Day 3: Dream
A large room made from gold bricks, could be seen burned from torch light, allowing anyone to see a large king sized bed covered in black slik sheets, silk blankets, and pillows. Gold scales lay scattered everywhere, with long claw marks on the walls, floor, and some torn up pillows lay on the floor. Gold coins, swords, shields, necklaces, and more lay scattered in a corner besides a large gold coffin that lay empty waiting for whoever would go there. A large gold and silver full body mirror stood pointed towards the bed were two figures sat.
"Laxus." A soft female voice rung in Laxus's ears, the scent of strawberries, old books, metal, and a scent he couldn't place. Soft hands and arms wrap around his neck, the arms and hands hanging down towards his chest. A warm body still dressed pressed against Laxus's back, the soft sound of metal hitting metal filled his ears, while a strong heartbeat thumped against his back. "You need to sleep at some point Dragon God." the soft voice mumbled against his neck, before soft lips gently kissed his neck making the gold scales on him rattle softly.
Laxus let out a soft rumble, that he tried not to jolt as he found himself purring. His storm like eyes slide towards the large full body mirror that hung across the room. He was fully naked with a black silk blanket wrapped around his hips. His eyes were blue-grey and cat like, gold scales lay going along his jawline with gold scales scattered around his cheeks, nose and forehead. Blonde, spiky hair sat on his head, with gold scales going down his back, covering his whole back and spreading out to the two large gold leather wings that at the moment lay draped out on the bed.
His arms were covered in gold scales from his elbows down to his hands which instead of fingers lay large white claws. He was also covered in golden scales from his hips down to his feet, while a long, thick gold and white scaled tail lay behind him, white spikes going up out of it. "Come to bed with me, my love." the woman said again and Laxus could see long blonde hair, that was braided and fell across her shoulder.
Soft, warm brown eyes glanced over at the mirror, her lips curving into a gentle smile at seeing him staring at her through the mirror. She shifted her hand gripping onto his shoulder as she swung her self around and settled into his lap. Laxus blinked as he saw that all she wore was a golden silk wrap that was around her breast and a little of her stomach, gold scales had been stitched into the silk, with a black silk skirt around her hips. Around her neck sat a silver necklace with a white spike in the center going down between her breast.
A sense of possessiveness rung through him, at the sight and he leaned forward gently nuzzling against her neck, a louder purr escaping him as he found his scent all over her. "To bed." Laxus mumbled his lips pressed against her neck, before folding his wings against his back and falling backwards into their bed.
Laxus watched as the woman who he knew he loved more then anything screamed as a sword went through her stomach. She stumbled back the sword still in the warrior's hand dark red blood stood out on the sword. Laxus dove his hands barley catching the woman in his hands, claws curling up on her hips, wings flaring out to form two large shields between them and the outside world. "No, no, no you can't leave me." Laxus found himself saying his voice rumbling out.
"La-Laxus." she stumbled out, tears gathering in her eyes as one of her hands that was covering the large hole in her stomach, gently touched his face. He could smell her blood that was smearing on his face. He leaned into her touch, and raised his other hand pressing it down on her stomach trying to stop the bleeding, but found with all his power of lighting he didn't have the power to save her. Tears slowly trailed down his face, and he felt the rumbling purr that always came out when she was near him, as she gently scratched the scales on his face.
"Don't leave." Laxus mumbled softly.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can stop." she whispered "We'll see each other again though my love, just wait for my alright? I'm always late it seems." She gave a soft laugh before her eyes went blank and her body went slack against him. Laxus felt his purr choke up, as he saw the woman he loved in every life die once more. He gently placed her body on the ground before his powerful legs shot him up the sky, wings out a loud roar filled with anger, and pain living his mouth. His eyes narrowed down seeing everyone even the people who worshiped him as enemies and they all had to die.
He didn't remember much for the next ten minutes except for the screams of the men as he slaughtered them. Claws drenched in blood, once golden scales turned dark red with blood from the dead bodies lay in pieces on the ground. One of his wings lay dragged along the floor, besides his tail as he walked towards the body of the woman. He bent down and gently picked her up carrying her deeper into the temple were their bed chamber lay.
He went past the bed towards the golden coffin that he had always thought would be for him when he died, but he knew better now. It was for both of them, his life meant nothing without his mate with him. Pushing it open with one strong push he gently laid her down, then turned to look at the entrance. He didn't want to be disturbed ever. He could feel the power of lightning build up inside him, once more before he raised his hands and balls of lightning floated up, before they went off. Explosions rung out hitting the ceiling making the bricks cave inward closing the entrance from everyone.
Laxus stared for a moment longer before lifting a hand once more and creating more balls of lightning that would never go out, and would keep people away from this place forever. No one would ever see his mate and him every again. The dragon god of lightning lifted himself into the coffin his non-broken wing folded against him, as he laid himself onto his side, his broken wing being pulled over him and his mate, tail curling around her being mindful of the spikes on his tail. He pressed his face gently against her head and enclosed one of her small hands in his large one. He closed his eyes as he raised his other hand claws up before stabbing down straight into his neck, ripping a large chunk out.
Laxus shot up in bed gasping, hands grabbing onto the sheets pooled around him. Laxus sat there for a moment his eyes wide before he shook his head, and lifted a hand to rub against his face. "What the fuck was that?" Laxus grumbled, and felt the sharp teeth from his dragon slayer magic that no one besides himself knew about starting to come out. He let out a low growl for a moment, and listened for anything, something putting him off his game, before deciding that no one was in his home, and fell back onto his bed.
Closing his eyes Laxus sighed and tried to fall asleep once more, while thinking Who was that woman and why can't I remember her anymore?
He wouldn't realize it until it was to late, but he would see that woman again three weeks later.
Shall we pretend this isn't late?