Humble Beginnings

I do not own any of the KFP franchise

CHAPTER I: Epilogue

Narrator POV

Our story begins as any story should at the beginning, where it all started, a box of radishes... The night was cool, slightly damp but cool none the less. Moon was shining, casting an eerie shadow over much of the forest. Suddenly, a shriek filled the air, orders being barked soon to follow. A mother, young and scared, runs through the forest. A mother running to save her child. A mother running for her life. Barks and yips, yells and screams, pour in to the young woman's ears as she flees. And as suddenly as they begin they all cease. Panting, she stops, turns around and peers into the darkness from whence she came. The smell of smoke and blood fill her heavily breathing nostrils, along with the faint smell of radishes. From the darkness, a figure emerges, wielding a twisted, long jagged blade. As he looks upon the mother and her child a scowl forms across his scarred face. The blade lifts and from it comes a silent but ever noticeable order, and order to kill. The young mother runs, runs not for her, but for her child. Runs from the man who wishes to harm him, however, the man had other plans. His minions burst forth from behind him, only stopping long enough to catch the glint of fear in their master's eye. They pursue the fleeing mother, for days they run. The cool forest they call home quickly changes. First to the grasslands, with their great rice and wheat fields. Next to snowcapped peaks and winding mountain side trails. And finally ending in a forest of snow, miles from where their chase began. The mother, tired and scared from her days of travel, fell to her knees. She knows that the end of her "adventure" of sorts is rapidly approaching, and with it comes only pain and death. So, the mother makes a choice that few others could dream of. To leave her child. To leave her child in hopes of giving him a chance. But where... Where to leave the most precious thing in her quickly ending life? A smell hits her nose, radishes. An odd thing to smell in the forest but present none the less. As she rounds the next bend a village comes into view, a place of refuge, a place to hide. Her hopes soon turn to ash, her pursuers were closer than she thought. So, she acted fast, she turned left, then right, and out of the corner of her eye she spots it. A small box, with a small painted radish on the side. At this moment, the mother knows what must be done. Swiftly as she can, she places her son into the box and takes one last look into his eyes... The last look she will ever give him. Slowly she kisses his forehead as a tear slowly seeped from her eye. And with that she ran, only pausing enough to catch the attention of the ones who chase her. Knowing she will never she her child again, knowing that she gave him a chance, but not knowing how much her son will help the people of China... Never knowing the fate of her son.

The panda awoke the same way he had for years, on a cold, hard cot, alone in his room. His name, Po, orphaned as a child and living within the walls of The Bao Gu Orphanage just outside the Valley of Peace. Being a panda Po always had a problem with weight, but after a few months of teasing from the fellow orphans, and once incident that he refuses to talk about, he realized that he had to do something. For the next year that followed, Po trained every day, this wasn't Kung Fu training, but fitness training. Slowly his weight disappeared and from is absence grew small lean muscle. Being only 6, Po could only achieve certain definition but definition he had. However, even with his weight gone he still had no friends. No one to talk to and no one to play with. This could be largely related to the fact that Po was a panda, the last panda to be exact, and was the oddball at the orphanage. But even for a panda, Po was just odd. He had a small lean form, he was tall, almost 5 foot to be exact, and most of all he had something that no other child and few adults have, a code. So, the others just saw Po as different, and when your kid different is not good. They mocked him, ignored him, bullied him, even beat him. Po had it rough, but still he held hope. Hope that someday he would find someone that would take him home and call him son, a father to teach him and a mother to love him, a family. Almost like the goose who had brought him here, Mr. Ping, a noodle shop owner. Loving and caring but not enough so to keep the defenseless panda whom arrived in place of his weekly radish shipment. Po remembers the look on Pings face, the shock and sadness that plastered it. He remembers the old goose telling him that he would take Po to a place where he would play and live with other children his age. Po remembers arriving at the walled gates of Bao Gu, the loud creek of the doors as they turned on their hinges, and the hopeful faces of the children whose only wish is to be adopted. As they entered the doors again creaked as they shut sealing him, and everyone else, off from the outside world. Little did he know this was one of the last times he would see outside Bao Gu's walls for years to come. Ping and Po arrived at the front counter, where, upon ringing a small bell, a receptionist appeared...

"Hi, um..., My names Mr. Ping and I was just wondering about, like, you know... ehhem, checking him in..."

"Ohhhh, of course Mr... Ping, was it. We here handle this stuff all the time." Turning to Po, "Hey there, what's your name...?

"P...ppp... Po..."

The lady quickly replied, "What a beautiful name, mines Jiao... It seems you will be staying here for a while, hmmm. No worries, we have plenty of room and plenty of friends for you to meet and play with," turning back to Mr. Ping, "Feel free to leave at any time, I can handle it from here, he's in good hands." As the old goose turns to leave he feels a tug on his robe, the panda. Slowly he unclasped the paw and proceeded to leave, trying desperately to block the cries of the young panda cub he left behind...

"Po, come with me, we have to get you settled into your new room. You're going to have to room alone... the others are full," and with that, Jiao swiftly took Po's paw and proceeded to drag a sniffling Po off into the heart of the Orphanage.

Po's POV

The thought of that memory makes me shudder every time... Knowing that he left me, left me in this hell. I hated him for so long, an uncontrollable anger that I kept boiled up inside, but overtime I forgave him. I realized that, there was nothing more he could do, he didn't have the resources to keep me... He did what he thought was best and I could never hate him for that...


The entire left side of may face flared into pain. My eyes watered and my ears were ringing. I could see a large red ball slowly bouncing away and the laughter of others was all I could hear. Finally, I heard a shout,

"How'd that feel, Panda... You gonna cry like you did when that dumb goose left you here," turning to his buddies," Look boys, he's gonna cry, what a baby!"

After that, I could hear the shouts of approval. The laughter of others at my pain. But, I know that losing my cool will bring me nothing but pain, it won't make me feel better or stop them from doing it again. So, I picked myself and walked off to my room, same as I do every time they pull a stunt like that. I marched through the halls, past the bath houses, round the kitchen, out the back door, and into the housing that all us orphans shared... As I entered my room, I slammed the door, and it broke... Again... Came right off the hinges... Sometimes I forget how strong I really am. I gingerly set the remains of my door in its proper place, and proceed to lay down in my bed. As I lay, all I can do is think... Think about my life and how terrible it is. How I have no friends, how I never knew my real family, how all I want in life is someone to care for me...


As I open my eyes, I see the shattered remains of my bedside table, my flipped over bed, and scariest of all, Miss Xio, the Orphanage's caretaker, staring at me from the door... Or what's left of it. I see her eyes twitch, her foot tapping away, and a long slender finger beckoning me forward. Probably to punish me for my actions. Slowly I stand up and shuffle before her. She looks at me, and a snarl crosses her face.

"This isn't the first time I've come in here to find your room destroyed...," she said in her haggish sounding voice. "Nor do I think it will be the last. However, I do intend to make sure you remember this event... No playground for a month, you will remain in your room during the day only to come out at breakfast and dinner, no lunch for you. After everyone has gone to sleep you will be expected to sweep the campus, the entire campus. And if I ever walk in here to find this again you can bet that it won't be any better... Now! Off to bed, and I want this room cleaned in the morning...," and with that the hag goose waddled away...

Well morning came, I cleaned my room, or what's left of it. I waited around, doing pushups or sit ups, anything that might pass the time. Dinner came and went, and I began to sweep. And sweep. And sweep. For days, this was all I did, sometimes I would even sneak out and jog the outskirts of the Orphanage but I was always back before Miss Xio returned. This continued for about 3 weeks, but one week before my sentence was up... She came.

She came during one of my sweeping sessions, late in the evening, escorted but two hooded figures, one male and one female, presumably her mom and dad. They were silent, and moved very fast. One minute I was alone the next, poof, there they stood. Hovering over me, just watching me, observing. All the sudden the larger of the two spoke, his voice deep and gruff.

"Where is the front counter young man?"

I was shocked to say the least, no one had ever called me a man, or talked to me in such and kind manner, other than Jiao when I first got here, but she was just lying. Other than shocked I was also quite nervous, the male, whatever he was, was towering over me... He was huge, and is dark cloak didn't help. But at any rate I steeled my nerves and brought myself to speak, and in my manliest tone I could must I said...

"Ummm... Well you go down that hall and make a right, then like ring the bell and Jiao will come to help you..."

However, I must have squeaked or been really quite or something because the female of the two… whatevers… stifled a giggle and the male laughed full heartedly. He quickly settled and replied, just a gruff as before.

"Thank you, and must I say you are and excellent sweeper," winking as he passed with the other, he even had the tenacity to ruffle my hair. I mean, I know I'm cute but that's just odd. But anyway, I started back on my sweeping, but off in the distance I heard the faint sound of a bell ringing. The rest of the night went without incident, other than the sound of crying that I could hear for a while. Presumably whoever the two mystery creatures dropped off at the Orphanage. Finally, around midnight, judging by the state of the moon, I had completed my task, as I did every single day. But as I walked back towards my room, I could hear a faint sniffle. And the unmistakable sound of a jagged breath that only came from a person who had recently been crying... But alas, I was tired. I walked into my room and promptly fell asleep.

As I open my eyes the next morning, again I hear the sniffling, and the voice of the hag, Xio,

"Your parents, left you here and they are never coming back. So, stop crying, get up and get to breakfast... NOW!"

And with that I moved a little faster to get to the lunchroom, if you can call it that, to receive my breakfast. I walked to the counter and received... rice... plain old rice as well as a dirty pig saying,

"Xiao's orders, you get nothing but rice until your behavior improves."

So, I go sit, alone... Same as always, but I'm used to it. Suddenly, my ears stand on end and laughing fills them. I look up to find all the others pointing at something, or rather someone. A young tiger, standing tall and looking at her feet. Xio stands behind her beckoning her to continue and receive her food. She rubs her nose and walks forward, her eyes never once leaving the floor. She stands in line, receives her food, but then, leaves... Off to who knows where. Then, like that stupid red ball all those weeks ago, it hits me, those two-last night were her parents and she, their daughter. They left her here last night, left her all alone. Just like me... After breakfast, I return to my room, pondering what the young tigress was doing here. What's her name, why did they bring her, why did she leave breakfast. But quickly enough I had almost forgotten her as I busied myself with training. Dinner came, she was there but only to leave again, and just like in the morning, I walked to my room wondering why. I swept for the last time that night, and Xio let me return to "play" with others. But when I got outside the next day, all the kids were in a circle. Pointing and shouting, "Monster", and in the middle holding a deflated ball in her right hand, the tigress. Her claws out, obviously having popped the ball. Tears flowing from her eyes as she stood and ran off, towards the dorms.

"Good riddance," one kid said to the group.

"She could have gutted us," gossiped another.

Then of course they spotted me... Standing alone staring, luckily their ball, now flat, was still with the tiger cub. I watched them, and them me. And for once they said nothing, no jokes, no insults nothing... Then I knew that, they had replaced me, with her. For the next few months, the other kids relentlessly tormented the young tiger. Yelling things like "Monster" or "Freak", the same things they had once yelled at me. I can't say that I did not feel bad for her... Only a short time ago that was me, so I understood. She spent most of the time alone, in her room. Never coming out except for food, and to use the bath house. Heck, one day I walked past her room and it was torn to shreds inside, just like mine used to be. I truly did feel bad for the tigress. Alone, sad, and scared just like me. But it wasn't until this one day that I truly understood how she felt.

I woke up quickly to the sound of yelling, and the cries of someone being hurt. I jumped out of bed and burst into the hallway, cringing at sound of my door ejecting from its poorly made hinges. There I found the tigress surrounded by the others, fallen to the hard bamboo floor. The others were kicking and hitting, punching and scratching, all trying to get after the fallen girl. I stood in shock, what do I do. My mind was racing, but my body was moving, and without realizing it I was in the center of it all. Standing protectively over the fallen tiger, arms raised and ready to defend not only myself but her as well. The others were looking at me with shock as a snarl let loose from my clenched teeth. At first, they were fearful but soon enough they closed in. Ready to beat me the same as her. Except I am ready to fight back, however I can. And I am not going to back down. One came at me swinging, so I followed my instincts. I ducked under and flung out with my right fist, hitting him square in the jaw. One down, a lot to go. Another came, this one I reached out and plucked his fist from the arm, quickly pulled him close and brought my knee straight into his midsection, effectively rendering him useless. One by one they came, each one I let my body take over, I never thought just acted. And very soon there were only three left, who unlike the others ran, and never looked back. As quickly as the feeling of instinct took over it vanished and I felt the full strain of what the encounter did to me. But, I turned my attention to the fallen tigress, still whimpering at my feet. Slowly, I bent to pick her up. Suddenly she lashed out, striking me quickly in the arm with her razor like claws. Then she ran. And fast it was. So, I looked at my now lacerated arm and walked after her. After a few minutes of searching I found her, crying under the willow tree. Cautiously, I approached, our last encounter still fresh in my mind. As quiet and comforting as I could I asked,

"Are you alright miss...?" All I got in response was a swift reply in a beautiful voice,

"Leave me alone! Get away," the sacred tigress cried.

"Please, I only wanted to help, I mean I didn't stop those other kids for nothing..." Timidly she looked up, into the eyes of her protector, me. At that moment, I think I knew I was going to come to love her. To make sure I never had to see that look on her beautiful face again. So, I offered a paw,

"My names Po." She eyed my paw wearily... Hesitant to take it, looking at me like I was trying to trick her. Slowly though she reached up, took hold and I hoisted her onto her feet. She was large not as big as me but still bigger than the others. Her eyes were a piercing orangey-yellow, and with a velvet voice she replied,

"Mines Tigress...," all the while looking at her feet.

"That's a pretty name... Tigress... I like that," I quickly responded maybe a little too quickly. This make her giggle, which made me laugh, and that made her laugh, and so on. And from that point on we developed a close friendship.

I woke up happy, for some odd reason. I tried to think of why... Maybe it's Tigress, she's changing me. Making me happy giving me a friend and someone to be there for me. I've known her for about a year now, or it will be in a few days. We spend all day together, talking a laughing. Both of us don't know very much about where we came from, I decided not to tell her about the night she came. All the while the other just sit and stare. Oh, also I've defended her a couple more times, all of them ending the same, Tigress behind me while I take on the rest of the Orphans. Each for a different reason, one time she spilled a drink on somebody, and another she "looked at him funny". But either way, I was her protector, and she was my friend, my best friend, and well my only friend... I was drawn out of my thoughts but Tigress knocking on my door. Our rooms were across from each other, so we were always close.

"Po! A Master from the Jade Palace is here!"

I immediately came to attention. A Kung Fu Master was here?! Tigress and I loved Kung Fu, and a Master was here! I grabbed her paw and rushed outside, dragging her with me. I came to a halt in front of none other than Master Shifu, the next grandmaster of the Jade Palace after Master Oogway. To say I was shocked was a bit of an understatement. Mortified...? No, but I think you get what I mean... As I stood, Tigress a few steps behind me, the Master almost seemed to judge us, scanning our bodies like he was picking fruit from the market. He looked at me, then to her, and when he did his eyes seemed to glean with excitement. This seemed as a shock to me, why would he be looking at us that way, what made him glimmer with hope? Only after looking to his face did I know, there was no us, only her... I never guessed that today was Tigress's last day in Bao Gu. And the last time I saw her in many years. As Master Shifu stared at the one I called friend, horror filled my heart, sorrow my soul, and all manners of thoughts entered my head. Being almost 9 now, I am far from an ignorant child. I understand the looks that people give or the pictures their eyes paint. The picture the master before was so delicately painting with his made me realize that soon I might not be Tigress's protector, and she might be too far away to ever call me friend... My fears confirmed when Master Shifu uttered one small sentence, and in his old, slightly raspy voice, he asked,

"And who might you be...," eyes trained on Tigress. My heart sunk, and Tigress's eyes widened.

"T..tiigg...ehhem... Tigress...," she slowly found the courage to mutter out. To which the master replied, in almost the same manner that I had that that long year ago,

"Such a beautiful name, for such a beautiful little girl," Tigress's face flared, a blush rising to her cheeks,

"Thhha... Thanks."

"Oh, It's my pleasure. So, Miss Tigress how about you and I take a little walk, I have something I'd like to ask you...," and with that he turned, walked of slowly, always knowing that the tigress wouldn't be very far behind. She turned to me, her eyes alight with excitement, mouth unable to form coherent sentences, words even. I considered her eyes and did the one thing I regret the most in my young life. I nodded, a simple smile and quick nod, but still a meaningful one. One that told her more than I could in a thousand words. One nod that would send her away, and leave me here alone, one nod to take away my one friend. She then turned, and ran, after the master that would take her away from me. So, I sat, and waited, and waited, thoughts plaguing my head of all the possibilities. Would she go with him, would he make her strong, unbreakable, would she forget about me...? So, I just waited, waited until Xio came for me, until the sun set, still she never came back. Xio had to pull me off those steps, telling me that she wasn't coming back, that Shifu had adopted her, and was going to take her to train at the Jade Palace. As I entered my room, a tear escaped my eye, then another and sure enough they were soon falling like rain and I was unable to make them cease. I began to cry myself to sleep, and slowly let the darkness take me.

I woke the next day, scared and alone, I played with no one, talked with no one, did nothing with no one. The next few days were the same, so were the next few weeks, then the next few months, all the while I was thinking of her. From where we began, our conversation under the tree, the friendship that we gained. To how we ended, her leaving to study the art of her dreams, I guess, my dream as well, and me here, the Orphanage, alone. For a few months, I felt bad for myself, the next few mad at her for leaving, and for the last few I was happy, happy that she was safe, but happy that she was happy. So, I lived, I got by, kept my head down and on the eve of my 12th birthday, I received some very chilling news. I woke, Xio standing over me, looking at me but not with her usual malice, this time only sorrow. Fear creeped into my thoughts, into my heart, why is she sad, she's never been sad before, or at least not that I've ever seen. She looked at me for a long time, almost like she couldn't say what she needed to say. Finally, after what felt like hours she let it out, and almost to quickly to for me to comprehend.

"Mr. Po...," she's never called me Mr. before," I regrettably have to inform you that due to the lack of public support and because of your age, we have to remove you from this institution. I am deeply sorry Po, if there was a way, anyway, I'd take it. But, there is none, so tomorrow I will escort you to the front gates, and you can be on your way... I'm sorry," and with that Xio broke into tears and ran out of the room. I couldn't form words, think of anything, I was going to be on the street. No home, no roof, nothing. Everything I'd ever know, albeit it's not the greatest home, but it is my only. The day flew by in a blur, everyone looking at me, pity evident in their eyes, everyone feeling sorry for me. No children said anything to me when I when for lunch, or dinner, or at any time really. I walked into my room and a note was awaiting me... Written in perfect Chinese, perfect handwriting. It was just perfect. It was rolled and waiting for me and the edge of my bed. Cautiously, I walked up to it. It couldn't hurt me of course, but I'm like 12 so don't judge. Hefted it into my paws, surprisingly light, wrapped in bright red ribbon, and topped off with a wax seal, who's owner I did not know. So, I opened it up. Who wouldn't, right? It was addressed to me in that perfect writing...

"Po, I know what the caretaker has said to you this morning, and I know that you must be quite scared right now. But I assure you, you are not alone, I will help you. I get that this is just a note on your bed, written by a person of whom you do not know, but what I am about to tell you is truth. I have watched you since you arrived at Bao Gu, I've watched you grow into what you are today. I watched as the kids bullied you for your weight and the resolve you showed as you overcame them. I watched you when our young Tigress entered your life, and as you protected her in her time of need. And I watched you today, as you received the news no sane person can want to hear. But everything happens for a reason, the universe has it ways, and will always has and always will. I will help you, I saw the look in your eyes when Tigress was being hurt, that look, the need to help people. Let me give you tools you need to complete your mission. Let me give you the ability to help people. Let me lend you the strength you need to help others, protect others, but more importantly to protect her. I've seen the way you look at her, that spark that you hold, the hope that she will one day return those feelings. The answer to that is not something I can share, but know this is the only way for you to see her again. I get what you're going through is hard, and it has got to have taken its toll, but let me guide you. Come and learn under me. Let me be your teacher, your master and you my student. And I can promise you this, when your training is complete all of China will know your name.


I read it, over and over, hours I sat there, not believing what my eyes were seeing. What did he mean, how could he have been watching me, and why did he choose me...? Thoughts streaming through my head, whizzing by. Training...? Help people...? See her... protect her... The only two that really mattered at the time. Others could wait because if Tigress was in danger I knew I wanted to be there. I fell asleep a smile plastered on my face, and hope streaming through my veins.

I woke up, my 12th birthday, the day I had to leave this reached place. The day, hopefully I can begin my new life. Xio came, took me from my room, lead me to the kitchen where they had a huge cake made up. Decorated and beautiful, reading " Goodbye Po!". All the kids were there, looking at me, pity laced their faces. Pity for one they surely knew could die, alone and in the wilderness. The moment was rapidly approaching, the minute I stepped out those doors my fate was sealed, and my destiny...? All mine to control, I was free. The posy behind me followed me a Xio walked me out, all of them, standing there as the large doors slowly creaked open. Without hesitation, I strolled out, not worried, not even when the gates swung close. It wasn't until I heard the door lock I realized one thing, Oogway didn't tell me how to find him, not one clue. Quickly, I pulled out the letter, read it again, still nothing... I failed to notice the man walking up to me, wearing a long Cape, sporting a wooden staff. As I stood he came directly behind me and said one thing,

"Boo," scary, right?! I fell to the ground, and quickly flung myself around, preparing to defend myself against this new foe, or rather friend. His light chuckle soon followed, and an offering of a hand, or whatever this old turtle had. I gracious took his offer as he hoists me back to my feet. Even with his age he seemed to do so effortlessly, not even a grunt. As I brushed myself off, he began to pad away, not once looking back. Quickly I ran after, hoping to get a name out of this mysterious man. As I caught up to him I had but one simple question,

"Who are you...," slowly his walking stopped, he turned and looked my way, then spoke in the softest voice I'd ever heard,

"Who I am, is the wrong question... Why don't you try again," a riddle, seriously... Ok not the right question?

"Why are you here?" Try two seems reasonable, right?

"Wrong again, Po. Why does it matter to you who I am or why I am here, all that should matter to you right now, is you. So, try again," You he says, I hate riddles.

"Young Po, I've watched you for a very long time. Even if the answer is clouded, you will soon make it clear, you always have, that's why I chose you..." Wait, could this turtle really be Oogway. Grandmaster of the Jade Palace? Slowly the pieces fell into place, strange meeting, riddled sentences. It was him, in the flesh... or shell. I fell quickly into a bow, and stuttered apologies for my actions. The wise turtle only held up a finger, effectively silencing me, and walk off. However, this time he did look back, about 100 yards away, and shouted,

"You coming' or not...?

I stood, panting. Hands on my knees, sweat pouring from my head. I'm 22 now and the last 12 years have been some of the roughest in my life, constant pain and suffering. All at the hands of Master Oogway. He pushed me relentlessly, forcing me to give all I can, to prove I had the right to learn under him. And believe me, it shows. My body is like iron, pain diluted, senses heightened, and emotions under control. I slowly stood and removed my training vest, which I have never liked, but Master's orders. I walked to the lake directly across from my training arena. The lake and I are very good friends, it always cleans me after my workouts, and believe me with Oogway. You always have to clean up afterwards. I look down at my reflection, scars riddle my body, from various occurrences. Trees, limbs, rocks, anything that I could be cut by, I have. Ohhhh, great memories. As I looked down again, I looked towards the muscle I have earned over the years, an iron like 8 pack, and pecks built like boulders. Shoulders wide enough to build a house on, and my ridiculous height, 6'4". I was a mountain, sturdy and firm, only this mountain could move, and fight as well. Oogway tried to teach me Kung Fu, tried the key. It was always easy for me, Master rarely had to "teach" for me, he called me a prodigy, and an upcoming legend. He said I was one best students he has ever taught, respectful but firm, hard but still compassionate, the best qualities wrapped into 1 huge package. After my physical training, which was never truly over, Oogway taught me all he could, from writing to folklore, he believed that a warrior can never just be a brute, but must have the mind to back the body. Oogway soon found his way behind me as I stood staring at my reflection.

"Admiring again, my student?" All I could do was laugh, Master has the worst sense of humor of every person I'd ever met. I quickly resorted,

"Self-admiration is not something I will ever be caught doing, due to your teaching no doubt..." This time it was my masters turn to laugh, well chuckle really. We had developed quite the bond over the years, almost like father and son, I knew I could tell him anything, he would always be there. Like recently I ask how he could spend so much time training me, to which he told me the story of his student, Shifu and how he didn't notice because of his vision to rebuild the Furious Five. I remembered them from Oogway's teachings but never expected to see them rise again. I then proceeded to ask who the prospects were for the positions, hopeful that I might be one of them, but he only looked away, muttering something like

"...there will be a time for you to know, but now is not it..." This dashed may spirits for a few days. But soon I remembered, I wasn't doing this for the fame, I am doing this for others, and most of all for her... But, never the less, Oogway smiled at my comment about his training, knowing that it had shaped me into a selfless warrior, and a warrior I am. Oogway smiled and told me to come sit, so I sat,

"Po, you have been here 12 years, and have blossomed into a great and fierce warrior but our time together is coming to an end, Shifu has found his 5, and has requested I help complete their training. Hopefully, to crown a new Dragon Warrior within the next year or so. They have trained hard, just like you, all masters in their own style. The only thing stopping them from becoming formal masters is the last piece of training that I must administer. And with a heavy heart, I must send you to a friend, and someone you have met before..." This confused me, I had never been out much other than to buy supplies in the Valley's market.

"He will keep you safe until I come for you, I expect you to keep up on your training, all of it... Physical and mental... I understand your worries but I have never led you astray, so I ask for your trust once more. Just like that day outside the Orphanage. The five are Shifu's creation, his life's work, they're his students and him, their master. You, Po, are mine. I have taught you everything I can, you are my student. You may not me a formal master Po but you are a master of your style, second to none. I will complete your training, I promise. Now head into the Village, I must return to the Jade Palace. There you will find a shop, small and quaint, but don't let it fool you. Its owner will push you hard."

"What's its name Master...?

"Pings Noodle Emporium, I must be off. You should be too." And with that my master turned and left, leaving me to my thoughts. Ping, was it the same goose from all those years ago...? The one who left me in hell...

My trip into town was uneventful. I was alone with my thoughts, just me and the road. As I approached the gates the doors opened, revealing the Valley in all her glory. And the Jade Palace high atop the Thousand Steps, keeping watch over the Valley. It truly was the Valley of Peace. I walked over the bridge to enter the valley, fisherman lined the bank of the river below, hoping to earn some coin for food that evening. As I walked, it all sank in, the sounds, the smells. Children running, parents buying, and shopkeepers trying to sell their product. I started looking, and finally I found it. Hopefully, my new home. Ping's Noodle Emporium and behind the counter, the same goose that I had been told left me at the Orphanage. In that moment, he saw me, we locked eyes. My emerald eyes to his brown ones. Recognition flashed across his features, he remembers I think. Faster than I can comprehend he is around the counter and heading my way, tears in his eyes. When he reaches me, he grabs on in a sort of hug. Or a hug of my waist anyway. I feel his tears wetting my robes,

"I'm so sorry, Po. If there was any way I could have kept you I would have... Forgive me..." The restaurant looks at us, everyone in the store. I pull Mr. Ping off me and hold him at arm's length.

"I understand, there was no more you could do. Of course, I forgive you..." I can even feel myself tearing up at the antics of the old goose.

"Come, settle into your room, let me show you." I follow Ping into the kitchen, then up some stairs to the living quarter above.

"This room is all yours, my old friend said he had a student that needed a home, I happily agreed, if they helped me in the shop. He said I'd know you when I saw you. He brought some training dummies from the palace and stored them in the basement for you. He also..." The goose rambled on relentlessly about the arrangements that had been made and the deal between him and who I could only assume as Oogway. Slowly, though, Ping stopped, went quiet and still. Not moving or uttering a sound. His head turned, eyes locking with mine,

"You will honor the deal we set out, and I know that my asking may seem out of turn, but it was the only way for me to spare a room, by filling it with help." He looked at me sorrowfully, eyes threatening to spill tears that he was barely holding back. Chuckling as I kneeled to be level with him, I began to speak, gently but still firm,

"Mr. Ping, our first meeting may have not been a pleasant one, but I assure you, any deal that my master has set forth shall be honored in full. Master Oogway, through his teachings, taught me that nothing is more sacred than a man's honor, be that his word or his actions. I do not intend to sully my honor, in any way or fashion. Master's word is my law and it has made me into the man you see before you. I thank you, Mr. Ping, not only for your hospitality but also for the home. I am a stranger in your home. And intend to help in any way you see fit of me. Your deal will be honored in full, all that I ask is that you allow me a few hours out of the day to train as my master has requested." Shock, etched across the features of my new host, happiness soon to follow,

"Well then, if that is the case, then let's get cooking." Quick as a fox, the goose was gone. Laughing to myself, I put myself into motion and followed.

The shop was busy, as always. It has been almost 3 years since I left my master to stay with Mr. Ping. And in that time, I have learned more about cooking than I ever thought possible. Noodles, dumplings, rice, even serving tables, I learned and mastered it all. After a year of staying with Ping, he asked if he could adopt me, give me a family of sorts. Of course, I accepted. Hugging my father for the first time, or the closest thing to it. After that day, we only became closer, we cooked together, bought our produce, he even bought me new clothes when mine became torn and ruined. Life seemed good or as good as I had ever had it before. Tomorrow is my 23st birthday, and the day Oogway is rumored to choose a new dragon warrior, more than likely from the Furious Five. Who in my time coming here have now become the most feared fighting team in all of China, maybe even the world. They fought and have defeated them all, and who better to be their leader than my tigress, Tigress. It seems that her training has made her grow distant, cold and closed off. What some would call a perfect warrior. Hands that feel no pain, like mine... Body sculpted from steel, same as me... Mind sharp as a sword, got that one too. Trained for the same purpose, the protect the innocent and the ones we loved. We differed in only one thing, our masters. She turned cold by the harsh Master Shifu. Me turned into whatever Oogway wanted, his perfect warrior. She fought along with her team defending the valley, and undenounced to her, or my master, so was I. It started late one night, I awoke to the sound of a window shattering, and the scream of a person in trouble. I rushed out of bed, and threw on my baggy pants. They allow the most movement should I need to run, or fight... As soon as me last leg went through the pants I was on the move. I rushed out the front door, ignoring the question from Mr. Ping at the time. As I ran into the open street, two wolves sprinted out of the home directly across from me. Running as if their life depended on it, with me on their tail. It did... I broke into a run, then a sprint falling onto all fours. Quickly catching the slowed wolves, whatever they took must have been heavy. When they heard me, they turned. And when they caught a good look at me, they ran even faster. Straight toward the village exit, which they made. I caught them shortly after, dragging the one on the left to the hard, unforgiving dirt. Yelping as he hit the ground, the contents of his bag emptied. A box, made of mahogany, embroidered in gold, rolled into the grass. The other wolf stopped and howled into the night. Calling for aid from his allies. I was up quickly though, and overcame him almost immediately. One swift right cross dropping him into the mud. This was about the time his buddies showed up, and their leader, a massive brown bear. Oh, come on, I thought to myself. I adorned my trademark stance, one the likes of which Oogway had never seen before. Arms raised, protecting my head from attack, feet apart, allowing for rapid movements and kicks in any direction. As the first one came in my mind went into battle mode, locating the subtle hints his body gave off. It seemed he was planning on delivering a haymaker strait at my head. I rolled to the right, extending my left elbow into the back of his head, sending him into the embrace of darkness. The next came and hit me with a body shot from behind. I quickly lashed out with my right foot, spinning, sending him into a nearby tree. This time 3 came after me, all from different angles, one front, one left shoulder, and one from my right. The front engaged me first, followed by the one to my right. The front wolf swung with a right cross, I easily deflected, straight into the other wolfs nose. I then sent a swift palm jab into the wolf's extended arm, snapping it like a twig. The third sent me sprawling, tackling me from behind. As we rolled to a stop, I turned him into a head lock, a move of my own design, slowly cutting off his air and effectively rendering him unconscious. Finally, it was just me and their leader, it seemed the other 3 or 4 wolves ran at the sight of the destruction of their brethren. The bear was not so easily scared and brought out a nasty looking hammer he had been hiding behind his large frame. Well, shit, this is going to leave some bruises. He swung it lazily, almost like he thought I had no chance. I dove to the left, and delivered 3 swift jabs into his lover chest. Nothing, not even a wobble. So, I tried again, dodge and strike, but I was getting nowhere. So, I changed my plan, I needed to bring him down. Doing this would allow for me to get a solid hit on him, right the temple. I chose the knees and after my first kick to the back of it, he fell the ground. Seemed he never thought about what would happen then, for he sprawled and squirmed, slowly trying to rise. He never had the chance, as soon as I got to my feet I was on him in an instant. Hammering is face with blows. Right hook, left cross, uppercut, and finally the haymaker. A direct hit to the left temporal bone, diagnosis, unconsciousness... And just like that it was over, the adrenaline faded and I felt what my little endeavor had really caused me. Pain in my side, back, arms, everywhere flared up. I slowly limped over to the stolen goods, and the box fallen in the grass. I picked them all up, every piece. Loaded them up into one of the bags they had carried and made my way home. I returned to the sound of crying, and what seemed to be a person comforting. Sure enough, it was my land lord, Mr. Ping rubbing the shoulder of a young female pig, Miss Khang,

"They took my box, the last thing my father gave me before he died..." She was cut off by the sobs that racked her body. And with that I slowly stepped in, bloody and bruised. Ping quickly stood and rushed to my side, trying to wipe the blood that fell from my nose. As I entered the house completely, the bag in my left paw came into view. Miss Khang gasped as I pulled out her beloved box, slowly handing it her way. Tears leaked from her eyes, but this time from joy. I handed her the rest of her things, all safely inside the bag I carried. Her eyes quickly landed back on me and as she stood to thank me she...


"You going to help me son or keep staring off into nothingness son..." Laughing as he walked off to get who knows what. As quickly as it came the daydream stopped. My mind when on autopilot, cutting, pouring, and stirring. Everything my adopted father has taught me, ever so often getting a little fancy. Tossing a bowl or two, maybe a twirl of a knife. Always and only when a customer was watching, got to draw them in somehow. They all began to look as I stepped it up, ingredients flying, perfect portions for only the best soup, all that was missing my father's secret ingredient and the noodles. Speak of the man and he shall appear, waddling in, humming a tune, the same one he had for years. These need to go to tables 2, 5, 7 and 12, and son, try not to spill them this time..."

Author's Note

I hope to revise the two chapters as there were countless misspellings and grammar errors I just couldn't live with. However, I do apologize for the excessive wait tine between chapters. Life took a few unexpected turns, mainly the breaking of my only laptop as well as a few more personal issues. I hope to change the ending of chapter II as I think there needs to be a few changes that might further the plot. To all who favorited and followed thank you, if there are any left that is. Any who are I love to hear from you, feel free to personal message anytime. Until next time…
