at the hyperdrive engine.

As he drew near, the cruiser escorts fired at him with the turbo lasers. Ezra skillfully dodged the bolts and unloaded a volley of rockets onto the turrets. An explosion ignited behind him as he sped away from the fireball.

"Captain, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark." "But General, we're still caught in the gravity wells!" Ezra managed not to gasp when the captain called him a general. "Since when did I get promoted?" He thought.

"You'll be free soon, captain. I'm about to launch the bomb into the ship's hyperdrive engines. Don't worry about me, I've got a hyperdrive myself." He made quick use to his newly gained authority and ordered the captain. He pressed hard on the trigger switch once more.

A mushroom cloud formed behind the Interdictor II. The engines went black, and the battleship was falling apart.

"Captain, we're free." Said a rebel officer on the bridge of the Kanera. "Activate hyperdrive, now!" The captain ordered. The Kanera and the Valkyrie soon vanished from space, leaving Ezra alone with the dying battleship.

Ezra dodged the debri coming towards him. He pushed the lever on his right and his starfighter disappeared from the skies.

Above Corellia...

Two Tantive IVs hovered around the peaceful world. A third jumped out of hyperspace nearby, followed by a Venator class destroyer. The fleet descended towards the surface of Corellia.

Ezra managed to make his way back to his cabin without blacking out. He has barely slept throughout the entire trip, and his body was about to have a full meltdown.

He saw a clone outside his room. It wasn't Rex or Gregor or anyone else, it was Kanan 'Kronus' Jarrus, his master. "What you did out there was completely reckless, but also noble. I'm proud of you, son."

"You aren't so bad yourself either, master..." Sabine walked towards the jedi and leaned against the wall. "...especially you married Hera in the middle of a battle. But tell me, how did you know I was on Felucia?" Ezra continued.

"Well, this recording says it all." Kanan showed them the data pad in his hands. It was a video log Ezra recorded after the events of the jedi temple. "This message is for the Ghost crew. I've just acquired Intel from the temple that Spectre-5 is currently impounded in Lola Sayu. Do not attempt to stop me. I'll be in the Felucia system. May the force be with you."

It wasn't over yet, Sabine's eyes watered with tears of joy when she heard the following words. "And um...if I don't make it back...tell Sabine...I love her, always."

Sabine held Ezra tight in her arms, Kanan watched aside as the two lovers are finally reunited. "I take that you need some privacy. The official ceremony will be held in the Kanera tonight, along with your promotion. Congratulations Ezra."

Ezra sat on the summit. He looked into the skies and saw the sun descending slowly. Sabine sat beside him and held on his hands. "Ezra...thank you, for what you did for me." "Anytime." Ezra placed his hand on her shoulder. He felt great, not because of the rebel victory or the tranquility of Corellia, but because Sabine has finally returned to his side.

Sabine rested her head onto Ezra's shoulder guard. Ezra isn't one of those typical loth-rats. He was a good man. A man that would do anything ho help others. She caught Ezra by surprise and pressed her lips on his, again. Ezra closed his eyes and enjoyed his moment before he has to go back to the shipyard for his promotion and Kanan's wedding ceremony.

Sometime later, aboard the Kanera...

"...and we owe our lives to the heroes standing here today. Congratulations, Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger. " The rebel crew applauded as two officers presented two identical badges, signifying their official status as a jedi general. Kanan was assigned to be the second-in command of the Kanera while Ezra now has his own fighter squad, Blue team. Sato took a deep breath and announced. "We're gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments. The joining of two hearts and give recognition of the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes to the words that will unite this couple of marriage. Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage?"

The room remained silent, just as Sato and the rest of the crew expected. "Kanan Jarrus, do you take this woman to be your wife, and promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect her, in health or sickness, today, tomorrow, and forever?"

"I do."

"Hera Syndulla, do you take this man to be your husband, and promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect him, in health or sickness, today, tomorrow, and forever?"

"I do."

"Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple n marriage. Through the powers vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The rebels roared overhead. Ezra smiled as Kanan and Hera kissed. This is the beginning of a new chapter...for all of the crew.