Are You The One?
Written by: CherryDrug
Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn doesn't belong to us. If it did, we would have shipped anybody with everybody, and the series wouldn't be as dead as it was now. Thank freaking sprite for fan fiction having not died yet.
Rating: T-rated, 'cause we're still a bunch of pussies who can't put on their big girl panties and publish a smutty chapter
Genre: *slaps every genre here*
Characters: Everybody. Duh
Summary: It has been said long ago that actions speak louder than words ever could; however, when you live in a world where the first thing your soulmate says to you is etched upon your skin—well, suffice to say, actions don't even hold a candle to how important words can be.
Pairing(s) (for this chapter): Nana/Iemitsu
Warnings: Alternate Universe where people bear soul-identifying marks; yaoi AKA boy x boy in the future; All27; drabble series
Author's Note:
Choco: This is just a stress reliever folks. Nothing too serious, just for fun and games, of course.
Eri: Well for me, it's to help relieve the stress of my dog. He can't get up because his hind legs and front right leg are completely limp, and my mom advised me to write after I massage him so that my tension could be relieved.
It has been said long ago that actions speak louder than words ever could; however, when you live in a world where the first thing your soulmate says to you is etched upon your skin—actions don't even hold a candle to how important words can be...
...And Tsuna wonders why he's been born with about a gazillion of them
Tsuna knows that, ever since he's been a kid, he's been fascinated by the words permanently inked into the human skin. He has no words to describe how cliche it is to live in a world where one may recognize their soulmate by the words said to them that's been etched upon their skin for who knows how long—and yet, Tsuna can't help but see how amazing it is at the same time. To have a clue that will help in finding the other piece of your soul—just thinking about it makes Tsuna have mixed feelings about it.
Feelings about bending over and vomiting his breakfast and lunch, as well as butterflies fluttering about in his gut, but maybe that's just his nausea acting up.
His favorite soulmark so far has been his mothers—hers is a bright yellow orange that wraps around her neck like a choker, with neat handwriting that says, 'Wow, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.' Tsuna had to really look hard to see it when he was younger, but now, when his mother had chopped her hair until it stopped a little over her chin, he can clearly see the first words his father had ever said to his mother.
And his second favorite is his father's, because of how pretty Tsuna remembers it to be. His father's soulmark is pastel pink in color, which makes it stand out on the tanned skin of his right biceps, and it's written into a cursive calligraphy that makes, 'Oh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going! Here, let me help you. Did I hurt you anywhere?' look elegant and as beautiful as his mother.
Tsuna loves reading soulmarks, and maybe that's the reason for why he's been born with so many littered upon his body—so that he's too busy reading his own instead of sneaking a look at other people's soulmarks, which, by the morals of society since long ago, is considered rude. One should only see another's soul mark if they give them their permission, is what his mother had taught him at a young age.
Good manners. Blegh.
Tsuna has more than six soulmarks—a lot more than six soulmarks, which is the most an average person can have. His mother tells him it's because he just has a lot of love to give out, the doctor that his mother brings him to tells him that he's one of a kind, the boy next door calls him a freak for having too much, and it goes on and on and on.
Tsuna doesn't like attention. He absolutely hates it because attention means bullies and bullies means pain, and Tsuna doesn't really want to go home with tear tracks staining his cheeks, puffy eyes, and feeling like he's the biggest loser in the world. His mother had to transfer him out of daycare centers three times because of the scrutiny and bullying he'd receive from other children.
And when Tsuna turns five, he learns how to hide his soulmarks by wearing clothes that cover the entirety of his body from neck to toe.
But Tsuna still loves his soulmarks, despite the pain and loneliness it brings, because it means that there are people out there who he's destined to meet one day, and maybe—just maybe—they could be the friends he's never had.
Tsuna doesn't memorize all of them, but he remembers where each one of them are.
'Thank you. You're very nice. I like you!' encircles his left wrist twice to fit the small, lilac-colored words that were outlined in a bright yellow. Tsuna likes this one, because at least one of his soulmates likes him, and it reminds him whenever he's feeling sad lonely that in the future he wouldn't be so alone.
'You're not really smart, are you?' is written in small, dark green letters on the inside of his right forearm. Tsuna winces at this one, because he knows that he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.
'I-I just really like reading.' crescents the skin behind his left ear in ginger-colored words, and Tsuna decides that he'll keep this one close. Shy people need to stick together, right?
'I thought you were a girl!' curves around his left hip in dark blue letters. Tsuna sighs at this one, because he knows that he's been blessed with his mother's feminine features rather than his father's rough ones.
'It's nice to meet you!' is written in pure white letters with a dark yellow outline that wraps around his right arm like an armlet. Tsuna worries about this particular soulmark, because this is one of the most common soulmarks out there.
'Are you mine?' curves around his left butt cheek in a dark purple with hints of silver tracing its outline. Tsuna remembers that whenever he looks at it in the mirror, his face goes all red, and his face only goes redder whenever his mother coos at it saying how romantic it was. His father, however, begs to differ.
'Ciaossu. My name is Reborn, and from today onwards, I'll be your home tutor.' circles thrice around his belly button in small, black letters. Tsuna can't help but wonder what kind of greeting 'Ciaossu' is instead of wondering what kind of name 'Reborn' is; his father, on the other hand, looks promptly horrified at this one.
'Scum like you don't deserve to be born.' is stretched upon his left shoulder blade in big, bold, and bright red letters. Tsuna feels bitter with this particular soulmark, because it only reminds him of how useless and freakish he is.
'E-Everybody always ignores me...' is bright green in color that encircles his left thigh. Tsuna feels sympathy with this one, because he knows what it's like to be ignored; he only hopes that this one has a mother and father who loves him as much as his does.
'Yo, Vongola Boss.' wraps around his left ankle is bright orange words with yellow and black lining it. Tsuna contemplates over this three simple words, because the look his father gives him whenever he sees it is one that makes his gut twist for no apparent reason.
'Hey! You've got some guts coming here!' curls underneath the area of his right knee in pure, bright blue letters. Tsuna snorts at this one, because he's anything but brave; to meet one of his soulmates, however, he'll pass through hell if it means doing so.
'Who do you think you are?! Looking down on me like that!' takes a space on his lower back in black and purple letters. Tsuna shakes his head at this one, because he hardly thinks he could ever do something like that to another person, but time can change a person and Tsuna only wishes that he doesn't grow up to be a bully.
'You're here to help us, aren't you?' is printed across the front of his right shoulder in a bluish shade of purple, and Tsuna feels scared for whoever he's connected to through these words, because it only means that something bad has happened to them.
'I'm so sorry' curves narrowly around the area underneath his neck in light blue letters with a grey outline. Tsuna only hopes that these words are uttered when they bump into each other or anything that doesn't spell out danger.
'Any trash that gets in the way, I'll slice them up!' is written right underneath where his pectorals would be in bright blue letters with a darker shade outlining it. Tsuna thinks this person must be insane, or that he's just not in a very good mood when they meet.
'You have no right to order me around, peasant! A prince does whatever a prince wants to do!' wraps around his left arm four times so that the fuschia colored letters could fit. Tsuna always chuckles at this one whenever he sees it, and he can't help but hope that he'll meet this one early on when they're playing a game of rescue the princess.
'Tsunayoshi Sawada.' emblazons itself upon the palm of his left right hand in bright red letters with orange linings, and whenever Tsuna looks at it, he feels curious as to who owns these words. It's a foreigner, his mother tells him, because his first name is said before his surname, and Tsuna hopes not, because he doesn't think he has the capability to actually learn English.
'I'd quit, if I were you. You have no chances of winning.' emblazons the area between his shoulder blades and neck, written into a square box with a light bluish purple that slowly fades away to mix with its gray outline. Tsuna is disappointed when he sees these words, because it pairs off wonderfully with the bright red one on his left shoulder blade.
'T-There was an accident.' curves around his left waist in pale purple with a white outline. Tsuna is scared about this soulmark, because it only means that tragedy will struck when he meets the owner of these words.
'You're pretty short to be the Vongola boss.' wraps around his right ankle in yellow and green letters. Tsuna sulks over these words, because it might mean that he'll forever be short no matter how much milk he drinks.
'Thank you for taking care of I-pin. She has grown beautifully.' is etched upon his lower leg in dark grey words with a pale red outline. Tsuna wonders who I-Pin is, and wonders again if in the future this 'I-pin' will be dropped into his care. He hopes that this I-pin wouldn't be left upon his doorstep with only a basket, a blanket, and a letter with her like in those movies he's watched with his parents before.
'OI! So you're Reborn's new dumbguard? Fits.' is stamped across the area above his right elbow in maroon. Tsuna sweatdrops at this one, and wonders what kind of hellish tutor Reborn is.
'Stay out of this, Sawada Tsunayoshi. This is none of your business.' wraps around his right thigh in bright green letters with a black outline that makes it stand out. Tsuna thinks it matches the soulmark on his left thigh, but he's also a little bit irate with this one because it feels as if the owner of these words are looking down at him.
'I-I'm fine. I-It's just a couple of bruises, nothing I can't handle.' is written upon his right shoulder blade in dark red, almost black, letters with tinges of brown here and there. Tsuna worries about this one, and he wonders what kind of abuse he suffers from. Familial abuse...or social abuse, like him?
'It's so very nice to see you again, Tsunayoshi-kun.' is written across his left inner thigh in lavender with specks of white and black as its outline. Tsuna ponders over these words, because it means that he's already met this soulmark before, but without exchanging their first words.
'Tsuna! I've missed you so much!' is stamped across his right inner thigh, the words themselves bleeding into a dark blue with a dark teal outline. Tsuna doesn't know how to feel about these words, because how can a person's he's just met for the first time say such a thing? Maybe it's like with the soulmark on his other inner thigh, they've met before but have never exchanged words.
26. That's the number of soulmarks he has scattered around the skin of his body. Twenty marks too many for him to be considered normal.
Suffice to say, he's in for a rather interesting life.
Word Count: 2280