Family Harmony

Five Nights at Freddy's Story

Chapter 10: Magical Schemes


"Alright, now we just finish the spell Bun..." Mangle said simply and the blue rabbit looked at her.

"My name is Bae, Mags, you know that's what the kids are calling me." Mangle chuckled nervously.

"Well, I don't particularly feel comfortable calling you that...apparently that word is also Danish for..." The rabbit raised an eyebrow.


"Uh...well, the Danish word for poop." Mangle said really quickly as the rabbit blinked in surprise.


"Let's just finish up reversing the spell!" Mangle said quickly, much to the rabbit's confusion as the fox hurried ahead to get the spell ready.




"Foxy, get your hook out of my back..."

"Get your leg out of my ear first lad..."

"All of you zip it!" Rebecca snapped as she did another sweep of the cameras, hoping to find where Mike had gone. Somehow, probably Gold's friends or his own doohickey things, had turned the toddlers back to normal. "Trying to find Mike." The animatronics looked at each other nervously.

"No luck?"

"No...Nothing...where is he?" The animatronics looked at each other.

"We'll look too..." Bonnie said quickly as he and the others got up and left the office. Rebecca sighed as she watched them look around. She groaned in annoyance before she looked at the hallway..

"Wait a minute...Ross mentioned something about false walls in Fazbear locations..." Rebecca stood up and went into the East Hallway and saw a yellow bear poster. "Hmm.." She gently pushed the poster and the wall clicked open. "Aha! Guys, I found something!" She started to head in as the others caught up. "Please be in here...Mike..." She walked down the hall before she saw a slumped body on the floor and the puppet trying to shake him awake.

"Michael..." She heard the puppet said, frustration in his voice, clearly upset that the body wasn't waking up. "Come on...please wake up...I know you're pretending to be asleep..." Rebecca slowly walked over to him. The puppet looked up and gasped, before holding the body, Mike, she realized, like he was going to protect Mike.

"Whoa, hold up," Rebecca said simply, holding her hands up. "I'm not going to hurt anyone, I just wanted to find where Mike went." She gestured to the out cold man. "And there he is," The puppet didn't looked convinced. "Dude, he's about a few inches taller than me; I don't think I'm that good at judo flipping." The puppet frowned and Rebecca sighed. "Look, I'm not going to hurt him..." The puppet frowned before looking at her slowly.

"You do not know the Yellow Bear?" He asked suddenly and Rebecca blinked slowly.

"You mean Goldie?" The puppet shook his head quickly.

"N-No, the Yellow Bear..."

"Well, Gold's the only yellow bear I know..." A smile crept onto the Nugh...puppet's face. "Why?"

"Then you can keep Micheal away from him..."

"What are you-" The puppet's hands glowed and Rebecca stepped back, part of her wondering what the heck was going on, and the other part wondering why she ever thought listening to Gold was a good idea before the world went black.




"..Ecca...Becca?" Rebecca groaned as she someone's voice and the feeling of being shook. "Rebecca...?"

"Nugh...what tried running me over this time?" She grumbled as she opened her eyes and saw Gold looking at her concerned. "Gold?"

"Thank all that's holy, you're alright..." Gold sighed in relief and Rebecca let out a sigh.

"What the heck happened?" She grumbled before noting that there was something on her chest, keeping her pinned. "Gold, are you sitting on me?"


"Then what's pinning me down?"

"Uh...well...that'" Rebecca raised an eye brow and managed to lift her head just enough to see the top of a small head that definately belonged to a toddler, clenching tightly to her shirt, though fast asleep. She blinked slowly a few times before she finally spoke.

"What the actual flying fuck?"

"Y-Yeah, I don't know what happened...he was there when we spotted you..."


"Seriously..." Rebecca groaned as she laid back, wondering what the heck was going on.

"Well, then help me get this toddler off of me so I can get up and we'll go from there."



Short chapter, but ehhhh, the plot bunny didn't stay very long.

Foxy: Why not lass?

Cause it's not sure if it wants the mysterious toddler to be an animatronic toddler or not animatronic toddler.

Foxy: Ooooh...Wait is the wee lad-*Spoiler Pan appears and knocks him out*

Is it really a Spoiler? I mean I kinda made it obvious...*Pan makes attempt to shrug* Ok, whatever then... So we have Mangle and Toy Bonnie reverse the spell (and it was brought to my attention about 'Bae''s other meanings, so if I offended anyone, I am so sorry!), everyone trying to find Mike, Rebecca revealing a bit about her boss at Fazbear's Fright, and the puppet has decided to include Rebecca on his idea for 'protecting' Mike. What did he do? Well as they say, we'll see...

This AU is completely different from other AUs I've done and please forgive the spelling errors/grammar mistakes that I missed (thanks!)

Please Leave a CONSTRUCTIVE/COHERENT Review/Comment and Enjoy~!