Notes: Sooo...

This is the last one! OMG!

Thank you so much for all the support and love during this second part! I hope you enjoy the end!

Chapter 18

"Gotta go, love." Eggsy informed, buttoning his shirt.

Elise took a drag from her cigarette. "Get back to that fag job of yours?" She asked.

"Oy, don't be bitchy, Lise." Eggsy warned. "And it isn't a fag job."

"Whatever." Elise rolled her eyes. "How's your ma? I haven't seen her or your sister since they left."

"All's good." Eggsy put his watch back. "Mom's working, Daisy's in a good daycare."

"Who'd have thought, that from all of us, you'd be the one to become an honest citizen." Elise teased.

"Not me." Eggsy said honestly, sitting by the girl on the bed.

He had grown up with Elise, just like Ryan and Jamal, but his friendship with her was way different than the one with the other guys.

"Here." He offered her a couple of pounds to her.

"Wow, Unwin. Way to make a girl feel like a hooker." She rolled her eyes.

"That ain't it and you know." Eggsy said seriously. "Your brother needs his medicines and I know your ma is back to drinking. I'm offering as a friend, Lise." He offered again.

"Shit." Elise huffed, but took the money. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Eggsy dropped a kiss on her forehead before getting up.

"I'm dying to see the day a girl puts a leash on you, Eggsy." Elise called from the bed. "You're a great friend, a fantastic lay, but I'd pay to see you as a boyfriend."

Eggsy looked over his shoulder and threw Elise a smile. "It ain't happening, Lise. There's no girl in this world that would put a leash on me."

Elise smirked as the door closed. "Famous last words."


Harry was sitting in his home office, eyes fixed on the half empty brandy glass on his table. Last year had been crazy and he was happy they had a brand new one to worry about now. He sure as fuck expected no more deaths.

He felt very proud of the turn the agency was taking, how they were making things different now. Arthur's betrayal had left a stain in all the agents and the aftermath of the V-Day had been cruel to all of them.

Of course, it hadn't been all that easy for him as well, since he was considered dead and all of that. God bless Merlin and Eggsy for not giving up on him. They had found him on a hospital bed in Kentucky.

Gareth had once said that the Kingsman's doctors could bring a man back from the dead and Harry had not believed him. Now he was happy the other man had said so. He hadn't been dead, but he had been pretty close to that.

But now he could forget that, like had had forgotten many things. Well, nobody took a bullet to the head and left completely unscathed. His left hand sometimes shook a bit too much –luckily he was right handed –and he had forgotten some major things. Most of them were old memories –like the name of his childhood dog or the school he went to as a boy –but some of them not really. He could not remember his last test before joining the Kingsman, could not remember Dagonet's and Caradoc's real names and he could not remember seeing Roxy or Gareth for the first time.

None of these memories ever came back, but he never told anyone. He suspected that Merlin knew somehow, but then again the man seemed to know mostly everything that went on in the HQ.

There was one more thing that he had forgotten: not a name or a face, but a moment. One moment lost in time, a memory he knew it was precious, but that he could not have back. A memory so personal he had never shared not even with Merlin, his oldest friend.

He could remember the name and the face, but he couldn't remember the last time he had seen either.


"I have something for you." Merlin told Susan as soon as she came into his office.

"What?" She asked curious.

"Take a seat. I'll get it for you."

He could see her eyes full of curiosity, but she did as told and went to his table. Merlin stopped mid-way to tell her not to sit on top of his table –because she had the annoying habit of doing just that –but he was a bit too late. When he turned she was pushing herself up and the movement made her skirt go up. Not too much, just enough to show the garter belt holding her stockings.

Merlin turned around immediately, like he hadn't seen a thing. He knew Susan wore garters. Actually he knew what every single one of the agents wore, because he had seen most of them in some state of undress at some point in time. But that was before. Now…

Now he was trying to be a gentleman and remember she was from a different time, with other expectations.

It wasn't that easy.

"I saw some footage of your friend Captain Rogers." He stated, picking a briefcase.

"Are you jealous of Steve?" She said with a giggle.

"No." He said quickly. Too quickly.

"That's cute, Merlin." Susan teased.

"Anyway…" He cleared his throat and came back to where she was and put the case on the table. "One of his friends had an interesting ability and it made me think of you."

Susan looked at him full of curiosity, but she waited for him to tell she could open the case. When he nodded at her, Susan quickly opened the latch and found… "Is this a bow?"

"Custom made." He informed. "It has explosive arrows, one that works like a hook and…"

Susan pulled him by the collar of his sweater and kissed him. "I loved it." She said against his lips.

"I'm glad to know." He murmured before kissing her again, his hands going to her waist.

"Oh dear… You two are adorable."

They separated in time to see Caradoc and Bors looking at them with smile on their faces.

Merlin sighed. "Can I help?"

"You do remember we were supposed to come here for gear for the next mission, right?" Bors arched a brow.

No, he didn't, but he was not saying that aloud.

Susan chuckled, before getting off the table. "Have fun working, boys." She grabbed the case. "I loved it, Merlin. You spoil me."

"I try my best." He smiled warmly at her.

When she left he turned his eyes to Bors and Caradoc that were looking at him like he was a box full of kittens. "Shut up."


Roxy finished wrapping her hand before putting her gloves. She had a date with that punching bag she would hate to miss.

Apparently when Jill meant an 'open relationship' she meant that she already had someone in sight. And now that Roxy wasn't there anymore she had pulled this person to fill the space, because she sure as fuck was dating someone new.

Roxy knew better than to go looking at an ex's Facebook, but she did it anyway. Lovely way to begin her year.

"What did this punching bag do to you?"

Roxy pulled her hair back from her face and looked at Alicia. She was dressed like she came here to work out –well, it was the gym after all.

"She called my mom a whore." Roxy offered weakly.

Alicia huffed. "You look like you need to hit something that hits back." She said coming closer. "I'll wrap my hand and you can make me kiss the floor."

"You don't need to do this for me." Roxy protested.

"Well, I need to practice anyway and this is better than running." Alicia brushed off her concern.

Normally Roxy would say no, but she felt frustrated and restless, so she would take the other woman on her offer and hope not to hurt her too much.

Alicia came back with gloves and they started circling each other. She had gotten a lot better after the first months, but Roxy was very good at what she did.

They both took some hits –some of Alicia's were a bit of luck –before Roxy got a bit too violent and took the other woman down with a bit more force than necessary.

"Fuck krav maga." Alicia groaned from her place on the floor, where Roxy still had her locked in a chokehold.

"Wanna try?" Roxy offered, without letting go.

"I'm more of a jiu-jitsu kind of girl." Alicia whizzed.

"Show me." Roxy offered finally releasing her.

Alicia immediately caught her in a chokehold, grabbing Roxy from behind, her arm around her neck. "Brazilians call this a lion killer." She informed a bit smugly.

"Show me how." Roxy all but demanded.

Alicia showed her the moves again and they traded a few cards on them, then suddenly Alicia leaped on her. "Let's see who finishes on top?"

"You're on."

The two women rolled around for a while and Roxy just knew she would have a tatami rash on her the next day and her arm would kill her, but she was actually having fun. She managed to get Alicia under her, but the girl locked her thighs around her middle. Roxy managed to get her arm out of the way before Alicia could grab it too, but she was still in a difficult position, far from finishing this.

That was when it happened. Roxy wasn't sure how she ended with Alicia on top of her, she was sure she had the advantage, but then they were rolling so much it was no shock. What was shocking was how suddenly it didn't feel like fighting anymore.

Eggsy said more than once: Alicia was hot. It was kind of ridiculous, actually. Roxy wasn't blind and she had taken a second look at the other woman once or twice, but the same way they would tell Eggsy to respect her, Roxy would do the same. She would never treat another woman as a piece of meat, because she knew how it felt to be treated this way.

But right now… It was kind of hard not to think about it. She had to leave before she did something stupid.

She shouldn't have concerned herself it that. In the end Alicia was the one that kissed her. She could remember exactly how the other woman had been staring at her for a bit, before lowering her head.

Roxy had plenty of time to stop her, but she didn't for some stupid reason. She let Alicia kiss her and more than that, she kissed her back. Maybe it was because the adrenaline, of the whole fighting thing, but it was not a small kiss; it was the hottest thing Roxy had ever experienced, full of teeth and tongue.

She rolled Alicia, so she was back on top, holding the other woman's hands against the tatami. This was about the time that Roxy realized what she was doing.

What the fuck?

She all but jumped to her feet, her breath labored, her cheeks colored. "I'm sorry." She said fast, "I shouldn't have done that. Sorry."

She ran before Alicia could say anything. Holy fuck! Why had she done something so stupid?


Chelsea ran down the street, her heart beating wildly on her chest. The cold wind was hurting her face, but she could not feel it. Her feet slipped on the wet sidewalk and she fell hard on the ground.

The young woman got up, without paying attention to her skinned hands or the throb on her knee. She could see the house up ahead, she had to get there.

Her head was screaming at her that this was impossible, that nobody could have found her mother when she didn't want to be found.

Her breath was coming harder, but she was almost there. Chelsea stopped in front of the door, the open door, the one that had obviously been kicked open.

"No." She murmured.

The woman climbed the steps quickly, no regard for her own safety. The house was turned upside down: broken glass, things thrown on the floor. "No." She said again. "Mom!" There was no answer.

Chelsea ran up the stairs to the bedroom. They had come while her mother was sleeping. Here the signs of fight were intense, like she had been dragged out of the bed kicking and screaming. Chelsea's eyes took the scene, until she spotted an open lipstick tube, partially under the bed.

Chelsea dropped to the floor and found the words written on the wood there.


Fuck no! She was not hiding! There was no chance of that. Not if they had her mother. She was fixing that. She needed help, she needed her friends. It was time to get the old team back.

It was also –unfortunately –time to call daddy dearest.

Notes: Sooooo...

Merlin and Susan are together! Finally! Those two potatoes... Anyway I love them, and I love how much the other agents ship them... hahahaha

Roxy and Alicia... Did you see that coming? I thought it was hot, I hope you all agree.

Now Chelsea... Wha'ts up with that?

You'll find out on "The Lost Heiress", the third and final part of my "Gentle Lady" series.

Once again, thank you all for all the support. See you in a few weeks.