Kara had woken up a few times that night, finding it hard to sleep. It wasn't that she was uncomfortable, but just being in a new place with so many people who knew her secrets made her a bit uneasy. She looked at her cell and realized it was only three in the morning, and because of her super metabolism Kara felt a rumble in her stomach and decided to attack the fridge for a late night snack. She put a robe over her pajamas and quietly crept out of her room. About half way down the hall the floor creaked. To avoid that happening again, Kara levitated into the air and floated down the staircase, not making a single sound as she gently flew to the kitchen. One on the quiet tiled floor, Kara walked over to the massive fridge and opened it to look for leftovers and other possible snack ideas. Kara was feeling rather peckish, so she grabbed half a tray of leftover lasagna, a full two litre bottle of ginger ale and a fork. As she left the kitchen she used her x-ray vision to look around the manner, and it took her only a few minutes to find what she was looking for. She hit the hidden switch that moved the grandfather clock and revealed the stairwell down to the Bat Cave.

"Whoa," Kara said, standing there with her food. "That is so cool."

She slowly made her way down the long staircase and looked around in amazement as she marveled at all the cool stuff that was in Batman's lair. There was a collection of deadly weapons that were seized from super villains as well as other artifacts that were rare treasures. She took a small leap that allowed her to skip the stairs that lead to the massive computer that was by itself on a large sized platform. Kara looked at the com panel as she sat down with her food.

"I wonder what the password is?" she asked herself.

"Scan your hand to activate computer," The machine replied.

Kara looked and saw a pad that was about the size of an average hand. She put her hand down on it and the computer made a quick scan. Soon the computer fully activated and many screens all showed the logo of the batman as it booted up.

"Welcome, Ms. Danver," the computer said to her, "What can I do to help you?"

"Training videos," Kara replied, "I'm sure Master Bruce made some videos for his league members to watch."

"Starting League training video number one," The computer said as the screen changed to show something was quickly loading up.

The video show Bruce standing in front of his desk in the same den that she met him in earlier that day.

"If you're watching this video, it means you've been invited to become a member of the Justice League," Bruce said, his arms folded. "That is not an easy feat to accomplish because entry into the membership requires a unanimous vote from the current members of the league. Just one no vote and you're rejected. So the fact that you're watching this video right now means every member of the league has faith in your abilities and we are a united front behind you."

"Wow," Kara said, as she had no idea about the rule.

"I know, that's some pretty powerful stuff." Bruce added, acting as if he could hear her. "The League needs to be comfortable with all new members, so if just one person is uneasy, that person doesn't get in. So accept my sincere congratulations. But also accept my condolences, because as of right now the real work begins. Cancel any social plans you have for the next few years, because the League will be your number one priority from here on out and we are a very, very busy organization."

"Ahh crap," Kara said, thinking about it. "Alex is going to hate that."

She sat there listening to Bruce on the big screen talk about the history of the league, how they came together and what enemies they've face off since then. At the same time the video went through bios on all the current members of the league, giving her all the information she needed to get to know them and work with the other members without having issues.

Kara had sat there for hours, watching one training video after another while she quickly polished off the lasagna pan and the ginger ale. She was so engorged in the training videos that she hadn't noticed that the Batman had returned to the cave. When she finally noticed he was there, she turned in her chair to face him.

"I'm sorry," She started, "I couldn't sleep and I decided to get a snack and since these videos were here, I thought it would be good to study up a bit."

"No need to apologize, Kara." Bruce said as he removed the cowl, "Usually I have to tie someone to that chair to make them watch these videos, so I'm pleased you're that eager to gather as much Intel about the League as you can."

Bruce looked down at the empty try on Kara's lap.

"Is that Alfred's lasagna?" he asked her.

"It was," Kara replied.

"All that cheese will go right to your hips," Bruce concluded.

"It goes nowhere because of my insane metabolism," Kara countered, "The only person who burns sugar faster than me is Barry."

"Noted," Bruce said, walking over to the part of the platform where all the costumes were set up. He hung the cowl up and took off his gloves as Kara stood up and walked over to speak with him more.

"You said I'd be wearing a different costume," Kara reminded him, "What costume did you have in mind?"

"That one over there," Bruce said, pointing at a purple outfit that had a yellow bat symbol in the middle of its chest.

"That one," Kara repeated as she looked at it, "You want me to be Batgirl?"

"I want you to hide in plain sight," Bruce said, "Dressing up as Batgirl will allow you to work with us, and no one will even consider you're not legit, and National City won't suffer from any crime sprees as long as no one knows that you're here."

"Got it," Kara said as she strolled over from the main computer to look at a few of the suits that were on display. She couldn't help but notice a few of them were locked up and not accessible. "Whose costume is that? It looks a little too big for Tim, doesn't it?"

"That's because it's not his," Bruce answered, "That costume belonged to the second man who became Robin, his name was Jason Todd."

"Why wasn't he at the table for dinner tonight?" Kara asked. "Big mission?"

"Not exactly," Bruce said, pausing for a moment. "Tim was killed in the line of duty. He was murdered by the Joker."

"I'm sorry," Kara said, as the thought never crossed her mind. "I had no idea."

"It's alright," Bruce said, looking back at her. "I keep it there to remind me that most of us are only human. A reminder that we're capable of having a bad day, and one bad day could possibly kill us, or turn us into what we fear most."

"What does the Batman fear most?" Kara asked.

"What I fear most," Bruce repeated, as he paused once again. "Is that I might live long enough to see myself become the villain."

"Wow, that's pretty deep." Kara said, as the comment sent a chill up her impenetrable spine. "I didn't realize this training included philosophical theory too."

"I think you should try to sleep again," Bruce suggested, "I'm going to do the same after I take care of a few chores down here. I was going to spend the morning showing you these videos, but since you've taken care of it, you can sleep in. The real work will begin tomorrow afternoon, so I suggest you get some rest. You're going to need it, Ms. Danver."

Kara was going to protest, but then realized that she had pushed her luck already. She walked back to the chair and picked up the empty dish and the half full bottle of ginger ale.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," She said as she hopped off the platform and floated up to the stairs getting a big head start.

Bruce watched her walk up the rest of the stairs and sighed.

"This is going to be interesting," Bruce said to himself before removing the rest of his costume and getting to the night's paperwork on the main computer.