Disclaimer: The Ace Attorney franchise is property of Capcom. I, the writer of this fanfic, do not own the characters or am associated with the company in any way, shape, or form in the production of this non-canonical, non-profit fanfic.
A large puff of smoke forms as Blaise Debeste materializes out of thin air onto a stage in a television studio, where there is no live audience, to a snazzy jazz style theme song. After the 30 second song ends, Blaise stares into the nearby camera and begins to address the viewers with a big grin on his face.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, thanks for tuning in to my new game show: Pick Your Poison! Y'see, just this morning, I woke up in my prison cell only to realize that I have somehow gained the power to bend reality to my will. Y'know, you should have seen the look on the guard who helped me realize that I had these powers when I accidently turned his body inside out.
After this realization, I was debating on how to use my newfound powers: Y'see, I could use them to get revenge on those who've wronged me in the past, I could use them to make humanity submit to my will, or I could even use them to take over the universe, y'know. So in the end, I decided on an idea that would let me get my revenge and achieve world domination at the same time: create a game show where I torture characters from the Phoenix Wright Universe."
Blaise then starts to play with his lighter.
"The rules to game show are so simple that even my idiot son could understand them:
1. You, the viewer, can submit your comments to specify which characters to torture and the method of how it will be done. Using my powers, I have captured every character in this series, dead or alive, past or future, none of that stuff matters, y'know, if their a character from this series, then their being held in the back room.
2. Due to time constraints, we'll do three to five requests per episode and there will be around ten episodes this season."
3. My powers are boundless, y'know, so I can do anything that you could possibly imagine. However, there are a few exceptions that will be stated in Rule #4, y'see.
4. When posting your comments, please keep them at a T rating or lower. I may be a maniacal, heartless douchebag who just recently acquired reality bending powers, but even I can't prevent this show from getting canceled if material that is too lewd is shown, y'know.
5. If you post multiple requests, only one of them will be used for each episode. Y'see, I want to give as many different people the chance to give their input to this show.
6 Y'know, I'm not an idiot like my son, Sebastian; I know that I'm not well liked, so there will probably be comments that will ask me to punish myself. If that's the case, then I will just simply subject Sebastian to your request instead."
7. No OCs allowed. Y'see, I find OCs to be confusing and irritating in this kind of setting, so I won't allow them."
Blaise then waves to the camera.
"Well folks, I'll see you soon for our first full episode of Pick Your Poison!"
A large puff of smoke forms as Blaise disappears into thin air.
I'm just going to make a summary of the rules stated above for clarification purposes.
1. 'Pick Your Poison!' is a game show where you, the reader can list ways, through the Reviews Section or by PMs, that you would like to see any characters in the Phoenix Wright series suffer. If a character is canonically included in the series, then they can be included, regardless of their time period of origin or if they are dead or alive.
2. For this fanfic, 'episodes' refer to chapters. In other words, this fanfic will be about 11 chapters long.
3. Think of this as gameshow version of the classic party game 'Truth or Dare', except with only the dare option available and with all of them being some form of punishment; hence the name of the show where you're picking the characters' "poisons" or punishments. Blaise can use his newfound powers to do anything to any character. After each episode, Blaise will heal all physical wounds that the characters may have endured. The only thing limiting you is your imagination and the stipulations found in Rule #4.
4. Keep all comments at the level of a T rating or lower. I will not be posting any material that could get this fanfic pulled or that will get me in trouble. Also, try to make the punishments have an overall comedic tone. Notice how this fanfic is categorized as just "Humor." If I wanted to write about truly horrifically gruesome punishments, then I would of included "Horror" when categorizing this story
5. If you post multiple requests, I will only post one of them in each episode. I want to give as many different people as possible to post their ideas.
6. Since Blaise is hosting the show, any punishments directed at him will be given to his son, Sebastian.
7. I will not be including OCs, also known as original characters. I feel that in this kind of setting, OCs can make the fanfic feel cluttered and confusing for the reader.