Adona Jardine tapped her fingers on the map of the arena, her ballpoint pen shaking as she attempted to sketch what was running wild through her untamed imagination. The bumpy train was no place for an innovator like her, that was one thing she was sure of. It was practically impossible to draw a straight line, let alone something of this difficulty. This year was her masterpiece, and what a masterpiece it was. Especially by the standards of a girl in her twenties, the design indicated that its creator was brilliant beyond measure. Or was she?

This effort, however, could be immensely tiring. Not everyone in the Capitol became the Assistant Head Gamemaker, for once rising above her overachieving sister. She could just lay her head down for a moment...

"Get up."

Adona jumped out of her chair in shock upon hearing her sister snap loudly at her. Once her vision adjusted to the bright lights fixated onto the glass ceiling, she muttered, "I haven't slept for days..." Indeed, her eyes were surrounded by heavy, dark bags, not too different than the night sky. Her heart sank- she had been out for that long? The time was wasted.

"So?" Of course Odessa wouldn't care. She was the family star, given a chance to prove herself with every heartbeat. She would return from school daily as a child to bring back countless academic awards that eventually had to be discarded. They had been cluttering up the family's garage. Adona was praised once in a lifetime, and she yearned for nothing more than to seize this moment. She would not be tossed away and forgotten.

Adona pulled some green hair out of her open mouth, sticky with drool. "I need sleep. You try running the Games without sleep..."

"The Games aren't for a week." Odessa narrowed her eyes and sneered. "Once we get back you can sleep all you want."

Adona frowned. "When do we get back?" It was quite the journey from the area they had been analyzing back to the pleasant Capitol. By train it was supposedly two or three days, depending on their speed.

"I dunno." She looked out of the window and at the blurred scenery of a forest. "We've got to be around District Seven."

Sure enough, a village met their eyes. To Adona's horror, the wooden buildings were in flames and the people were screaming in fear or pain, perhaps both. An instant later, it disappeared before the event could be properly fathomed by either.

For a few minutes after that incident, Odessa, the seemingly-perfect older girl, was silent. For once she was fazed by reality. Headstrong with an iron fist she usually was, but this struck her. The idea of equality had never penetrated her thoughts before, and even if so it was on a rare occasion, but it made her think. Easily that could have been the two of them, being burned to death in an endless forest. Or, even worse, being sent off to the arena.

Odessa turned and saw Adona, who had promptly fallen asleep again in all of her innocence. She would be the dictator.

Was it wrong?

~ o00o ~ o00o ~ o00o ~ o00o ~

Hi! You can call me Midnight, and I'll be writing a Hunger Games SYOT. There are, however, a few rules.

1. No perfect characters. Nobody in real life is perfect, so why should a character be?

2. Use at least three sentences for their personality, and try not to make them shallow.

3. Be realistic with the training scores.

4. I will try to update once a week, but please don't nag me.

5. Submit your forms through PM or review, but preferably PM.

6. I'd like a wide range of personalities, races, sexualities, etc. so try and make your tribute unique.

7. You can have up to four tributes. First come, first serve.

8. Polite constructive criticism is immensely appreciated, but no rude comments.

That's all!

"Shattered Glass: The 57th Games" Hunger Games SYOT forms-










Reaped or Volunteer:


Interview Angle:

Interview Outfit:


Training Score:

Strengths: (No more than 5)

Weaknesses: (At least 4)

Character Flaws: (At least 3)

