I woke up, what felt like hours, later, I must have got knocked out as I was dragged out of the house. But I still didn't know where I was, what the hell was going on, or when it was. I was on some sort of hard metal table, strapped in as when I tried to move my hands, there were large metal locks keeping them in, same as my legs, which were strapped down at the ankles. I frantically looked around what I had to describe as a room by default, but it felt like an alien, experimental, basement, prison lab.

"Mum!" I screamed as I looked and saw my mum on a similar table a few metres away.

"Oh my Lou! You're awake thank god," She yells back, very clearly relieved im awake and well not dead.

"Mum, what's going on?" I say, frantically checking the room to see if there was anyone, or anything in the room, which luckily there wasn't, but maybe it meant they were prepping for something, still if we were hostages they should have known that keeping a close eye on the people is a good idea, not trying to give them hints or anything, just saying.

"I don't know. They came and took me half hour after you left this morning. I only woke up after they brought you in here, and I well hoped you could tell me something. Did you manage to look at them when they took you?" She says.

"I caught a glimpse as it dragged me out of the house. It was some sort of robot like thing, all metal. We need to get out of here," I say as I try and wriggle my hands out of the clasps, but I fail.

"That's what I saw, and didn't believe it. At least we know more of what we're up against. And you are right we do need to get out of here. Did anyone see you as you were dragged away? I am so sorry by the way; I should've warned you or done something so you weren't taken as well. I am so sorry Lou," She said, as I attempted to wriggle my hands through the straps.

"Mum, this really isn't your fault. Oh!" I said suddenly.

"What?" My mum asked confused.

"The doctor, he left a minute before I got dragged out. He must have seen. Ah-ha," I said as I managed to get my hands out. I sat up on the table, and fumbled around with the straps on my ankles, there didn't seem to be a way to get them open, but then on the lower side of the table I found a lock underneath the right ankle clasp.

Thinking quickly I grabbed a grip out of my hoodie pocked which I'd obviously put there when I couldn't be bothered to sort my hair out for the thousandth time. I fumbled around with it into the lock for a few seconds, before it clicked and the clasps sprang open. I immediately jumped off the table, and ran over to mum, opening up her lock too; she got up and off the table.

"Right where do you think we go from here then?" I asked as I rubbed my now sore wrists and looked around the room.

"I don't know. Maybe there is a secret door or something. I'll look on the left side, you check the right side," She said as I rushed to the right, banging on the walls. Then suddenly a panel opened and the doctor walked in pointing some sort of tiny lightsabre thing.

"What are you doing here?" He said as he put the weird stick thing back into his jacket and he rushed over.

"I could ask the same to you. I came home and my mum wasn't there and before I could think I was dragged out by this robot, and well woke up here around a few minutes ago. Now how do we get out? We need to get my mum out. What is going on?" I said rushed as he searched around the room for something, or someone.

"I'm looking for what took you. They are cyber men, alien race. I am the one who needs to stop them. I don't have time to explain it now. Come on let's get out of here," He said as he used the stick thing again to open the door he had come out of.

"Lou would you please explain who this man is?" My mum said as she followed us and we walked down this rocky passageway, I think we were underground as there were loads of jagged rocks, either that or in a cave.

"I am the doctor. Lou and I had lunch together," He said as he shook her hand, very polite.

"Lou you didn't tell me you were dating," She said.

"Im not dating him. I don't even know his name. We have only just met," I said, and he laughed. He laughed, why did he laugh? I rolled my eyes and we all kept walking through various doors which he opened with the stick thing which he still hadn't explained yet.

"Now can you please just tell me what on earth that thing that opens those doors is?" I asked after a few minutes.

"A sonic screwdriver," He said chuckling as he opened one more door and we ran up some steps, coming out by a field on the outskirts of the town, by my old school, "Right where is your home from here then?"

"A ten minuet walk that way," I said pointing to the left as I lead the way down the path. We walked in silence till the door, I'd rather I didn't grill him about what the heck was going on while my mum was there. I just needed to get her home.

We got back and I made her a tea before I put on the TV, and tried to leave to make the doctor explain it all.

"Lou I'm not ill or hurt. What are you doing I'm fine?" She said.

"I'm just checking. I need to go out. Please call me if anything happens, please just rest. You have just been kidnapped," I said as I re-did my hair into a ponytail.

"I'm fine. Please Lou don't do anything rash," She replied, I smiled before I left the house, with the doctor following behind.

"Now please explain. What's going on? Who the heck are the cyber men? Who are you? What are we going to do? And most importantly why did you come to me in the first place?" I asked as he walked past me, I followed.

"I need your help," He said without turning back.

"Please just explain what's going on," I said as he stopped in front of a blue police box.

"Come with me," He said as he opened the police box.

"In there it's tiny," I said as I crossed my arms.

"I beg to differ," He said as he swung the door open, and I was stunned. There was a world inside there; it wasn't the size of a police box at all. I walked into it, making sure to glance back at the doctor who smiled cheekily. It was fascinating.

"Oh my god. It's bigger on the inside," I said as I looked around at what I thought looked like a control room. The doctor shut the door and stepped in, still grinning.

"It's called the TARDIS. It's a machine that travels in time and space," He said, as he walked to the controls, as I span around trying to take it all in.

"It's amazing… wait did you just say it travelled in time and space," I said.

"Yes. But the clock is on Lou, I would prove that's the case right now. But I can't right now as unfortunately there is a small problem of the large alien race currently underneath your town, which I believe currently has the plan to destroy the planet I think. Now Lou I need your help to stop this," He said as he rushed up to some controls and flipped some switches.

"Wait hole on a sec. Destroy the planet? Please can you properly tell me what's going on, who you are, and everything?" I asked as he ran past me and ran down some steps to below the floor, where he was clearly sorting through something as I could hear him saying no and then chucking something, before he ran back up the steps and pulled out a sort of gun like probe thing.

"Yes, destroy the planet. Right quick version, yes I'm the doctor, thousand-year ish old alien. Yes I'm an alien from the planet Gallifrey. I'm a time lord. Now Lou I need your help to stop these other aliens from destroying your planet," He said as he opened up the gun thing with his sonic screwdriver, and he fiddled with some wires in it.

"Well that is a lot. But frankly since I'm currently standing inside something that is bigger on the inside, and I've been kidnapped by what I thought were robots, already today. I guess aliens aren't that exciting anymore," I said, not really knowing what to say or do.

"Now come on Lou," He said as he handed me the gun thing, straightened his bow tie, grabbed another weird looking object and left the TARDIS.