Disclaimer: I do not own Ansatsu Kyoushitsu.

Rated M for BDSM throughout, although it isn't explicitly sexual until the last few chapters. If you've read the manga Nana to Kaoru (it's a good S&M manga) the plot of this is sort of based off of it.

This is all in Nagisa's POV.

It was a warm, spring day as I walked back to my apartment from my classes for the day. My second year at Keisetsu University had just began and already the classwork was starting to pile up. I unlocked the door, entered my apartment, and placed my bag on the table before plopping down on the couch.

'It's such a nice day out and I'm really not in the mood to study right now.' I sighed before I heard my phone buzz. I reached over and fished my phone out of my bag. I smiled once I saw who it was. It was Karma. Ever since our time in class E, I've kind of had feelings for my best friend. Sometimes I think about telling him how I feel, but I don't want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward. Even if he doesn't feel the same way (I'm pretty sure he doesn't since I'm 99% sure he's completely straight) I still want him to know how I feel. I feel like I'll never be able to move on from these feelings unless I tell him.

"Hey Karma." I answered.

"Hey what's up."

"Mmm nothing much. I just got back from my classes and I'm trying to find the motivation to get some work done."

"Well before you find the motivation I have a proposition for you."

"Go on I'm listening."

"I just bought a new video game and I need someone to break it in with me." I smiled. Some time with Karma does sound good about now.

"That sound fun. I'll be over soon."

"Cool. Oh..Okuda-san is calling me. I'll see you soon." My heart sunk a bit by those words as he hung up.

'Okuda-san...' I frowned. Of all the groups that still hung out quite a bit after class E ended was Karma and Okuda-san. It was really no secret that she liked Karma as well, however just like me she hadn't confessed either. I was unsure about how Karma felt about this. I always thought that since he still hasn't asked her out yet, that he doesn't have the same feelings; although, maybe he's just oblivious to them. However this is Karma the genius we're talking about. I'm pretty sure he's noticed her feelings for him by now (everyone else knows), and even if it wasn't that obvious with Karma being as smart as he is he would've figured it out by now.

'But maybe he does like her and can't confess.' I thought as I rolled onto my side. 'I mean she's cute, and pretty, and smart, and nice, and...would make the perfect girlfriend.' She has so much more to offer him than I can...than I ever could.

"But I love him too..." I whispered. In an effort to try and stop my seemingly endless pity party I got up and walked into the bedroom to straighten up my appearance a bit before heading out. As I fixed my cardigan, my hands stopped on my chest as I gazed into the glass. My hands slowly moved around the flat surface as I looked down. Even as I grew older, my body still maintained somewhat of a feminine appearance, but that's not the same as being a girl.

'M-maybe if I was a girl Karma would...' I froze as my mind thought of all the horrible things I've experienced in my life because of this one quirk about me. The abuse I endured from my mother as she tried to mold me into the daughter she always wanted. The constant teasing from guys at school about my appearance. The awkward struggle of always having to prove your masculinity to people. All of it. I shook my head as I tried to shake away these thoughts. I've wanted all my life for people to see me as a boy and not a girl, and here I am thinking about how I want to be girl for once in my life in order for a guy to possibly return my feelings. I felt a bit of shame.

I finally left the house and hopped onto a train. Karma's place was only a few stops from mine so we often saw each other when we managed to have some free time. You'd expect someone like Karma, who is majoring in political science and policy, attending Tokyo University, is top of his class, and is on top of that planning to graduate early, to be constantly busy, but then again Karma always exceeds expectations while still finding time to hang out with me which makes me happy. Over the years we've become even closer, and yet I still can never tell what he's thinking. Well I can tell what he's thinking but never really what he's feeling. Maybe he does like Okuda-san since he does spend some time with her and I'm the clueless one who can't tell he likes her. Maybe I don't know everything about Karma.

I got off at the stop and made the short walk over to Karma's apartment. I knocked on his door and waited until if finally opened.

"Hey Nagisa!" He smiled.

"Hi." I said as I walked in. Karma did have a pretty nice apartment for someone who is college student and is living by himself (although most of that is only because his family is rich). He did ask me if I wanted to move in with him after we both graduated. While the offer was nice (I mean REALLY nice), I had to decline. I couldn't afford that kind of distraction everyday in my studies.

"So what game are we playing?" I asked as we both walked into his room.

"Fallout 4. It's really popular in the States. It doesn't come out here for another month so I got it shipped over here. I normally get games like these shipped from the states because over here the edit out some of violence before selling it, that's why it comes out a month later." I was surprised Karma knew so much about the video game market.

"So you wanna play?"

I smiled. "Yeah sure."

We had only been playing for a good thirty minutes and I already wanted to quit. I really sucked at this game. Karma paused it.

"Wow Nagisa you really suck." You don't think I don't realize that by now? I was never really good at games like these. I'd much rather play a Nintendo game. I'm good at those. Not like Cooking Mama or some other stupid game like that, I mean like Super Smash Bros. Although, I am really good at Assassins Creed.

"You want a snack or something?" He asked.

"Yeah that would be good. Thanks." He left and went to the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks.

"Hey I'll be nice to and we can play Super Smash instead."

"No. No. It's fine. I mean you went to the trouble of getting this so.." Plus I don't need your pity. I can handle this. I got this.

"No it's fine. It's no fun if the person you're playing with doesn't know the game very much. I mean you'll still lose to me in Super Smash, but at least you'll put up more of a fight." He smirked. Is he talking smack to me?

"Are you talking smack to me?!" How rude?! I'm actually pretty good at Super Smash thank you very much.

"If you think you're so good, care to make a wager then?"

"I'm listening."

"We play three rounds. The loser has to do anything the winner says for a whole week, unless they're in class or doing something else that's really important. Deal?"

I was a bit hesitant because who knows what Karma would make me do, but nevertheless I agreed. "Deal."

Surprisingly we were pretty evenly matched and we were tied by the third round.

"You can still say I'm the better player and back out now Nagisa."

"Never." The third round started. The battle was neck and neck until we each had one life left. Karma had taken a lot of damage and was having trouble properly moving on the field.

'Now's my chance!' I moved in for the the finishing blow only for him to quickly dodge my attack and I fell off the platform.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! No I can get back up! I can do it! I can do it!' I was desperately pleading as I fought to not fall to my doom. Literally. When it seemed like there was a glimmer of hope as I was one more jump away from not dying, Karma came out of nowhere ready to attack.

"Not today Shiota!" He yelled as he smacked me right back down and off of the screen before backflipping back onto the platform and winning the game. I just sat there stunned. I lost. I had actually lost. And even worse, I was at Karma's mercy for an entire week. The room was quiet except for Karma's cackling beside me.

"Don't worry Nagisa. I won't be too mean to you this week." He laughed. At that moment something came over me and I tackled him. We both fell into his bookshelf.

"No! I demand a rematch!" I yelled. He was still laughing. Then out of nowhere the shaking from our tussle against the bookshelf caused the box on top to fall and land on both of us. The contents of papers and magazines fell out and covered us.

"E-ehh I'm sorry Karma?! Here I'll help you clean up!" I said.

"No! No! Nagisa that's fine I got it!" He said as he tried to stop me and do it himself. I hurriedly tried to gather all of the contents until I paused when something caught my eye.

"Nagisa wait!" But he was too late. My face turned red as my brain tried to slowly process what I was seeing. It was a girl in a quite revealing costume made out of latex who was tied up.

'W-what?' My eyes traveled about the room and looked at the other strewn about. It was all similar to what I was holding. I was about to look down at the magazine again until it was snatched out of my hands by a red-faced Karma. We both stared into each others eyes, neither of us ready to break the tension in the room. I decided to be the one to do it.

"K-karma I-I" My face grew redder and I looked away. I didn't realize Karma was into this kid of thing. I was shocked and speechless. Then Karma finally moved as he walked towards the door and closed. Oh crap. I've seen too much. He's going to kill me now. He quietly leaned on the door, his hair covering his eyes so I couldn't properly see his expression.

"Nagisa." My body shuddered a bit when he said my name. "What I'm about to tell you...stays between us. It never leaves this room ok?"

"Y-yeah ok." I stared at him attentively. He looked like he was pondering what to say or rather how to say it properly.

"I l-like BDSM o-okay. I like bondage and all that kind of stuff."

I just sat there and processed everything he said. Karma is really into this kind of thing. I never would've thought he would be into something this..perverted. 'Does Karma do this kind of thing with other people?' That thought alone made me feel a bit jealous.

"H-have you ever done this kind of thing with anyone?" Fuck Nagisa why did you ask that?!

"I-I mean I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked-"



"No I haven't." He chuckled a bit. "I couldn't imagine doing this kind of thing with just anyone." He said before he started cleaning up the rest of his things and putting them back inside of the box.

"I-I'm really sorry about finding out about this Karma. If there's anything I can do to make up for it I-"

"Don't sweat it." He said. "It was an accident after all. I'm more surprise that you aren't shocked and think I'm some weird pervert."

"No. No. It's fine. I mean we all have secrets after all. While I never would've expected this from you, I'm fine with it. I've always accepted your more...unusual quirks and this is no exception."

"Really?" He looked at me. I nodded and he smiled. "That's good to know." I smiled back.

"Well then do you want to play another round of Super Smash before I head back home?" I asked. His face changed a bit before a creepy smile appeared. Shit, I knew this couldn't be good.

"Nagisa." He said in a sweet voice. Yep there's about to be trouble.

"Yeah?" I said trying to hide my nervousness.

"You said you'd do anything to make up for this and I just happened to conveniently remember or bet." Oh fuck.

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"Well I know something you can do that can mend this situation that you just can't refuse." I shouldn't have agreed to a bet with him of all people.

"W-what is it?" I was starting to sweat. He moved past me and went into his closet to look for something.

"Ah here it is." He said. "I've been dying to try this out on someone for a while." He came out and had something hidden behind his back.

"Nagisa I want you to try this on. It should fit." He pulled a white box from behind his back. I hesitantly took it from him. I slowly opened the box and my eyes grew wide when I saw its contents.


"Uh un you promised and besides you have to do whatever I say for a week anyway." He stuck his tongue out.

"You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'll put this on! Why do you even have this anyway?!"

"I think the inner contents of that other box just explained why I have something like this."

"But you said you don't do this with anyone."

"Yeah I bought it for when the right person came along and you just so happened to be that person Nagisa." I blushed.

"Come on Nagisa. A deal is a deal." I fidgeted a bit in my spot. He was right.

"Fine." I said quietly.

"What was that Nagisa? I didn't quite catch that." He moved closer.

"I said, fine." I said a bit louder.

"Good. I'll be nice and let you change in the bathroom. Don't keep me waiting." He smiled and winked.

I blushed. "Idiot!" I yelled before slamming the door shut and locking it.

I sighed as I leaned my back against the door and slid on the door. 'How did I end up falling for a guy like that?' I knew I couldn't escape because the bathroom was connected to Karma's room so there was no chance of me bolting out the front door. On top of that, jumping out the window was out as well since Karma lived on the top floor and the surrounding buildings were too far for me to jump. I was trapped. My eyes drifted down towards what was in my hands.

'I guess I better get this over with then.' I held the outfit up to my body as I looked in the mirror and my face grew red. 'This is just too perverted!' But...at the same time I was a bit curious and...excited. 'I bought it for when the right person came along and you just so happened to be that person Nagisa.' Karma's words rang inside my head and my heart raced a bit. 'Am I that special or is this just a convenient thing for him?' I tired to brush away these thoughts as I undressed.

Karma called my name a few minutes later. "Nagisa are you almost done? I'm getting impatient."

"Almost." I said. I had just finished and I looked at myself in the mirror. I turned and tried to look at myself at different angles.

'Not bad. It feels a bit tight in some areas but other than that I'm surprised this is my size. W-what if Karma bought this for me?' My face grew red and I shook my head. 'No way! No way! What am I thinking?! There's no way he'd do something like that!' But then again the thought of Karma and I doing perverted things together like the people in those magazines made my body grow hot.

"Nagisa!" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm coming." I said. I did another once over before I gripped the doorknob. 'Here goes nothing.' I turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

"Finally." He said. I peeped my head out.

"Are you sure I have to do this?"

"Come on Nagisa you promised you'd do anything. Besides, you already have the outfit on. I really want to see it on you." He smirked.

"A-alright." 'I hope he likes this.' I finally opened the door all the way and stepped out.

His eyes grew wide and he just stared at me.


Thanks for reading! Look out for chapter 2 soon. I'm hoping to finish this entire story before my winter break ends so hopefully there will be quick updates if I don't get distracted or get writer's block. Please comment, review, and like. :)