Disclaimer: I do not own or have any affiation with Star Wars. All rights reserved to their rightful owners. I only own Kaia Nawobi.
A/N: This is a fanfiction. This is only my interpretation and creation of the amazing space opera for this story only. Some things may be canon and others may not, don't freak out! Thank you, and may the force be with you! Also don't mind if there is any grammatical errors, still editing and finding a beta reader.
"I still don't agree with this, you know." Kaia rolled her eyes at Poe Dameron, who was loading into his X-Wing. "Stop being so overprotective, I'm going to be fine. And if I'm not, then it's your fault. You're the one who trained me." Poe was now the one rolling his eyes with a smile at the brunette, her wittiness for everything made Kaia so unique. Ever since General Organa assigned him to train her to be a pilot, Poe had found a friend in Kaia.
"It's not that Kaia, I trust your skills. It's only that if we've found the missing piece to the map of Luke Skywalker, the First Order perhaps has already too." Kaia only pouted at Poe's efforts to make her stay behind at the base. She knew he was doing it for her own good, but it was time for her to pay her debts. "I just don't want to see hurt by someone from the First Order. They're ruthless and they'll attack-"
"You also taught me how to use a gun and fight. Come on Poe, if something happens- which I know won't- we have each other's backs." Noticing that the pilot still wasn't accepting of her accompanying him, Kaia rested her hand gently on his shoulder.
"Poe, I have to do this. If helping you find the missing piece to finding Luke Skywalker makes General Organa happy, I'm doing this. I owe her so much, you know that. If she didn't take me in and basically raise me after being abandoned by my own parents, I probably wouldn't even be alive. It's time for me to start repaying her back." Poe's look softened up after everything Kaia said, he knew it was true and no matter what he did she wouldn't stay behind.
Poe always tried to learn more about Kaia's past. Where General Organa had found her, who her parents were, what was her origin, the list goes on and on. But every time he asked his superior she would circle around the questions, never answering them or giving him a clue. It was no different when he asked Kaia herself, only receiving the answer that "Leia told me I was abandoned by my parents and a friend of hers brought me to her". Kaia was just as clueless of her past as he was.
"Oh, you're with that again Kaia?" Leia approached her two pilots, laying her hand on Kaia's shoulder to give it a tight squeeze. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, you don't owe me anything. It was blessing to have had you dropped off to me. Now look at you! Come on you two, go fetch me that map." Both Kaia and Poe laughed at their general's tone of voice, Kaia sending one more assuring smile before departing to her ship nearby.
Leia then turned to Poe, her smile changing to an almost straight face. "Come back, both of you. Keep her away from them." Poe didn't have to ask who Leia was referring to as them, he knew very well she spoke of the First Order. Poe sent a nod towards his general, "You have my word, General Organa." With that, they both dismissed themselves, Poe only feeling more and more anxious about the trip due to the promise he had just made to General Organa as he walked over to the brunette.
"Alright then Nawobi, let's go before it gets more late. You know the drill, follow me from behind and don't wander off." Kaia only laughed at Poe, who playfully pointing his index finger at her. He couldn't allow her to sense his anxiety and worry taking over him.
"Don't push it, Dameron. Or I'll take BB-8 from you."
"I'll just stay out here, keep an eye out." For some reason, Kaia didn't feel at ease in the presence of Lor San Tekka. She knew that he was of no danger, if General Organa trusted him then she could as well, but she couldn't help but feel something go horribly wrong.
"No, BB8 is already on look out. Come on Kaia, you want to help General Organa right?" The brunette let out a small sigh, nodding slightly as she followed Poe inside of Tekka's small home. The moment Kaia's eyes met with Tekka's, she felt a wave of relaxation go over her. He was of no harm.
"I've been expecting you. Please, sit down." Kaia sat beside Poe, giving him the go on to taking control of the conversation completely, but she could feel Tekka's gaze upon her. It was as if he knew her.
"These days I can only do so much. And there is much more things to be done," Poe followed Tekka's eyes, who fell upon Kaia as he finished his last words, "But, this will begin to make things right." The moment the small black leather sack was in Poe's hand, Kaia smiled. The image of Leia being happy and proud of the two was making her feel better, a step closer to her pay her eternal debt to the general.
"Well because of you, we may have a chance." Kaia decided to break her silence, sending a small smile and nod to Tekka, who still held the same look he had towards her.
"Something must be done; whatever the cost, whatever the danger. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force, all will be given over to the dark side." Kaia had heard much about the Jedi, as well as the Force. Leia had given into telling Kaia stories about the two after her constant asking, and Kaia was fascinated to say the least by it all.
"We're no Jedi or have the power of the Force, but we can promise that we'll fight against the First Order until their demise." Tekka smiled at the girl before him, she was exactly the way she had been described to him.
"Kaia, Kaia Nawobi. I have heard much about you." Kaia tried not to turn her happy expression to a confused one, but she couldn't help it. She had never met Tekka, heard about him, but it seemed abnormal for someone like him to know about a simple Resistance pilot like herself.
"I suppose General Organa must have told you about me, she trusts you greatly."
"General? To me, she's royalty." The two Resistance pilots shared an identical smile, their respect for the man before them skyrocketing to the sky.
"And yes, she has told me about you. But, she was not the only one." The brunette froze, just to turn to Poe with a look of confusion, who had became just as confused as she had become. Leia Organa and Poe Dameron had been the only people Kaia has ever had a personal connection with, no one else could have possibly spoken about her to Tekka. Before she had the chance to question Tekka about the identity of who had spoken to him about her, a panicked BB-8 rolled into the hub. Immediately, Poe's earlier worried expression returned after he comprehended what BB-8 said.
"We have company." Poe arose from his sitting position, hurrying out of the pub with Kaia and Tekka behind his heels. Kaia watched as Poe searched the sky with his binoculars, but she didn't need to search, she knew exactly who was coming.
"You have to hide." Kaia stole the words right out of Poe's mouth as she turned to face Tekka. She didn't want to imagine what the First Order would do to the man, but she knew that it would occur if Poe and herself didn't urge him to hide.
"You have to leave." Poe and Kaia knew what they had to do, but that didn't mean they wanted to. Poe knew Kaia all too well, he knew she didn't want to leave Tekka here to die because that is what will occur. Neither did he.
"If we leave we are basically sentencing you to your death. Lord San Tekka, I can't let that happen after what you just gave us." Tekka looked upon Kaia, gently laying his hand on her shoulder. "And I can't permit you to die neither. The Force needs the balance, Kaia." Knowing she would only begin to question his sayings, Tekka pulled the girl next to Poe. Watching Tekka walk away from them, the two pilots nodded at each other before running to their ships with BB-8 beside them.
Despite having her mind worked up after what Tekka had uttered out to her before departing, Kaia knew she had to get her partner and herself out of here. They needed to return back to Leia, none of this had to be left in vain.
Reaching their ships, Poe felt uneasy to be even a few feet apart from Kaia in these circumstances, but once he saw her inside her ship and BB-8 inside of theirs, he focused on the mission ahead. But his concentration was over before it had begun, the moment he heard the ship beside him let out the sound of an explosion, Poe's focus had demolished. He had no time to react though, as only seconds later he felt the same explosion hit his own ship. Noticing the armed Stormtroopers coming their way to finish what they had started, Poe jumped off his ship. He wanted to race to the burning ship beside him, but he knew he had to act fast. Pulling out the small black leather sack, Poe kneeled down to BB-8 who was now in front of him.
"You take this, it's safer with you than it is with me. You get as far away from here as you can, do you hear me?" Poe knew BB-8 understood his order, but as he let out his response he only let out a sigh. "Don't worry about me or Kaia. I'll find her and we'll be back for you. You'll be alright."
Dismissing himself from his droid with a nod, Poe finally was able to race to the ship near him. Ducking from the incoming laser bullets, Poe felt his heart jump out of his chest when he felt his foot be grabbed from his ankle and pulled down.
"Poe, you should know better than exposing yourself like this!" Poe let out a sigh of relief as he realized it was Kaia who pulled him.
"You're alive, you're okay."
"Yes, yes I am. Now, where's BB-8?" Pulling themselves up from the ground with their weapons now in hands, Poe and Kaia swiftly made their way behind a rock not too far away from the village, shooting at every Stormtrooper they saw.
"Off with the map to Skywalker. It's safer with BB-8 than it is with any of us." The sight of a new black ship landing in the village interrupted the Resistance pilot's conversation. Poe knew exactly who's that ship belonged to, and immediately he heard General Organa's words echo through his ears as he turned to Kaia.
"Go. Run, now. Find BB-8." The only thing Poe received in response with a dumbfounded look from his partner. "You're insane if you think I'm going to leave you here. No, if I go you coming with me."
Kaia was ready to leave the conversation as it was and shoot more Stormtroopers but was more dumbfounded as she felt her weapon be pulled out of her hands. "Poe, stop being so overprotective! Now is not the time!"
"Kaia, you don't understand. I have to keep you safe, I need to get you back home. I promised General Organa."
"We promised we'd both come back home, together." Poe only panicked more as he saw Tekka appear, being manhandled by a pair of Stormtroopers. He grabbed a hold of Kaia's shoulders, turning her to face him.
"And we will. But first I need you home, away from this." Slipping a small device onto Kaia's jacket pocket, he brought his almost sister like Kaia into his arms to give her a hug. "Whatever you do, don't take this device off you. The Resistance base will be able to track you down once you've ran as far away from here, especially if you've found BB-8. You're going to be fine, I'm going to be fine. Now go, please Kaia."
With that, Kaia only shared one more look of agony with her partner before she sprinted. Her mind only going in circles as she kept running. Leia, Tekka's words, BB-8's location, and the fate of Poe were pounding into her head, but Kaia converted it into motivation to keep running. She wanted to get home, get everyone she could to rescue Poe if the worst were to occur. More importantly, Kaia wanted to question Leia about the meaning of Tekka's words to her. She knew it was selfish to be prioritizing at the moment, but there was a part of her past that Leia was hiding from her, and Kaia needed to know it. She needed to know who she was.
Kaia didn't know if it was tiredness or just her thoughts eating her alive that made her stop running completely. But she was almost positive it wasn't by her actions or decision that made her stop, especially when she tried to move from her frozen position and was unsuccessful.
"Kaia Nawobi." If Kaia wasn't already frozen in place, she would have at the moment the sound of that voice echoed through her ears. It came from behind her, and Kaia hoped it stayed that way. She knew it was of no use to even try but she still attempted to run, squeezing her eyes in pain at every failed attempt.
By the time she stopped her pointless efforts to break her frozen position, the owner of the voice was now in front of her. It was difficult to mask out his figure completely since he bore all black clothing and the current setting was nighttime, but Kaia knew exactly who it was.
"Finally." Was all Kaia heard before feeling her body unfreeze, only to have it go weak and fall.
Her eyes didn't force shut, being able to see him kneel down to her body but not being able to do anything about his upcoming close proximity.
Kaia wished her eyes had gone out, because she didn't want to see the look of Kylo Ren getting what he wanted.
It's 4:30 am and I'm dying but it's okay. Explains the mess this is right? This was soooooooooooo long, but the prologue was so short I thought you guys would enjoy this and certainly deserved it after the wonderful feedback I received! Truly amazing man, I was terrified to post this story as a whole, but you guys have made me so happy!
First scene of TFA down, and now time to change it up. Of course I am not going to just go with the storyline and just plug in Kaia, no she's a character and I want to show her development! So I'm going to have change it up for the sake of the story and Kaia to not be a Mary Sue. Explains the length of this chapter, to show her relationship with Leia a bit and Poe. And drop hints to Kaia about her wiped away Jedi background, so nerve wrecking!
A little preview for the next chapter, remember Kylo does remember Kaia, he knows she's a Jedi and he's out to destroy the last remaining. But he doesn't know she doesn't remember a thing, she's just a Resistance pilot Kylo jeez! Let's see how that goes.
Thanks again for the wonderful feedback. So grateful for my reviewers, favs, and follows! Hope to receive some more! I also added a section to my profile about this story, shows Kaia's face claim and a video! Alright my readers, may the force be with you!