The plot
This is an AU fic in which Killian Jones is runs a nightclub in the small town of storybrooke. He is living by the funding of the Nolan family. David Nolan is his silent partner. Killian overhears a plot to kidnap the Nolan's daughter, Emma. He makes an attempt to try and stop it. Everything ends up going very very wrong and Killian and Emma end up in a fight for their lives. Rated Explicit due to eventual smut and some minor violence.
Killian Jones sat behind the bar at his brand new nightclub. Neverland had opened only a few weeks before. Right now it was the biggest deal in Storybrooke and most of the nearby towns. There wasn't a lot of excitement in this quaint part of Maine. Killian had known this kind of club would do well here. It was just classy enough to attract the right type of clientele. Neverland was his third club. He would stay in Storybrooke for a few more months, than hire a great manager to run the club. When Killian had been looking to open the place he had been laughed at by most of the big name investors. It didn't make a lot of sense to open a club in Maine. He knew it was a good idea. He had been relieved when he had finally found David Nolan. The Nolan's were a rich blue blood family, who actually lived in the town. David was looking to branch out his family investments. He had agreed to front the money for Killian's business, however he was supposed to be a silent partner. Killian had agreed. David wasn't turning out to be as silent of a partner as Killian had hoped. The Nolan's had a daughter about 8 years younger than Killian. Her name was Emma. She had just finished her pre-law degree and was back home for the summer. Killian had been forced to close the club for the afternoon so that the Nolan's could have a private event, celebrating their daughter's acceptance to Harvard Law. Killian knew it would be a problem if he didn't agree. David Nolan was paying for this endeavor, he didn't want to get on his bad side.
He was just finishing the setup when he looked up at the sound of a throat clearing. A girl stood in front of him. If he had to guess she was about 22. She was a real looker. She had long curly blonde hair and shocking green eyes. He couldn't help it when his jaw dropped. She looked like she had come straight out of the pages of a magazine. She wore a red leather skirt that ended several inches above her knees and a black shirt that was cut just a little too low. He wanted to rip her out of her outfit instantly.
"Hello?" She said, as if she had already addressed him and he hadn't answered. He realized he had probably been staring for too long.
"Sorry Lass." He said his English roots coming through in his voice. "I put the sign up. The club is closed for a private event. It will reopen at 6pm."
"I know. I'm here for the event." She gave him a smile. "I must be the first one here."
"Oh sorry love. I was just finishing setting up. It isn't supposed to start for an hour." He admitted. She was giving him a strange look. Woman always looked at him. He had never really understood why. At least she was staring at his face and not his bloody prosthetic hand. He was always a little self conscious about it. He had lost the hand 6 years earlier. It was a long story.
"I must have gotten the time wrong." She said. "I will come back in a little while."
"You can stay if you want to." He said. "I don't mind as long as you don't"
"Not at all." She said. He imagined himself taking this girl on the bar. He knew it was never going to happen. She was too young for him, and even if she wasn't. He didn't even know her name. He started to put together the flowers as Mary Margaret Nolan had requested. They were supposed to have about 30 guests. The girl rolled her eyes as he started to put the first arrangement on the table.
"It's supposed to go like this." She said. Her fingers brushed against his as she fixed the flowers. He had to admit, it looked much better her way. He felt a spark run through him. The girl focused her green eyes on his.
"thanks." He said. "This isn't my usual type of job."
"I can tell." She paused. "But I'm sure your great behind the bar."
"You can come by and see sometime. Though as I'm the manager and part owner I don't too much time behind the bar any more. " He said. He was pretty sure she was flirting with him now.
"Maybe I will." She said. She helped him put together the rest of the arrangements, then they stepped back and looked at them.
"Not bad." He said Just then they heard the sound of voices coming near the bar. "I couldn't have done it without you."
"It was no problem at all." She smiled at him.
"I'm Killian Jones by the way." He added looking at her. She gave him another wicked grin
"I'm Emma." She paused. "Emma Nolan." His jaw nearly dropped again. He hadn't expected someone so casual. The Nolan's were from old money. He hadn't expected this hot girl in the mini skirt to be the princess of the Nolan dynasty.
"What is he doing here?" Emma cried an hour later. Her mother and father had arrived, and the guests were just starting to show up. She cringed as Neal Gold, her very recent ex-boyfriend, stepped through the door with his father and step-mother. Their break-up hadn't exactly been mutual. Neal and Emma had know each other since they were children. Their marriage had been practically arranged since the day they were born. Emma cared very much about him, but something was just missing. She was going to Harvard in the fall, and she wanted a chance to date someone other than Neal. He hadn't really understood.
"Mr. and Mrs. Nolan." Neal said subtly avoiding eye contact with Emma. "Its great to see all of you again."
"Its nice to see you." Emma said trying to be civil. He looked better than he had the last time she had seen him.
"Can we talk after the party?" Neal leaned over and whispered in Emma's ear.
"I'm not sure what we have to talk about." She whispered back. "But sure."
Emma turned around. She felt eyes on her. She looked up to see Killian Jones looking at her. She didn't know what to think about him. He was seriously one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen. He had deep blue eyes and dark unruly hair. He seemed a little dangerous and she couldn't help but wonder what he looked like under his too far unbuttoned shirt. She greeted a few more of the guests. Relieved to see her friends Elsa, Ana, and Ruby in the crowd. She walked to them trying to ignore the Killian Jones.
"Did you see that my parents invited Neal." She said to Ruby as soon as she reached her. Ruby chuckled.
"Of course they invited him. Your mother and father are still bitter about your break-up. They thought you would marry him."
"Yeah well, I just never felt that thing with him." She explained. Her mind flashed back to her brief touch with Killian earlier. She wanted that kind of spark. She needed someone who made her feel passionate again.
"Did you see the guy that owns this place." Ruby said noticing that his eyes were on them. "Is he not sex on legs"
"He is pretty hot." Elsa said. She blushed a little. She had always been shy.
"I'd take Kristoff any day." Ana said. "Though he is great looking." She put her arm around her sisters shoulders. Ana was two years younger than the others, however everyone knew she would get married first. She and her boyfriend Kristoff had been on the track to marriage since they were freshmen in highschool.
"What's up with the hand?" Elsa said. Emma had wondered about it herself. He had a really nice prosthetic, but he was still missing his left hand. She hadn't asked her dad if knew what had happened.
"We could just ask him." Ruby smiled. She had always been the brazen one.
"No!" The other three said in near unison.
"Emma dear." She heard her father say in his 'I mean business tone'
"You can spend time with your friends later." He paused "Why don't you go say hello to some of the other guests.
"Okay." She said she put on her best smile and prepared to mingle, like the good daughter that she was.
Killian stepped outside to the Alley way. The club was hopping and it was getting really warm. His best bartender was running the bar and he just needed a few minutes to himself. He couldn't get the Nolan girl out of his head. He had never had someone effect him like she had. It was a little strange. As he stepped outside relishing in the cool air he heard a muffled voice on the other side of the dumpster.
"I shouldn't talk about this here." A man's voice said. Killian tried to stay hidden not wanting to alarm the man. "I told you, you will get your money when you have the girl." Killian tried not to breath now. "There is cab that will be coming to pick her up and take her to the airport on Monday. She's going to visit her friend Regina and her new husband for a week in London. I don't want her getting on that plane."
Killian sucked in a breath. It sounded as though someone was plotting a kidnapping.
"Look I will meet you right now and give you the half we agreed to. But that's it. There are at least twenty other guys interested in this job. This is going to be a huge payday for both of us. The Nolan's are the richest family in the state. They will pay anything to have their little girl back."
At those words Killian slipped back inside the door of the club hoping that he hadn't been heard. He knew how this kind of thing worked. He could file a police report but, no one would do anything. he didn't even what the guy looked like. His blood was boiling. He had done some things back when he was younger. He definitely wasn't innocent, but he had never been party to something like this. He had to warn the Nolan's. That was the only way. He stood by the door a few minutes waiting to get a look at the guy who came back in. After 10 full minutes he opened the door again. The man was gone. He had clearly slipped out through the alley and left.
"Hey David." He said twenty minutes later. After he had dealt with a minor crisis at the bar. He had called David's cell phone number. The voice mail picked up nearly immediately. " This is Killian Jones. I desperately need to speak with you. If you could get back to me asap. Everything at the club is fine but please call me back." He said. He walked to his office and looked at the desk calendar. He would go to the Nolan's tomorrow and make sure they knew about everything. He was certain that they would do whatever was possibly to protect Emma.