Ch 1: A new beginning

It was mid day on the Indigo plateau and thousands of blue army soldiers with support pokemon beside them were retreating as a massive army of red army soldiers and support pokemon stood in formation marching and firing at them.

"Fall back!" A long young general shouted as he rode around his men on a Rapidash.

Over the hill a line of blue army soldiers marched in formation with a pair of officers in front riding rapidashs.

One wore a cape behind his uniform with golden epaulets on his shoulders that had 3 stars on the top. He had graying hair and a Pikachu on his shoulder.

The man on the horse beside him wore a more customized officer uniform with silver epaulets that had a pair of gold bars on each. He had slightly tanned skin with brown eyes and short raven black hair.

When they reached the top of the hill they saw their vanguard in retreat.

The man with the Pikachu looked dumbfounded as he saw the young general approach him.

"General Lafayette!? What is the meaning of this!?" He shoulder.

"Commander Wallace, general Lee made contact with the enemy, but they struck fast. Like we have never seen before. It was like they knew our every more before we could make it. General Lee panicked and fled, abandoning the troops. When they saw him take flight the morale broke and the lines broke, I tried to organize a retreat."

General Wallace gave an enraged expression.

"Dam you Lee, dam that man!" He shouted.

"Sir we need to get the troops over the hill." Lafayette said.

"Belay that, we fight!" Wallace shouted as his Pikachu sparked his cheeks.

Wallace drew his saber and rode forward among the retreating men.

Lafayette and the others couldn't believe it as he rallied the retreating soldiers and pokemon.

"To me brave fellows! To Me!" He shouted as he began to reform the men into battle formations.

As this happened the young captain rode further and looked down the entire battlefield. At the back of the red army's formations was their general, giving our precise orders.

The captain's eyes widened as his fire horse got jittery.

That was when General Wallace saw the unthinkable, the captain was ridding his Rapidash full speed right at the enemy line.

"What! Captain get back here!" He shouted.

The red army general could also see the lone officer charging right at the center of his lines. At first he was confused, but then snickered as he got closer.

The front of the red army's line was reloading as the lone captain approached them.

Just before he reached them he stood up on his horses back and pulled a hidden hood over his face, making the red army general's eyes widen.

He then leapt off the horse and pulled out a hidden blade, slashing through a red army major's throat as he hit the ground.

He then used several quick and acrobatic like movements as he cut through several more red army line infantry.

In the blue army line they couldn't believe what they were watching as the lone captain carved his way through the red army line with his hidden blades.

He dodged, or blocked enemy musket bayonets, or ends as they tried to fight back in futile. Finally a line tried to fire at him.

Just before they could his eyes glowed blue as he unleashed an aura sphere that smashed into the line, hurling them onto the ground before he sprinted into the next line.

Several grenadiers, larger men tried to come at him. Only to have the captain slash through the first one's throat, grab the next one's own musket and hurl him over, then shoot the next one with the same muster, and impale the last with the bayonet.

A red army pokemon handler blew a whistle and pointed at him. A trio of Machamps and a pair of Rhydon charged at him as he turned to face them and touched a stone on his hidden blade gauntlet.

Just before they could reach him, a Mega Charizard X crashed down from above in front of him and slashed the pokemon with dragon claw, snarling as he did.

The 5 red army pokemon were hurled back as the Charizard X breathed fire around them, forcing the red army soldiers back.

Back in the blue line more and more men saw this in disbelief.

The red army general looked down at the captain who looked direct at him. He charged forward with his Charizard X above him as they cut , burned, or crashed their way through line after line.

The red army began to sweat greatly.

"Him! Get that man! Everyone!" He shouted.

The red army lines reformed and got in fight formation between the captain and their general.

When he and his Charizard X tried to advance they were met with a phalanx of bayonets and pokemon.

When Charizard X tried to fly up, the entire army took aim and fired.

Charizard X got down as at the captain formed a large barrier around them that began to crack as the bullets raked across it.

They both began to sweat as a relentless wave of cannon fire and bullets crashes into the barrier and blood came down the captain's nose as he gave everything he had to keep the barrier up.

The red army general smiled until several portions of his line were hit with cannon fire and the firing stopped.

The captain, his Charizard x, the red army , and they general saw the entire blue army with General Alexander Wallace in front with his saber held out, charing at them.

The captain smiled and vanished just as the blue army bayonet charge reached the red army.

The general franticly watched as the blue army infantry and pokemon carved through his own shattered line with their bayonets and moves.

"Press forward!" Wallace shouted as he stabbed his saber into a red army Lieutenant Colonel's neck and his Pikachu blasted several red army soldiers and pokemon with Thunderbolt.

At the back of the red army , their general saw as his lines were pushed back.

"Fire artillery at the center! Drive them back!" He shouted.

That was when he heard something above him.

He looked up to see Charizard X flying straight at him. He reached for his pistol only to have the captain leap down onto him, knocking the man off his Rapidash and onto the ground.

He saw the hooded captain over him.

The captain moved the man's jacket open revealing a necklace he had, a metal one with a red cross symbol on it.

The general tried to reach up at the captain as he came down with a hidden blade into the man's neck.

When the captain got up he saw the red army in full retreat with general Wallace leading the attack.

Several of the blue army soldiers tried to find the captain, but once again he and his Charizard X had vanished.

Hours later, the blue army marched into the Indigo plateau's village where the locals cheered upon seeing them.

Some tossing flowers in front of the men as they marched across the streets.

When they reached the center, where a flag pole stood that had the government's flag waving a top, General Wallace gave the signal as several of his men came in a color guard formation. lowering the flag, and then handing it to General Lafayette.

They then took out the Blue army's flag and raised it up.

"Battalion!" Each of the major's shouted as the lower officers echoed.

"Present arms!" The entire army saluted their flag as it flew over them.

Standing atop the largest building overlooking the village was the captain with his hood still up and his Charizard X behind him.

He smiled and also saluted the flag.

"Gahh!" Jason shouted as his eyes shot open and he hurled his head up. He was covered in sweat and breathing deeply as he held his temples.

When he realized it was just another ancestor memory he gave an irritated expression.

"Dam it, another memory of another ancestor, with another Charizard. What is with my family and Charizards anyway?" He said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Why won't they just stop?" He said before he laid his head back down.

Jason had thick raven black hair and tanned skin like his fathers, but his eyes were almost exactly like his mother's.

He turned his head to the side and closed his eyes.

"No more memories, I don't want to see anymore." He said.

Miles away in the Hoenn region several helicopters flew up across a mountain.

"Approaching landing zone. Stand by." One of the pilots said.

There was an open stone area on the side of the mountain where the helicopters hovered over and let ropes drop down.

Several men and women slid down the ropes and hit the ground. They wore red uniforms with a black mountain symbol on the chest, and hoods that hard black horns on them.

"Form a perimeter." One said before another helicopter landed in the center.

A ramp lowered as a pair of large men wearing red armor modeled similarly after the uniforms the others were wearing stepped out.

Beside them were two Camerupt.

"All clear Mentor." One of the two men said.

A third man slowly walked out. He wore a red and black jacket with the black Ms near the color. He had long combed back red hair and a pair of glasses with modifications on them.

He kept his hands behind his back as he slowly walked forward and looked around at the mountain.

"It is close. Let us continue." He said.

The men in uniforms each let out a Nummel of Coffing before they walked up a stone staircase that lead further up into the mountain.

As they got further up the mountain they reached a monastery like structure with a pair of large statues of an ancient pokemon in front of it.

The man in the glasses, smiled.

"We're here." He said as he walked in first.

As they walked inside they saw a pedestal at the end of the chamber with a large blue orb sitting on it.

"At last, I finally found you." The man said smiling.

One of the men in uniforms ran over and tried to pick it up.

That is when the man with the glasses's expression changed.

"No." He said.

Just before he could pick it up, another man leapt down from above and crashed his foot into the other man's face, hurling him onto the ground.

The man was tall and muscular with tan skin. he wore a dark blue and black jacket with a hood over his face and a few symbols on it.

"Sorry to ruin your special day Maxie, but we real aura guardians can't let you get your hands on this." The man said smiling.

The man in the glasses pointed at the aura guardian.

"Get me that orb."

The grunts and their pokemon sprinted at the aura guardian before a huge Mega Swampert crashed into the ground behind him.

"Muddy water."

"Pert!" The Mega Swampert shouted as he unleashed a massive wave of muddy water in front of him that swept up all the grunts and their pokemon.

The man in the glasses shook his head as the two men in armor touched mega evolution stones under their gauntlet and their Camerupts mega evolved.

"Rupt!" They shouted before they unleashed simultaneous rock slides at the Mega Swampert and their masters rushed at the aura guardian.

Their eyes glowed blue as they tried to unleash a combined wave of aura at him.

The guardian's eyes also glowed blue as he blocked their attack and hurled an aura sphere that knocked them down.

As they tried to get up he leapt down with his hidden blades out.

The two armored men let out blades from their gauntlets' undersides and tried to fight off the aura guardian. Each of the two armored men moved incredible fast with great agility, but the aura guardian moved fasted and more agile.

He eventually leapt up and crashed his foot into one's face, hurling him into the ground. As the other tried to come at the guardian low, the guardian crashed his knee into the man's face, hurling him onto his back.

At the same time the Mega Swampert slammed each of the rocks away with Hammer arms and blasted the two Mega Camerupt with Hydro pump.

The man in glasses shook his head again.

"If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." He said as he let out a pokeball and touched the underside of his arm.

A Mega Camerupt came out and roared.

"Take down." He said calmly.

The Mega Camerupt moved incredibly fast and slammed into the Mega Swampert's chest, hurling him back.

At the same time, the man in glasses took out a throwing knife and took a deep breath before his eyes glowed blue and the blade also began to glow blue.

He hurled it forward as the guardian tried to deflect it with aura, but for some reason could not. The blade crashed into his side as he grunted and fell over.

The Mega Swampert felt this and rushed over to his trainer.

The guardian pulled the blade out and grunted as he held his wound.

He saw the man in glasses slowly walking towards him with his Mega Camerupt beside him.

He sighed before he took out the Orb and held it in front of his Mega Swampert.

"Swampert, you have to get this back to the others. I'll stay and slow him down."

"Swamp!" Swampert shouted shaking his head, refusing to leave without him.

"If I don't, they'll catch us both. We can't let him get that orb. Please, for me."

Swampert's eyes began to tear up as he took the orb and ran, looked back once as his partner got up and faced the man in glasses.

He tried to use aura to heal his wound, but found it more difficult for some reason.

"Take your best shot!" He shouted as he tried to strike at the man in glasses.

The man brought his forearm up and and easily blocked the strike.

The wounded guardian tried several more strikes, but the man once again blocked each and every one before grabbing his leg and hurling the man onto the ground.

The guardian leapt back up despite the pain and tried to slash the man again with his right hidden blade.

The man in glasses raised his left forearm up as a hidden blade shot out of his sleeve and blocked the guardian's.

He kept a serious expression on his face before slamming his other hand in a flat shape into the guardian's neck, dropping him to the ground.

The two men in armor got up.

"Restrain him and make sure he doesn't die. He could be of use to us." The man said as he saw the Mega Swampert trying to escape through his aura vision.

"Stop him." He said as his Mega Camerupt opened his mouth and unleashed a massive solar beam that crashed into Mega Swampert's back and knocked him out.

As he fell over near the edge of the mountain, the orb rolled out of his hand and down the mountain. It landed in a river that carried it away from the mountain very quickly.

The man in glasses and his Mega Camerupt approached the unconscious Swampert and saw the orb was gone.

"No! Where is it!?" He shouted as several of the grunts ran over to him.

"Get down the mountain! Find me that orb!" He shouted as the grunts quickly ran back towards the stairs and the man in the glasses stared down at the mountain.

Miles away in the Indigo stadium, Jason was sitting in a private box with his mother, and his younger brother Alex.

Jason was 16 years old while his brother was 8. While Jason looked just like Ash when he was 16, except for his eyes. Alex was quite literally the opposite, he more greatly resembled Serena, with honey blonde hair, lighter skin, and brown eyes like his father.

In the battlefield Ash stood on one side with Pikachu in front of him and across the field was none other than Laura Wald with her Darkrai.

"Go dad!" Alex shouted.

"Chu!" His Pichu shouted as he sat in his lap.

"Darkrai Shadow ball!"

Laura's Darkrai formed a massive ball of dark energy in front of himself before unleashing it into a barrage of smaller shadow balls at Pikachu.

"Pikachu use Agility and Iron tail!"

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted as he used his lighting fast agility to avoid each of the shadow balls or slice them apart with his metal tail.

"Volt tackle!" Ash shouted.

"Chu!" Pikachu shouted before he covered himself in electricity before sprinting forward incredibly fast and crashing into Darkrai.

"Rai!" Darkrai shouted before crashing onto his back with swirly eyes.

"Darkrai is unable to battle. The winner is Kanto Champion Ash Ketchum!" The ref shouted.

"Alright, great job Pikachu!" Ash shouted.


"Yes dad won!" Alex shouted as Serena smiled and closed her eyes.

She then noticed an uneasy look on her older son's face. He didn't seem excited, just a somewhat depressed/ uneasy look.

She put her hand on his shoulder.

"Jason, is everything ok?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine mom." Jason said as he sweat dropped and tried to smile with his eyes closed.

Serena kept her concerned look.

Down on the battlefield Laura returned her Darkrai before approaching Ash.

"Eh not bad for a Kanto champion." Laura said.

"We're still the official Champion region." Ash said.

"Yes, you made that quite clear in last years Zahara cup after you beat Lucas." Laura said.

"You came in third. That's still pretty good."

"But for a champion like myself I need to make sure I at least get second." Laura said as Ash and Pikachu sweat dropped.

Jason looked down at his father again and sighed.

Later that day, he was inside a sparring room with his shirt off as he sparred against another guardian trainee.

Jason moved as fast as he could trying to strike at his opponent, but the other trainee was too fast. He blocked each of Jason's strikes and then struck him back a few times, which Jason was unable to block. Jason's frustration grew as he kept getting hit.

Finally after he ducked down as his opponent swung his leg over his head, Jason grabbed his leg and hurled him onto the ground.

The other trainee quickly leapt back up and smiled as he continued his attack. Jason lurched back narrowly avoiding a strike before grabbing his arm and locking it in an arm bar.

That was when his opponent used his free arm to smash his elbow into Jason's face, knocking him off balance, before he grabbed Jason's arm and hurled him over him and onto the ground.

When Jason tried to get up, his opponent locked his arm against his joint and kept him in submission.

"Gotcha cousin."

Jason kept his frustrated look as the sparing instructor came forward. He was a young man in his mid 20s with a Feraligatr behind him. He wore black and red jacket robes.

"Alright that's enough. Let him go Andrew." The sparing instructor said.

Andrew was Jason's cousin. Like him, he more resembled his father, but had Korrina's eyes.

The two got up and faced the instructor.

"Those were some good movements Andrew, Jason you're still leaving yourself too open."

"I know, I know." Jason said sounding frustrated.

"Alright that's enough for now. Let's have a pokemon battle." The instructor said.

Jason and Andrew took out their pokeballs and hurled them forward as a Lucario and Blastoise came out.

"Remember, a guardian can only be as good as their bond with their pokemon. Show us your bonds."

"Lucario use Power up Punch!"

"Blastoise use Hammer arm!"

Andrew's Lucario sprinted forward with his fist glowing as Blastoise tried to raise his arm and strike Lucario down.

However, Lucario was too fast and slammed his fist into Blastoise's face, making him stumble backwards.

Jason grit his teeth.

"Iron defense with Rapid spin!"

The blastoise got into his shell and hurled himself at Lucario after turning metal.

"Lucario Aura sphere."

His Lucario leapt up and over the spinning shell before hurling a blue sphere into the shell , crashing Blastoise into the ground.

"Great!" Andrew shouted.

When Blastoise came back up he gave a frustrated look at Jason and growled.

"Lucario use Power up Punch!"

"Surf!" Jason shouted.

Blastoise unleashed a large wave forward at Lucario.

"Metal claw."

Lucario slashed clean through the wave before leaping forward and crashing his fist into Blastoise's face again.

"Come on Blastoise!" Jason shouted as Blastoise's face started to turn red from anger.

"Blastoise!" He roared at Jason before turning his back on him and refusing to battle.

"Stop the battle!" The instructor shouted.

He walked closer to Jason and Blastoise.

"You haven't opened up an aura connection with him. I feel nothing between you." He said.

Jason lowered his head.

"I couldn't create a connection." Jason said.

The instructor sighed and shook his head.

"Jason, your pokeball." He said as Jason slowly handed him Blastoise's pokeball.

"This relationship will go no father. For both of your good."

"What happens now Tyler?"

"The I'll talk to the mentor. We're done training today." Tyler said before he and Chomper walked out of the room.

Andrew walked up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't let this get you down Jason. Everything will be alright. Come on Sara and the others are waiting for us."

Andrew left the room as Jason slowly followed.

Elsewhere in the Indigo plateau, Ash was with his elite 4 members. There was the most senior member Koga, Sabrina, Trevor, and Gary.

"Ok so the next person to have a match will be Gary." Ash said.

"It's about time, I've been out of the spotlight for too long." Gary said.

"Any word when Daniel will be back?" Sabrina asked.

"He said his family was still on vacation in Jhoto. He never gave me a date." Ash said.

"If he doesn't appear for the event they'll want one of us to." Koga said.

"Trevor can you handle it?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, I need to get my face out there more anyway." Trevor said, being the most recent addition to the Kanto elite 4.

"Well if that's all we needed to talk about I think we're done here. Next time we meet we need to go over the planning for he Indigo league." Ash said.

"Right." Gary said.

Ash and Gary walked out of the building together.

"So my boy Blue just got his 8th badge. He's chip of the old block, I know he'll be the one to win this year's pokemon league."

"I don't know, from what the gym leaders have told me, the competition will be stiff."

"None of em stand a chance against Blue. By the way, why hasn't yer boy Jason entered the pokemon league yet?"

Ash's expression changed.

"He has other goals he's trying to meet. I had hoped he would have by now. He's having some tough times."

"Well it's a good thing he's not in the Indigo league then, if he's down I wouldn't want Blue make him out."

"You know I hope he does win. Because the winner gets the honor of battling an elite 4 member on live television. I just need to choose who." Ash said smiling as Gary sweat dropped.

"You wouldn't do that would you?"

Ash kept smiling.

"Ash, Ash!"

Elsewhere inside the guardian enclave Serena was having some coffee with Korrina.

Korrina's younger son Gurkinn was up with Alex having a pretend battle with their Pichu and Pidgy. Gurkinn took more after Korrina, but had some of Red's features and was 7 years old.

"They grow so fast. It just seems like yesterday that Jason was just a baby." Serena said.

"I know the feeling. But there's nothing you can do but help them grow." Korrina said.

Serena turned back to her younger son.

"I saw your performance in Jhoto last week, very amazing."

"You were in Jhoto?"

"Their mentor wanted to see Red, so I came with him."

"Well I'm glad even you liked it."

"Yeah, kinda weird. I guess Aria rubbed off on me." Korrina said sweat dropping.

"How is Sara and Andrew's training going?"

"They're both doing great, Red says when they turn 16 he's going to give them their final test." Korrina said sounding excited.

Serena looked down at her cup.

"Jason's been struggling. Ash knows it, he's having more trouble with his training than most students. Whenever Ash tries to train him, Jason's improvement is very slow. But more than that he doesn't get along well with his pokemon." Serena said.

"Could it be he doesn't want to be a guardian. My father choose not to be one, and you haven't had Alex star training."

"Ash had a long talk with Alex when he was 6, he told him he didn't want to be a guardian and Ash felt in his aura that it wasn't his path. So we didn't force him too. The thing is, Ash did the same thing for Jason, but Jason wanted to be a guardian. He never complains about his training, or acts like he doesn't want to be a guardian." Serena said.

"I just don't understand how his training is going this bad. He comes from a long line of legendary aura guardians, even the first guardian."

"I don't know. I just want him to be happy." Serena said.

"I'm sure everything will be alright." Korrina said.

Elsewhere in a lounge like area where young guardians could socialize, a young woman with long blonde hair and brown eyes.

"And so I beat my little brother to the top of the building again." She said.

"Barley." She heard from behind. Sara turned to see Andrew and Jason walk in.

"Besides you're not older. How many times do you have to hear that we're twins!" Andrew said.

Sara smiled.

"I came out first, and dad says that makes me older." Sara said.

Jason sat down at a table where Sara was standing in front of. Two young guardians were also sitting there.

"So how did training go. Did you impress Tyler with your skills?" Dustin asked.

"I did." Andrew said.

"Tyler." Jasmine said blushing. Jasmine was 17 years old as was Dustin.

Jasmine had grown to look much like Lucy, but had Brock's skin tone.

Dustin looked more lake Dakota.

"You still have a crush on Tyler, he's 7 years older than you." Sara said.

"So, I'm old enough now to be in a relationship with him." She said.

"That would be too creepy, besides I hear he's married to the daughter of Kalos queen Aria."

"Well she's too young for him, and you don't think it's creepy."

"She's 21."


"Anyway, Jason when is your little brother going to star his training?" Dustin asked.

"He doesn't want to be a guardian."

"Oh so he's like my sister Daniella."

"How is Daniella?" Jasmine asked.

"She's getting ready to head to Hoenn. For that matter, so am I. I hear Hoenn is a great place, and our parents are letting us spend a year there. I'm really excited."

"Can we get back on topic here. I think the 3 of us are close to completing our training!" Sara said in a very excited tone.

"Can you tell us what the final test is like?" Andrew asked.

"No, it's against the rules." Jasmine said.

"It was insanely hard. I barely completed it." Dustin said.

"But so long as your bond with your pokemon is strong enough you'll be fine." Jasmine said before Jason tightened his fist.

Dustin and Jasmine noticed this.

"Jason is everything alright?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He said.

"Jason had to give up Blastoise because they reached the breaking point." Andrew said.

"Again? Wasn't he like your 3rd partner pokemon?" Jasmine said.

"Well I'm glad you've been keeping count." Jason said.

"Why can't you open up an aura connection with your pokemon Jason? You're going to have to if you ever want to become a guardian." Dustin said.

"I know Dustin! I know!" Jason said getting very defensive.

"Jason it's going to be alright. Remember you've got one powerful bloodline, Altair, Vaeron," Sara started before Jason's face turned red and his eyes blue.

He got up and flipped the entire table over with his enhanced strength so hard that it did a 360 landing back back on it's center support.

"I know! I do!" Jason shouted before he left the room.

"Geez should one of us say something to him?" Sara asked.

"I think we said enough." Andrew said sweat dropping.

Jason walked down the halls of the enclave trying to avoid contact with others.

Eventually he reached a room and realized it was a sanctuary of the past. He saw statues of guardian mentors of the past. Inside he saw two statues beside each other, one of Altair and one of Vaeron.

Despite the fact that they were statues, Jason felt as if they were staring at him. Tears started to come down his face as he fell to his knees and kept himself off the ground with his hands.

"Altair, Vaeron. My ancestors, the greatest aura guardians of all time. Then there's me, the screw up who can't even connect with a pokemon." He said to himself.

Elsewhere in the enclave Ash was sitting in a large chamber with his Charizard, Charla, Red, and Felix.

"Congratulations on your win Ash." Felix said.

"Thanks, Grandmentor."

"Hmp, I'm still getting use to that title." Felix said.

"Grandpa must be proud of you."

"He was ecstatic. But for his health won't be visiting much anymore. Even guardians get old my boys."

"Speaking of which, I hear Charla and Charizard's daughter just mega evolved for the first time with Jasmine." Red said.

"After Jasmine completed her trials , yes." Ash said.

"How is their first son doing?" Felix asked.

"He's doing good with Mathew. " Ash said. Mathew was a 20 year old guardian.

"Well those 2 are more active in that department than my Charizard." Red said as they turned to Ash's Charizard and Charla.

In between them was their third child, a young male Charmander who was a year old now.

"Is he going to be paired with a guardian trainee soon?" Felix asked.

"Charizard and Charla think he's about old enough. But it's never easy for the two of them." Ash said.

"My Charizard's mate almost didn't want to see her baby Charmander go off and train. But since she went to Sara and would be closer to her, she was more reasonable." Red said.

"Speaking of children, your children must be close to their trials." Felix said.

"Andrew and Sara are almost ready." Red said.

Moments later there was a knock on the door.

"Tyler." Red said feeling his aura.

"Come in."

Tyler and Chomper came in with troubled looks, and respectfully bowed to Red and Felix.

"Grand mentor, Mentor, Master Ketchum. I wasn't expecting all 3 of you to be here, but it's probably best you are."

Ash could feel the turmoil in his aura, and its source.

"It's Jason, what's happened?" Ash asked.

"His Blastoise, he still wasn't able to open an aura connection with him, and their relationship was at the breaking point. Blastoise refused to battle." Tyler said.

Ash, Red, Pikachu, and Felix gave worried looks.

"Jason has always had trouble connecting with his pokemon. He's gone through 3 now. If he can't open a connection. He'll never become a guardian." Ash said.

"Pika chu."

"He's been troubled for a long time. Hasn't he." Felix said.

"He has, he's been slow in training. His skills aren't coming to him like they did for us. Whenever I train him, he works twice as hard as any student could, but still can't seem to match other trainees. " Ash said.

"Hmm, this is troubling." Red said.

"I may have a solution." Felix said.

"What?" Ash asked.

"When I was a trainee, I knew another trainee who trained as hard as any of us. But he just couldn't match us in skill. It drove him crazy, until his master tried something different. Instead of traditional training, he had him go out on his own and try to learn on his own for a year. When he came back he was a match for any of us and completed his trials. Maybe it's time he stop traditional training." Felix said.

Ash turned to Charizard and Charla.

"Maybe you're right."

After Ash and his family left the enclave, they returned home to the Seafoam islands.

Jason was sitting in his room alone when he heard the door open.

"Jason." He heard behind him.

He turned to see his father standing there.

"We need to talk."

Jason sighed and followed Ash to the enclosure outside the house.

All of Ash and Serena's pokemon were there grazing around.

"I heard about what happened today with Blastoise."

"I know, I failed again dad."

"Jason, you've had problems with guardian training since the beginning. I can't deny it any longer."

Jason grit his teeth and tightened his fist. Was this finally it, was his father ready to give up on him and end the idea of him being an aura guardian.

"But maybe that's my fault. I've tried to train you the traditional way since day one, and you don't seem to respond to it like most guardians do. That doesn't make you weaker, it just makes you different. You've learn the skills, you just have trouble applying them. So I think the best way for you to complete your training is to go on a pokemon journey."

"What?" Jason asked.

"I went on a pokemon Journey when I was 14 and I grew more from it than I did from traditional training. I think that can work for you too. I want you to go out and see the world. Raise a pokemon from start one more time." Ash said.

"What pokemon?"

"Charmander." Ash said as Charizard's third child revealed himself behind Ash.

"Char." He said staring up at Jason.

Ash held a pokeball in front of Jason's face as he stared at if for a minute before slowly reaching for it.

He knelt down in front of Charmander.

"Do you want to travel with me Charmander?"

Charmander gave a wondering expression as he stared at Jason for almost a minute before his expression changed.

"Charmander." He said nodding.

Jason touched the pokeball to his head and sent Charmander inside. The pokeball shook and rattled before sparkling revealing Charmander was caught.

Jason gave a slight smile before he stood up again.

Ash put his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Now you have your starter pokemon, what do you want to do on your Journey."

"I want to be a trainer, compete in a league like you.

Ash smiled.

"That's my boy. Where do you want to go?"

Jason thought about what Dustin said back at the enclave.


The next day, Jason was at the airport with a backpack on and Charmander beside him.

"Remember to take care of yourself and call us when you get the chance." Serena said.

"I will mom." Jason said.

"Catch a lot of pokemon." Alex said.

"I will little bro."

Serena came forward and gave her son a kiss on the cheek before Ash handed him his ticket.

"Just remember to do your best out there Jason."

"I will dad." Jason said sounding confident for the first time in a long time.

Charla and Charizard also said similar things to Charmander before Charla gave him a big lick across the face.

Jason returned him to his pokeball and turned to the terminal.

Serena and Ash watched him walk off.

"There he goes, off on his own adventure." Ash said.

"I just hope it's safer than our adventures."

"I'm sure he'll be completely away from harms way Serena." Ash said.

40 minutes later Jason was sitting in the window seat of the plane as it soared over the ocean.

Jason looked at Charmander's pokeball as he held it.

"This is it, starting this day. I stop living in the shadows of my ancestors, this is the day I make my own legacy." He said to himself.

Miles away on route 101 in Hoenn, a young woman around 16 years old was ridding a bike down the dirt road. She had navy black hair and grayish blue eyes and had light skin.

Her mind was mainly on the road ahead of her when a small Duskull floated in front of her from a tree.

"Ahhh!" She screamed before trying to swerve away.

Instead she lost control and fell off her bike, rolling down a hill off the side of the path.

When she hit the bottom her bike landed a few feet away.

"Ouch." She said as she slowly raised her head and saw the Duskull still up on the bath.

She gave a frightened look before slowly crawling away from the hillside.

That was when she felt her hand move into water. She turned around to see a small pond connected to a stream in front of her.

She was about to pull her hand out when she noticed something floating near the surface.

"Huh" She said as she reached over and picked it up.

When she lifted the object out of the water she noticed it was a dark blue orb.

"An orb?" She said.

At first the orb remained inanimate, until it started to glow light blue.

"Wait what's going on?" She said sounding freaked out.

She could feel energy coming from the orb and into her. After a few moments a red symbol appeared on the orb's front.

She tried to let it go, but for some reason could not do so.

"Ahhh!" She shouted.

Her eyes shot open and she saw she was back on the ground near the side of the hill.

"Huh?" She said as she looked at her hands to see the orb was gone.

She went over to the water and saw nothing.

"Was it all just a dream, I did wake up where I landed. Maybe I just hallucinated after I landed." She said before she picked up her bike and dragged it to the top of the hill.

Miles away the man in a hidden base, the man with the Glasses sat at a desk as he read an from an old scroll.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said as a young man walked inside.

"Father, you've returned."

"I have."

"The orb."

"My son, I'm afraid the orb is gone."

"What? But father our plans!"

"Settle down, my men are scouring the area around the mountain."

"What about the Red one?"

"We're still looking for it. But we will find it, once we do, I shall have the Red and you shall have the Blue. Then together, we will begin the new world."

Author's note

So here is the start to the official book 3, I hope you guys liked it because I loved writing this chapter,

I'm sure you guys will have many questions after this and I'll be glad to answer them via PM

Also if you are wondering about the OC travel companions, they will be revealed soon enough.

So until next time, please review, comment, suggest, or ask(via pm)