This is it guys, last one! I really hope you guys have enjoyed reading this little short story because I have really enjoyed writing it. As always I so appreciate all of your likes, favorites, and comments. You guys are amazing!
June 23, 2021
Kenzi grabbed up Dyson's jeans from the floor and dropped them into the laundry basket on her hip. She carried the basket into the living room and then past the kitchen toward the laundry room. After loading the washing machine she dropped the basket onto the floor and headed back toward the kitchen. Kenzi leaned back against the counter and took a deep breath. She just felt bad all around. Her clothes were too tight, she was out of breath, she had heartburn, she was tired, and for some reason she kind of wanted to cry. A knock sounded on her front door, she glanced out the window above the kitchen sink and a smile touched her lips.
"Come in!" she called. The front door opened and Bo walked in.
"Good morning you little housewife." She said. Kenzi chuckled and looked down at the wedding ring on her finger. She never got tired of looking at it and reminding herself that Dyson was her husband.
"It's really nice isn't it?" Kenzi asked looking around their house. Dyson had bought this house for them three months ago and Kenzi had finally finished unpacking the last box. It had taken them a while to get unpacked mostly because he worked a lot and Kenzi was frequently with Bo. Getting married and moving in together had stopped neither from continuing their normal lives. Kenzi continued to go out with Bo, they made such a badass team that breaking up the duo would've made no sense, plus that was Kenzi's only income and she wanted to feel like she was contributing something to the household.
"It's perfectly domestic." Bo said.
"Oh please, don't pretend like you and Lauren aren't living it up over there in science heaven." Kenzi smirked.
"I just never thought we'd live apart." Bo shrugged. Kenzi smiled fondly and nodded. It had been so hard to leave Bo and move in with Dyson after they'd become engaged, but Kenzi had felt obligated and not living together as husband and wife would've made little to no sense.
"I know Bo-Bo, but nothing has changed, we live walking distance apart and we always have sleepovers." Kenzi chuckled. Bo nodded and finally smiled.
"What are you getting into today?" Kenzi asked.
"I actually don't have a single thing on the schedule so I thought I'd spend the day with Lauren since she's got the day off as well."
"That sounds sexually pleasing." Kenzi chuckled. Bo nodded and bit her bottom lip, she knew that the women took advantage of off days, much like she and Dyson did.
"What are you going to do today?" Bo asked.
"I think Dyson is looking for Trick's help at the Dal so I thought I'd go down there and see if he wanted to have some lunch." Kenzi said.
Dyson sat with Trick and Hale at the bar, they were flipping through a file when Dyson sighed and slammed it closed.
"Nothing." He said. Hale groaned and dropped his head onto the bar.
"We've been doing this for almost three months now, I'm so sick of this. I need some relief." Hale grumbled.
"Kenzi's about tired of giving me relief." Dyson said. Hale chuckled from his position on the bar and shook his head where it met his arms.
"Man if only I were that lucky."
"What happened to Maria?" Trick asked.
"Something about commitment issues, hell I don't know." Hale said. Dyson and Trick shared a laugh.
"Have you two finished unpacking yet?" Trick asked Dyson.
"We finished the last box last night. Fortunately that's where most of my things were that I've been looking for." Dyson said.
"I figured all your possessions would fit into one box." Hale smirked.
"I had three boxes actually." Dyson said smugly.
"I assume everything has been going well?" Trick asked.
"Perfect actually. We've had a few arguments." Dyson shrugged.
"That's not unusual for you two." Hale said.
"My mother always said that when your ears are burning it means someone is talking about you." Kenzi stepped through the door with a smile on her face and they all looked up. Dyson thought it was odd that he hadn't smelt her before she walked in, he usually had no problem telling when she had arrived somewhere.
"Get bored at the house?" Dyson asked. Kenzi chuckled and walked over to him.
"Yeah, Bo came by and said that we had the day off so I figured I'd come help you guys out, I know how hard this case had been." She said. Dyson nodded and passed her the file. She looked different to him, she seemed on edge, uncomfortable, tired.
"I've looked through it eighty-five times, a fresh pair of eyes might do us some good." He said. Kenzi smiled and they shared a small kiss.
"You alright?" he asked quietly.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Just feel a little off. I don't think I slept enough last night." She smiled.
"Well maybe a massage tonight after dinner will put you right to sleep."
"Oh I love you." Kenzi took his chin in her hand and kissed him once more before she dropped the file on the table.
"Bathroom break first." She said. Dyson watched her walk away, concern covering his face. He still couldn't smell her. Trick noticed his concern and he leaned forward.
"Something wrong?"
"Yeah, her scent, it's not there." Dyson said. Trick leaned back quickly and his face showed concern like Dyson's.
"Are you sure your nose isn't just stuffy?" Hale asked. Dyson gave his best friend a look that told him to fuck off.
"I smell you and Trick just fine, but not her."
"It could be a scent blocking perfume although I doubt Kenzi would do that. Maybe something blocking her scent. I don't know who or what would do that though and even then I don't know why." Trick shrugged. Kenzi emerged from the bathroom and grabbed the file. She pushed at the corset hugging her waist and pulled a face.
"Too tight?" Dyson asked. Kenzi smirked and opened the file.
"I'm just uncomfortable today. My clothes don't fit right. Do I look like I've gained weight?" she asked facing Dyson, Trick, and Hale.
"No, not at all." They all answered together knowing that no other answer would be appropriate or acceptable. Kenzi crossed her arms, her bottom lip poked out slightly, and she looked straight at Dyson.
"I'm serious." She pouted.
"Give us a minute." Dyson said. Hale and Trick nodded, they didn't want anything to do with this. They both turned toward the bar and Trick started washing dishes. Dyson walked over to Kenzi and put his hands on her upper arms.
"You look gorgeous as always, what's going on with you? You're not just tired." he said.
"I just don't feel good." Kenzi sighed.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I'm irritable, tired, nauseous, I have like super bad heartburn, and I'm fat." She said. Tears filled her eyes as the words spewed out and Dyson was genuinely confused. Kenzi had never in her life acted like this. If she was feeling shitty she kept it to herself unless Dyson forced it out of her and she only ever cried when something serious was going on.
"Hey, hey, come on now." He lifted his hands to her cheeks and spoke softly.
"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me." She said. Dyson pulled her against him and she pressed her cheek against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her back and held her head against him. Her hands circled his waist and she held him. She wasn't crying anymore but he was still concerned for her.
"Hormones." Dyson said softly. Kenzi laughed against his chest and then leaned back a little.
"I think I'll take the file and just go home. Do you mind?" Kenzi asked.
"Of course not. I'll leave here soon and pick up some ice cream on the way home."
"Your case though."
"Is not nearly as important as my wife." He said. Kenzi smiled and Dyson let her go.
"Sorry about that guys, just have some female issues over here." Kenzi waved her hand at Trick and Hale who nodded their understanding.
"See you soon." Dyson said. Kenzi let him kiss her forehead before she grabbed the file and left.
Less than an hour later Dyson arrived home and walked through the front door. He breathed in and finally smelled Kenzi. Her familiar scent drifted toward him from the bedroom but her normal scent was covered with hormones, tons of them, an abnormal amount. Dyson frowned and put the ice cream in the freezer before he headed toward the bedroom. He stopped outside the door, Kenzi was no where in sight but her scent was heavy.
"Babe" he called.
"In the closet." She said. Dyson followed her voice and found her in the walk in closet. The one thing that Dyson had requested when looking for a house was a massive closet in the master bedroom. Kenzi had never had the luxury of a walk in closet, and with her massive amounts of clothes and shoes, Dyson had wanted to give her something special. She'd nearly fainted when she'd seen it and Dyson had loved every second of it. Kenzi was standing in front of the full-length mirror at the end of the closet, she was wearing a bra and panties, staring at herself.
"At the risk of losing this excellent view, may I ask what you are doing?" Dyson asked. Kenzi turned around and pursed her lips.
"Look at these." She pointed at her breast and walked toward him.
"I see them." Dyson chuckled. He glanced briefly then back up at Kenzi, he didn't know what was happening.
"No Dyson, really look. They're huge and they really hurt, like they've been super sore all day." She said softly. Dyson looked down, she wasn't wrong, her breast seemed larger somehow, swollen.
"I mean, maybe they just decided to grow a little." Dyson shrugged. Kenzi opened her mouth to say something and then she gagged. Dyson took a step back, not wanting to be thrown up on.
"What the hell is that smell?" she asked quickly.
"What smell?" Dyson could only smell Kenzi, there was really nothing else.
"It smells like onions, like onion potatoes, potato chips, onion potato chips!" she shouted. Dyson's eyebrows rose and he glanced around.
"There's some Fun-yun rings in the car, they're Hale's, how on earth did you smell that?" he asked.
"Oh that smell is bad." Kenzi covered her nose. She pushed past him and headed for the bathroom.
"I need to pee." She huffed. Dyson stood silent for a few moments before he whipped out his phone.
"Hey, figure anything out?" Trick answered.
"Trick I have a question."
"Go ahead."
"Something's going on with Kenzi. She reeks of hormones, she can smell something that is all the way in the car, she's got heartburn, she says she's uncomfortable, her clothes don't fit right, her breasts are sore and…bigger." Dyson said. Trick chuckled and Dyson could just see him shaking his head on the other end of the line.
"She's going through something perfectly normal for a woman in her position. Something that most married couples experience at least once in their lives and maybe more if they choose it." Trick said. Dyson paused and then his eyes widened.
"Oh shit." He said under his breath.
Kenzi searched through the medicine cabinet frantically, her heart was racing, she couldn't find them. Finally she closed her hand around the small blue pack and ripped them open. She'd been taking them religiously, just like she was supposed to.
"What the hell?" she looked up and then her heart sank.
"Oh no, no, no." her hand wrapped around the medicine bottle in front of her face and she thought she was about to die right there. The antibiotics that she'd been taking three months ago when Dyson had first started his case, they'd canceled out her birth control.
"Shit, fuck, shit." Kenzi hissed as her hands shook violently.
"Trick this can't be happening." Dyson said.
"Well it is Dyson. Birth control is a finicky drug, it has to be taken at the same time every single day if not then it's not effective. Antibiotics can also mess with birth control. Has she been sick recently?" Trick asked. Dyson thought back and then sighed.
"About three months ago she had a cold. She went to the doctor and came home with medicine." Dyson said.
"Well there's your answer then. You should take her to Lauren and have her checked out. While most Fae human pregnancies are completely normal it strikes me as odd that you were unable to smell her today and that she can smell something that's all the way in the car." Trick said. Dyson nodded and looked toward the bathroom.
"Yeah, I'll um…see what Kenzi wants to do." Dyson said. He wasn't sure if she even knew yet that she was pregnant and he also wasn't exactly sure how to react. He was freaking out and he knew that Kenzi would too when she found out.
"Dyson, calm down. I know you're concerned and I know that this is all new, but Kenzi is your wife. I don't know if you two ever planned on having children, but it's a wonderful blessing, and most couples don't plan these things." Trick said.
"This coming from the man whose daughter has tried to murder him on more than one occasion." Dyson said. Trick chuckled and Dyson followed suit.
"You'll both be wonderful parents." Trick said.
"Yeah." Was the only thing Dyson could say. He'd dreamed of having children one day. When he'd married Kenzi that dream had diminished slightly. Because she was human and he was fae their children would be human which made Dyson sad. He would outlive his wife and child, however, Kenzi's abnormal amount of hormones as well as the fact that certain things were happening to her that were not at all normal, told Dyson that maybe there was hope.
"Oh and one more thing Dyson." Trick said.
"Yeah?" Dyson asked.
"Congratulations dad." Trick said before he hung up. Dyson smiled and put the phone back in his pocket.
"Kenz!" he called. He listened to her in the bathroom, her heart was beating rapidly, but something else was there, another heartbeat, it was fast and loud. Dyson smiled as he leaned forward, listening intently to his child's rapid heartbeat.
"Uh sweetie." Kenzi said softly as she opened the door. Dyson was all smiles, he could hear his child's heartbeat and suddenly he wasn't so shocked. He was happy, unequivocally happy.
"You're pregnant." Dyson said quickly. Kenzi stopped right outside the door and her big blue eyes met his, God he hoped their child had her eyes.
"And you're…happy." Kenzi said
"I'm so many things." Dyson said as he walked toward her.
"I'm concerned for you, intrigued, hopeful, and scared out of my mind, but I am so happy. I wish you could hear what I hear. I can hear its heart beating." Dyson said. Kenzi stood in front of him, worry all over her face and her small hands went to her bare stomach.
"My parents were horrible, how can someone be a good mother when they don't even know what a good mother is?" Kenzi asked quietly. Dyson put his hands over hers, her stomach was warm and he could smell her fear, her apprehension, but there were tones of happiness there, he just needed to reassure her.
"You'll be a wonderful mother for that exact reason. You don't know what a good mother is and because of that reason you'll give our child everything it needs and all the love that you have. You'll want him or her to know exactly what it is to be loved and feel everything you never felt." Dyson said. Kenzi looked up at him and a smile covered her face. Dyson couldn't see the thoughts flying through her head but he saw her happiness and it matched his. Kenzi threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her up, showering her with kisses.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." Kenzi said in his ear. Dyson returned her to the ground and kissed her deeply.
"And you'll never have to find out. But first thing's first, we make an appointment with Lauren and get you checked out. Second, no more corsets." Dyson said. Kenzi's eyes widened.
"I will not be walking around in mom jeans and sensible shoes." She pointed.
"I'm sure we can find you some stylish maternity clothes." Dyson chuckled.
"Well we better because if I can't maintain my amazing style to pass down, then what is the point." Kenzi laughed, Dyson laughed right along with her and they shared another kiss. She was his forever, no mater what, she was it for him.