Hello lovely people! Yes, I am back. My life at college has finally settled down enough to where I can start writing stories again. Unfortunately, I have for the moment lost my muse for Tears of an Angel, but once I get it back I will get right back on it.

For the time being, I am working on this. It just came to me after all of the hype about the Force Awakens (which is an AWESOME movie, if you have not watched it, go do that) and the fact that I am a Star Wars Superfan.

The picture is not mine, it belongs to jayjayhowkins on DeviantArt but the picture just fits this story so well and it is coincidentally my favorite piece of Star Wars fanart. I did get her permission to use it, don't you worry.

As Anakin Skywalker passed in the arms of his loving son following the death of the Emperor, the Force looked on, dissatisfied with the way the story had gone. Anakin had not been fated to fall to the Dark Side; that was not what his destiny was supposed to be. Anakin's old mentor had been perfectly right; Anakin was the Chosen One meant to destroy the Sith, not join them. Padme Amidala, Mace Windu, the Jedi, none of them had been meant to die. Anakin's story had not gone at all the way the Force originally intended. The story was not meant to end with the destruction of the Republic; the Force saw an eternal state of war if the story was not rectified. The Sith needed to be completely destroyed, and Anakin was the only one able to achieve it.

She sighed, knowing that the story she'd set out had been uprooted by things she had not accounted for. She saw parts where it went wrong; the Jedi Code being the most fatal flaw. The way the Jedi Code had been interpreted for thousands of years forbade the Jedi from experiencing the very emotions that made them human, believing that any emotion was the path to the Dark Side. The Force also knew that there were other flaws that she could not see that would require rectification.

The Force realized that the only way to mend the broken galaxy was to rewrite the past by sending Anakin and Padme back to the beginning and rescue the shattered Republic. Unfortunately, the Force, as powerful as she was, did not have the power to bring souls back from the afterlife. The Force would have to wait and search the universe for the reincarnated souls of Anakin and Padme, no matter how long it took.

Hundreds of years of searching occupied the Force, waiting for the two who could rewrite history and free the galaxy from the tyranny of the Sith and the Empire. As the Force waited and searched, she grew saddened by the state of the galaxy, caught in an eternal tug of war between the light and dark side. When the Force finally succeeded, the galaxy was in ruins; most of the life within it wiped out, and the Jedi all but forgotten.

In the Felinaus Galaxy, in an Outer Rim star system harboring a planet called Earth, sitting outside of a Starbucks in Austin Texas, the Force finally stumbled upon the man and woman destined to set the story to rights and save her galaxy.

Austin Strider glanced his blue eyes up to his best friend as they sipped coffee at their favorite Starbucks. "If you could change just one law in the Star Wars universe, what would you change?" The often discussed subjects such as this. The young adults were huge fans of Star Wars, especially the prequel trilogy. They often traded ideas back and forth on how Star Wars could have been changed to have a happier ending and fully defeat the Sith.

He waited for Paige to think while drinking his cold coffee. They'd been here for the last few hours after seeing The Force Awakens.

"Well, Jedi would be able to marry and have families." She began. "I never thought the No-Attachment law made any real sense. The emotions that Jedi were supposed to suppress: anger, fear, pain, hatred, passion, love; are what makes us human. They are the 'path to the Dark Side' only depending on the way we act on them. Love and passion are the exact opposites of hate and darkness, which belong to the Sith. Shouldn't Jedi, in that respect, be able to love? I think it makes more sense for them to have the ability to marry and have children, but most just choose not to."

"Why?" Austin shivered as a cold wind breezed past him. The wind blew Paige's curly hair back. She didn't seem to notice; she was too absorbed in her explanation.

"Jedi seem to go off to dangerous places and planets, sometimes for months or years at a time; keeping a family intact wouldn't be easy given that. Given their position, those they love could also be put in danger. I believe that most Jedi would distance themselves from others for fear of them getting hurt. In other words, I think that attachments would be uncommon; but not expressly forbidden." She paused, sipping her coffee and feeling the vanilla latte slide down her throat. "I think that the Jedi Order would encourage the Jedi with the most power or those tempted by the Dark Side to settle down and have families. A family would help keep them grounded."

"Do you think that Anakin would have taken a different path if that had been allowed, given his dreams?"

"I think that those dreams are open to interpretation. The future isn't set in stone. Those dreams showed him what happened when he stayed on that path. Any small change or choice that he would have made would have made would have saved Padme from that fate. They could have gone to Naboo; he could have sided with Master Windu; he could have left the Jedi Temple and spent that time with Padme; he could have even taken up her offer on Mustafar. To be honest I think that he would have chosen Padme if Obi-Wan hadn't stepped out of her ship."

She thought for a minute then started again. "Anakin went to Palpatine and fell to the Dark Side because he had no support from the Jedi. If he had been able to go to the Jedi and tell them what was going on without scorn from them, I fully believe that he would have been able stay on the Light Side and still save Padme. Luke and Leia would have grown up together with two very loving and powerful parents in a peaceful Republic."

"What if…" Austin started, but Austin and Paigewere suddenly blinded by a pure white light.

"What in Alderaan?" Austin shot as he lost sight of Paige. He saw an alternate history, a different past, flash before his eyes: being sold into slavery with his mother and his twin sister Alexxa; screaming as she was taken from him and his mother before their fifth birthday; meeting the eight year old Princess Padme Amidala, heir to the throne of Naboo, after she was escorted from her home planet for her own safety; watching Padme's father King Ruwee Amidala reinstated as the rightful ruler of Naboo; entering the Jedi Order but still spending time with his mother after she married; getting to know his stepbrother Owen; reuniting with Padme and struggling to keep a platonic relationship with her; and standing beside Padme on the shores of the lake, realizing that he loved the Princess, and had always loved her. As these images flashed behind his eyes, his former life as Austin Strider faded away into oblivion. Anakin Skywalker was his name and life now.

He opened his eyes and saw the beauty that was Princess Padme Amidala sitting in front of him, her radiant skin illuminated by firelight.

Paige shielded her eyes as Austin disappeared from her sight. Her memories as Paige Alexander melted away like candle wax, to be replaced with memories from a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Her mind was bombarded with images of her life up to this point. Growing up happy and playful on Naboo; watching in horror as the Trade Federation ships descended to usurp the throne from her able father; being covertly escorted from her planet by Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan-Kenobi; landing on Tatooine and meeting the young slave boy Anakin; petitioning the Senate to help her people, and struggling to be taken seriously on account of her age; returning to her planet to help her father; watching her father be reinstated as the King of Naboo; witnessing the first of several attempts on her life at the tender age of fourteen; four years later serving her people, despite the danger posed, as a Senator to Naboo with Jar Jar Binks, something that she couldn't believe; having Obi-Wan and his Padawan Anakin assigned as her protection; struggling to conceal the feelings she harbored for the handsome Jedi apprentice; and returning to Naboo for her own protection, much to her chagrin.

After these images flashed behind her eyes, she felt the warmth of a fire and heard a pleasant voice talking to her. She opened them and her eyes fell upon the deep blue that belonged to her guardian Anakin Skywalker.