A bright and sunny day was today in konahagakure, Naruto Uzumaki was walking threw the streets as so he could get some ramen for lunch and then head back to the academy. Naruto wanted to avoid the glares today so he took a shortcut threw the forest. "Man, Today sure is boring" Naruto said to himself. "When will anything-" All of the sudden a Kunai was on his neck. "Naruto Uzumaki?" The person asked. Naruto gulped and nodded. "Please come with me" The person held out his hand and Naruto took it and next thing he new, he was in the hokage's office. "Naruto" The hokage greeted. "Hey gramps, What with the sudden invitation?" Naruto asked. "That... I can't answer, Danzo is the one that called for you" He pointed to the old man behind him.
"Hello Naruto Uzumaki, We have a few questions for you" Naruto tilted his head but nodded. "Please follow me, You to hokage" Danzo walked off and they followed. They ended up in a single room with a table and light. "Naruto, Have a seat" Danzo gestured towards the seat on the left hand side. "So Naruto" Danzo said as he sat down on the opposite side. "A woman has come to us with some disturbing information, So i'm gonna ask this once and only once" Danzo said in a serious tone. "What were you doing yesterday at 9:00?" Naruto put a finger on his chin and thought. "If I remember correctly...
Naruto was at his table eating some ramen and milk before he went to bed. He looked at the time and noticed it was 9:00. Naruto yawned. "I guess it's time for bed" He went to lie down until he noticed a single figure on the opposite roof looking straight at him. He and Naruto locked eyes and stared at each other for a little while before the other guy jumped away. Naruto stared at the same spot for a minute and shrugged and got under his covers and drifted of to sleep.
Danzo and the hokage looked at each other for a second and then turned back to Naruto. "Naruto, The lady that came in said the she spotted you mauling a guy to death" Naruto's eyes widened. "WHAT!" Danzo sighed. "The evidence against you is unfathomable, We have no other choice but to give you a punishment. We will keep it top secret but this is a sentence you can't avoid" Naruto was nearly crying while the hokage was patting his back. "Why would anyone think I would do this?" Danzo shrugged. "Anyway, Your punishment is small but huge. Naruto Uzumaki, You are to leave Konoha for two years, Once your sentence is done you are welcome back just in time for the graduation exams, You will be able to become a ninja when you come back" Naruto eyes widened soaking in the information and just broke into tears on the hokage's chest. The hokage merely hugged him. "You have till midnight" Danzo said as he walked out. Naruto just balled his eye's out. But when he was done... "Naruto" The little boy looked up from his chest "I promise you, I will find who did this to you" The hokage smiled and hugged him tighter.
Time skip
Naruto was already out of the village with the supplies, money and clothing the hokage provided. "Now what"... "Become stronger" Naruto jumped at the deep voice, but suddenly found himself feeling dizzy. He fell to the ground and closed his eyes.
Naruto found himself standing in a huge hallway with a cage and water that was no more than 4 cm. "Hello" Naruto looked up at the cage and saw two big red eyes with slit pupils. "Who are you?" All of the sudden a huge toothy grin appeared bellow the eyes with sharp fangs. "I am kyuubi no kitsune, The most powerful of the tailed beasts" The beast finally showed himself from the darkness. A huge orange fox with nine tails came out. "Ummm... OK next, Where am i" The kyuubi scoffed. "Your mind scape" Naruto nearly fainted. "What do you mean?!" The kyuubi sighed at the kid. "Let me explain. Years ago, the fourth hokage sealed me, A demon lord, into a newborn baby, and that baby was you" Naruto's eyes widened and mouth nearly dropped. "This is your mindscape, A cage of sorts that will hold me as long as this seal is here" The fox used one of his hands to scratch the seal but not making a dent. "In this place I basically can hear, feel or see anything that happens to you"... "So why are you talking to me now?" The kyuubi eyes widened. "Wait, your just accepting it, no surprise or anything just an Ok?" Naruto shrugged. "It's not like i can do anything about it" The kyuubi nodded. "Now why are you talking to me now?" The kyuubi smiled. "I was listening in on the interrogation, You do realise that that guy was simply kidding with you" Naruto scoffed. "Yah right" Kyuubi growled. "Kid, if you lived as long as i have, you can tell a person is lying just by their body gestures, Did you notice that when he was telling you your punishment he kept looking to the top right of his eye?" Kyuubi questioned. Naruto thought back to the conversation. "Yah, I think so" Kyuubi chuckled. "That's common when someone is lying, I'm guessing that half way threw your punishment, he'll send some men to find and kill you" Naruto scoffed. "And why would he do that? Its not like I've done anything to him" The Kyuubi knocked his head against the bars startling Naruto. "He knows that you have me inside of you, HE is a sick man and will do anything to gain more power. My guess is that he will come with the party and transfer myself to him... Killing you in the process" Naruto looked down. 'there's no way... is there?' Naruto looked up. "What do I do if he does come" The kyuubi simply smiled. "Good your starting to get it, First you will let me train you, Second you will run and hide from him when he does come, Thats mainly so he can't hold anything againest you. Third and finnaly, Become the strongest ninja ever" Naruto looked up at the kyuubi. "and hokage?" Kyuubi nodded and put a fist threw the bars. "And Hokage" naruto smiled and fist bumped.