And yet another one-shot today! I guess I have a thing for one-shots. . . .

With the release of Deadpool fast approaching, I decided I needed to write something Marvel. Only 500 words for this one too, I know, I know. I couldn't decide whether to put this under Avengers, or a crossover with CA because I put Bucky in. You gotta love Bucky Barnes.

And no, in case you were wondering, I don't own anything Marvel. I do own a Marvel shirt though, if that counts. And an Avengers pen.


It was a calm, quiet day. Bruce and Tony were locked up in their lab studying whatever science stuff they did, Natasha was in a deep conversation with Steve and Thor about how to use the microwave, and Bucky was nowhere to be seen.

Then they heard a crash. A loud, annoying, silence-shattering crash.

Steve, Natasha, and Thor were first on the scene.


Clint, who stood frozen in the hall with a coffee mug shattered at his feet, held a hand and violently shushed Steve, who blinked in confusion.

"LISTEN!" The Avengers indeed listened, and in the distance, they could hear faint chirping.

"What is it?" Natasha asked, brow furrowing as she thought of what type of bird could make that noise.

"A painted bunting! It's really rare! I've only seen a handful, and I've never seen one in New York!"

"You enjoy observing Midgard's avian species?" Thor questioned. Clint ignored him.

"It's somewhere in the tower. I have to find it!" Before a word could be spoken, Clint disappeared around a corner. With a sigh, Nat followed him, but only to keep him from obliterating anything in his path.

"Steve!" Tony and Bruce came running. "What the hell was that?"

"Clint," answered Steve exasperatedly. "We're going to help him find this bird." Bruce seemed to accept this, but Tony nearly fell over laughing.

"Clint's a bird nerd?"

Clint could be heard from across the tower. "SHUT UP TONY!"

"C'mere, bird," Steve called.

"That's not how you call a bird." Natasha, not amused by the fact that they had been searching for hours, whistled in demonstration. Steve frowned.

Then it clicked in Tony's head. "Steve can't whistle!" he immediately shouted.

Steve flustered. "I-I can too!"

"Prove it." Tony crossed his arms and smirked as Steve glare at him. Luckily, Clint stormed in.

"I give up!" he shouted, throwing his arms up. "This stupid bird is nowhere!"

As Clint stomped off to sulk in his room, the rest of the Avengers sighed with relief.

Steve, dead-tired, trudged to his room—or, floor, rather. Turning the corner, he ran into his friend.

"Bucky!" Steve greeted. "This day's been awful! I've had to follow around Clint all day while he looked for this dumb bird! What have you been up to?"

Bucky looked confused, before breaking into an ear-to-ear grin. "I've been practicing my bird calls."