A/N: Hello, I wrote this but I'm not quite sure yet but anyway I was bored and the words just happened so here it is. Please review :)

I am just so sick of it all, the small and meagre lives we concern ourselves with. The unimportant and dreary thing we act like we care about. And the lack of actual feeling in this world. I know how to feel that's easy its natural but it's not like that really. It's all just a façade we concern ourselves with when really we are just small unique parts to a big machine. A big machine that involves all we hold dear.

I am not trying to sound rude or anything just that there is so much more to all this nonsense. What we feel isn't real its just fake. Someone says 'I love you' and it means the world when actually they don't mean anything like it at all, all they really care about is themselves like what am I going to eat for dinner? What will I do later?...

That is what I would have written a few years ago in my position now, but everything has changed since then and I couldn't have ever imagined me being so blind minded. I have changed for the better, but not by me. By someone else...

A few years earlier...

"Lou, get up now! It's the door go answer it now!" My mum called from the kitchen.

"Ugh! Why can't you just do it? I'm asleep, leave me alone!" I yelled back from my room, I was still lying under my duvet covers, with the room pitch black.

"I'm on the phone with the insurance company, it's gone ten you're 22 now you need to be making a life for yourself! Go and answer the bloody door Louisa!" She yelled back as she marched up the stairs, swearing as she went. She swung the door open and yanked the covers off my bed. She was about to draw the curtains when the phone started talking, she obviously wasn't on hold anymore. She put on her phone voice gave me a hard glare and left the room. I begrudgingly got out of bed and grabbed my huge thick jumper off the chair. I pulled it on as I stumbled down the stairs clumsily, yawning as I went. I took the door off the latch and opened it to find an odd looking man standing there wearing a bow tie, tweed jacket and trousers, with floppy brown hair. He wore a very enthusiastic expression, and his smile widened when I answered the door.

" Hello, can I help you?" I asked.

"Hello Lou!" He said, bringing me into a large hug.

"How do you know my name when we've never met before? Who are you, anyway?" I asked as I reeled out of his grip.

"I'm called the Doctor," he said, giggling slightly as if be really enjoyed telling people his name or something.

"Of what?" I asked as I folded my arms.

"It's just the Doctor, that is my name. Why does everyone always ask me that?" He said glumly he looked rather annoyed, but it was cute because it made him flap his hands around manicly and his face looked rather crest- fallen.

"Maybe they always ask you because its a valid question that needs an answer. What is your actual name, no one's actual first name is Doctor. And again how do you know my name?" I asked as my legs started shivering. I don't know why I wore shorts pyjamas in England in the winter, but it may have been my way of rebelling and wanting to be cold or something. I was weird.

"Well they are both long stories, neither of which I can tell you now. It's getting cold now shall we go in?" He said acting very mysteriously; even now I don't know his actual name. Whenever I ask he always says he can't talk about it and immediately changes the subject. I still find him just as odd, but I like it.

"Why are you here?" I asked again a little coldly.

"I'll get to that once you let me in," he answered still smiling, I gave in and stepped aside letting him in through the door. I led him into the kitchen where my mum was arguing with the person at the other end of the line.

"That's my mum, if you hadn't realised she is currently having a shouting match with some poor soul at the other end of the telephone," I said as I took him past the kitchen and into the living room, "Now tell me why you're here, Doctor? I'm not dying am I?"

"Oh no, you're not sick. Seriously I'm not that kind of Doctor," he said as he sat down in the arm chair opposite to where I was sitting.

"Then what are you a doctor of?" I interrupted.

"I am here to see you," he said ignoring my question.

"Yeah but why?" I asked still very confused.

"I'll get to that. Follow me," he said as he leaped up and left the room, "If you want to get changed, meet me outside your door in five."

He left the room, I didn't move from my seat a little shocked. I only moved after I heard him shut the door, it was muffled slightly by my mum's shouting down the phone. I sighed and before I could think of anything else to do my legs started moving. I blind mindedly just went up the stairs into my bedroom; it was very messy as I had lost my desire to tidy it by eleven and my mum gave up caring when I was thirteen. I rumged around on my desk for a t-shirt and jeans, telling myself I was stupid and silly in my head, regardless of that I strung my messy, brown hair into a ponytail, threw on a thick warm jumper and put on my emerald green converse. I ran down the stairs,

"I'm going out, see you later. And please mum don't kill the poor soul at the other end of the telephone," I called as I ran through the kitchen, I waved then stuck out my tongue, she did the same.

"You know I don't even know why I'm doing this," I said as I shut the door and found him leaning against the fence.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough Lou. Follow me!" He said as he got back up and started walking.

"Hold on! Wait! Anyway the only person who ever calls me Lou is my mum, my name is just Louisa," I said as I ran ahead to catch him up.

"Oh yes I know Louisa Penterby," he said laughing slightly with a chuffed expression.

"Right that's weird, how on earth do you know my name Doctor?" I said as we turned onto the high street .

"As I said all in good time Lou," he said as he stopped in front of a chippie, seeing a large portion of chips on the counter his eyes lit up and he smiled as he opened the door. The ring chimed as the door swung open and I followed him inside.