Summary: In a world where flames are a part of daily life, Tsuna and his guardians struggle to hide their involvement with the Vongola while running their popular YouTube channel, FireAndPride, where they give advice on all the trials and tribulations of mastering one's flames. But some things aren't meant to stay secret forever, and all Tsuna and his guardians can do is weather the storm, and hope for the best.

"What's up, shitheads? RagingTempest here. Long time no see!"

Full lips quirk up into a sure smile, and he leans back in his seat, a lollipop hanging from his fingers like a cigarette.

As usual, the top half of his face is cut off, and all his hair is swept back, hidden under his favourite, ratty, green beanie. There are three sparkling red studs in his right ear, and an orange one in his left. A thin silver chain hangs around his neck, disappearing under his shirt and hiding the charm from view.

"Unfortunately, you bastards are all stuck with me today, since Sky is busy with ettiquette lessons or some shit. Perks of being a rich kid, I guess."

His lips pull into a grimace, and he lifts his lollipop to his lips to suck on it thoughtfully for a moment, gathering his thoughts together.

Pulling it out with an audible 'pop', he gestures with it towards the camera.

"One of Sky's many, many, many, many tutors blew up on me the other day when she noticed me smoking, yelling about how he can't afford to breathe in second-hand smoke whenever I'm around, so I'm being...gently encouraged to quit.

"In other words, if I so much as touch another cigarette, I'm never allowed to see him again."

Shifting in his seat, he leans towards the camera, the bottom half of his face disappearing for a moment as well as he drops his lollipop into a cup of water with a 'plop' and sits back.

"Enough about me, though. I know none of you follow this channel for my charming personality. On to the questions. Today's video was originally supposed to be about illusions, and some common problems mist users often face. But the twins disappeared to, like, Guatemala last week and I haven't the slightest when they'll be coming back. So today we'll continue talking about managing multiple flames.

"Despite popular belief, having multiple flames isn't nearly as uncommon as the media wants us to believe. And sometimes, the difference between a person's main flame, and their secondary or tertiary flames isn't very noticeable. I have a friend, for example, who has cloud and sun flames - I know, super weird combination - but both his flames are exactly equal in strength. He always lists sun as his main flame though, because apparently that's popular with the ladies or something stupid like that."

He holds up a hand, palm facing forwards.

"Most people have only one flame," he says, and a bright red storm flame lights above his thumb.

"Nearly two thirds of all multiple flame users have two flames," he says, and a deep green lightning flame sparks to life above his index finger.

"Nearly one third of all multiple flame users have three flames," he continues, and a deep purple cloud flame dances into being on his middle finger.

"Those with four or five flames together make up only about five per cent of all multiple flame users," he finishes, and sun and rain flames light on his last two fingers in quick succession.

He lets the flames burn for a moment, turning his hand and curling his fingers into a fist, extinguishing all but the storm flame, which expands to engulf his whole hand.

"Some people will try and put you down for having multiple flames. You don't know how many times people have told me my storm flame is tainted by my others, or called me a mutt, as if they are somehow purer for having only one flame. Not a single one of them escaped without a broken nose or arm.

"The old wives' tale about secondary and tertiary flames making your main flame weaker is also completely, one hundred per cent false. As long as your pride is strong enough, you need never worry about being weak.

"What isn't false, however, is how difficult it is to control multiple flames, especially if they're complete opposites, like sun and storm. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a handle on your secondary flames yet. It took me a fuckload of practice just to even be able to light the right flames when I wanted to, let alone get them to not explode on me. And even then I had Sky's tutors to help me out.

"So I guess it's time for me to pay it forward. Leave your questions and concerns in the comments below, and we'll see if we can give you some advice to help you improve in our next video!

"I'll have to get going now, though. So this is RagingTempest signing out."

Top Comments

31 minutes ago
LuciFerry: I'll have you know, I actually do happen to watch this channel for your charming personality. (26 likes)

2 hours ago
ToasterBroster: You are such a show off and I would be kinda annoyed, but I'm too busy being jealous at how well you can control all your flames and the fact that you have five of them. (14 likes)

All Comments

baseballbutwithswords: ... [Post]

1 minute ago
DemonicEmbrace: Tbh you don't know how much better you've made me feel about having three flames. I always thought I was a freak because everyone else I know only has one.

7 minutes ago
JaRoFhEaRtS: You're so hot!

11 minutes ago
Pluplaplees: How do you get the right flame to light? Like, do you think in your mind "I want my lightning flame"? Or do you have to, like think "lightning" type thoughts?

13 minutes ago
KobraKing: Hah. "As long as your pride is strong enough." Yeah right. You're just trying to make yourself feel better. Pathetic wanna be. (3 dislikes)

21 minutes ago
LexiLexington: Can someone have sky flames as their secondary?

27 minutes ago
motherhen: Awww...I miss Sky. Stupid lessons keeping him away so we can't see him. He better be in the next video!

31 minutes ago
MichaelFinnigan: What are the twins doing in Guatemala?

33 minutes ago
QueenofH3art5: My main flame is cloud, and whenever I try to light my storm flames, they kind of...explode. How can I make that stop happening?

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SkyGem: The end! What'd you guys think of the first chapter? Like? Dislike? Please leave a review and let me know what you thought!