"Its cool Nathan... Don't stress, you're okay, bro, just... Count to three."

What would the old Max do?

"Don't be scared. You own this school... If I wanted, I could blow it up."

The first time I was here, I was too afraid to the point that it had become too late to save anyone. What if the old Max had been braver? Would any of this had to have happened? Its like if I just had a bit more courage when I first entered this school, Chloe could have been saved by Max without this whole time line rewinding fuckery.

Chloe entered the bathroom again, just as I remembered it. "So what do you want?" Nathan scolded.

"I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say." I smiled, both because of the sound of her voice and of her statement of David. "Now, let's talk bidness."

This couldn't be right. Why was destiny out to get me when I never asked for these powers in the first place? I could change time except a giant tornado would kill everyone if I did so? What kind of stupid game was this? It made no sense whatsoever. What connection was I missing here?

"I got nothing for you," Nathan answered.

"Wrong. You got hella cash."

Time shouldn't be predestined.

Everything in life is just a series of mistakes leading into the present. Chloe's parents could have accidentally never met. Dona could have chosen to keep her baby. Every choice is always a mistake because there is no such thing as a right choice. Whatever happens, both good or bad, ends up being the truth anyways. So why is the universe so intent to kill Chloe?

What was that quote from that movie? 'Each of these lives is the right one. Every path is the right path. Everything, could have been anything else, and it would have just as much meaning.'

"You don't know who the fuck I am or who you're messing with!"

"Where'd you get that?" If only I could have been brave since the beginning. "What are you doing? Come on, put that thing down!" If only the old Max had just stood up to Nathan without any powers.

"Don't EVER tell me what to do! I'm so SICK of people trying to control me!"

If Max had made a choice differently, everything could have been different.

"You are going to get in hella more trouble for this than drugs."

If Max had just been different... Am I beginning to sound like Samuel?

"Nobody would ever even miss your punk ass, would they?"

"Get that gun away from me, psycho!"


"What?" Nathan turned around to see me staring him down. Chloe kicked him in the groin. She pushed him to the floor as he winced in pain.

"Come on!" Chloe yelled. She held the door open for me to run out through. I ran out of the door, and out of the memory as well. Before the memory could fade out into reality, I heard a gunshot from behind. Nathan Prescott had the barrel of his gun, pointed towards my back.


"I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference."