This one came to be when I thought of Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment. Don't worry, it's just a bit of inspiration so let's just move on with my newest MinaYuka fic! :)

The End

The Velvet Room

As the bell rang, Yukari Takeba got up from her seat and looked behind her.

The seat which used to be occupied by one of her friends and boyfriend - still empty as Ms. Toriumi refused to let anyone sit there, even now in their senior year - had been sitting in the year before, still pained her to this day. Directly behind her, Aigis spoke up.

"Yukari-san, I believe we should go before Junpei-san does something ... weird."


"He announced that he would answer a question in the next class."

She sweatdropped but couldn't blame Aigis for thinking that was 'weird'. Junpei willingly studying and answering questions in class? Two years ago, that would have been impossible for her to imagine but he had changed them all, including the now more subdued doofus, who was walking out of the class to go meet up with his girlfriend - Chidori Yoshino, the only person they managed to save - who had begun attending their school as a first year (nobody said no to Mitsuru-senpai, after all, even if she wasn't a student at the school anymore).

"I think he is trying hard for Chidori-san..." Yukari told her as they picked up their stuff and went out for lunch - well she did but the blonde would keep her company as she ate on the rooftop, as it was per norm since they started their senior year.

"But aren't they already together?"

"That's love for you, Aigis." the archer smiled fondly but also sadly, causing the robot to look away.

They were all hurt and slowly healing. The process was just slower for some more than others.

- x -

It happened when Yukari walked out of the school after her last class.

The commotion around the gates should have tipped her off that something was not right but she hadn't looked up from the text that Mitsuru-senpai had send her (something about joining some new, police-like thing the redhead was doing, only specialized to eradicate Shadows) to ask her to join the cause. She was thinking so deeply about it that she didn't notice until it was too late and she bumped into a woman wearing strange blue clothes. Surprised, Yukari stared up into those vibrant gold eyes as their own smiled at her and the crowd slowly grew bigger.

"You must be Yukari Takeba. I am Elizabeth, it is nice to meet you!"

"W-what? How do you know my...!?"

"Why wouldn't I?" the woman - Elizabeth - frowned. "After all, our guest had such a beautiful bond with you that I just had to know! I am sorry if that angered you but my curiousity is beyond anyone's understanding! Even my own!"

"Who is that weird chick in blue?"

"I think I saw her last year... Arisato was showing her around our school or something..."

"Hey, don't speak of the dead in such a disrespecting tone!"

Yukari glared at the now arguing students before facing the pale blonde.

"A-Alright, I believe you. Not sure why, but I do. Now can we go somewhere else?"

"But of course!" The strange one in blue reached out and put a strange, gleaming key into her hand.

Before the brunette could question her about it, she was whisked away. The last thing she saw was Aigis' confused expression and wished that she could explain the situation to her but as it was, she would like lose her arm before that could help happen.

"Elizabeth, was it? Where are we going!?"

"Why, Paulownia Mall naturally!"


But the other didn't speak again so Yukari let her board them on the monorail and as they headed towards the Mall, the key felt weirdly warm in her grasp.

- x -

"Welcome to the Velvet Room, Master Yukari Takeba."

The archer could only gape at the stoic yet amused blonde man that was standing beside an older gentleman with a long nose as she and Elizabeth entered the room coated in velvet. It reminded her of an elevator and she felt a chill run down her spine.

"I am Igor." the man with the long nose spoke. "And this is Theodore, your assistant."

"You may call me Theo." the other one said with a charming smile.

"W-what? Hold on, this doesn't make any...!" the brunette looked behind her at where she thought Elizabeth was, only to find it empty. "H-Huh? Where did she go!?"

"Do not worry." Igor stated. "Elizabeth simply began the journey once more - as will you, soon enough. You will also realize why she cannot attend to you despite being the one to seek you out."

"T-The journey?" was all Yukari could muster out from the small speech she had just been given.

"I believe as you humans would say: we have found a way." Theo claimed.

"A w-way?" her eyes widened. "You don't mean...! But I thought...!"

"That would be because it is true." the long-nosed man continued. "However, she was adamant about finding a way to get him back and she found one. However, it would require for her to travel back in time - with another person, as her duties to the Velvet Room will not allow her to spend a lot of time in the outside world." he stopped before moving on. "I am sure you are aware of what your new power entails... after all, you've seen our previous guest use it so much during the past year, correct?"

"You can't be serious! I ... can't just... wouldn't he?" Yukari tried to make sense as Theo chuckled softly.

"It is quite rare." the blonde man mused. "But it seems that we will be having two guests at the same time! Oh my, I hope nothing too horrible happens to the time and space..."

"It will not, Theodore." Igor cut across him before he could start to fret. "For Elizabeth and our guest here won't be the only ones to return with the knowledge of the future."

"W-we won't?"

"No. For he and she will also be well aware of it. However, he won't be. Not until he grows to trust you again."

"I think I understand..." the brunette looked worried and a bit confused but she thought that she understood his cryptic message well enough. The man - was he even a man? - grinned at her.

"Very well. Just be aware, our dear guest, that the fight against the true destruction won't be easy this time around. It won't specificly be harder, either."

"What? Hold on...!" Yukari tried to reach out for him as her vision began to swim. Soon enough, she found herself fallen into the abyss as she heard Theo's voice reach her ears.

"I will see you next time, Master."

- x -


"Takeba, wake up!" an annoyed voice caused her to snap her open, just to see a clearly younger version of the senpai she knew to be the head of the Kirijo group now, not a senior at their school anymore. "He will be arriving soon so please, do welcome him warmly."

"H-Huh? Right... senpai, what are you doing in my room?"

"You wouldn't wake up, no matter how much I knocked on the door." Mitsuru gave her a confused look, clearly used to more hostility coming from her kohai than this. It made Yukari feel guilty - after all, what had happened wasn't the redhead's fault - but the older girl didn't let her talk as she continued. "No matter, Arisato will be here soon and it is the Dark Hour now so I am concerned for the state of mind he will be in when he does. However, do not tell him anything about the Shadows or SEES until we are certain that he has the potential. Now, if you'd excuse me..."

Her bedroom door slammed shut before Yukari could even nod. As she got up to put her shoes on, feeling awkward in her slightly younger body (this would forever remain as one of her confusing moments), the brunette walked downstairs.

To meet the love of her life - who didn't even know her now.

So that's it! What do you think guys?

Time travel, yay! No, really, not sure how this crossed my mind but it did. So, Yukari and Elizabeth know of the future events, but I will leave you guessing as to who the 'hes' and other 'she' are. Shouldn't be that tough to guess.

Thank you for reading!