A/N : I don't own ML or any of the characters

This is my first fanfic so I hope I do Okay

Ladybug and Cat Noir's


Chapter 1:

' What Happened '

As Marinette walked down the street she had a bad feeling. She started to speed up to get home before anything bad happened, she knew it wouldn't work. So she took out her phone as a prop as she talked to Tikki. The little red Kwami felt it to. She knew that something bad was coming for her guardian. " Tikki " Marinette whispered to her Kwami. " I need you to do something for me, something bad's going to happen " she told Tikki. " I'm going to reach up take my miraculous off and hand them to you, I need you to take them to Alya tell her everything, I'm writing a note on my phone and I need you to call her when I throw my bag, show her the note and when you can get to Cat Noir please find me" She told Tikki as she took her Miraculous off and handed them to her. Tikki flew deep into her bag so she didn't get hurt. Marinette turned to see behind her, all she could see was someone walking in the distance looking directly at her. Marinette bid Tikki farewell, and threw her bag to the side and ran as fast as she could. But soon she could hear someone running after her and the steps were getting closer and closer.

As she ran she started to scream " Someone please help me... Please someone ... I need help" in hopes that someone would come to her rescue. " Please I need help " is the last thing she got out when she heard someone getting closer to her. " I got you now little lady " is what she had heard behind her. Hearing someone gave her some energy to keep running longer. Just as the stranger was about to grab her Cat Noir jumped off the roof top and grabbed her wrist. They ran and ran until they lost the stranger. " I need to go back, I threw my bag and I need it" she told him. They found her bag and she hurriedly looked in there for Tikki. The little Kwami must have been scared because Marinette found her huddled in the corner of her bag. As soon as she seen Marinette she was relieved. But Marinette had been so scared that something was going to happen she fainted and Cat Noir caught her just in time.

Marinette woke up in a panic in the middle of the night, " Tikki " she called. As she looked around the room to see a familiar figure in her room. Cat Noir was standing there with a concerned look on his face. " Your awake " he said as he started to looked relieved " I had been so worried Princess" He told her as he walked closer. " I told your friend Alya that you were being chased and she said that she is going to walk you to and from school , well now I should go" he told her As he bowed before he left he said " Goodnight my sweet Princess." Before he went through her window she told him" Thank you kitty, you could have just not came and rescued me... I guess you are my night in shinning armour" as she gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. With that he left through her window to her balcony.

He climbed to the roof and ran towards his home. Once he got into his room he transformed back to Adrien, the life he escaped from when he was Cat Noir, he feel onto the bed as Plagg ate some cheese Adrien gave him to recharge. " Why didn't you tell her, you could have just told her the truth" Plagg said while scarfing down his last bite of cheese. Adrien propped himself up on his arms and looked at Plagg. " What was I supposed to say... Marinette I have toy tell you something really important, When you fainted your kwami came out of your bag to check on you and I seen her, so now I know your Ladybug, how could I do that" he explained how complicated it would get.

Marinette was awaken by Tikki to get ready for school. " Tikki what happened last night probably isn't going to be the last time it happens, I need you to remember everything just in case it happens again" she told her kwami. Tikki nodded even though she knew what was going to happen.

Alya was waiting for Marinette down it the bakery. Marinette finally went down to meet her after Tikki was in her bag. They left to school and through there entire walk Marinette would look at Alya and see her friend look all around with caution. They finally arrive at school, Marinette went to her locker and Alya called Nino and Adrien over to help her keep Marinette protected. " Wait why does she need protecting ?" Nino asked. ' My princess doesn't need protecting, but I won't pass up on an opportunity to be with her ' Adrien intended to think but it may have slipped out. " Oh so you like Marinette ... Sorry I mean YOUR princess" Alya said with a huge grin on her face. "So you like Marinette after all these years." Adrien finally realizing what he had said he suddenly flushed a bright red. " I may or may not have fallen for her ... but She doesn't like me ... every time I'm around her or try to talk to her she acts all weird" Adrien told his friends. As they were talking about the whole Adrien likes Marinette ordeal Marinette closed her locker and walked towards where Alya was, She hadn't noticed who was with Alya until she wandered over close enough to hear what they were talking about.

Marinette had almost fainted again after hearing that Adrien likes someone, but the down side was she didn't know it was her. By the time they realized she was there she was heartbroken.

I don't know what to do now Marinette thought to herself. But to her luck she was saved by the bell. She had taken off to class and they all followed her. The whole way to class she was rummaging through her thoughts to try and find a solution or even the thought that she was hearing things.

"Hey girl did you happen to hear all that" Alya whispered to her best friend, but Marinette wasn't sure what to say so again with her luck there teacher walked in.

After class Marinette dashed out the door with her bag in hand. She wasn't ready to hear that he like someone else, it would break her heart even more. She called her om and told her she wasn't feeling good, her mom knew something was wrong so she called the school and told them she was going to take the rest of the day off to being sick. As Marinette was running home she felt it again, but this time she knew she wouldn't get away, so she slowed down and told Tikki " Remember everything I told you, I'm not going to be so lucky with this one but instead of finding Alya find Cat Noir... I know that you know his true identity... I vowed to myself to protect you and the miraculous even if it costed my life and right now that's what i'm doing now go into the bag... and when you know its clear go find him... Goodbye Tikki..."

With her final goodbye to Tikki Marinette threw her bag once again... But she knew this time she wasn't going to be so lucky.' I should have stayed at school, Cat Noir was right i do need protecting now ' she thought as she started to run once again. The stranger started to run as well but caught up to her. " Your not getting away this time " he said to her as he grabbed her by the shoulder. She tripped and hit her head. After her fall she passed out. The stranger took her.

Tikki felt she got hurt but she promised to find him. She knew Adrien was Cat Noir so she had finally arrive to where he was. Luckily he was alone talking to Plagg, She zoomed over to his side out of breath. As she was catching her breath Adrien was shocked. Plagg looked at her in concern he knew that the only time a kwami was away from there holder was if they were in trouble. " Tikki where is she... Why do you have the Miraculous... She's in danger Adrien!" Plagg said, worried. Tikki finally caught her breath and said " Marinette... she was taken by that person that was following her last night... she was headed home because she overheard you talking about a girl you liked she was heartbroken... She sensed the person coming towards her and she told me to find you and to read this note" Tikki said while he grabbed her phone.

' To who ever is reading this, You now know that i'm ladybug... I'm sorry if i hurt you by not telling you but I'm in danger... someone is following me and i need help, but by the time you get this i'll be gone so please find me... Tikki has my miraculous just in case it's Hawk Moth after me ... I think i know why they are after me... A while ago I ran with a bad group I though I got away from them but I think they found me ... Kitty I know your reading this I just wrote this part ... I told Tikki to go to you instead ... of my friend Alya...' is what the note from Marinette had said... " She's in danger , I need to save her " Adrien said to the two kwami's. "NO Adrien ... we need to plan this out... and we need to know where she is anyways" Tikki told him. Plagg grabbed Tikki and pulled her into Adrien's bag quickly, and before he could ask questions Alya and Nino ran up behind him.

As Alya ran up to Adrien she seen him holding Mari's bag on his arm and her phone in his hand." Why do you have Mari's stuff Adrien? Is she in the bathroom or something " She asked in confusion. Adrien didn't know what to say. Tikki flew out of his bag and Plagg following behind her trying to stop her. "Tikki you were supposed to stay in the bag" Adrien said to Tikki. " What the heck is that " yelled Nino. Quickly Adrien covered his mouth " Please I'll explain everything just um we have to go to the bakery, I have to tell Mari's parents something" Adrien said walking out of school.

The three finally arrived at the bakery, Adrien walked in and was greeted by Marinette's parents. " Hey there kids where's Marinette " Her mother asked. He looked at them with deep concern. " Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng I must tell you something very very important " he started ... " Last night someone was following Marinette, and when she was on her way home the exact same thing happened but this time she didn't get away... She was taken... I found her bag on the side of the street and she has texted me that she had a feeling... This person following her found her again, she said she ran with a bad group and she thinks that's who was after her... I'm sorry I couldn't save her again." Her parents broke down crying, wondering if they were ever going to see their only daughter again. As Alya heard what Adrien said she grabbed both the boys arms and pulled them up to Mari's room saying " Sabine were going up to her room to see for cluse, Because I will get her back... that's a promise."

They got up to her room. Alya shut the door behind her. " Okay now explain, what happened to Mari... Where is she" Alya started to cry. " I'm Cat Noir and Marinette is Ladybug. We couldn't tell you because it could have put you in danger, I only found out her Identity yesterday when I saved her, But i have someone you should meet ... well two" Adrien said to his friends. " Tikki, Plagg come out here and meet Alya and Nino" he said calling the two kwami's. Tikki flew next to Alya and Plagg right behind her. " Hi Alya, it's a pleasure to finally meet you , as well as you Nino" Tikki said to the two.

" We need to wait until we hear something." He said before he looked down, eyes tearing up he said " I feel so ... so useless... I'm her partner... and I ca... I can't save her." He put his head in his hands. " Adrien, we'll find her... she'll be alright " Alya told him consoling him.

Marinette finally awoke two days later to find herself on a bed in a locked room with bars on the windows. " Where am I ?" she asked forgetting she had been taken and Tikki wasn't there for a second, but the she remembered. Now that she was alone without Tikki to help keep her mind off of Adrien. She kept going back to when she overheard he liked someone. She started to cry and with that someone sensed it.

On the other side of Paris a window opened up and Hawk Moth awoke his beautiful white butterflies. Hawk Moth called upon one of the butterflies and it landed in his hand. He covered the butterfly with his other hand and then removed it. The once white butterfly was no a black butterfly with purple designs on it." Fly little akuma, and posses the poor heartbroken girl " Hawk Moth told his akuma while it flew threw the window.

As the akuma flew through Paris, Marinette was still crying. The akuma found her and went into her bracelet. This bracelet was a gift from her best friend, the bracelet had a ladybug and a cat on it.

" I'm Hawk Moth , and you are now Miss Fortune" He told her as a purple butterfly outline around he face." I'm offering you the power to get the boy you love, but in return you get me the Miraculous, do you accept."

" Yes I accept you're offer" She told Hawk Moth. After that a black fog covered her entire body from her bracelet. She had a black dress with red polka dots that was cut above the knees that poofs out above the waist line and mask is black and has red polka dots as well, her bracelet now has a black ladybug with red polka dots and the cat turned white with yellow eyes.

At Adrien's house Tikki awoke holding her head in pain as evil ran through Marinette's body panicked screaming " NO... PLEASE ... Marinette PLEASE DON'T... No don't accept it please..." Adrien woke up and was worried about the kwami.

"Whats wrong Tikki" Adrien and Plagg said at the same time looking at her worried

" I ... I cou... I couldn't save her ... I couldn't protect .. her.. she... she accepted Hawk Moth's deal... be... because you like a girl..."

" No... I ... I love her... It was her ... I'm in love with her " Adrien cried. He had lost the love of his life. " Please is there anyway to get her back" He asked and hoped.

"You could try as ... as Adrien ... tell her you love her ... tell her it was always her, that's the best shot we have to get her back" Tikki told him before fainting from being weak .

A/N : that was the first chapter and there are more to come

I hope it turned out good.