Disclaimer: Akame ga Kill belongs to Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro. It should also be noted that the piece of work is a revision from my previous account of SnowyAxolotl. Enjoy!

Empire High Chronicles

Chapter 1: Welcome to Your New Life!

Tatsumi gulped as he examined the large building. This was the first time he's seen anything so large since the time he and his friends found the large oak tree near their village. The possibility of what could happen inside were endless and starting to make his head dizzy. He could begin to feel his body shaking, legs holding him back from approaching the mammoth sized structure. Meanwhile, the people, around his age, were casually walking towards the front doors. Some laughing while others checked their bags to ensure their belongings were still there. Compared to them, Tatsumi felt like the black sheep of the crowd, he just didn't feel like he belonged.

This was going to be his first year attending school that wasn't at his village. The months he and his friends spent studying, the long hours of staring at the books without ever much as blinking, afraid to miss an important piece of information.

Tatsumi tightened his grip around the strap of his bag, still struggling to move. Sweat began to form around his forehead and the thought of everyone staring at him only made it worse.

"Hey there!" A woman's voice suddenly shouted from behind, finally giving Tatsumi control of his legs.

Tatsumi shakily turned around to find a tall, blonde hair girl in front of him. She was wearing the girl's uniform for the school but seems to have made her own modifications. Instead of the dress shirt neatly tucked into her skirt, she had it tied, purposely exposing her cleavage for all to see. Her bust was large enough to cause some students far away from them to get nose bleeds. Around her neck was a scarf with the school's symbol embroidered onto it.

"You must be new here!" The woman pointed out.

Tatsumi didn't know how to respond; first the giant building, now the woman with the large rack that was way too close to his face. His head was starting to even become more drenched in sweat and his face was becoming redder than a tomato.

"Uh...y-yeah." Tatsumi managed to say.

Without even realizing it, Tatsumi soon felt his face being pushed into the woman's rack. The softness he felt caused him to become startled and push the strange woman away, his face steaming red now.

"Get those monsters away from me!" He shouted, attracting a few eyes.

"Ah, they're not that bad." The woman laughed. "Don't worry, you'll get use to them soon and want to enjoy them just as much as the next guy."

Surprised by her reaction, Tatsumi took a deep breath before trying to walk away, only to have the woman wrap her arm around him.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked, still smiling.

"I'm….I'm going to class." Tatsumi replied, trying not to look at her, his face still red.

"Oh, how about I help you since you're new here!" The girl excitedly shouted before dragging Tatsumi against his will. "My name's Leone, but you can just call me your big sister...you're adorable big sister." She smirked.

"Why would I call you that?!" Tatsumi asked, starting to get a little annoyed from her behavior.

"Hey now, is that how you talk to your big sis like that….er….what's your name?" Leone asked, nearly forgetting to ask Tatsumi's name.

"It's Tatsumi and would you please let me go?!" He shouted before hearing a large bell ring and echo throughout the entire area. "Oh no! I'm going to be late!" He exclaimed before feeling his body being lifted in the air.

"Don't worry, your big sis is here!" Leone cheerfully exclaimed, picking up Tatsumi. "Now what class are we headed too."

"Hopefully one away from you!" Tatsumi said before looking at the small slip he pulled out of his pocket. "Class 1-3…" He said.

"Oh goody! That's where I'm headed to!" She sang before sprinting at full speed towards the school building.

"WHAT?!" Tatsumi shouted in horror.

"And this is our class." Leone said as they arrived at a door with 'Class 1-3' written next to it. "I'm not sure where you'll be seated but it won't matter because no matter what you'll be able to get a nice view of these ladies anytime."

Tatsumi blushed, trying not to watch Leone fondle her boobs. The only thing he could put on his mind is what kind of crazy class he'll be entering in.

"Anyway, you should probably go in now or else Najenda will have you hanging on the flagpole outside." Leone laughed before something grabbed her head.

Tatsumi watched to find a woman, about Leone's height, grabbing her head with a large, green, metallic arm. He could tell the woman was gripping Leone's head hard as Leone tried to break free from her grasp.

"So, who's going to be hanging on the flagpole?" The woman asked, taking a deep breath and exhaling the smoke from her cigarette.

"Oh, N-Najenda, fancy meeting you here." Leone awkwardly laughed. "I guess if you weren't here yet then that means I'm not technically late."

"Oh contraire." The Najenda said. "Remember at the beginning of the year I mentioned I'd hunt down anyone who tried ditching class? Well, do you believe me now, Leone?"

Leone began crying, apparently knowing what would happen next. That next moment, Tatsumi nearly wished he was back home in his village as he witness Najenda throw Leone through the door to the classroom. Leone crashed into the bookshelf that sat next to the window, nearly destroying it and a few books.

Najenda dusted off her hands before noticing Tatsumi standing next to her.

"And who are you?" She asked.

"I…" Tatsumi tried speaking but was at a loss for words. "I'm going to die here!" He thought, still bewildered at Najenda's strength.

"Hmm, you must be that new student we were expecting. Is that right?" Najenda asked, closely examining Tatsumi.

Tatsumi could only nod his head before Najenda moved her face away from him and smiled.

"I'm Najenda, the teacher for this classroom. I apologize for anything Leone has done." She said in a calm. "Why don't we head inside now, class is about to start."

Tatsumi nodded his head and tearfully walked into the classroom. His eyes soon went wide as he noticed that there were only seven students, minus Leone who was still in the pile of wood, in the classroom.

There were only three rows of three desks each. Starting from the front was a girl with red eyes and long black hair eating her lunch with four other empty bowls stacked on her desk. She wore the regular school uniform only in black and also wore a red tie along with it. Next to her was an empty desk and the desk after had a large man with a heart-shaped pompadour sitting in it. He wore the simple dress shirt, tie and pants as did Tatsumi only he looked like a boulder in it. He took one look at Tatsumi and blushed a little before looking back down at his empty desk, fumbling to grab his books from his bag. Behind him sat a small girl with pink hair tied into pigtails. Her uniform was colored in pink and the girl with purple hair and glasses next to had her uniform in purple. Tatsumi could barely make out the words on the book the purple haired girl was reading but he could read 'Airhead' on the cover. Next to her was another large man only he had blue hair, horns and looked like he was the oldest one out of all of them. Behind him sat a boy with green hair and red goggles. On his desk, he was drawing pictures of what could only be Leone taking off her top. However, he was soon halted from drawing anything further as Leone grabbed his arm and tried breaking it. At the very last desk behind the pink haired girl sat another one with orange hair and a small pair of headphones with a butterfly accessory on them. She was preoccupied with looking out the window than caring for Najenda clearing her throat to begin class.

"Alright everyone, today we have a new student." She announced, grabbing everyone's attention. "Go introduce yourself." She ordered before sitting down at her desk.

"M-My name is Tatsumi. It's nice to meet you all." He shakily said before turning red as he witness the red headed girl fondle Leone's boobs.

The pink haired girl looked back to see what Tatsumi was looking at, then she angrily glared at him, turning back around.

"Pervert!" She shouted, pointing at him. "We don't need any perverts in this class. I'm already opposed to him staying!" She crossed her arms and turned her gaze away from him.

"Not even a minute in class and I'm already hated." Tatsumi thought.

"Don't be like that Mine." The man with the pompadour said. "I think he'll be a fine addition to this class and who knows," He began standing up. "He might help us win some events along the way."

The man soon approached Tatsumi and stuck his hand out for a handshake. "The name's Bulat. Nice to meet ya!" He winked with a smile.

Tatsumi shook his hand, relieved that it seemed like Bulat was the only normal person in the room.

"By the way, Bulat's gay!" Leone announced, surprising Tatsumi.

"Hey, he'll get the wrong idea." Bulat said lovingly to Tatsumi.

"He isn't denying it!" Tatsumi thought, now afraid to meet the rest of the class.

"Hey, new guy!" The green haired boy said. "I heard you got Leone to shove your face in her boobs."

"Well, I wouldn't say I wanted her…" Tatsumi tried explaining before the boy got on his hands and knees.

"Please show me how you did it!" He begged.

"Huh?!" Tatsumi asked in surprise.

"You have no idea how long I've been longing to feel her precious melons against my face or even my hands!" He began crying as though it was a meaningful speech.

A book soon flew through the air and smacked him in the back on the head, knocking him to the ground. Tatsumi soon looked at the direction the book came from to find the orange hair girl dusting off her hands and high-fiving Mine.

"Nice shot, Chelsea!" Mine happily smiled. "Sheele, you try it too!" She recommended the purple hair girl.

"I-If you say so." She shyly said before throwing her own book only causing it to hit the red-eye girl in the back of the head, knocking her lunch on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry, Akame!" Sheele quickly stood up and bowed. "Here let me….whoa!" She screamed as she tripped over the leg to her desk and punched Mine in the face.

Chelsea couldn't help but begin to laugh while Akame pulled the knife she had used to cut her food and press it against Sheele's throat.

"I'm really sorry!" Sheele exclaimed, trying to persuade Akame to not kill her.

Before Akame could do anything, the man with the horns quickly pulled out his lunch and offered it to her, calming down the girl as she began eating it.

"Th-Thank you, Susanoo." Sheele bowed her head while Susanoo helped her up.

"Sheesh, it's not even been 10 minutes and you're already all annoying!" Najenda yelled from her desk.

Tatsumi turned around and ducked, just in time, as a small bottle went flying, only to be caught by Susanoo.

"It's already 9:30 and our teacher is already drunk." Mine sighed, holding her left eye.

"Woo! Can I join?" Leone happily asked, begging for a sip from Najenda's flask.

"The more the scarier!" Najenda drunkenly said before falling back in her chair.

"I think she means merrier." Sheele smiled.

"I knew I should've stayed in the village." Tatsumi began to cry.

Hey there guys, thanks for reading my revised version of Empire High or as I like to call it Empire High 2.0. Anyway, I'm sure some of you are confused as to why I'm using a separate profile and I'll explain that on my profile page someday. Be sure to leave a like and comment and don't forget to tell your friends about this new profile.