Humble Beginnings
Chapter III: Kung Fu Panda Part II
I own nothing, same as always.
As I awoke I saw the not so concerned faces of the 5 Kung Fu masters.
"Po? I hope you didn't hit your head too hard…"
"Yeah, I went to hit you and you fell off the step down into the training area. You went out like a torch in water." Hearing this everyone laughed, not including myself of course. Shifu looked unamused, in fact he looked very unhappy. You could almost feel the stress and hatred rolling off him. In thick waves like the ocean or a raging river of hatred. Needless to say, he looked pissed. The rest of the Five looked neutral, Viper had a little concern in her eyes. Crane was trying to laugh about me predicament. Mantis was laughing, very hard I might add. Monkey did look concerned… for his staff that I shattered. He did look at me but in a way that expressed irritation. Tigress looked amused, her face wouldn't show it. It was her eyes, they could tell no lies. Shifu decided to speak up,
"Po, you may have the rest of the night off. Rest your head and be in front of your door by the time the gong rings in the morning. As for the rest of you, dinner is in 2 hours, the time until dinner is yours. Oh, and if I can have a word with you all… In private," as he said this he trained his eyes on me. I reluctantly took the hint and wandered off to explore the palace.
Shifu POV
"Now that the panda is gone there is something I must discus with you." Once I was sure I held everyone's attention, "I want that panda gone, he has no training, no skills, and no right to be placed here. I expect each of you to make sure his time here is a living hell. Double his training, work him till he breaks. I want him gone within the month, no week." Upon hearing this I could tell my students were a little uneasy about hurting our unwanted guest. Viper spoke up first,
"Why Master? He should at least get a chance, right? There was a time when we all had no skills or talents, but we had a Master who taught us all we know now. Isn't that what Po deserves?" Viper was always my softest student, she could always find the best in everyone. When she said this I could see the others beginning to agree,
"That panda took the title of Dragon Warrior from all of you. You have all trained from the time you were born for a chance at the glory of being called the Dragon Warrior. You will hurt this panda, you will make him leave. I command you as your Master to make him wish he was never born. Your all dismissed, I must speak with Master Oogway immediately." I stood and watch my students leave the training hall, hopefully they will do as I ask and stay out of trouble while doing it. I'd like to see that panda stay here after the week I have planned for him.
As I left the training hall, I started wandering. I had no destination in sight and honestly, I didn't care where I ended up. I did happen to overhear Shifu telling the Five to make me feel unwanted. Hopefully they won't make my life here too bad, I can't be too sure, especially when they have a master like Shifu. I walked for what seems like forever, past the training hall. A large, but very ornate wooded structure that housed all the Five's training equipment and where I had just come from. After the hall, I came into a big courtyard full of bamboo and even a small pond over in the far corner. n the other side, a beautiful view of the valley and tonight, the soon to be setting sun. Behind the pond, hidden behind the bamboo stalks, a small path. Almost too small for me to fit through. I did fit if anyone was wondering. I walked up that path for a long time. Soon, I was high above the courtyard. I could see the pond and the training hall, and the hall of hero's, and… you get the point. I could see a lot. But the path kept going, so I kept following until I ran into a tree on a hill. A peach tree I believe… tucked away at the top of this thin, curving, mountain path. Placed on in position so the whole valley could be viewed when sitting below its branches. Just in front of the tree, a cliff leading down to a deep blue pool of water. The branches of the tree stretched wide and high, perfectly filled and manicured. The flower on the tree shown a bright white with touches of pink flourishes. Large, juicy peaches hung on its branches. The trunk was a perfect circle and formed a natural seat when it met the ground. So, I sat and waited. Thinking about what I should do or rather even could do. I could leave, but should I? I should leave, but could I? What would keep me here, not the Five. They all have been training for years. Why would they ever accept someone like me. My mind was undecided, constantly switching between one option and another. Thinking about life here or back at the shop with Mr. Ping… dad. I missed him already, I realized that I might not get to see him very often. I might not get to see him ever again, all the things that could happen to me, I could be killed defending the valley. But, I think I'm okay with that. Dying for a cause that is noble and just. Dying to protect the ones you love. I sat there contemplating for a long time, about my life now or the how death might find me. In fact, I probably would have for an even longer time if Master Oogway hadn't silently walked up behind me. Sensing him I spun around, quickly entering my fighting stance. Upon seeing this Oogway uttered a slight chuckle. He pulled a peach from the tree and tossed it my way…
"Do you know what this place is my student?" I shook my head. "This is the peach tree of heavenly wisdom, where countless masters have come to search for peace in times of hardships. I'm sorry that I never taught you about this before, there was so much to teach and so very little time we had together."
"Master, why did you bring me here? Master Shifu hates me, I still stand no chance to keep up with the Five. Was all my training for nothing, was me being chosen and accident?" Oogway looked up at the stars and smiled.
"Po, there are no accidents. The universe has its ways of achieving a proper balance. Everyone has a purpose and I'm sure the universe will reveal yours soon enough. You must stop asking yourself what could be, or what might have been."
"But Master, how can I. Tigress should have been chosen not me. I have no reason to b…" Master Oogway silenced me with a raise of his hand.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift… That's why it is called the present. You must put faith in your master Po, even if the path is not clear and the road ahead is filled with perils and dangers. You must continue, you will play an important part in the future Po. I can sense it." I looked down at the peach in my hand.
"Yes Master" I bowed deeply. Oogway then put a hand on my shoulder and raised me to standing again.
"It's time for you to head to dinner, I'll always be here for you. Just come to the tree." I nodded and turned to leave. As I started down the path he called down to me,
"Oh and Po, don't antagonize Shifu. Just give him time. Now run along." I turned back and continued towards the dining hall, wherever that his…
No Ones POV
The Five sat around the table waiting for the panda to arrive for dinner. It was only respectful to wait for all members to be present before dinner officially started. They were all situated in the dining hall. A small, simple room with a medium sized table situated in the middle with 5 seats. The palace staff had already sourced out a sixth for Po but it tucked away from the rest. Unfortunately for the Five the palace cook was out on vacation so it was up to them to prepare dinner for themselves. However, that was going very poorly and involved Monkey and Mantis spilling flower. Tigress was busy eating her tofu and Viper was waiting patiently at the table. Crane was sitting next to Viper talking with her about the day's events. After an exhaustive 30 minutes, Monkey and Mantis walked back to the dining area to break the bad news.
"Okay, so we were at it for like half an hour and we got nowhere."
"Well, Monkey did manage to burn a hole in one of the iron cooking pans. But other than that, we did in fact get nowhere." Viper and Crane stopped their conversation and turned towards the duo.
"So, what are we supposed to eat guys?"
"Well, I don't know Crane. Why don't you go make something for yourself and stop whining..."
"Hey, leave Crane alone Mantis. We're all hungry and fighting isn't going to help."
"So, what should we do Viper?"
"Maybe we could ask Po. I think I've seen him in the back of Mr. Pings shop before. Hopefully he can make us something that isn't too terrible." Crane then asked a question everyone wanted to know the answer too,
"What should we do about that guy anyways?" In this moment, all eyes turned to Crane, but no one really knew what to say. Everyone sat in an awkward silence. Soon after Po walked in and captured ever pair of eyes in the room…
"Hey, umm, hi… is dinner ready yet?" I felt awkward, everyone was looking at me. Viper had worry in her eyes. Crane, Monkey and Mantis seemed like they just had nothing better to look at. But, Tigress… she had a strange look in her eyes. One that I couldn't place, but quickly as I caught her gaze, she looked away. It made me scared that she forgot about me, that she didn't need me anymore…
"Um, Po, is it? Is there a reason you're just staring at the table?" Well, shoot, I guess I need work on my raging brain. I would hate for the Five to find another reason to hate me.
"Oh, yeah… My bad Mantis. I just got lost in thought there for a moment."
"Hey, it's alright big guy. Come take a seat. We can talk about what were gonna do about dinner." I was realizing that these hero's, these savior's, were people like me. They sat for dinner and made jokes. They fought like siblings and argued over the simple things. The Five maybe some of the most famed hero's in all of China, but they are just like me. Young people just trying to do what's right. The seat they left for me was, of course, directly across from Tigress. Who was currently too busy looking at her bland tofu to notice me plop down adjacent to her.
"So, Po, you work at Mr. Ping's, right?"
"Yeah, he offered me a place to stay after I was released from the orphanage in exchange for help around the kitchen."
"Oh, well, the palace cook is out… and Money and Mantis have no business to be in the kitchen. Would it be possible for you to cook us all something for tonight? I promise anything that you make we will happily enjoy, it would defiantly be better than nothing."
"Sure, I can whip something up for you guys Viper. Is there anything specific you were thinking of?"
"Mantis, be quite!"
"Shut up Monkey!"
"Guys! … Thank you. Po, anything you make will be perfect. Here, I'll lead you to the kitchen. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two." Viper slithered off out the door and down the hall. I got up to follow, but turned as I walked through the door just enough to catch a pair of bright yellow eyes trained on the back of my head.
I rounded the door to where I thought Viper went and saw the mess that was the palace kitchen. Viper stood in the doorway, jaw open wide.
"They were only in here for 30 minutes Po. How could they have done this?"
"Well, I…" Really, I had no idea how they had made this horrifying mess. Pots everywhere, some will holes burned in the bottoms. It was truly a sight to behold. I figured I'd better speak up.
"Well, I'll get to cleaning up and start on dinner as soon as I finish. You can head back to the dining hall. I have this covered." Viper looked hesitant to go,
"It's alright Po, I can stay and help you clean. There is no reason for you to have to cook and clean."
"Well thank you Viper, that means more to me than you know…" I saw her humanity, how she could kick my ass but still stay and help with chores. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I did have one thing that was bugging me,
"Viper, why does Shifu hate me… and why does he want you all to make me feel unwanted?" She looked a little worried about what I might think about her answer, "Just tell me the truth, I promise it won't bother me…" She looked a little reassured but still hesitant to tell me the story.
"Well, Po that's a long story… A long time ago, Shifu adopted a young leopard club. His name was Tai Lung. From the time he was a child Shifu trained him, for all his life. Trying to be both his father and his master. Finally, he mastered the thousand scrolls of Kung Fu. The final step in his training. It was time for Master Oogway to judge him and bestow him with the title you now hold. The Dragon Warrior. Oogway told him he wasn't ready... that there was a darkness inside of him. Tai Lung became enraged, his life had been full of pain and suffering while he was training under Shifu. All his work and effort was for nothing. That his life's dream would never be, he could never accomplish enough. Not for him or for his father. Tai Lung destroyed the Valley in his rage. Oogway stopped him, and over saw his transport into Chor Gum Prison. Shifu was never the same. Seeing his prized pupil destroy all that he was taught to protect. For years after he kept to himself, rarely being seen by anyone even Oogway. Until one day he had a vison. That he must reform the The Furious Five, that they would be his new calling. Less than a year later, he found his first student. A young tiger cub, abandoned by her parents. He took her from the orphanage she was trapped in and gave her a home here at the palace. He trained her alone for 5 years before he found a second pupil. A young monkey training under the then current Master of Monkey style. He brought Monkey here and continued his training. Soon after he found Mantis roaming the countryside looking for a home after his last master passed. After Monkey came myself, he found me in my home town being trained by my father. For me to be trained by a Master at the Jade Palace would bring the highest honor to my family. There was no way that I could decline his offer. Finally, he found Crane. Living and training at home like myself. It was only after years of training together that we became the Furious Five. But he trained Tigress the hardest. So hard she lost her emotion, her ability to feel. She turned into the perfect warrior, everything that he could want. He wanted her to be the Dragon Warrior, just like he wanted the same for Tai Lung. Deep down he loves his children, he knows that they deserve more than they were given." Wow, that was a lot to take in. I mean I knew some of the stories, about Tai Lung and I was there when Shifu took Tigress. But the rest, I had no idea…
"Wow, there's so much. I never realized how hard he must have taken it. First, Tai Lung and now Tigress. I feel awful." Viper cut me off,
"Po, Master Oogway chose you. Why he did I probably won't ever know, neither will Shifu or the rest of the Five. And I don't mean that in a bad way. It's just the universe works in strange ways. We all are just along for the ride." She was right about that one. Each one of us had a specific place and role in the universe. It was our destiny to fulfill that role to the best of our abilities. Oogway found me for a reason. He chose me for this role for a reason. I just home that I can fill the hole that he has carved for me.
"Thanks Viper. So now that we got this place cleaned up. What should we make?"
No One POV
"So, Monkey what should we do about Po?"
"How should I know man… he seems like an honest guy. Sincere and genuine. I don't want to disobey Shifu but I also don't think I'd feel alright trying to make him leave." Crane and Mantis both nodded their heads in agreement. The panda had caused them no harm or problems. Why did he deserve to be mistreated and made to feel unwelcomed? While the three males of the room all encased in thought, Tigress sat deep in her own little world. In just one day, she had been reunited with her friend and savior from her time at the orphanage, been denied the title of Dragon Warrior, had her master command her to treat someone dishonorably, and finally, became so worried and anxious to even look at Po…
Tigress POV
I just sat there, waiting. For what? Well, I guess I'm not so sure. I also don't know what I should be feeling. Anger, contentment, sadness? In truth it felt like I was feeling all three at once. On one hand, I had found my silly little panda that kept me company throughout my time at the orphanage. The other, I had just been told that all my training was for not. That the panda had overcast me in just a matter of hours. Jealousy. That's another feeling that I don't often experience. It hurt to see him ignore me, and it hurt to see others ignore me. I have spent my entire life devoting myself to Kung Fu. Po, is just Po. Sure, he stopped those bullies all the time ago but how can he be qualified for the position of Dragon Warrior. What makes him better than me? Where have I failed… But how can I be mad at him. I've only dreamed of the day we could meet again. For years after I left that wretched place I had hoped of someday finding him and expressing my gratitude for all he'd done for me. In fact, I can remember one time where Po gave me his lunch so that I could have enough to fell full. He always looked out for me, even when it meant he couldn't look after himself. We were best friends until the day I left for the palace, my only wish is that I had asked Shifu to bring him with us. When I was old enough to start going on missions, after the Five had formed, I went back in hopes of finding him. I can remember when I walked into that wretched place. How I asked the grandmaster about what happened to him and then listening to her as she explained that he was thrown out onto the streets because of "Inadequate funding". From then on out, I remember me looking for him on every mission we were sent on. But never telling the rest of the Five. I had to withhold my reputation, that I was a strong, hardcore Kung Fu master. Still after 5 years of looking I never found him. I had to accept the fact that he was gone. Then today, he just shows up. Falling from the sky and right back into my life. He looked different than I remember. Still tall with piercing emerald eyes, but he looked stronger. His eyes held a hidden truth and his actions when he fought Viper and Monkey helped me to confirm that. He is far from a beginner at Kung Fu. Judging by the scars on his forearms, he has been training with someone for years now. Possibly, just as long as I have. Looking at his hands tell another story. His knuckles were badly scared, but most were concealed under his jet-black fur. My assumption is that he, like myself, has spent years punching hard objects. Slowly reducing the pain felt in one's hands to zero. Besides the plainly obvious battle markings, his outfit told another tale. A simple beggar or wander would never have been able to afford apparel like that. Oh, wait. He did say he worked at Mr. Ping's so that would explain that. How did he come to work there though? No way the timid old goose would just invite a stranger into his home and business, especially not someone as big as Po. There must be someone training him. Someone who has taught him to learn as he fights and to never back down. But this person would also have to know Mr. Ping and hold enough weight that Ping would allow for this panda to stay and help him. But who could it be…
"Food's ready!" Po soon walked in with a large pot of noodles. And boy did it smell good. Unfortunately for me, I was on a very strict tofu only diet.
"Thank goodness man. I'm starved…"
"I can second Monkey's statement."
"Alright, I get it guys. There's enough here for everyone. Most likely there is enough to have seconds or even thirds. I didn't know how much you guys would eat so I just made as much as I thought would be appropriate. With the help of Viper, of course."
As everyone got their food the table wen silent. Only the soft… ish sounds of people eating could be heard. An occasional creak or moan was heard from the wooden structure they were all housed it but for the most part, silence prevailed. No one seemed to want to talk, all of us were content just the way things were. Good food and friends that have each other's backs. Well, maybe not in Po's case but… how could I know? Dinner went, almost as quickly as it came. Each one of us took our plates and bowls back into the kitchen where Po was waiting and ready to wash them. As I handed him my plate, our paw touched. Ever so slightly, but even that contact was enough to fill me with feelings of awkwardness and regret. I began back towards my room and the only thought in my head was what I was going to do about that damn panda…
Po's POV
We finished dinner in almost complete silence. Literally not a word was said after I brought the food in from the kitchen. After the plates were cleaned and put away I headed for bed. It had been a long day, in fact, more things had happened in the last twenty-four hours than in the last five years. I woke up at 6, made noodles, walked the cart up one thousand steps, got knocked out from a fall, woke up and was chosen as a Dragon Warrior, had the piss kicked out of me, made dinner… all in one day. It's crazy how much one can accomplish when they have no idea what to do… I guess this is goodnight. I just hope tomorrow is better.
Authors Note
I know this chapter is a little shorter than normal. It's about 4K. I'm hoping to have them normally come out about 6K. I know it's been a long time but I feel like I'm just going to keep pushing on. I hope that anyone with concerns or ideas talks to me personally. It helps me keep going. Thank you all. On a final note. If you would all be so kind as to follow my Instagram account weplayguitar. If I can get enough followers, I'll try to post something special. Maybe a custom tabs theme from a certain film. Who knows…