G`day ladies and gentlemen unfortunately due to the increase in my uni workload and the damnable plot fairies as of this moment I am announcing my intent to place my stories up for adoption if you wish to do so please contact me and we can discuss it be aware there will be certain conditions to anyone adopting the stories but im sure we can come to an arrangement. In the event that someone does not want to adopt these I will very ocassionally post new chapters whenever the plot fairies and my schedule allow thanks


The next morning Skye wakes up groaning with a face full of blonde hair and a Valkyrie half sprawled atop her, in one of her more playful ideas she decides to start to tickle one of Bobbi's feet, causing the blonde to jolt awake at the foreign sensation, suddenly the brunette finds herself pinned to the bed with Bobbi smiling down at her, reaching up to kiss Bobbi Skye can't help but think this is how she'd like to spend every morning no mission no HYDRA just her and Bobbi alone and away from the world. But apparently that's not to be as just as Skye is starting to deepen the kiss and get lost in the sensations, an alarm sounds. Without a second thought Bobbi and Skye leap out of bed quickly getting dressed Bobbi grabbing her staves and Skye grabbing the pair of ICERs she has taken to wearing. They rush out of their room only to collide with Fitzsimmons who have both come running out of Simmons' room looking rather disheveled, taking a quick look at this Skye quickly says whilst helping Simmons up "we are so having a talk later" before rushing toward the security centre where they find Coulson standing watching the Radar systems as he says "incoming contact, radar didn't detect it until it was right on top of us, Fitzsimmons I need you to go to the control room lockdown the campus confine the students to their dorms, lockdown the labs, no one in or out Bobbi, Skye go to the Armory aboard the Bus and get the Phase 2 weapons stored there, if this is Hydra we want to send them a message"

Everyone rushes into action as it is Bobbi and Skye barely make it to the Bus before Coulson calls telling them the Bogie was incoming for the front courtyard skye and Bobbi both grab the first weapons they can find bobbi grabbing an AR and Handgun with a Tesseract power source where as Skye grabs the Destroyer gun and a Tesseract Pistol before rushing as fast as possible to the courtyard where they find a Quinnjet coming in to land as Iron Man touches down