A/N: The prologue is based on the FTL flashbacks in 'The Cricket Game' 2.10.

I have had the basic idea of Snow White sending The EQ to 'a land without magic' for quite a while. As time went on and the idea grew, I decided to attempt my first SQ fic.

I am British so my apologies if my spelling may seem odd at times. I'm trying my best to swap my British language to American, but I may slip up. Sorry in advance.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the OUAT characters, or anything else Disney or ABC related. The only things I own are my mistakes.

Regina stood motionless; eyes blindfolded and hands bound, awaiting her impending death. In these final moments, Regina remained determined not to show vulnerability. She was not weak! She would not plead for her life! No, she intended to face death with her dignity intact and chin held high.

She could sense the glares of the onlookers gathered in the courtyard of the Royal Castle. The masses had convened in anticipation of the execution of the Evil Queen. Wearing a grey dress comparable to rags and with her dark brown hair tied back; the woman before them was a stark contrast to the tyrant to which they were accustomed.

The court remained silent as the archers took their aim. The stoic woman's façade briefly slipped. Showing her first sign of trepidation; she gulped slowly as her bottom lip quivered. Regina braced herself for the inevitable impact as the arrows left their bow. Almost instantaneously, a shout of "STOP!" echoed across the yard. It was a moment too late. Flinching in anticipating of the several projectiles about pierce her chest, Regina gasped in what was sure to be her final breathe.

The distinctive swoosh of magic was shortly followed by the sound of metal and wood clattering against cobbles. What was happening? She should be dead! Why stop the execution? Regina's mind reeled, not able to process the turn of events. She let out a breath in relief. She was still alive -for now at least.

Upon the removal of her blindfold, the confused brunette took in the scene before her. Snow White, her former stepdaughter and arch-enemy, had gone leaving a crowd of bewildered bystanders in her wake. Amongst which was Snow's beloved Prince Charming, who ordered the Evil Queen back to her cell. Remembering whom and where she was, Regina quickly gained her composure as the guards led her away. Replacing the look of puzzlement with a more appropriate smirk, antagonising the rabble as only she knew how.


As Regina sat by the desk mulling over the previous day's events, footsteps could be heard approaching. She knew precisely who was visiting her cell. "First, you stop my execution, and then, you defy your Prince to see me. Should I be worried there's trouble in paradise?" She asked Snow White sarcastically, not turning to face the younger woman.

"I'm not here to talk about my fiancé," Snow replied.

"Then why are you here?" Regina was curious. She was yet to fathom why the infuriating girl before her would put a stop her death.

"I know you weren't always like this, Regina. The woman who saved my life all those years ago…had good in her." Regina couldn't help but roll her eyes. Snow White, the eternal optimist, always seeing the good in others; even when there's none left.

"That woman lost much. And now she's gone." Because of you, Regina added mentally, because they both knew that it didn't need to be said aloud.

"Maybe. But as hard as you've tried to bury her, I think she's still inside you. All you need…" Snow began, before adding softly with a smile. "Is someone to help you let her out." Despite the animosity between them over the years, Snow White could not bring herself to hate the other woman. She despised the acts the Evil Queen committed out of anger and vengeance, but Snow had to hope that redemption was still possible.

"So you are just going to let me go freely?" Regina asked with a smirk, knowing very well that it was not an option.

Snow reached into her bag- retrieving the items she had brought for her former Stepmother.

Regina sat waiting impatiently, unable to decipher what exactly Snow was holding; or planning for that matter."Well...yes'' Regina's eye snapped up as she stared disbelievingly, "…in a way" Snow added after a pause. Regina just raised an eyebrow and settled back in her chair with her arms folded, which Snow took as a sign to continue."I am giving you a choice. Either live out your days in exile; stripped of your ability harm us again. Or travel to another land, one with no magic. You will have a clean slate. A chance to become that kind, caring, loving woman you once were again." Snow beamed with sincerity as she held out the magic bean and compass in her hands.

Regina stood and stalked towards the bars of her cell scoffing, "So let me just clarify. I can either choose exile in this land, spending the rest of my days knowing you are getting to live happily ever after with your…Charming." Regina spat out his moniker with venom, adding an eye roll for effect, "Or banishment to land without magic, with nothing but an old compass and a hope speech. What a wonderful choice. I would rather if you had killed me." Regina began deliberating a third option; reaching through the bars and strangling the insipid girl right now. She could deal with the consequences once they arose.

Removing the bag she had been carrying over her shoulder, Snow passed it through the bars. "There should be plenty of provisions packed for you, there is enough gold for you to live comfortably for some time, a change of clothes, food and a few other items…" Regina took it in her arms looking on expressionless as Snow continued, "and this compass will guide you to where you need to be. Regina, you can choose to find your happy ending." Snow finished with a nod after handing her the compass, as if that were explanation enough. The small, golden object resembled a locket more than a compass. It had a long gold chain and an embellished case. Inside there was a white face, and a needle that seemingly pointed to no direction in particular. Regina was not an expert, but this compass was evidently broken.

"How exactly is this going to help me find anything when it is quite clearly useless? And more to the point, what makes you so sure I am even going to this other realm?" Obviously, she would be going. Given her alternative, the depths of the underworld would be a more favourable option. However, it did not mean she couldn't put up a fight until the last. Snow gave a knowing smile and completely ignored the latter question.

"It isn't an ordinary compass it- "Snow considered telling Regina exactly how the compass worked, but figured the stubborn woman would be more reluctant to use it if she did "it is one I managed to procure from a pirate during my time as a bandit. You just have to trust that it will guide you where you need when you need it most. It hasn't failed me yet, and I'm certain it will work for you too." Regina eyed the younger woman and then the object in her hand sceptically before relenting and placing it around her neck.

Moving to sit on the small bed, Regina opened the bag on her lap. She could see that indeed there were plenty of supplies for her trip. She took out a plain white shirt and black riding trousers. Quickly, she slipped off her grey dress and changed into the new outfit. Hardly her usual style, but more suitable than the rags she had been wearing. Replacing the shoes on her feet and bag on her shoulder, she was now ready for her journey. Well, as ready as one can be in this situation. Snow gave a small smile, taking this as a positive sign, and continued, "So, if that's everything I shall open the portal and the compass will do the rest."

"Before you do, there's something I have to ask," the older woman started, "after everything that has happened over the years between us, why are you doing this? I have tried to destroy your happiness. I have even tried to kill you and succeeded in killing those you care about. Why are you letting me go?" Regina wouldn't have hesitated to make the other woman suffer given the opportunity. Preventing Snow from getting her happy ending had been her only focus. But here was her arch-enemy handing her a new beginning, a chance to start over.

"I'm letting the woman who saved my life go. This is a chance to start fresh, Regina. To leave the evil behind in this cell. For your sake, I really do hope you take it." Without hesitation, the younger woman tossed the magic bean to the cell floor "Goodbye, Regina" not waiting for a response or to see the other woman enter the portal, she turned and headed back down the stairs.

The younger royal, therefore, didn't hear the whispered 'thank you' coming from inside the cell.

Regina was still cynical, but couldn't help but feel a small glimmer of possibility. Turning towards the whirling green portal which had opened up before her; Regina closed her eyes and stepped forward into the unknown that awaited her.