It was a week later in the middle of potions that the next part of the tournament happened, over the course of that week Draco and his small crew tried to sell badges that said 'Hogwarts Rules, Potter sucks' but with it slightly contradicting, also as he had friends in all the houses.
Susan and Hannah from Hufflepuff, Daphne, Tracey, Blaze from Slytherin, and Luna from Ravenclaw. Although he talked to them a lot and he classed them as his friends he made sure to be friendly to any and all of the other students that he met. As he had been doing this since September by the time the badges came out no one wanted one, especially as he supported all four houses.
The other foreign students didn't wear them because they liked him, like the beaubatons, it because they didn't support Hogwarts, like Durmstrang.
Colin quickly scurried into the room and headed quickly to Snape's desk when he came to the desk he said quickly and excitedly, "Harry Potter is needed with the other champions". Not even waiting for Snape to answer he picked up his bag and book and after placing a vial of the requested potion on the desk he left the room, still ignoring the professor's glare.
He waited outside for a couple of seconds for Colin to leave the room, when Colin was in front of him he followed the third year up through Hogwarts, when he eventually was led to the room to the side of the entrance hall. Thanking the third year he entered the room.
The room was fairly big and quite dusty, it had obviously been a disused classroom that had been quickly cleaned with a few charms rather a duster, as what the house elves did. He was interested to find out they did it the muggle way. He discovered that even though the cleaning charms worked they left a residue that increased the time before you got dust, the easier way to move the residue was to muggle way, which is what the elves did.
Along the sides of the room, stacked in neat piles were tables and chairs apart from a few which were scattered across the room in a unorganised fashion.
As soon as he entered the room two people jumped up to greet him, the first was Ludo bagman, from what he had heard from the goblin's someone who was in deep financial trouble. The other was Rita Skeeter. Peering at Rita he quickly gazed at her aura and was pleased to find out that he was right about her form. He knew that he was properly right but it never hurt to check.
"Mr Potter, the youngest champion, what a scoop", turning to Ludo she asked, "you don't mind if I have a quick chat do you?"
"not at all, not at all"
She turned to him, and asked politely, and by the tone of it and her reputation she had never done before, "Lord Potter, do you mind if we have a quick interview"
"not at all", smiling and knowing exactly what he wanted printed.
He followed her in the room as
As much as I hate to do, I will put this story on hiatus as I am struggling to continue this story. I am fairly busy at the moment as well, I have just finished college and consequently spent most of my time job hunting. Anyone is more than welcome to continue this story if they want to
However I know that people will want to know what happens next and as such I will place my ideas in here as well.
Book 4
No falling out
Sirius gets Date with Amelia
Sirius gets job as Hit wizard
Edit Marauder's map for Parseltongue hidden passageways – open map with parseltongue to show passageways and chamber
Ask fleur to ball
Asks fleur out to Hogsmeade Christmas weekend – Dress Robes in rue de la Magie
Animagus form 1 – Panther acquired
Quidditch tournament?
Fleur Marks Harry – After Tournament – worried about losing Harry
Meeting with Fudge – goes bad
Founders Teach Harry ?
Book 4 Summer
Set Umbridge up to kill Fudge after argument and sees plans for Hogwarts on Desk
Umbridge set to Azkaban
Minister flunky of Lucius becomes minister
Inter minister struggles – don't believe voldie returns
Book 5
fleur + Gabi enter Hogwarts Year 5 with Harry next Year
Harry starts Defence League –ROR
Voldemort aims to gain access to Prophecy in DOM
Ministry Flunky runs Hogwarts more effective than Umbridge
Harrys gets accused of a crime (breakout on Azkaban or something) and thus leaves hogwarts
Hermione, Ron, Fleur, Luna, Ginny and Neville head to Ministry thanks to Seer vision from Luna
Harry wanders England looking for Merlins ring (Voldemort starts to search for the ring)
Harry finds the ring as fight in ministry starts
Harry fights Voldemort in Ministry atrium
Harry wins – hope for the light
Book 5 Summer
Gather International allies
Werewolves, Vampires, Veela, Dragons?, America technomages, Goblins, Elves + House Elves
Book 6
Harry teaches students to defend and fight
Select small group to fight back
Harry helps people to fight back – diagon alley accident or something
Harry and Dumbledore search for horcruxes – Help from Goblins later on
End of year – all horcruxes descrectly dead but Nagini
End of Year – Voldie attacks Hogwarts – Raises ancient wards of Hogwarts – Impentable
Book 6 Summer
– Goblins ward Minsitry – anti death eater wards (oaths to not betray ministry)
Book 7
Death Eater Hunting
All Death Eaters Dead (not sure about snape)
House Manors raided then warded and left open as sanctuaries
Manor Libraries added to Black Manor – uses in attacks
Malfoy lines ended or given to luna – Selena Lovegood nee Malfoy
Voldie attacked and killed at end of year
Harry uses Merlin Ring to create equality merlin level laws (unable to be remove by any but merlin heirs)
This is my plan for the book, if you wish to continue the book you are more than welcome to use this however it is not required
Again I am sorry, I may come back and continue the book but at the moment it just doesn't seem likely.