Author Notes

Just to make a few Points clear

Hadrian James Potter; Born June 21st , 1978

Dudley Dursley; Born March 3rd , 1980

Daniel Alexander Potter; Born July 31st , 1980

Dana Isabel Potter and Sophie Eleanor Potter; Born October 23rd 1982

I don't own Harry Potter, this is solely for entertainment.

Harry is NOT THE BWL

Looking for a BETA , PM me if you're interested

February 1st1982

No.4 Privet Drive

Petunia Dursley was a simple a woman. Everything in her house was normal. She was having a perfectly normal night with her normal husband and playing with her 1 year old perfectly normal Duddikens.

What she wasn't expecting was her freak sister knocking on the door with her 4 – almost 5 year old – freakish son.

After hours of pleading from Lily to take in her son and explaining of what happened to them on that fateful Halloween last year and something about a freak charm that will hide them, Petunia reluctantly agreed to take in the brat only until its okay for him to come and live back together.

As soon as her sister left, she noticed that the boy was unusually quiet and only spoke when addressed.

She took him up to the second bedroom and before she left she couldn't find any clothes or any personal belongings for the boy.

Not that it was her problem but now she had to buy the brat some clothes, they had a reputation to uphold in the neighborhood.

She put the boy to bed and cursed her freak sister for leaving her with her brat until she fell asleep.

Next Morning

She took the brat to a used clothes shop in Magnolia Crest St. , The clothes weren't really good and most of them were plain but the brat had this huge grin when he saw his aunt buying him clothes. Why was this little brat this happy? Suddenly the boy launched himself towards her leg and hugged her tightly and started sobbing softly. Petunia grudgingly patted him and knelt down to his level.

"Why are you crying now, Are the clothes not classy enough for you'' She asked.

"No –sob- it's jus- just, Mum and Da never care for me or buy –sob- me any clo-sob-thes expect–sob- Uncle Siri and Moony" He said

Petunia was stunned, her sister and the Potter brat ignoring their child? Lily was the perfect daughter according to her parents…

He wiped his eyes and hugged her even tighter if possible " Thanks Aunt Petunia, I love you a lot" he said.

"Why did they do that?" She asked, honestly confused now, she was buying the brat used clothes nothing fancy.

"I don't know they like Danny, my younger brother, better I guess. They don't have time for me." He said, burying his face in her neck now.

So her sister, Perfect Lily, is neglecting a son in favor for his younger brother. Not so perfect now Lily? A simple act like buying some clothes to the brat made him that happy?

Petunia vowed that day that she will be a better role model and maternal figure for the brat – No Harry – She'll treat him and raise him better than her sister.

Later that day, she talked to Vernon at night and they agreed that they'll treat the boy right and treat him like another son, plus their little Dudley already liked the boy and began treating him as a big brother.

1 Year later

It has been almost 1 year now and her sister hasn't come back yet to take her child, not that it mattered.

The boy was like a child to them now and they were extremely proud of him, he was protective over Dudley, always played with him and took him to the Park, helped his Aunt in cooking and done chores even though he wasn't asked to do any. He was also exceedingly bright , he could read large books with vocabulary older kids couldn't even comprehend. Petunia learned later on that he used to sit in their houses library all day reading the books in there.

Everything was perfectly normal and happy in their lives.

But things weren't always going to be like that. They knew and he knew that magic existed, although after a lengthy conversation with his uncle and aunt he finally understood that he couldn't speak about magic outside the house as they lived in the normal world, or as Lily called it , the muggle world. The boy was happy to oblige but Petunia and Vernon always sensed that the boy missed his frea- Magic books.

On Harry's 6th birthday Uncle Vernon decided to take him to the Freaks Alley err.. – Diagon Alley – so he can buy some magic stuff to read in their home.

As soon as they entered the alley, Harry was overwhelmed with the sense of familiarity. He noticed that his Aunt was slightly tensed so he held her hand reassuringly. They first moved on to Gringotts, The Wizarding Bank. It was the biggest building in the alley, Made of marble. The name Gringotts was writted on top of the building and under it the Gringotts seal and the motto " Fortius Quo Fidelius "

When Harry entered the bank and introduced himself to the teller, the teller instantly moved him towards another goblin called Riphook and talked in a weird language. Harry was dragged alone and the Goblins informed his Uncle and Aunt that they must stay in the lobby until he's done visiting his vault.

"Vault? I have a vault?" Harry asked

"Yes.." Riphook snarled

Harry blinked and croaked "How?"

"You are a member of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Potter, regardless where you live with them or not. Every member under the age of 17 has enough money in his Vault for his tuition fees at Hogwarts and for whatever you'll need in the first 17 years of your life.." Riphook said patiently.

Harry nodded and got on the cart.

"Excuse me sir, but what was the language you were speaking in?"

"It's called Gobbledegook.."

"Do you know where I can find any books on it?" Harry asked respectfully.

The goblin was startled, not only was this young wizard respectful and an heir of an extremely rich and powerful family, but he was also showing interest in the Goblin language.

"Try Florish & Blotts…"

"Thank you, Sir" Harry bowed

As soon as Harry took out 100 Galleons and finished his withdrawal, He was off to the Library.

Unfortunately, his family had to leave and go back home as his Uncle had to go to work. But Uncle Vernon told Harry he was allowed to stay and buy whatever he need and he'll be back to pick him up in 3 hours.

Harry started walking amidst the library's shelves fascinated, he must have bought 50 books on everything from Magical Theory on Transfiguration and Charms and Potions Textbooks to Language books in Latin, Gobbledegook and several History books as well as "Hogwarts : A History".

The librarian only smiled fondly at the boy trying to carry all those books, so he reduced their size for him and told him to say "Engorgio" on it when he goes home and they'll turn back to the original size.

Harry wasn't done yet.

"Sir, Can I ask a question?" Harry asked

"Of course" The librarian smiled.

"Do you know anything else I can use or learn without a wand until I go to school?"

The librarian grin even grew wider as the little kid in front of him reminded him a bit of himself and his fascination with books and knowledge. So he steered him to the Arithmancy Section, which was like Math, and Ancient Runes which used Celtic, Greek, Hieroglyphs and other old languages in them. So Harry brought most of the books on these subjects and also several ancient language books.

Harry then went to an Apothecary called J. Pippins, Harry entered the shop and was attacked by a thousand different smell and Cauldrons of all sizes and shapes and materials. The lady that was standing paid close attention to Harry as she could tell the lad was obviously too young.

"Excuse me, miss."

"What do you want?"

"Can you bring everything that I need for 1st and 2nd Year Potions"

"Go play away, I don't have the time.."

Harry was getting angrier from this lady's rude behavior, so he took out a bag of Galleons and threw it on the table in front of her.

The woman's eyes grew wide and Harry could've sworn they turned the same color of the Galleons for a moment before everything he needed was in front of him in a matter of moments.

Harry left the shop and starting making his way back to the Leaky Cauldron where he found his Uncle waiting for him.

5 Years Later

Harry woke up startled, it always happened on his birthday. His biological clock would wake him at the crack of dawn. Completely awake, he decided to get dressed for his daily run from No.4 till the park and back. Harry has grown up to be a handsome kid, 5'0", with a fit body from his daily runs and workouts, he had striking green eyes that seemed to look into your soul as you looked at them. Overall he was extremely fit and handsome. Unlike his uncle and cousin, whom were a tad bit overweight…

He was wiping off the sweat after the run and as soon as he entered home he was assaulted by the incredible aroma of bacon that his aunt must be cooking. He got down the stairs calmly, he always was a calm boy and capable of controlling his emotions. As soon as he entered the kitchen he found an owl entering swiftly from the window, dropped a letter into his lap, and took off.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

"Hmm.. I have everything with me here, except for a wand…" He mused

"Do you want me to drop you off at the alley before I go to work?" Uncle Vernon asked

"Yes uncle Vernon, thank you."

"Well hurry up then"

Harry cleaned up and got ready and was in the car on his way to the alley. After his Aunt introduced him to the alley back when he was 6 , he went there almost every weekend. He got to know all the shop owners and help them if they needed anything. Everybody knew him as little Harry , much to his annoyance and the alley residents amusement. He even ventured into the infamous Knockturn alley, Horizont Alley and Carkitt Market to deliver stuff from the shop owners. But the only two places Harry spent more time than usual in was Florish & Blotts and at Ollivander's


"Hello Harry" Ollivander said

"Hello "

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Garrick , I've known you since you were 6 Harry" The Older Man said with a smile

"Mr Ol.. Garrick, Can you teach some stuff about wands?"

"Eager already? It's just a few months until your birthday so you can get your own"

"Yes, I know but I just wondered why do you pick certain wands and what's the use of all these tapes… They seem pretty useless to me…"

Harry was expecting a lecture on the importance of his height, width, leg size , etc.

What he wasn't expecting was Garrick's Booming laughter.

"Indeed they are pretty useless, I only use them to distract the costumer. I learnt a skill called Mage Sight which shows me Magic in its purest form, I can read your Aura and get you a wand that matches your magical power and the core accepts you."

"So the whole the Wand chooses the Wizard crap is real?"

"Hahaha.. It was always clear that the wand chooses the wizard. I could bring a wand that matches your magical core and aura perfectly, but the Wand won't work unless it chose to bond with you. That's why people try several wands until a wand chooses them"

End Flashback

The man also taught Harry how to recognize Wards and some kinds of Magic, he was also the person to discover that he was a Natural Occulemens and taught him from the age of 7 in the Mind Arts until he became a Master Legillimins and Occulumens , His natural aptitude helped in learning the Mind Arts surprisingly fast .

"Harry, finally coming for your wand? I remember the day your parents came in for their wands like it was yesterday," The old man said somewhere from behind all your shelves, "yes, yes, mahogany and 11 inches, pliable, excellent for transfiguration, your father's wand was. . . and Lily Evans, your mother, 10 ¼ inches, willow, swishy, good for charms work. Both very good wands, Now let's see which one is your match." Ollivander said

"You're ambidextrous right?"

"I've known you since I was 7 Garrick, stop these infernal tapes and yes I'm ambidextrous."

"Ah I forgot I told you my secret" The man chuckled softly.

"Right then, Harry Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring. Nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave."

Harry took the wand and (feeling foolish) waved it around a bit, but Mr. Ollivander snatched it out of his hand almost at once.

"Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try -"
Harry tried - but he had hardly raised the wand when it, too, was snatched back by Mr. Ollivander.

"No, no -here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Go on, go on, try it out."
Harry tried. And tried. He had no idea what Mr. Ollivander was waiting for. The pile of tried wands was mounting higher and higher on the spindly chair, but the more wands Mr. Ollivander pulled from the shelves, the happier he seemed to become.

"Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we'll find the perfect match here somewhere - I wonder, now - - yes, why not - unusual combination - holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple."

"No? Hmmm.. " Olivander looked at Harry deeply before hurrying to the back of the shop.

"This wand is not one of my creations" Olivander looked thoughtful "

"Never in my life have I had such a hard time finding a wand for someone Harry." he began as he placed an old dusty box on the counter "which is why I am even considering letting you try this one," he said, opening the lid and letting Harry see, in his opinion, the coolest wand so far. It had a rather thick and curved handle made of some black coloured wood that looked to grip comfortably in the palm of someone's hand, the tip of the wand looked to be a unicorn's horn carved out of the same wood yet coloured ivory that had a ridge protruding from the spike like hilt and spiralling all the way around it to the tip. The wand looked deadly, awesome, and powerful - Harry wanted it.

Harry warily gripped the hilt of the wand and held it closely, peering at it with a fierce intensity. At first, nothing seemed to happen - no reaction at all - causing Ollivander let out a disappointed sigh. He was about to take it back and inform Harry that they'll have to craft him his own custom wand when a light suddenly began to shine brightly from the tip of wand, getting brighter and brighter until Ollivander had to shield his eyes from the light; however, for Harry, the light seemed comforting, warm and it didn't burn his eyes at all, allowing him to stare at the core of the light's origin without the slightest need to shield away from the spectacle.

The strangest feeling seemed to be coming from the wand, yet it wasn't strange in a bad way. It was a warm, tingly feeling travelling up his arm and then to his chest and out to the rest of his body; if he were to try and explain the feeling he was experiencing, he would describe it as finding a long lost piece of his soul after a long, tireless search before finally reuniting with it. He felt whole, yet before touching the wand, he never felt empty, it was hard to explain. It was strange, but Harry didn't mind. He instantly knew this was his wand, and he was happy, and he was glad that it was.

"There is a wand of legends that has had many names in the past, but one name that would be the most proper would be the 'Elder Wand', and that wand is the wand you hold in your hands right now," he began, in a grandfatherly 'story-telling' voice.

"If you are to believe legends, and in the Wizarding world, one will learn that to every legend, there is always some semblance of truth, then perhaps this story may interest you," he said "There was once a story of three brothers who were walking, and in time, came upon a river too deep and dangerous to swim or wade across, but because the brothers were learned in the magical arts, they produced a bridge over the river. At the middle of the bridge, they came across a hooded figure, Death himself. Death was enraged, for the clever brothers crossed over the river unharmed while the previous travellers drowned in the dangerous waters. Death pretended to congratulate the wizards and told them they each deserved a prize for their marvellous magic," Ollivander paused there to gather his thoughts.

"The oldest of the brothers, who was a combative man, asked for a duel-winning wand, also worthy for a wizard who conquered Death. So Death retrieved a branch from an Elder Tree and fashioned a wand to give to the oldest brother," he explained, motioning to the wand in Harry's hands causing Harry's eyes to widen in shock "The second of the brothers, who was arrogant, wanted to humiliate Death further and asked for the power to recall the dead. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to him and told him that the stone had the power of resurrection. The youngest brother was the humblest, the wisest, and did not trust Death in the slightest. He asked for something enabling him to move on without being followed by Death. So Death most unwillingly gave up his Cloak of Invisibility to the brother. After this, Death moved out of the way, and the brothers discussed their recent adventure," Ollivander was pleased to see that he had Harry enthralled by his tale – he should be, it was very important that he knew this information.

"In time, the brothers separated towards different adventures. The oldest brother engaged in duels which he always won, boasting about his invincible wand from Death. One night, however, when he was asleep, a jealous wizard crept up on him, slit the brother's throat, and took the wand for himself; Death then took the first brother for his own," he said to the surprised young man. Harry looked at his wand warily, but still held it in an iron-like grip, not willing to give it up.

"The second brother had a home where he lived alone; he got the stone out one day and turned it thrice in his hand. The woman who he hoped to marry, only to have died previously, appeared before him. She was separated from her deathly world and was sad and cold. Driven mad, the second brother killed himself and rejoined his love in death; Death then took the second brother for his own," he paused, his eyes flickering as he tried to remember the rest of the tale.

"The second brother had a home where he lived alone; he got the stone out one day and turned it thrice in his hand. The woman who he hoped to marry, only to have died previously, appeared before him. She was separated from her deathly world and was sad and cold. Driven mad, the second brother killed himself and rejoined his love in death; Death then took the second brother for his own," he paused, his eyes flickering as he tried to remember the rest of the tale.

The three objects that death fashioned for the brothers were forever known as the Deathly Hallows. It is said that whoever wields all three of the hallows will be considered the master of death – so you see why that wand can be considered a blessing and a curse . . ."

Harry remained pensive and thoughtful until Ollivander suddenly laughed loudly and said " You can believe that or believe that the three brothers were Master enchanters and crafted three objects that couldn't be duplicated" he said with a creepy smile.

"Right now, up for a game of chess?"