Hi! So I'm pretty new to actually using this site for publishing a story, but I've been writing and reading for years. As a result, this is my first official fanfic! I love Asuna and Kirito so much that I had to write about them, so hopefully this'll go somewhere, keep you all entertained and full-fill other peoples needs for this adorable couple! Rated M for mature content intended later on, asides from fluff and possible lemon, their will eventually be a little drama in this fic. Enjoy :)
On a little side street in the center of Tokyo, a young couple stood just off the road by a large van as they held hands and looked up to a quaint little shop front. There wasn't much to this little shop; it'd been empty for several months, it had no signs and the paint had been stripped off the woodwork on the front. It was a neglected little store – a store with so much potential with the right owner.
A hand squeezed the other between the young couple, Asuna looked up to Kirito.
''There's a lot of work to do,'' Kirito declared.
Asuna beamed, ''just think of it like a sandbox. We can do anything to it.''
''As long as it's café themed,'' Kirito rolled his eyes mockingly.
The chestnut haired woman had decided that it would be a café, no quarrels about it when they had sat down and discussed about getting a place of their own in the last term of college. Asuna had wanted to keep busy, Kitrio already had work and plans set up, so it seemed when the idea of a café had sprung into her mind, it was perfect.
It wasn't quite everything that Agil had at the Dicey Café on the other side of town; for a start their new venture was smaller and they didn't intend to get a license for alcohol. Most of all, Asuna proposed to provide baked goods and sandwiches, freshly made in the morning, which had spurred Kirito's attention enough to agree.
''We still haven't decided on a name yet…'' Asuna's smile faded, her spare hand floating up to rest just under her lips. The black haired man tugged her hand one more time before he rummaged around in his pockets, emerging with two sets of keys. He handed the smaller pair to his beloved before assuring himself the van was locked.
The young woman galloped up to the store door, waiting for her Kirito to come open the door with her.
''I can't wait to show Yui,'' She squealed in excitement, as Kirito placed a hand gently on her lower back. Slowly, she fidgeted the key into the door and a click was distinct as the door popped back slightly.
''I'll set up the BDC once we set up the router, okay?'' Kirito agreed.
The first step inside lead to a pause between the couple, the chestnut haired girl racing in and suddenly stopping, hands clasped over her chest. It was just all too overwhelming for her; never had she thought six years ago she would have found herself in this dream, doing exactly as she wished. She'd kept her promise to her mother; she'd studied well enough at the SAO School in order to get into college – especially in a tech degree with Kirito – and she'd kept all her promises to the man she loved too.
A hand gently glided down her back, before pulling her at the hip into the lean physic of the very man she was daydreaming on. Kirito held his love close, other hand to his hip and proud. He was making his Asuna happy which was a priority even greater than his VR projects.
The two examined the shop floor all over again, despite only being here a little over a week ago. There was already a deli counter installed, at some point a previous owner had given a hack at providing some sort of goods business and it had given them the perfect floor space left for furniture to make it into a café. A doorway was at the very back of the room, distinctly lacking a door and instead replaced with colourful blue and green ribbons that dangled from the top of the frame.
''Do you want to check that everything was moved out of the backroom before we start bringing stuff in?'' Kirito asked with encouragement.
When he looked down onto Asuna on the other hand, his thought had been completely derailed. The young woman stood in a slight mess, weeping despite smiling away.
Kirito's hand stroked against her cheek, snapping her attention back, ''what's wrong?''
''N-Nothing!'' Asuna replied, shaking the tears away, ''I'm just happy.''
''Come on,'' Kirito laughed, ''We'll make sure we've got space first. The sooner we get things set up the sooner Yui can see too.''
The two passed through the ribbons into the backroom, Asuna delicately moving them aside whilst Kirito charged through. The floor space out front took most of the building up, but out back their was just enough room to store stuff and maybe install a dishwasher and a little cooker as Asuna had suggested when they first visited. To the right hand side was a small staircase into the upstairs flat. Most of all, there was enough room in the corner to install a small work area for Kirito. Whilst there was the upstairs flat, he wanted somewhere to work away from as many distractions as possible and as close to Asuna's work as possible. This way at least he could come help out if they ever got overloaded with work; it shouldn't be too bad if Sugu was about to help a little in the summer.
''Are you sure there'll be enough space for you?'' Asuna asked, turning to Kirito just as he went to grab her.
For a moment she was startled as his hands placed firmly on her shoulders. He nodded a response and beamed as his head leaned forward, pressing his nose lightly against hers.
''Are you happy?'' He asked, tone low and tempting.
Asuna blushed and sprung her arms around him, ''of course I am Kirito!''
Before she could hide face in the crook of his neck, Kirito quickly caught her lips and their kiss deepened for a brief moment before the two pulled away.
''Should we go unload the van?''
''I can see now daddy!'' Yui called from the BDC.
Kirito leant around the steadicam on Asuna's shoulder, brushing back her hair, ''are you sure Yui? The connections not that great here yet…''
''I'm sure daddy! I can see the a darkish room with lots and lots of boxes!'' Yui called through the speaker again.
''Great!'' Asuna beamed, ''we can show you our new home now!''
Asuna, yanking Kirito by the arm, raced out into the front of the shop, showing Yui the space and great bay windows that let so much light in.
''This'll be the café Yui, but there isn't much here yet,'' the young woman explained.
''Hopefully lots and lots of people will come here to try Mammy's great cooking,'' Kirito piped in, hidden between the ribbon in the doorframe.
''But where will you sleep Mammy?'' Yui asked as Asuna turned towards her loved.
The young man smiled as he stepped into the back room, holding back the ribbon as Asuna raced through, showing off the staircase, ''see, our home is upstairs!''
As the couple slowly made their way upstairs, they pushed the door to at the top of the landing, revealing a large kitchen – living area. Unlike the downstairs, this did come furnished. There was already a cooker, fridge and kitchen unit on the right hand side, a low cut table in the center of the room and a sofa against the opposite wall. The whole room was filled with pastel type colours and felt warm and light despite their being no window.
''Wow!'' Yui called through the BDC, ''it's so big!''
Asuna dashed to the other side of the room, hand to handle of a door, ''and this mine and Daddy's bedroom!''
The door swung open on her demand, revealing a semi furnished room with basic double bed frame and a wardrobe in the far corner. One large, great window sat on the wall opposite the door and allowed light to fill the very basic room that Asuna and Kirito intended to make as homely as possible.
''What do you think Yui?'' Kirito asked as he slinked up behind his love, wrapping his arm around her shoulder; of course minding the BDC rig.
''I think it's great!'' Yui exclaimed.
''In a couple of days, we'll be all unpacked too, it'll look way more homey when you see it then,'' Asuna cooed, getting herself excited to set up their new home.
''And,'' Kirito piped up, ''hopefully I'll be able to get you're new rig working in the backroom and up here.''
Of course, he was talking about his new bidirectional communication system for Yui. It wasn't enough for her to just see and hear the real world; he wanted desperately for her to move about at free will, touch, taste and smell, wake to all the sensations and finally be in the real world.
''I look forward to it daddy!'' Yui chimed.
''Well we're going to shut down the BDC for a bit whilst we unpack if that's okay?'' Kirito asked.
Asuna turned so that Yui may face her daddy.
''That's fine with me. I love you mammy, I love you daddy,'' Yui sounded.
''We love you to Yui,'' Asuna shone.
''And you too Yui,'' Kirito spoke gently as he maneuvered the BDC rig from Asuna, so that Yui could at least see her mammy waving before the mains turned off.
''Time to get to work then,'' the young woman said to her love as he fiddled with the rig in his hand. He looked up and smiled, almost grinning at the thought of setting up their home for his two women.
''I love you Asuna,'' he said softly.
Asuna blushed and beamed, ''I love you too Kirito!''