Week Twelve: Wish

Some Eve/Will fluff to end things off. Because I need it, and I'm not over episodes 11 and 12 at all.

Set during 02x12

You shouldn't have left him here.

"Where did the nano bots come from?" Eve manages to get out, around the lump that seems to be clogging up where her airways should have been.

You shouldn't have left him.

"From me." Rebecca answers from somewhere close by her, but Eve can't tell. All she can see is Will lying limp in Lily's arms, and she's surprised that the hand still on his chest isn't trembling, because she's pretty sure that she's shaking.

"You must help him," she says in response to Rebecca, but it sounds like a plea, the same kind that Lily gave to her only moments ago. She grasps the other woman's hand, using it to replace her own hand over Will's heart, forcing herself to let go.

I wish, I wish, I wish. Please, please, please.

There's a moment, a horrible kind of silence, and Eve feels more water pooling around her eyes - but, then, there's a sudden gasp of breath, and Will's eyes are open and blinking rapidly; dazed and confused, but very much alive, before he gets swallowed by his mother and father. Lily clutches at Eve as they too embrace, a silent thank you.

"Eve?" She pulls out of the hug at the sound of her name, meeting Will's gaze."You okay?"

And she tries to answer him, really, she does, but her system is still running at full capacity, her equivalent of adrenaline, and, although her mouth opens, no sound will come out; she barely registers what she's actually doing, caught up in relief, until she's grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled him in, kissing him hard on the mouth, trying to say everything that she can't make herself vocalise.

Despite her tear-stained face, Lily is grinning in a way that seems oddly triumphant, Eve notices, when she eventually pulls back. Oddly, Nick and Rebecca appear to be smiling too, although Eve can't help but feel that this is because of the fact that their son is still alive, and that words will be discussed later, when she's not in the room.

Will, despite everything, appears to be the only one who can manage to speak. "Wow. Uh, that was -" He struggles for a word. "- new."

Her brow furrows. "Is that bad?"

"Try surprising."


Eve can live with that.


Well, there we are! The series is over! Thank you so much to everybody who read this; I really did enjoy writing this over the course of the episodes. Hopefully, I'll see you all around for some more oneshots; I have another prompts fic currently in the works for this fandom, so that will be up sometime soon, probably at the end of the week...See you all there! X