Hey fellow nerds! SOSOSOSO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE EARLIER! I started this chapter 2 times before I finally got a grip on myself and powered through on the 3rd time. So, this is my last chapter of this story, and I hope you guys like the ending and it is satisfactory. THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED AND TOLD ME TO KEEP GOING! Honestly, those comments made my day and you don't understand how much they helped to make me feel guilty so I actually WROTE. I love every single one of you readers! Again, sorry for the super-late update :\
Also, Harry Potter fans, I hope you all got the Cursed Child and are enjoying it. I went to the midnight release :))) SCORPIUS IS SO SWEET!

Reminder: this takes place about 11 years after the last chapter, to Sophie is around 27 years old.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, or the place, or anything. :(


About 11 years later...

My eyelids snapped open. I shivered a little, my own ragged breathing tearing at my ears. I half sat up, ready to jump into action, to fight for my friends, to run. But after a second, I sank back into my pillow, letting out a tense breath. It was only a dream.

Almost every night, numerous horrors creep into my dreams. Images of the Neverseen returning, friends going evil, and other, equally unnerving delusions. It always takes me ages to fall back asleep after what Keefe and I call "nerve dreams." After the fall of Neverseen, which happened when I was about 18, our side was beaten and battered. A surprising amount of elves had gone over to the other "team", so to speak, including Keefe, and few returned alive. Luckily, Keefe managed to make it back with lots of planning, double-double crossing, and back-stabbing. That small percentage that came home to their families had extreme PTSD, as well as most of the elves that fought on the battle field. Multitudes of citizens of the Lost Cities had family members or friends who had betrayed them, or even died, counting me. Emotional scars reside next to physical ones.

Because of this, counselling was offered to everyone, so every Thursday at 5 o'clock, an hour of Keefe and my time is devoted to reliving stressful moments and learning to accept them. Along with horrifying memories, the war left me with dreams that always marred my sleep and stayed with me until the small hours of the morning. Keefe experiences these, too, and we always wake the other up when our nerves get the better of us (which is why we named them "nerve dreams").

I rolled over and nudged the man sleeping next to me. "Keefe," I whispered, after glancing at the clock. It was almost 4 in the morning.

"Keefe," I repeated a little louder, my nudge turning into more of a shake. "Wake up! I had a bad dream."

"Whasamatter?" Keefe mumbled, turning a groggy eye my way. Seeing my tight, white face woke him up a little more.

"Had another dream," I muttered as he pulled me into a sideways hug.

"Aw, babe, it's okay," Keefe said into my messy hair. I squirmed closer and breathed in his familiar, sleepy scent, which helped calm me a little bit. "What was it about this time?"

Wrapping my arms around his torso as if to draw support from Keefe's stomach, I spoke. "It was the one where you stayed with the Neverseen, and you killed so many people -"

Keefe cut me off with a kiss. "It's okay. I'm here now. None of that happened."

I looked into his eyes and tried to believe him. "But it was so real -"

He pressed his lips against mine again. I leaned into him, so happy that he had come back, that everything had turned out okay. I couldn't help thinking of what could have happened, though, and as a result the kiss turned slightly sour.

Abruptly, as if Keefe had read my thoughts (on second thought, he probably just read my emotions), he flipped me on top of him and started tickling me. I snorted with laughter, squirming in my nightshirt and trying to get away from Keefe's attack, but he was much bigger and stronger than me, so I didn't stand much of a chance. Finally I just gave in, and eventually he stopped.

I lay on Keefe for a while, both of us grinning like twelve-year-old boys after doing something remarkably ridiculous, our smiles slightly sheepish but mostly giddy. My silliness faded away fast, though, and then was replaced with the crushing reality of what had happened.

Even though the time of the Neverseen, and the battle, was almost 10 years ago, I still get moments of shock that grasp my whole body and don't let go. My therapist says that it's only a panic attack, but it doesn't feel like that. It feels like every event for the last ten years ago was mushed all together into a heavy block, then dropped on me. I can't breath, and my whole body hurts so bad. My brain relives all of the awful memories, the heartbreak, the trauma; there isn't enough space in my head, and some of the thoughts leak out of my mouth in anguished squeaks, and I can't move, I can't breath, I can't live -

"Soph?" Keefe's gentle voice shattered the spell, but the broken shards still pierced the backs of my eyeballs, and I squeeze my lids together as if to smother the pain. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I managed to grunt out, now pressing my shaking hands to my face. "Another attack."

"They're coming less and less now, though," Keefe stated, trying to pick out the positives of seizing up and freaking out on top of your boyfriend (trust me, there are absolutely none. Keefe just likes to waste his time).

"Yeah, I suppose." I curled my toes into his pajama pants, gripping the fabric until I felt my feet go numb and tingly.

"Want some coffee?" Keefe asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and scooping me up in his arms. "It's not like we're gonna get much more sleep."

A few years ago, I had gotten Dex to help me make a coffee machine work without an outlet. That was when the nightmares were every night, and Keefe and I would always be exhausted in the morning. Yes, the elves had their own version of caffeine, but none as powerful as a nice cup of black coffee. Now, Keefe is used to the beverage, and it's a normality for him.

I settled into Keefe's arms and a smile ghosted across my mouth. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful person love me.

"Where are we going?" I yelled up to Keefe, who was practically running with boyish excitement.

"You'll see," he called back to me, but slowed down so I could catch up.

After our early morning coffee, in which Keefe dumped a ton sugar in his cup (as always) and I scolded him for it (as always), he had announced that he had a surprise for me. He said he had been planning it for another day, but since we were up so early and it was clear, we would do it today.

"Are we almost there?"


Hurrying along with Keefe, I looked around at my surroundings. We were now walking over rolling hills, which were just visible in the almost-nonexistent light that tints the dark right before dawn. The grass was crisp with fresh frost, and I savored the crunching sound of it under my boots. Late September has always been one of my favorite times of year; The brisk mornings chased by sunny, warm afternoons, green leaves hiding an occasional red or orange one, wobbly sunlight.

I noticed a familiar layout of hills and sucked in a cold breath. "Wait... " I said, grabbing Keefe's hand. "Are we where I think we are?"

Keefe grinned. "You'll see," he repeated

As we walked on, now hand and hand, my suspicions were confirmed. I soon saw the fence that keeps injured animals from wandering too far, and then the little patch of black on one of the hills, a slightly deeper obsidian than the sky, that I knew was the house of the Ruewens. We were by Havenfield, my childhood home, and the place where my adoptive parents reside, still taking care of animals.

"What are we doing at Havenfield?" I asked Keefe.

For the third time, he said, "You'll see."

I tucked a strand of my waist length hair, which was still wet from my quick shower and adding to my slight shivering, behind my ear with my free hand. I haven't been to see Grady and Edaline for a long time. I'm always busy, and when I have a break from the hustle and bustle of adult life, they are off somewhere being adventurous. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Honey, I'm sorry, but we're going on a trip."

Keefe glanced at me and noticed my chattering teeth. "Almost there," he assured me.

After a few frozen moments, Keefe finally stopped at the ledge looking over the beach and caves where I had gotten kidnapped.

"Ah, the good old days," I said sarcastically. He laughed and used our joined hands to pull me close to him, my back against his chest. Winding his arms around me, Keefe kissed the top of my damp head.

"It'll be just a few minutes now," he said mysteriously.

"Until what?"

"Time will tell." At this comment, I looked up at him and scowled. He just gave me a oddly nervous smirk and pecked the tip of my cold nose.

We stood in silence. I pretended to sulk about Keefe not telling me anything, but my curiosity got the best of me and I ended up getting just as excited as Keefe was.

I looked out at the sky and watched the deep, velvet blue slowly get eaten away by a purple-y periwinkle, then pushed back even further by salmon. Keefe's arms tightened around me as the sun poked it's head out from the horizon and I gasped. It was beautiful. Rays of newborn sunshine reflected off of the sea, turned a brilliant watercolor of oranges, deep reds, purples, and blues by the radiant sky.

"It's gorgeous," I whispered, and turned to Keefe, who had let go of me moments ago. When I turned to my right, an even more perfect scene than the sunrise greeted me and made me clap my hands to my mouth: Keefe was on one knee and holding a little, black velvet box that was open to reveal an elegant gold ring set with tiny diamonds and rubies that gracefully curled around each other and reflected the stunning sunrise.

Keefe smiled his slightly lopsided smile that I had fallen in love with the day I had met him, then took a deep breath.

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster, you are the bravest, funniest, smartest, and most talented woman I have ever had the honor to meet. Every morning, when I wake up (or am woken up) and look at you, my breath is always taken away by your true, pure beauty." Keefe paused, and I let out a sound that resembled a happy cat being strangled. "You understand me better than anyone, and always comfort me when I'm feeling down. I hope you will let me spend the rest of my life with you so I can always be humbled by your amazing personality and your beautiful, brown eyes."

I gave an unstable grin. Any moment now, I was bound to break into tears.

"This ring represents my love, which is, by no means, can be contained in one piece of jewelry. It represents that magical New Year's night when I finally realized my feelings for you, and when we started this wonderful journey that will hopefully last forever. It represents my promise to forever stay by your side if you'll let me.

"So, Soph, will you marry -"

I stopped his adorable speech by tackling him and pressing my mouth on his. The ring box was smushed painfully in between our stomachs, but neither of us cared. Keefe pulled his arms out from under me and hooked them around my waist as I slipped my fingers into his wonderful hair. We stayed like that for possibly forever, our lips moving in wonderful synchronization. I was crying a little from happiness, and I had to pull back to wipe my eyes.

Keefe pulled the box out from under me and grabbed my left hand. He slipped the ring on my fourth finger, and I kissed him again.

"Yes, Keefe Sencen, I will marry the crap out of you!"

Well, that's it... I hope you enjoyed the ending! I sorta stole that whole "I will marry the crap out of you" from Psych, sorry bout that ;) Thanks again for reading my story! I am hoping to write more fics, so please give me some suggestions on fandoms that you want fics for in the comments. I love you all and REALLY hope you guys liked my Team Foster-Keefe ramblings! Stay classy and hope y'all are as excited for Nov. 1st as me. If you guys want to see my fan art, which I am just starting to post, my Tumblr is siriusly-hot... I'm not on there much


Au revoir pour le moment! (goodbye for now!)