Well, this is my first fanfiction translated into English, is a NaruHina Story and couples are not up for discussion, if anyone knows Spanish and want to read the original, is posted on my profile and now has 10 chapters.

Updates will be depending on the reception that I see and the number of reviews, at least until the two stories are the same, then I will update it in Spanish and translate it as soon as possible.

Now I leave you the prologue...


"During my life I have had many names and nicknames, some who did not liked me as bastard, son of nobody, garbage, filth, there were even worse, although there have been some that have pleased me for some reason, they have been from diverse backgrounds, the people in Sunagakure name me The kage killer. The cloud ninjas called me The invincible warrior my teacher called me Kitsune and even there was a child from the Hidden Leaf Village that called me "Sensei" and was precisely one ninja of the Village who gave me the name that I currently use and was his wife who gave me her last name in gratitude for my actions, my name is Naruto my last name is Uzumaki, I am immortal and this is my story. "

The cries and shouts of joy resounded in the quiet morning, the desert was over, the young ninja was on the outskirts of the city, the war was over and peace was signed; but a peace seemed a break between two wars, the shinobi came home, mothers and wives wept and hugged the dead to the living, but anyone was expecting for him, nor have cried if he had perished in the battlefield or had been taken prisoner, even though that was unlikely, long ago that he was nobody, he was the son of nobody, he simply appeared from nowhere one day at the gates of the city, looking for asylum and food, it was strange to see him on the streets but when they saw him he was immediately identified and not well received, not even tolerated.

But all that had changed in the three years of war, he was no longer the son of nobody, now he was the murderer of shadows, the brave who had infiltrated without anyone's help in the enemy KageĀ“s tent and killed him with his kunai. Also he had rescued a child, who since then would be sidekick, subordinate and friend, even treating him as his brother.

He had gone to the war to the alleged age of fifteen, now returned as an eighteen years old man, her light clothing, suitable for the desert, came dyed with enemy blood and sand, like all coming relieved, but for a different reason to that of his countrymen, while they were returning because they could be happy with their families, he was relieved that should not take more lives and unlike all he wanted only one thing: to die.

End of the prologue.

My apologies, I know my English is not perfect but I do my best, I have problems mainly with irregular verbs.

Having said that I announce that those with the review that ends in zero (10, 20 ...) may require a small spoiler or share an idea that will be discussed and implemented.

Until next time.