I'm updating to let you all know that this story is going on hiatus. I'm not sure when I'll resume writing it, but I do still hope to finish it. I realize that many people were very interested in it and the unique concepts, but it's become more of a chore to write it and ideas are not forthcoming. Between my new job and various summer events happening, this story has taken a back burner, and it's not fair to you lovely readers to be constantly waiting. I hope that someday in the near future this story won't be so painful to write and I'll be able to finish it.
Until then, I do still plan to continue writing. I've got several story ideas for various fandoms that I'm working on as well as my never-ending story co-written with queenoftheslayers (Close Encounters of the Fictional Kind). Hopefully between writing for other stories and taking a break, I'll work up enough motivation to finish this story. I promise you that I'm just as interested in how it ends as you are! In the meantime, feel free to check out my other Labyrinth stories on my profile page!
I apologize for doing this, but honestly hiatus is the best option for everyone right now. It gives me time to review things and try to get an idea of where I want to go, and it gives my readers knowledge that I haven't given up and that I want to do what's right by them.
Thank you for your patience and time.