Hello readers! Pamgie here with another story for all of you. This is my first DBZ fic and I'm super excited about it. Vegeta and Bulma are my OTP! I've been reading a lot of stories about these two and decided it's high time I write my own. Set in the DB universe but does not follow the anime/manga. Suggestions and comments are welcome! Enjoy my lovelies! ~Pamgie
Chapter 1: New Faces
It was the night of her best friend Chi Chi's rehearsal dinner and Bulma couldn't be more excited. The fact that her two best friends Chi Chi and Goku were getting married warmed her heart. She thought back to the first time she met Goku when they were kids and she was looking for the dragon balls. They had gone on so many adventures together and now Goku was moving onto his next one. She had to admit that even though she was over the moon for Chi Chi, she was a bit jealous that she wasn't getting married. Yes, they were all very young, Bulma being twenty and Goku and Chi Chi both 18, but still, that didn't mean Bulma wasn't ready for true love. She and her boyfriend Yamcha had been together for a few years now and Bulma truly felt that he was the one. Granted, he had a bad habit of flirting with other women, but he always apologized and made up for it with flowers and affection.
As Bulma was pondering her best friends upcoming nuptials and her own love life, she was standing in her walk-in closet, staring at her massive wardrobe trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look fabulous as always but didn't want to upstage the bride. This was Chi Chi's time after all. Bulma would have her moment in the spotlight some day. Well, actually, everyday seemed to be Bulma's moment in the spotlight, so she decided to tone it down a little.
She grabbed a mint green dress, and a pair of nude heels and scurried out of her closet and over to her adjoining bathroom. She glanced at her alarm clock on the way, noticing she only had an hour and a half to get ready. "Better get moving!" She said to herself.
5:30pm rolled around and Bulma heard the doorbell ring. Knowing it was Yamcha coming to pick her up, she hurriedly put the finishing touches on her hair and make up, grabbed her heels and made her way downstairs.
She saw the handsome scar faced warrior waiting for her at the bottom and she slowly descended the stairs, making sure he got a good look.
"Wow, babe. You look gorgeous."
"Thanks! It's not too much is it?" Bulma reached the bottom of the stairs and turned around slowly so he could catch a glimpse of her backside.
"No, you look perfect."
"You don't look so bad yourself Yammy." Bulma cooed as she admired her boyfriend. He had on black dress pants with a light blue button down shirt and an orange and dark blue striped tie, paying homage to his master Roshi's dojo colors, his sport coat over his right shoulder.
"Oh Sweetie, don't you two look lovely." Bunny Briefs walked up to the couple with hearts in her eyes.
"Thanks mom." Bulma kissed her mother's cheek. "We better get going if we're going to make it to the church on time." Yamcha reminded her.
He held out his arm and Bulma hooked hers around it as they made their way out the door and to his red convertible in the driveway.
"It won't be long until we see those two walking down the isle." Bunny sang while her husband stood in the doorway to the kitchen rolling his eyes.
Once they got in the car, Yamcha leaned over and started nibbling on her neck. Bulma blushed and started giggling. "Cut it out Yam, we're going to be late." She laughed while trying to push him off of her.
"I can't help it when you look so irresistible B, which just happens to be all the time." He breathed in her ear before starting the car.
45 Minutes later they arrived at a quaint church in the Ox King's village and walked inside to see Chi Chi, Goku, Krillin, Launch, Maron, Master Roshi and Oolong and Turtle all conversing up by the altar.
"Oh there you are!" Chi Chi yelled when she saw Bulma and Yamcha enter. She ran over to them and hugged Bulma with all her might, which happened to be a lot considering she's the strongest female on earth.
Bulma struggled to breath and so her response sounded rather hoarse. "Hey Chi! You look great!" She coughed out. Once Chi Chi realized she was literally hugging the life out of the woman she let go and and took a step back, her hands on the bluenette's arms.
"I'm so glad you came, and just in time too! We're about to start the rehearsal." Chi Chi beamed.
"Not yet! We're waiting on one more person!" Goku yelled across the sanctuary.
"Well, I guess we're waiting on one more person." Chi Chi repeated, her smile fading a bit.
"Who are we waiting for?" Bulma asked as she looked around the room and saw everyone she thought should be there.
"One of Goku's old friends." Chi Chi said with venom in her voice. guiding Bulma and Yamcha over to the rest of the group.
Just then the gang all heard a rumbling sound and the church building started to shake. Then there was a loud crash that came from outside.
"What the hell is that?" Yamcha said getting into a battle stance. Krillin also readied himself for whatever it could be.
"Relax guys, it's just Vegeta." Goku replied not looking worried in the slightest.
Everyone was on guard waiting for this Vegeta person to appear. No one except Chi Chi had any idea who this person was.
A few minutes had passed and Bulma thought for a moment it was just an earthquake or something. Then the doors were kicked open and in walked the most handsome man she had ever seen. He had jet black hair that rose up into the shape of a flame somehow. His eyes the color of Onyx. He was wearing some kind of armor with an emblem over his heart. A deep crimson cape billowing behind him. He had an air about him that screamed royalty and commanded respect. He had a belt that looked suspiciously like a tail. He eyed the room until he spotted who he was looking for and a small smirk formed on his face. He continued his trek to the altar.
"Kakarot." The man spoke. His voice deep, husky and full of authority.
"Vegeta! Thanks for coming!" Goku replied patting the man's back, to which Vegeta cringed and moved out of the taller man's proximity.
"That's Prince Vegeta to you Kakarot. Do not forget your place."
"Oh yea. Sorry, Prince Vegeta." Goku said, rubbing the back of his head.
Everyone looked between the two men trying to figure out what was going on. They certainly looked similar with their jet black spiky hair, muscular physique, and both had tails around their waists. The only difference being height. Goku was quite a bit taller than the other man, now known as Vegeta.
Bulma was the first one to figure out who exactly the man was, since her father ran Capsule Corp, the biggest tech company in the world, she had known about other planets contacting them to exchange technology, and the Saiyan race was one of them. She also learned Goku was a Saiyan as well, years ago, the Saiyans had sent him to Earth as a 12 year old boy to purge the planet, however when his pod landed, he suffered a head injury and didn't remember who he was at first. Bulma found him in the wilderness on her way to collect the dragon balls. Goku slowly began to regain his memory during the journey, but by that time he had made many friends and had no desire to destroy the Earth. He had contacted his planet and told them just that. It didn't go over too well, but Goku had mentioned Bulma and her father's company and all their inventions and well, the rest is history. King Vegeta would often contact Dr. Briefs with requests and Dr. Briefs would comply. In exchange, the Saiyans wouldn't destroy the earth and would protect it from any enemies. Goku hadn't been home since. As far as he was concerned Earth was his home as well.
Bulma had never met Prince Vegeta but she had heard of him from her Father, and what she did hear wasn't that great.
"Everyone, this is Veg-I mean Prince Vegeta, heir to the throne of Vegetasai, the planet I come from. We've known each other since we were cubs!" Goku said proudly. The gang all greeted the prince once they realized he wasn't a threat, although everyone seemed to be on eggshells due to his temperament.
"That's all well and good, but let's get this ceremony over with Kakarot, you promised me a sparring match if I agreed to be a 'groom man' or whatever you call it."
Launch, Maron and Bulma all giggled at that.
"What's so funny?" Vegeta growled at them. The three women instantly shut their mouths.
"Well, you see Vegeta, the ceremony isn't happening tonight, i-its two days from now. This is the rehearsal." Goku said hoping not to anger the Prince.
"What?! You mean I have to spend even more time on this miserable mud ball of a planet!" Vegeta yelled. At this point everyone in the room scowled at the Prince, they didn't appreciate him insulting their home like that.
"Oh Come on Vegeta, it'll be fun! The rehearsal here won't take long, then we're all going out to eat. Tomorrow night all of us guys are going out and then the wedding is the day after! You'll be back home before you know it!"
"I'm not leaving until we spar Kakarot." Vegeta seethed.
"Ok, fine after the wedding we'll spar and then you can leave."
"NO! My husband will not be having a sparring match right after we get married!" Chi Chi yelled. She was already upset that Goku asked Vegeta to be a groomsman, considering how much of a jerk he is, but now he wanted to spar with her Goku right after they were married? She didn't want to end up a widow not even 24 hours after she became a Mrs. She had heard enough stories about Vegeta to know he didn't take it easy on anyone.
"Excuse me? Kakarot, control your harpy of a woman." Vegeta then turned to Chi Chi. "Do you know who you are talking to? Kakarot and I have made an agreement, and he will keep it. Do you understand?"
Bulma could see the situation was quickly getting out of control so she decided to step in between Vegeta and Chi Chi, a hand on each of their shoulders. "Why don't we discuss this later. We have a rehearsal to walk through after all."
The whole room froze waiting for Vegeta's reaction. He looked at the blue haired woman in front of him, then looked over to her hand on his shoulder and returned his gaze to her, He didn't say a word, just stared into her eyes, feeling electricity run through his body at just her touch. He drank in her features, her cerulean eyes, her uniquely blue hair, those plump pink lips. The garment she was wearing that clung tightly to her body and didn't leave much to the imagination.
Vegeta shook his head to rid himself of his thoughts. "Fine, let's get this over with." He said, removing Bulma's hand from his person and walking back over to Kakarot.
Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief and stood around Master Roshi waiting for instructions. "O-Ok, now that that's over with, let's begin. Goku you will stand here to my left, and the rest of you will take turns walking down this center aisle in pairs. The first will be Bulma and Krillin since they are the maid of honor and best man, followed by Vegeta and Launch, and the last couple will be Yamcha and Maron. Oolong here will be back there with you to let you know when to start walking. Then Chi Chi will walk down the aisle accompanied by her Father the Ox King. Understood?"
Everyone Nodded except for Prince Vegeta who grunted in disapproval, thinking the whole concept of a human wedding was pointless. However he gave his word to Kakarot that he would participate in exchange for a battle and Vegeta was a man of his word, so he followed everyone out the doors of the main sanctuary and into the hallway leaning against the far wall away from the group.
He observed Kakarot's so called Earth friends, especially the blue haired one that had spoken up earlier. He had never seen anyone like her in all of his travels through the galaxy. She was breathtaking. He also didn't fail to notice the human male hanging all over her. 'I can barely sense his power level. Pathetic.' Vegeta thought to himself. He didn't know the woman per say, but based on her beauty and demeanor alone he didn't think the puny earth male was worth her time.
His thoughts were interrupted by a small trembling voice. "Er, Prince Vegeta sir. My name is Oolong and I'll be helping coordinate things for the event." Oolong gestured for Vegeta to get closer. He remained standing up and made a gesture for the pig to come to him. Oolong gulped and hesitantly got closer to the imposing figure. "I-I wanted to let you know about Launch, the woman you'll be paired with for the ceremony. Whatever you do, make sure she doesn't sneeze."
"Come again? Is she ill?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow.
"Oh n-no, no. Nothing like that." Oolong got even closer, to Vegeta's disliking. "I-It's just that she, well, she has a split personality. When she sneezes, her hair turns blonde and she becomes quite violent. We made sure to disarm her before everyone arrived, but you should be careful." Oolong whispered, making sure Launch wasn't within earshot.
Vegeta started chuckling, then it turned into a full blown laugh. Oolong tried to shush him but the Prince wasn't having it. He held his stomach and bent over slightly he was laughing so hard. By this time the entire wedding party was looking in his direction.
Vegeta composed himself enough to speak. "What a backwater planet. Animals that talk, and women who have multiple personalities that are brought on by sneezing. Is this a dream? Am I dreaming?" Vegeta laughed some more. "Do not worry pig, you are speaking to the Prince of all Saiyans. I think I can handle an angry human female." He chuckled a little more before he finally composed himself, just in time for the first couple, Krillin and Bulma to walk down the isle.
"What a jerk." Oolong mumbled as he walked back to the entryway.
"I heard that pig." Vegeta replied.
Oolong shuddered and hid behind Yamcha.
Vegeta finally walked over to the lone dark blue haired woman who he figured was Launch and waited his turn, rather impatiently.
Next Yamcha and Maron started walking down the aisle. He noticed this blue haired female was also affectionate towards the scar faced human. It sickened him that someone as weak as that human male would have women fawning over him.
It was then his and Launch's turn. He just started walking, leaving Launch behind. "E-Excuse me Prince Vegeta, but you're supposed to escort me." Launch politely stated.
Vegeta looked up to see everyone at the altar, waiting. He turned around to see Launch also waiting for him. He backtracked and grabbed her arm and hooked it around his rather harshly, then quickly made his way down the aisle, stopping right before the altar and parting from Launch to stand next to Yamcha.
Then Chi Chi accompanied by Ox King walked down the aisle and then Roshi began walking through the Ceremony. Soon enough it was time for everyone to walk back through the sanctuary doors. Launch started walking to meet Vegeta, but he just stood there emotionless.
"Hey Vegeta, you need to escort Launch back out again." Goku encouraged.
"Why? She should know the way by now." Vegeta snapped back.
"That's not the point. It's Earth tradition."
Vegeta sighed and quickly walked over to Launch, once again grabbing her arm forcefully and hooking it around his own, than walked up the aisle, practically dragging her behind him.
Goku just shook his head. Glad that Vegeta was at least trying.
After the rehearsal everyone got in their hover cars and headed to a restaurant in west city where the dinner was to be held. Vegeta flew himself, not wanting to be caught dead in one of those human contraptions. He was already in a bad mood now that he had to be here for two more days. He slowed down his flight to somewhat match the speed of the vehicles behind him. This gave him some much needed time to think about the Earth woman he saw. He couldn't get her out of his head, and it sickened him. The though of him being attracted to an inferior and weak species made him sick, but unfortunately that didn't stop the spiral of dirty thoughts his mind went down.
"What's wrong with me, she's a weak human female!" He yelled at no one in particular.
After a while Vegeta could see the bright lights of West City coming into view and knew they were close. He followed the hover cars through the winding city streets until they stopped in front of a 20 story high building. He looked at the wording on the front, thankful for the universal translator chip in his brain."Chateau Fremont." He landed right in front of the revolving doors just as Bulma and Yamcha exited their car, with the others not far behind.
Bulma could feel the heated gaze of the Prince as she and Yamcha walked towards the doors. She had to admit, she didn't mind having a severely handsome prince staring at her. She noticed he didn't follow them right away.
"Well, are you coming to join us?" She turned and asked the stoic man 5 feet away from her.
"Hn." Was his only reply as he began to follow them through the doors.
He had to admit the inside of the building was much more extravagant and lush than the outside. Definitely fitting for a Prince. He continued to follow behind the couple, eyeing the woman's ass as she walked, enjoying the sway of her hips.
They walked through the foyer and to the left, into a darker room with tables and candles everywhere. The Maitre'd met The three at the entrance.
"Hello, I have a reservation under Bulma Briefs." Bulma stated confidently.
'Bulma Briefs, where have I heard that name before? It sounds familiar.' Vegeta thought to himself. Admitting that the name Bulma seemed to suit her perfectly.
"Ah yes, we've been expecting you, right this way miss briefs." He then guided them to a private room with a large rectangular table and over sized French paintings on the walls. The waiter placed menus at each seat then walked up to the three.
"Can I get you anything to drink?"
"Yes, please bring 5 bottles of your finest pinot noir. And put this whole meal on my tab please. What would you like Yam?"
"I'll have a scotch on the rocks." Yamcha replied.
"And for you sir?" The waiter looked to Vegeta.
Vegeta looked down at the drink menu in his hands, having no idea what any of these drinks tasted like. Deciding to not look like a fool, he spoke. "I'll have the same."
The waiter took down the drink orders. "I'll return shortly."
Bulma nodded then looked over to Vegeta. He could sense she was staring at him, but she didn't seem to stop.
"May I help you?" The Prince said with attitude.
Bulma chuckled. "So you're Prince Vegeta huh? I've heard a lot about you."
Vegeta stilled for a moment, setting down his menu. "Yes, that I am, and from where have you heard of me?"
"Oh, just my father Dr. Briefs. He owns Capsule Corporation, the biggest technology company on Earth. We've been developing tech for the Saiyans for years now, but I'm sure you're aware of this. I'm currently Vice president and in charge of development." Bulma touted as she took a sip from her freshly poured glass of Pinot.
'There it is.' Vegeta realized. He knew he'd heard the Briefs name before but he couldn't remember where. He had little time for diplomacy and trade. He was intrigued to hear not only was this woman breathtakingly gorgeous, but she was also intelligent.
"Hn." Vegeta grunted as he took a sip of the glass of Scotch just set before him, feeling it burn down his throat, he decided he liked this particular Earth beverage.
Yamcha observed the exchange before him and he didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. He could read Vegeta like an open book and knew the man found Bulma attractive. He'd have to keep his eye on the Prince.
Right after that thought, the rest of the gang walked in and settled themselves around the table.
"What took you all so long. Didn't we arrive together?" Bulma asked Chi Chi.
"Well Goku wanted to practice parking the car, and that ended up taking a while." Chi Chi sighed as she sat down to Bulma's left.
Bulma giggled as she watched Goku sit at the head of the table with Krillin on his left, next to Vegeta. Maron and Launch sat on Vegeta's right. Once everyone else found their seats, Bulma stood up with wine glass in hand.
"I'd like to propose a toast to the couple. Goku I've known you since we were kids, we've had so many adventures together, and now you're on to your next one. Chi Chi, you're the best friend a girl could have, I'm so happy that you two found each other and I hope you have many more years of happiness. To Goku and Chi Chi!"
"Here Here."
"To Goku and Chi Chi!"
Cheers could be heard all around as glasses were held high and clinked against one another. Vegeta stayed silent as his glass was held up, his gaze on Bulma. Maron tried clinking glasses with him but he pulled his away at the last second and scowled at the girl. She shrugged her shoulders and clinked glasses with Yamcha, winking as she did.
The dinner went by as smoothly as it could, considering there were two hungry Saiyan males at the table. Chi Chi was relieved that Bulma offered to pay for this, because she knew there was no way she and Goku could afford it.
"So Prince Vegeta, where will you be staying while you're here?" Krillin asked between bites.
"Kakarot said he'd make some arrangements for me."
Goku overheard the conversation and nervously rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh yea, hey Bulma. Can Vegeta stay with you at Capsule Corp for the next couple of days?" Goku asked sheepishly.
Vegeta snapped his head up from his food to glare at Goku. "You have got to be kidding me. What the hell Kakarot? You said you would take care of it!" His anger slowly rearing it's ugly head.
"Chill out Vegeta, I am! Bulma's family is rich, they've got a huge house. So what do you say Bulma?" Goku pleaded.
"Just because we have a large home doesn't mean it's a hotel Goku. But since you're getting married, I'll help you out. Vegeta can stay at my place."
"What?!" Yamcha yelled out while Vegeta simultaneously dropped his fork and moved his gaze over to Bulma.
"No Way Bulma! I don't want a strange guy staying with you! Plus he's a jerk!" Yamcha cried out.
Vegeta just glared at him.
"Come on Yamcha, don't be so dramatic, and you're the one being a jerk right now. He's a Prince for crying out loud!" Bulma rolled her eyes then looked over to Vegeta.
"Vegeta, I'd be happy to have you stay with me and my family."
"Hn. That will be satisfactory." Was his only reply before he quickly went back to his food.
Yamcha was beside himself and soon grabbed Bulma by the arm and dragged her out of the room and into the restaurant.
"Are you crazy? Why would you invite a stranger to stay at your house B? Besides he seems like a giant asshole."
"Giant asshole or not, he's the Prince of Vegetasai and he needs a place to stay, and I happen to have a lot of guest rooms. It's not big deal Yam, it's only for a few days."
Yamcha sighed, looking back to the room and to the scowling Prince eating his dinner. "I don't like this B. I see the way he looks at you."
Bulma sighed herself. "Really Yamcha? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I do B, but I don't trust him." He glared in Vegeta's direction and quickly looked away when the Prince's eyes met his.
Bulma sighed once more, rolled her eyes and walked back into the room, leaving a fuming and frustrated Yamcha behind.
Vegeta meanwhile heard the conversation between the two perfectly, which was why he decided to look up right when Yamcha insulted his honor. 'Pathetic weakling. If I so chose, I could take her away from you in a heartbeat. Not that I would however. She herself is nothing but a weakling earth woman...who just happens to be sexy, intelligent and wealthy.' Vegeta's inner dialogue ran rampant.
He watched Bulma walk back into the dining room with a look of apology written on her face as she sat down and resumed her meal. The Prince inwardly smirked.
After dinner wedding party all said their goodbyes and began to part ways for the evening. Some more intoxicated then others. Turns out they drank an additional five bottles of wine. Not that Bulma minded, as long as they all enjoyed themselves and got home safely. Bulma and Yamcha were walking to his hover convertible with Vegeta following several feet behind. Once they reached the vehicle Bulma turned around to face him.
"So Yamcha here is driving me back to the compound. Feel free to follow us if you'd like, or you can ride with us."
"I'll follow."
Bulma nodded and Yamcha opened her door for her to step inside. He eyed Vegeta suspiciously and went to get into the drivers seat. As Vegeta followed them through the city he had to admit that the scenery was impressive. He didn't realize Earth was so technologically advanced. He noticed several domed shaped buildings surrounding an even larger dome shaped building and saw that they were headed in that direction. 'That must be the woman's place.'
Sure enough they pulled up to the compound gates and were let inside, Vegeta flying over said gate to land in the grass several yards away from them.
"Thanks for the ride Yam, I'll see you tomorrow night when we meet up with the guys ok?" Bulma kissed him sweetly.
"Sure thing babe. Just be on your guard ok? Call me tomorrow?"
"Maybe, I'm pretty busy but I'll see if I can squeeze you in." Bulma winked and got out of the car and headed in Vegeta's direction. Yamcha glared once more at the man before he sped off back towards the city.
Once Bulma reached the Prince, she gestured towards the main entrance. "If you'll follow me, I can show you around and get you settled in."
Vegeta nodded and followed Bulma into the foyer of her home.
"Mom, dad I'm home!" Bulma yelled down the hallway.
Bunny Briefs poked her head out of the kitchen at the sound and scurried over to her daughter. "Oh hi honey! How'd the rehearsal dinner go? Who is this handsome young man?"
Dr. Briefs heard the conversation and stepped into the foyer himself to see who their guest was, only to freeze in place when he recognized the emblem on the man's armor and noticed the striking resemblance to King Vegeta.
"Hi mom, dad. This is Prince Vegeta from the planet Vegetasai, he's here for Goku and Chi Chi's wedding. Goku was an idiot and forgot to set up accommodations for him so I offered to have him stay with us.
"A Prince! How exciting! Well welcome to our home Prince Vegeta, my name is Bunny and I'm Bulma's mother. This is my husband Dr. Trunks Briefs." Dr. Briefs bowed in respect to the Prince.
"Your highness. It is an honor to have you stay in our home."
'Finally I get some respect around here.' He thought as he strode over to the doctor.
Vegeta hummed in agreement and Dr. Briefs stood up looking him in the eyes. "You must be the Dr. Briefs my father has been dealing with all these years. You're technology is being well used on Vegetasai."
"I'm glad to hear that your Highness."
Bulma and Bunny looked on in curiosity.
"Excuse me Prince Vegeta, would you like me to take you to your room? Perhaps you'd like a tour of our home and labs?" Bulma asked as she came to stand next to Vegeta. He just nodded and gestured for Bulma to lead the way as the doctor and Bunny bid their good nights and went about their business.
As they were making their way through the halls of Capsule Corp, Bulma was giving him a detailed description of every lab and it's function. Needless to say, the Prince was a bit bored by this, but he enjoyed seeing the woman's eyes light up whenever she talked of such things. They soon stopped by a door that had a single window adjacent to it, looking into a large and unfurnished room.
"This, Vegeta, is our latest project. Our pride and joy. My dad and I have been working on this one for quite some time now. It's a gravity simulator. It can increase the gravity in that room up to 500 times Earth's gravity. It's almost done. This will have so many uses, it's a technological breakthrough really."
Vegeta's eyes lit up at her words, not even registering that she didn't address him by his proper title. He went up to the window and peered inside. Bulma could see his curiosity flowing off of him in waves.
"Woman, show me this simulator of yours."
"The name is Bulma, and sure, no problem." She replied as she took a key card out of her cleavage and swiped it at the pad to the right of the door, gaining them entry.
Once inside the room, Bulma turned on the lights and Vegeta went straight to the large cylinder looking contraption next to what looked like a large control panel.
"You and your father created this?"
"Well, yea. That's what I just said isn't it?" Bulma replied jokingly.
Vegeta turned to glare at her. His eyes saying all that needed to be said.
"I-I mean, yes that's correct Prince." Bulma said through gritted teeth. 'The nerve of this guy!' I mean yea he's royalty but I was just being friendly. He doesn't need to be a jerk.'
Vegeta hummed in approval. His head swimming with applications for this device. 'If my elite soldiers and I had access to this machine we could train under immense pressure, increase our strength and stamina, and reach the legendary. This is it!'
"Woman, have you and your father notified my father of this new device.?"
Bulma put her finger to her chin in thought. "I'm not sure. I don't have contact with your father. I can ask my dad tomorrow about it."
"Yes, do that. In the meantime I would like to use this and see what it can do."
"What do you mean 'use' it?"
Vegeta moved away from the controls and walked up to Bulma until their noses were almost touching. Bulma gasped.
"You will speak to me with the proper respect woman. I am the Prince of all Saiyans. Now, make the proper preparations, I am going to test out your simulator for myself."
They stood staring at each other for what seemed like forever when it was really only about ten seconds.
"It's never been on when a human is in the same room. We aren't sure what the effects would be."
Vegeta sighed and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
"Need I remind you woman that I am not human?"
Bulma eyed him up and down, then blushed when she realized his eyes were on her the whole time. "I-I suppose you have a point there. Tell you what. I'll get to making sure everything is ready to go and you can try it out, or do whatever it is you Saiyans do, tomorrow after breakfast. How does that sound?"
She held her hand out to shake his to solidify the agreement. Vegeta looked at her hand in confusion. "I guess that will do. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to be shown my quarters." And with that he started walking back towards the hallway.
Bulma sighed inwardly and followed him out of the lab, locking everything up as she went. They walked towards the living quarters, through the kitchen and up two flights of stairs until they reached a long arced hallway with doors lining both sides.
The stopped at a door a few down from the stairs. "Here is where you'll be staying. If you need anything, there's an intercom on the inside wall there by the door. You can call for me or one of our server bots to help you." Bulma said as she opened the door to the room and allowed Vegeta inside. He scanned the room and found it to be fitting for royalty as well. There was a king sized four poster bed with a cream colored down comforter and matching sheets. Gold drapes covered the windows and a dark brown dresser and desk completed the space. To the right was a bathroom complete with jetted tub and walk in shower.
"Server bots?" Vegeta asked as he roamed the room.
"Yes, we invented robots that help with basic housekeeping duties."
"I see."
"W-Well, I'll be leaving now, goodnight Prince Vegeta." Bulma subtly bowed her head in respect and walked out, going to her own room.
Vegeta sat down on the bed with a smirk tugging his lips. Maybe this trip wouldn't be such a waste after all. He now had an opportunity to train and he could spend some time with that woman. He took off his heavy armor, leaving his flexible spandex like material and crossed his legs on the bed and began to meditate.