Hey guys! So I decided to start another story. Probably going to regret that decision...but I can't really find it in me to care at the moment (don't worry though, it'll kick in!) :P If you read my other story 'Road Runner', you'll probably know that I like the slow build up kind of thing, but this first chapter kinda rushes through the first 2 episodes (I think it's only 2...?) so that we can get straight into it :) SO there are a few time skips, but I hope it's not too confusing...
This is an OC story, but the focus won't revolve around her. In fact, you'll probably see more of Klaus for now :D but who's going to complain about that?
With that being said...If there is a popular demand to change this from a Klaus/OC story to something else, I will definitely take it under consideration because nothing has been entirely set in stone yet. So if you want to see something, you HAVE to let me know and I will try my best to include it. The same goes for my other fanfic! :) I LOVE suggestions!
I don't know how often I will update, but I won't abandon this story...I can promise you that! And even if I don't upload for a while, unless I specifically say I won't be writing any more, I guarantee I will still be working on this story :)
I've been obsessing over 'The Originals' and TVD lately so I'm going to stop rambling and get to it!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything you recognise from the show, and I'm only writing for fun (not profit), because I'm a bored uni student with a tendency to procrastinate :P
Please let me know if you notice any mistakes! I sometimes rush when I read and I always miss something!
Here's Chapter 1 (It's pretty damn long...sorry.)
Chapter 1:
The world was never big enough for a young Adelie Claire. When she was a child, she wanted to see as much of it as possible. She never took the time to consider whether it was a want born from a need to rebel against her controlling mother, or simple wanderlust due to the many adventures she had read of in her books.
Perhaps it was because she didn't truly know what was out there at the time, or because she wanted to know exactly what was out there in the first place.
Regardless, she had never anticipated that after 20 years of her life, she still had yet to really do anything for herself. Not that she was complaining. No, no…she had a little sister to look after, and that would be her main priority for as long as she lived.
But it wasn't all bad. At least now she knew about the things that went bump in the night. Coming from a family of witches meant that she learnt of such things at a young age, and coming from New Orleans meant she learnt it even younger.
Witches, werewolves, vampires…there was all sorts in The Big Easy, and yet, none of them managed to quite get along. Ever.
The werewolves weren't too bad, and they often stayed in the Bayou, seldom daring to venture into the vampire-infested French Quarter. Addie had yet to meet a werewolf. Her coven had kept the children away from werewolves and vampires, and for good reason.
Ah yes, vampires.
Another problem entirely. They ruled the city, and made sure that everyone else knew it. The werewolves kept away at the Bayou, and the witches were banned from using magic without permission.
Naturally, most hated the vampires.
However, unlike most…she didn't really judge them. They were killers, and that's why they were feared and despised by other 'species'. But did the method really matter?
No, it didn't.
It never matters. Witches killed, werewolves killed, and hell, even humans killed! Killing is killing, and in her opinion, no one had the right to do it. But…if anyone had any justification for such a crime…it was probably vampires.
Was it not worse to kill simply because you could, rather than for sustenance? Sure, vampires didn't need to kill for sustenance, but it was expected wasn't it? No real shocker there.
She couldn't really understand the hunters in the world. They called vampires 'abominations' and 'unnatural', but in her eyes they were just another species – another predator.
Humans had become so accustomed to the top of the food chain, that the moment they're overthrown, they immediately resorted to finding some kind –any kind- of justification to kill them. And what bright reason did they come up with for killing them?
They're killers.
There are prisons full of killers, but we don't kill all of them.
Because they're human killers. Apparently there's a difference.
So no, that wasn't the reason she was wary of them, nor was it the reason she didn't particularly like most of the ones she had met so far. She didn't like them because they posed a risk to her little sister. Sure, with Marcel came immunity from vampires, but that didn't mean that they couldn't slip up at some point.
Davina would always be her little sister above anything else. It didn't matter how powerful she was as a witch, or how old she grew. Even though recent years had been shaky for their relationship, Addie loved her and would do anything within her power to protect her.
And that's how she found herself living in an old church with her little sister, locked up nice and tight in the attic thanks to a certain vampire. Although it could get quite annoying, she was grateful that Marcel had helped them make it this far. He was practically family now, and they'd be lost without him.
Her pride allowed her to admit that without his help, her little sister wouldn't have made it out alive of the Harvest. There was only so much Addie could do, and taking on that many witches at once was entirely out of the question. Not only did they not know about her power, but they also wouldn't have hesitated to do anything necessary to ensure the ritual continued…and she wouldn't have been of any help to her sister if she was dead.
So when Marcel had promised her that he would deal with it, she had felt a hope that had been all but foreign to her in recent years. He had taken both of them with him, around eight months ago, and he had kept his word ever since. They had been protected.
What they hadn't anticipated or even really given much thought to, was the length at which he would go to ensure such protection. Being locked up as if they were in a prison wasn't exactly the ideal situation, but it was a step above being dead…so they could let it slide this one time.
It was early in the day, and Addie decided to make her way to the attic from the not-so-comfortable bench she had chosen to lay down on. After waking up, she had made her way down to the nave of St. Anne's church and upon realising that no one was there, decided to take a moment to think about her current situation.
Marcel didn't really like them leaving the attic, but Addie always had more leeway than her sister because the witches weren't really after her –they believed that Addie was powerless, which was why she herself wasn't used in the Harvest instead of Davina. Marcel's concern was that they could use Addie as leverage to draw out Davina, but she had assured him that she could handle any witches that wandered into the church. Not to mention that Marcel had eyes and ears all over the city, the church included. If there was any threat…well, he'd know about it.
When she reached the familiar door, she gave a light knock before opening it and peeking her head through the gap. She gave her sister a small smile when she looked up from her spot on the large bed.
The room itself was old-fashioned with a classical air about it. Wood was in abundance when it came to both the structure and furniture, as were candles. There were plenty of them all around the room, with plush furniture and intricately patterned –though well worn- rugs covering the floor. The large bed sat opposite of the pale armchairs and the windows were covered…Marcel preferred it if they stayed away from them anyway. Davina showed him just what she thought about that, when she threw one of his vampires straight out of one.
"Hey, how'd you sleep?"
Davina smiled at her sister. They had been as close as can be when they were children, but that had changed when she was 13. For some reason Addie had pushed her away when she was 16. Davina had first put it up to her older sister realising that she didn't need some 13 year old kid hanging off of her at every moment. Addie was after all, always one of the popular girls.
Not that she'd ever admit that to anyone if ever asked. She was one of those popular girls that made everyone else nervous to be around. Friends followed her around, as did the male population…but Addie never paid much attention to such things, favouring academics over sociability. The only person she had ever paid attention to in those days was her little sister. Someone had to take care of her while her mother focused on the coven.
Although they had some obvious differences when it came to appearance, you could still tell that they were sisters. Where Davina had soft facial features, her sister had sharper ones. A straight nose rather than the cute rounded one Davina had inherited from their ancestor Mary-Alice. Addie's face was more of an oval shape, with a jawline much like her sister's. They shared the same skin tone, but not eye colour. Another thing that Davina had inherited from their fair-haired ancestor. While the younger Claire's eyes were a blue that seemed to change shade everyday, her sister's were a pale stormy grey that almost made it impossible to break eye contact once it was achieved. They assumed that she had gotten those from their father, but they had no way of knowing for sure.
Davina stood at 5'3'', while her sister's long legs had her at 5'8''. Addie had always gushed over her little sister's hair and lips, her own hair was slightly darker and didn't have those amazing waves that her sister's had. Nope, her hair was straight and boring, but the thickness of it made up for the lack of curls. Her lips on the other hand, were definitely thinner than Davina's –most were! Addie always called her a 'little heartbreaker' when she was a kid, playing the role of 'big sister' perfectly and always encouraging the youngster.
It hurt when she started distancing herself. Davina had become so accustomed to relying on her big sister, and when she was no longer there it left a noticeable hole in her everyday life. It was in the moments when she felt that hole the most, that she really started appreciating her friendship with Tim.
She hadn't seen him in so long. Now she had her sister back, just like when they were children, but for that she had lost Tim. She just couldn't catch a break…but lord knew she had wanted her sister back for so damn long. Now she just didn't know how to act around her.
They had both grown up, and Addie was already an adult. They couldn't go back to the way things were, but Davina was determined to find out what it was that made her sister push her away all those years ago.
"Not too bad, you?"
Addie shut the door behind her and made her way over to the white armchair.
"Not too bad." She parroted and shrugged with a small smirk, earning an eye roll from her sister, but Davina couldn't suppress the small smile on her face.
"You think Marcel will let me go out today?"
Addie could hear the hope in her voice, but she knew Davina wasn't naïve enough to believe that the vampire King of New Orleans would do so.
"It's been 8 months, sis…I doubt it."
Davina gaze dropped with a small sigh escaping her. It killed Addie to see her sister like this, but she knew why Marcel was doing this. It was even worse because he sometimes let Addie join him when he spent time at Rousseau's in the French Quarter. But that was only if he was present, as well as a small army of his loyal soldiers.
"I can talk to him if you want…I'll try and get him to come around."
Her little sister's eyes flashed upwards at her words. Never had Addie offered to do that for her, often believing that it was for the best that Davina stayed indoors like Marcel wanted. But she just couldn't stand it any more.
She held her hands out in a surrendering notion, with a small and sad smile on her face as she looked at her little sister.
"No promises though…"
But Davina would take whatever she could get. She was about to say as much when the man himself knocked on the door before letting himself in.
"Ah, there's my two favourite girls. How you doing, ladies?" He approached them with a smile on his handsome face and his hands held out to his sides in question.
They both returned his smile, and he slung an arm over Addie's shoulder, leading her towards the bed Davina still sat on top of.
Davina watched the interaction carefully. She really liked Marcel…she was indebted to him but he never made her feel like she owed him anything. He was her friend, and more of a father to her than anyone else had ever been. She knew that he held a special interest in her sister's power, and as unrealistic as it was, she even at one point hoped that maybe he held other interests in her sister too. But she knew that he didn't, and that Addie felt exactly the same. It was entirely platonic between them, but his protectiveness over Addie seemed entirely different to the protectiveness he held for her.
While he still treated Davina as a child and locked her away like his greatest treasure, he treated her sister as the adult she was. She was a beautiful woman that caught more attention than he would have liked, and he couldn't have that. It was like Addie was his own sister, and he'd do anything to keep them both by his side.
Of course, she hadn't really known the exact reason why at the time, but she was grateful nonetheless.
"Good, good. How about you? Any news?" Addie answered for both of them.
"Nah, nothing important anyway." He smiled easily at the woman beside him, before removing his arm and taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
"How about you, sweetheart? You got anything for me?"
"Jane-Anne Deveraux." Marcel's face turned serious, and he gave a nod at the name in both understanding and thanks.
Davina's gaze flickered over to her sister, looking at her pointedly – an action Marcel's well trained eye didn't miss, and he let them know it.
"What is it? What's going on?" Although his tone was easy-going and friendly, they knew that he was serious. His dark eyes met Addie's hypnotizing grey orbs and he raised his brows in question.
The older girl sighed inwardly, knowing that there was no way out of this.
"Marcel…we wanted to know if…" her eyes glanced at her hopeful sister, before staring at a particularly interesting plank of wood. "…if Davina could maybe get some fresh air today?"
Marcel sighed quietly, and Davina held her breath in trepidation.
He stood up from the bed, taking a step forward so that he was right in front of the elder sister. Her gaze remained on the floor, unwilling to see her sister's face fall once more when he rejected their request.
Marcel brought his right hand up to tilt Addie's head back up with his thumb and index finger on her chin. Her eyes met his once again, and his dark orbs flickered between her own pale ones as he thought for a moment.
He knew that Davina was itching to get out of her room, and he knew that aggravating her would only lose her favour…but he didn't want to risk her life. Then again, if he didn't let her out, he'd lose her allegiance eventually. He would have to compromise somehow.
"Ok, how about this?" He turned to his side so that he could face both girls. "After this, me and a few of the boys are heading out…I take Addie with me today, and if things go smoothly, you can come with us next time sweetheart. Hm, whaddaya say?" He raised his brows and smirked at the look on Davina's face.
Davina's eyes widened and jumped between her sister's and Marcel's as she wrapped her head around what he had just said.
"Are you serious? Yeah, of course. Yes." Addie chuckled at her sister's response, and was even a little excited to be allowed to go to Rousseau's with the guys later. Even though he didn't hide her from the world like he did with Davina, he was always hesitant to allow her to leave the church.
Marcel gave a winning laugh, and put his arm back around Addie's shoulders. "Alright then, you got yourself a deal." He grinned at the youngster, before looking sideways at her visibly happier sister. "Let's go pretty lady, we gotta get going."
With that said, they made their way out of the attic, and while Addie went to get changed Marcel made his way to where he told her he'd meet her: down in the nave.
He spotted two familiar faces as he approached the entrance to St. Anne's. The familiar cap signifying Thierry's presence, as well as the short afro that belonged to Diego.
"Just the guys I was looking for!"
He grinned and grasped each of their shoulders in a good-natured greeting. The two men were part of his inner circle, and they were loyal to a fault. Whatever Marcel asked of them, they would do.
"I'm going to need you to do something for me…"
Thierry immediately noticed the serious tone his friend had taken, and spoke up, eager to help. "What do you need?"
"Addie will be joining me at Rousseau's and I want guards tripled. If anyone so much as looks at her funny, I want to know about it."
Diego nodded in agreement. "Sure thing, Marcel. I'll get on it now."
Thierry and Diego had both grown protective of the Claire's and in all honesty, Marcel didn't even need to ask such things of them any more. They'd protect them anyway.
"Great. In that case, I'll see you boys soon." He shot them one more grin, before removing his grip from their shoulders. "Oh, and uh…if there's any sign of the witches…kill them."
"No way, that's not happening."
"Oh come on, just one itty-bitty song?" Marcel raised his hand, holding his thumb and forefinger close together.
Addie swatted the hand with a chuckle, and took a sip from the tropical juice that Marcel had ordered for her…apparently she was too young to drink the heavy stuff.
"If you're so keen on karaoke, your highness…then why don't you go show me how it's done?" She raised a challenging brow, and Marcel laughed at her response, with Thierry and Diego joining in too.
"You know what? Fine! Maybe I will."
Addie blinked dumbly as he jumped up energetically and walked away towards the stage. Was he seriously going to go through with it? She was only kidding…
Marcel got onto the stage, mic in hand, and Addie recognised 'How you like me now?' by The Heavy start up. She shook her head at his song choice, recognising it as a jab at her, and chuckled along with the two vampires sitting with her when Marcel threw her a wink.
Needless to say, Marcel was quite good at karaoke, and managed to nail the song, gathering a small crowd in the process. He bounced off stage with a grin and a 'thank you' to the crowd that was cheering his performance. He high-fived Diego and took a drink while Thierry congratulated him.
"So what do you think, sweetheart?" His cheeky smile showing that he knew he nailed it.
Addie gave an unimpressed shrug with a faux blank look on her face. "Good, not great. Could do better."
Diego mockingly gave Marcel a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Tough crowd, man!"
Marcel laughed along with his friends until he felt a pair of eyes settle on him. He stilled completely for a moment –Thierry and Diego both picking up on this- before turning to his left and meeting the eyes of someone he hadn't seen in a very long time.
Addie followed the gaze of Marcel, and noticed that Diego and Thierry were looking at the same man.
He stood a little further away, and was pinning Marcel with an unreadable glare. He had a unique handsomeness to him, not one that Addie had seen before…with short hair that couldn't decide between being dark blond or light brown in colour, equally indecisive blue-green eyes, thick and dark lips on a stubbled jaw, a frame that was a bit taller than her own, but seemed lean rather than bulky. She knew right away that this man was a vampire…she didn't even need her power for that.
His voice matched his appearance. It was rough, but refined at the same time, and it was clear to hear the menacing undertones beneath it after only having spoken one single word.
"Must be a hundred years since that nasty business with your papa."
The man –Klaus- spread his arms a little in question as he approached Marcel, the unreadable look still on his face.
"Has it been that long?" His tone was flat, as if he didn't really care but was just playing along with the conversation.
"The way I recall it, he ran you outta town. Left a trail of vampires in his wake." Marcel said, slightly matter-of-factly as he took a few steps closer to Klaus.
"And how fortunate you managed to survive. My father, I'm afraid, I recently incinerated to dust."
Addie's brows twitched up at the revelation. This man had killed his father? At those words, Thierry and Diego, who had been passively watching the display so far, stood up ready to protect Marcel against the stranger. At their movement, several other vampires loyal to the 'King' stood up as well. Addie recognised some of them as her sister's guards – Some of Marcel's day-walkers.
But the man was completely undeterred. He continued moving forward until he was face to face with Marcel, and Addie's gaze flickered between the two. She stayed where she was, knowing that Marcel would be less than happy if she made herself known. He had a mob of vampires to protect him at the moment, she wasn't needed.
"Well if I'd have known you were back in town, if I had a heads-up-" Marcel spoke with a small smile, until he was interrupted.
"What…Marcel?" Klaus stepped even closer to the man in question. "What would you have done?"
They held eye contact for a few seconds, and everyone seemed to still, waiting for Marcel's response.
"I'd have thrown you a damn parade." What started as a serious response, broke off into a happy laugh, as Marcel and Klaus shared a hug. Marcel pulled back, both hands placed on either side of Klaus' neck. His next words definitely caught everyone's attention.
"Niklaus Mikaelson. My mentor. My savior. My sire." The man looked down somewhat bashfully as Marcel praised him with a grin. "Let's get you a drink."
Addie watched on with her steely eyes wide. This was Niklaus Mikaelson…the Original hybrid?
Marcel lead him over to another room, but not before the man's green eyes met her own, taking in every detail with a small smirk. As usual, Marcel noticed this instantly, and hastened his steps to lead Klaus away from Addie as soon as possible. The last thing he needed was him of all people near her.
As they entered the new room, Marcel told his old mentor to make himself at home while he quickly dealt with something.
Diego and Thierry were by his side at once.
"Take Addie back, don't stop for anybody and protect her with your life. If anyone asks, she's just a groupie looking for a good time."
His friends did as told, and Marcel gave Addie a small smile accompanied with a nod when she looked back at him, while Thierry led her out of the bar.
He always felt bad doing this to the Claires, but now that Klaus was back in town…well, there was no way in hell they were stepping out of St. Anne's now.
"Can I get ya anything to drink?" He rubbed his hands together excitedly as he returned to his old mentor.
Klaus looked up from his position that he had taken on one of the wooden chairs that sat around a small table, a borderline devious smile on his face.
"I trust you still remember what I like."
Marcel nodded with a chuckle, fixing Klaus a drink. He remembered everything that the Original had taught him, and even though he was happy to see Klaus again, he was wary of his intentions. It had been so long since the Original family left New Orleans, why would they return now? And more importantly…was it just Klaus that had returned?
He picked up the two glasses of scotch, handing one over to Klaus before he sat on the chair directly opposite him. Klaus nodded in thanks, leaning back into the chair as he took in the appearance of his former ward.
"Will your friends not be joining us?" he made a point of looking around, as if to signify that they were entirely alone in the new room.
Marcel stopped himself from reacting to the question, hoping that Klaus wouldn't already be connecting the dots.
Klaus, on the other hand, picked up on it the moment they had shared an embrace. Marcel's minions seemed glued to his side, so why had they left him alone? Then of course, there was the end of the conversation Klaus had managed to pick up on. '…protect her with your life. If anyone asks, she's just a groupie looking for a good time'. Who would warrant such protection from Marcel? And…why?
From what Klaus had seen, there was only one woman that had been in their immediate vicinity, and what an alluring little thing she was with those startling grey orbs. Perhaps Marcel had found himself a pretty little human to spoil. It made Klaus think of the blonde in Mystic Falls that had occupied his own mind for quite some time.
"Oh, ah nah…they have some business to attend to. Besides I thought it would be nice to catch up…just the two of us, ya know?" He grinned at his friend. Klaus nodded, playing along with his protégé.
"Yes, of course. I noticed they were day-walkers." His expression curious.
"Yeah, yeah. I shared the secret of your daylight ring with a few buddies. Just the inner circle though –the family."
Klaus leaned forward with a curious yet somewhat humoured expression on his face, pointing at Marcel as he spoke.
"Tell me…how did you find a witch willing to make daylight rings?" He ended with a small smile, no longer looking as solemn as when he first walked into the bar.
"I got the witches around here wrapped around my finger." Marcel's quiet response drew a genuine laugh from his sire, who continued laughing as he asked his next question.
"Is that so?" He stopped chuckling and his brows furrowed slightly as he went on. "I'm looking for a witch…by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Has some business with me."
Marcel gave a sideways glance when he realised that Thierry and Diego had returned. He met Thierry's eyes at Klaus' admission, a silent message passing between them.
"You're looking for Jane-Anne?"
Klaus smirked at his tone, not even for a second missing the change in Marcel's attitude.
"Then you probably oughta come with me." He grinned and stood from his seat. "Ha, ha! Show time!"
During their time spent together, Marcel had shown Klaus the way things were around New Orleans. The rules and the way of life that he had provided his vampires with. He showed him how tourists were used for nourishment before being compelled to forget and sent on their merry way at the party they attended. However, his mood dropped when Thierry informed him of 6 vampire casualties.
When Klaus returned home that day he wasn't counting on Rebekah being there, but there she was…and he instantly knew how those 6 vampires had died.
Now Klaus found himself making his way to the bar that Marcel had asked him to meet at. He found Marcel instantly and sat across from him at a table beside the window.
"Well this is a far-cry from last night's party." He followed Marcel's gaze, which was clearly on the blonde woman writing furiously in a notebook. Klaus smirked. "Ah, in pursuit of the bartender from Rousseau's, I see."
Marcel gave a small shrug to his friend. "She's a work in progress."
"And here you are, pining over her when you should be eating her for lunch. Oh, she must be special…but then again, I guess one blood-bag is enough." He smirked slightly, the usual dimple showing.
He almost chuckled at the confusion on Marcel's face, but elaborated anyway.
"That stunning little thing you had with you the other day. I haven't seen her since, she must have been sweet." He watched his young ward for any type of reaction, and wasn't disappointed when Marcel tensed for a moment before remembering himself and letting an easy smile slide onto his face.
"Well you know how girls are nowadays, the groupies practically throw themselves at you!" He chuckled in good humour, hoping to drop the topic before Klaus started asking more about Addie. Marcel knew he had slipped up when he froze, but the indirect mention of Addie had caught him by surprise –he hadn't expected Klaus to remember her.
"But anyway, business first. The coroner called. He's got my number in case any dead tourists show up."
Klaus made a mental note on the quick change of subject. This wasn't the first time Marcel had mentioned a 'groupie'.
'…protect her with your life. If anyone asks, she's just a groupie looking for a good time'.
Was this woman the one he was talking about? Was she the one he was protecting? If she was, then why was he interested in the blonde -Camille?
However, he would have to think on this later, and continued the conversation so as not to give his train of thought away.
"Let me guess…dead tourists with a stamp on the hand and vampire blood in their veins?"
Marcel gave a small smile and shrugged. "It happens. Someone takes a drunken tumble off a balcony, or into the Mississippi... And today I got two of them to deal with."
Klaus chuckled at his words, but when he heard Camille rising to leave, he decided to approach her.
"Excuse me, love. What's that you're studying?"
Camille's bright eyes snapped over to Klaus when he came into view, and she smiled politely when answering him.
"Abnormal psychology."
Klaus smiled at the irony of it all, his brows raised in humour.
"Abnormal psychology." He looked over to Marcel quickly, a knowing look on his face. "Well, perhaps you could help me diagnose my friend over here. He's been a little bit depressed, can't keep his mind off a girl. He tells me she's a queen, fit for a king. I think he should cut his losses and move on. What's your professional opinion?"
By the end of his sentence, both he and Camille had made their way over to Marcel's table. Camille gazed at Marcel with a knowing look, Klaus had made his intentions quite clear.
"Be a nice guy, and maybe the opportunity will present itself some day." She said politely and turned to leave the two men. But before she could do so, Marcel was out of his seat.
"How about tonight, 9 o'clock? I'll meet you right here?"
Camille swung the door open with a small smile, quickly saying: "I'll take it under consideration", before finally leaving. Marcel sat back in his seat with a smile.
Klaus smirked once more. "I daresay I've lost my touch…or you've lost yours." They shared a grin before taking a drink.
It had been a few days since Marcel had been reunited with his sire, and Addie and Davina had been holed up in the attic the entire time. Apparently it was even more dangerous for them to be out and about now.
Klaus had bitten Thierry, only to have cured him soon after. Marcel wasn't exactly happy about it, but he respected the man that had given him the opportunity of a better life.
Davina had been creating more of her artwork each day, and Addie couldn't help but admire the dark and alluring pieces that she created from memory. It was during such an occasion that Marcel had entered the attic, two of his men carrying a rather large object as they came in behind him.
Davina stopped moving the charcoal across her page and shared a look with her elder sister, neither quite knowing what to make of the situation.
"What the hell is that?" Addie cocked a brow and crossed her arms across her chest. She could feel death wafting from the object.
At first, Marcel unintentionally ignored the question, focusing on directing the men on where to put the…coffin?
"Marcel?" The no-nonsense tone adopted by the elder sister had him turning to face her with his brows raised in question.
Her eyes flickered to the coffin pointedly as her sister came to stand beside her. Marcel figured out the silent question and gave them a wide grin.
"This, ladies, is your new roommate." He strode over to the coffin before easily lifting the lid up. They couldn't see what was in it from where they were standing.
Davina –ever the curious one- strode over to it quickly, and her brows furrowed as her eyes took in the coffin's contents.
Addie was more cautious in her approach, but upon noticing the lack of threat, she too walked over towards a still smiling Marcel. She tore her gaze from him and focused instead on the man in the coffin. His skin was grey with veins protruding from it, and he wore a tailored suit. She would have guess that he was very handsome when he was alive, but she didn't know why Marcel would have brought her a dead vampire…until she saw the dagger that sat buried in his chest, and realise that he wasn't really dead at all.
"An Original?" Her words were whispered in slight disbelief, but Marcel heard them nonetheless.
"Mm-hm. This is Elijah. Klaus' big brother…I want you to keep an eye on him for a little while."
Addie's mind went back to the last time she visited Rousseau's, and she remembered the handsome Original that had embraced her friend after a tense reunion. This was his elder brother.
"Did they hurt you? The old ones?" Davina's tone hardened with dislike simply at the thought of Klaus and his sibling harming her caretaker.
It was a strange thing for Addie to witness. Her little sister had been so full of life…so friendly, before all of this happened. Witnessing the three other girls die, as well as the betrayal in itself, was enough to make her angry –rebellious even- when it came to anyone other than her sister and Marcel.
She'd protect them from anything, a favour that they would return in a heartbeat. But Addie tried her hardest to avoid such things. She blamed herself for the loss of innocence her sister experienced during the Harvest, and 8 months in isolation had also taken their toll on the younger girl. Addie had killed before, enough times to become desensitized to it, and she was adamant that Davina never experienced such a thing. She didn't want to subject her to more pain, and she knew that no matter how much tougher and stronger her little sister had become, she'd still take killing someone badly.
"Nah, they won't hurt me." He gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, his usual grin tugging at his features. "I'll be back to see you girls soon, but I gotta tend to some business now."
They watched as he left, and went back to doing absolutely nothing.
Now, Addie sat at the table with a pot of daisies placed before her on the surface. The four flowers were fresh, and Marcel had given them to her for practice. There were at least 15 different pots around the room that Thierry had brought in for her.
With minimal concentration she simply sat and watched them as they completely wilted to a pale brown and shriveled up state. That was always the easy part for her…the difficult part came next. With her brows furrowed in concentration, she leaned forward in her seat, staring at the flowers intently. While they had degenerated in a split second, their rejuvenation took much longer for her to accomplish. Ever so slowly, the stalks and leaves regained some of their original pigment and eventually even the light brown petals unraveled from their dried up state into a bright and healthy white.
She smiled at the small success, but wiped the liquid that she felt beginning to trickle out of her nose before Davina could see it. Even though her sister was currently hidden behind a divider screen practicing god knows what, Addie didn't want her to see the effect that bringing the plants back to life had on her. Physical contact made such things easier, but she needed to practice without it.
She was so lost in thought that she visibly flinched when a somewhat angry vampire king marched in unannounced. But what really caught her attention was the striking blonde that that slammed into the invisible barricade behind him. Obviously she was a vampire, but Addie had never seen her before.
The woman's eyes zeroed in on the coffin, and she glared at Marcel.
"Invite me in."
Addie frowned at her tone, sensing the threat in her words, she stood and walked over to Marcel with her own hard stare aimed at the blonde. Marcel smirked when he saw Addie approach him, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as he usually did.
"Gotta ask the lady of the house."
The blonde's glare was ripped off of Marcel and found a new target in the attractive woman standing next to him. Rebekah couldn't help but feel a swell of jealousy, but she inwardly frowned in confusion upon remembering Marcel's date with that other blonde –Cami. So then who was this?
At Marcel's words, Addie turned her head to look back over her shoulder to where her sister was, behind the divider.
"Davina, come here."
The girl in question had heard the entire encounter, and walked over to her sister when she called for her. Marcel shot her a smile as she came to stand beside him.
"Invite her in." He waved his free arm in the blonde's direction, and Addie smirked when she saw the look of disdain cross her sister's pretty features when she took in the woman at the doorway.
"Come in." Even her tone was oozing with dislike.
The blonde gave a final glare to the youngest in the room, before her high-heels quickly clicked their way over to the coffin. She crouched down after looking at the man inside, and grasped the handle. Addie gave her sister a nudge, encouraging her to intervene.
"I wouldn't do that." The knife that was half-way out, rammed itself back into the Original's chest, and the blonde twirled around to face the three of them.
"Who the hell are you?" Agitation laced her words, and her English accent was clear as she made her way towards them slowly.
"Davina." The youngster gave her a once over, yet again. "She's an old one isn't she?" she asked Marcel curiously, even though she already knew the answer.
Marcel looked over at the girl before answering. "Yeah. Rebekah is an Original…which means she can't be killed." He sounded as if that was something he regretted. As if it bothered him that the woman couldn't die. But then again, Addie guessed that it did bother him.
"She doesn't seem very nice." Addie gave the Original a similar once over to her sister, while Davina hummed lightly in agreement.
Marcel's gaze flickered between Addie and Rebekah, knowing that the younger of the two clearly didn't like the elder. Then again, the same could be said for the opposite…Rebekah never liked anyone.
"She can be…but she hasn't been very nice to me tonight."
Addie's eyes narrowed at the blonde, but Marcel's grip tightened when she went to move forward. He knew that she would protect him and Davina in any way she could, and he was glad to see her so eager to do so, but he didn't want her exposed just yet.
"Easy, sweetheart…not today."
Rebekah's stare held her stormy gaze the entire time, her brows furrowing at Marcel's words. What did he mean 'not today'? As if some petulant human could do any harm to her. She was an Original.
Noticing her sister's anger, Davina decided to speak up.
"I think it's time for you to leave."
With that said, the blonde Original let out several startled yelps as she was thrown against the walls and ceiling, before finally being hurtled through the window. The breeze wafted through their hair, and Addie chuckled at the sight, leaving Marcel's side to give her sister a side-hug.
Marcel watched them with a smile. They'd come so far, and he knew that together they could do whatever they wanted. Klaus would have no idea what hit him.
Rebekah frowned as she woke up from a rather unpleasant memory. She would never forgive Klaus for daggering her for those 52 years, but funnily enough it was Marcel that had done more harm than his sire this time.
"Welcome back, Rebekah."
She became alert at the familiar voice, and shuffled back to lean on the headboard as she looked up at Marcel, who had his arms crossed over his broad chest.
"You were out for quite a while."
She could hear the smugness in his voice, obviously glad that his little witch had been able to do some damage.
She looked at him in confusion. "Where am I? How'd I get here?"
He didn't answer her directly.
"You upset my girls. I'm glad you three finally got to meet…" his eyes pinned her down in an unwavering stare. "…now you know what you're dealing with." His brows raised slightly in challenge.
Although she had heard him, she decided to ignore him for the moment. "Is this my old room?"
Marcel unfolded his arms and held them out by his sides with a smirk.
"Oh, it's mine now. Just like this town is mine, the girls are mine, and Elijah is mine until I feel like giving him back. What was once yours, what was once your brother's – it's now mine." Although he kept a smile on his face during his speech, the finality and severity of his words was clear for all to hear. Rebekah could only watch as he headed to the door, before he turned to look at her once more, anger coating his features.
"And don't ever touch Cami again."
He slammed the door behind him, leaving her free to go.
And she did exactly that.
Marching through the front door and into their house, Rebekah immediately made a bee-line for her brother.
"You were right. The girl, Cami…she's the key. Marcel likes her, and because of that I got to see the secret weapon of his that you've been going on about."
That had definitely caught his attention, despite the blankness in Rebekah's voice.
"Well, don't stand on ceremony. What is it?"
"It's not a 'what', it's a 'who'. A girl -Davina. She can't be more than sixteen, and I have never felt power like that."
But Klaus' expression hardly changed, his lips forming a hard line.
"A witch."
"She's not just any witch, she's something I've never seen before… something beyond powerful, and now because of you she has Elijah. Who knows what she could do to him."
Klaus straightened at the mention of his brother. He had daggered him before, but he felt a slight tinge of regret when he remembered handing him over to Marcel. He remembered when Stephan Salvatore had taken his siblings and how pissed off that had made him. He hated that the younger Salvatore had power over him in those moments, and now he willingly gave Marcel his big brother Elijah. Before he could ask where to find the girl, his sister continued.
"And that's not all…there was another girl there. This one was older and Marcel seemed quite taken with her." He ignored the bitterness seeping into his sister's tone. "She was older, maybe 19 or so…but I couldn't tell if she was a witch or not."
Klaus almost rolled his eyes at the lack of detail.
"Careful now, Rebekah, don't be too specific…wouldn't want to make it easy for me." She glared at the hybrid, not really in the mood for his mocking after the night and morning she had just had.
"Oh shut it, Nik. All I know is that she probably would have attacked me had Marcel not intervened." Klaus chuckled at that. It would have been fun to watch his sister tear the silly little girl apart. Who was she to challenge an Original?
"That's why you should always introduce yourself first-"
"She knew who I was, Nik! That didn't stop her, she was willing to attack an Original, and when Marcel stopped her he didn't do so because he feared for her…he said 'not today'."
Klaus' face went blank once more, but his mind was on overdrive. So Marcel had two witches working with him. No matter…they were children compared to him, and they would be easily disposed of when the time came.
"Where are they?"
Rebekah looked to the side as she tried to remember, frowning when she couldn't bring the memory to the forefront of her mind.
"That clever bitch." Klaus' brows were drawn together in confusion. "I don't know."
His confusion mixed with slight concern. "What's wrong?"
Rebekah looked back at him. "She wiped my memory of the location." Klaus' mouth opened slightly in disbelief, but he couldn't quite get any words out.
"Marcel possesses a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original, and you handed our brother to him! How many times will Elijah forgive you? How long until his hope for your redemption finally dies?" Her words had escalated to a shout by the time she was done, and she marched away angrily as Klaus followed, shouting his own response.
"I did what I had to do! Marcel took our home!"
Rebekah turned to face him. "And our home is worthless!...without family." She took a few calming breaths before addressing him once more.
"I am finding Elijah…whatever it takes. Are you going to help me?" They held eye contact while Klaus whispered back a response.
"Whatever it takes."
Davina stood drawing at one of the easels that had been set up, with her sister sprawled on the couch writing in her own grimoire, when Marcel reentered the room.
"I'm sorry about that unpleasantness." Davina put down her piece of charcoal and Addie lowered her book to the table, readjusting her reading glasses before standing up to make her way over to the other two occupants of the room.
"She doesn't scare me. None of them do." Addie nodded along with her sister's words.
"I didn't think they would, honey. But, the thing is, it seems like they're here to stay." It was rare for Marcel to look so serious, or apologetic for that matter…he almost always had a smile on his face, even when it was serious.
"So, let them." Addie shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing has to change."
"They don't belong here." Davina harshly disagreed with her sister, shaking her head and gritting her teeth, unwilling to have the 'old ones' so close to her or Marcel for that matter. They were a threat that needed to be dealt with.
"Might be kinda tough to convince them of that..." he looked over at Elijah's coffin. "Which is why I need to ask you for a favor." His eyes flickered between each of them seriously. "I'm gonna need you to figure out how we kill an Original."
He smirked when he noticed all of the plants that Thierry brought in dying in an instant. His gaze locked onto Addie, who shot him a small smirk.
"When do we start?"
Please review (I think that's the first time I've ever asked for that!) and let me know if this is something you guys would be interested in reading, or if it's a big waste of time haha!
Obviously I'm not going to be going with the Klaus/Cami thingy unless my pairing is changed...so there will be some changes when it comes to their scenes. Also, some stuff might not make sense at the moment, but I guarantee that all will be explained in due time :)
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed chapter 1!