Dean doesn't like watching himself in movies, or well, much of anything, because it makes him feel weird and hyper-analytical of himself and that's really not him, and he doesn't want it to be, but he will watch Seth watch the movies or whatever, because Seth gets all intense and focused and it's like reality melts away for awhile, which is good, considering.

Any time anything happens, Seth leans forward a little, tugging at his lip with his teeth and holds his breath like that'll somehow keep Dean's character, Shaw, safe, or something. When Shaw gets shot and cries out in pain at the impact, Seth actually pales and flinches like he was the one hit, and Dean's eyes flicker to the screen for a moment before returning to him, his fingers reaching out for Seth's prone hand.

Seth holds on through the rest of the movie, maybe not even realizing how tightly he's clinging to Dean's hand until it's over. Once Shaw walks off into the dark night and the credits roll, it's like he takes the first breath in almost an hour and a half, his shoulders slumping as he settles back against the couch cushions and adjusts his healing knee with a wince.

Dean takes all of this in, smoothing his thumb over Seth's knuckles absentmindedly. "So what'd you think?" he asks once some color has returned to Seth's cheeks and the silence begins to bug him.

"That was a damn intense movie," Seth murmurs, his eyes locked on Dean's face. "You were really good in it." He hesitates. "Think Shaw ended up ok after all of that?"

Dean smirks. Nudges Seth a little. "Yeah, he probably had someone at home to tsk over him and nag until he got proper medical attention or some crap like that."

Seth grunts. "Considering he got shot twice, I would hope so." He shifts and rests his head on Dean's shoulder, eyes fluttering sleepily now that he's calmed down some. Dean's fingers brush through his hair and Seth sighs, quickly giving in and falling asleep a few minutes later.

Dean continues to watch him, his lips twitching up into a small smile.