A/N: I own nothing. Star Wars and Harry Potter are owned by other people. This is story is in response to whitetigerwolf's Bounty Hunter challenge, after a fashion. Instead of going back to the Wild West, I've sent Harry and Hermione to a galaxy far, far away.

Chapter One: Endings and Beginnings.

Hawk checked her blaster, mentally reviewing the mechanical parts as she tapped a nameless rhythm upon it. She finished the review and moved onto other things in her mind, including reviewing her current predicament. A predicament shared with her partner-in-crime.

Somehow, almost five years ago, she'd been sent to somewhere else, somewhere far, far away. From what she could surmise, it wasn't their galaxy, and definitely not something she needed to think about without copious amounts of alcohol. They arrived on Nar Shaddaa, a planet equivalent to Knockturn Alley and Las Vegas wrapped into one. They only survived due to the timely invention of a Jedi and his Padawan.

That was another strange thing: Jedi accessed the Force, or at least were formally trained to do so. She and her partner could as well, though it seemed the closest thing to magic this galaxy may ever experience. If they had their wands, maybe it'd be different, but a few days spent in one of the best libraries she'd ever seen, she ended with some basic knowledge of what this galaxy was, who the Jedi were, and what they could do to survive, including what the Force was, and more important, how a theory on how it related to magic. Nothing concrete, but something tangible that aided them in surviving here. The only question she couldn't answer was how they ended up here.

The last thought she had before waking up on Nar Shaddaa was of the battle in the second Ministry, and of somehow being struck down by this bolt of purple. What felt like moments later, she woke to the alien grumblings in languages she couldn't comprehend. Her screams alerted the Jedi, who rushed over to their side. Or rather, tried to. The crowd was too thick, even for their powers (and they didn't have their wands), and Hawk thought they would be dead, or worse, in moments had Wolf not woken then.

Her scream echoed through the crowded walkway. Hawk felt the shudder of magic pass through her. She crawled over to Wolf's side, ignoring the pain radiating from her chest and held her best friend tightly to her. The Jedi arrived, and the rest, well became history.

"Ready?" Hawk looked up to see her partner swaying over to her, hips swinging back and forth despite the heavy armor. She'd known what those hips looked like underneath well enough to finish mentally undressing her partner. It hadn't been her plan to sleep with her partner, but after one mission too many and one drink too many (despite their age), she finally broke that last wall and spoke from her heart.

That was nearly five years ago, and now, Wolf stood just over a meter and a half, well below Hawk's own meter and three-quarters. While Wolf's black mane hung down past her shoulders, Hawk trimmed her once bushy locks into pixie cut (though a few strands managed to be unruly). While she filled out to a little bit more than a B-cup, Wolf seemed astonished with her C-cup breasts (not that this galaxy used the same measurements, but she did the math). They were a lovely pair too, and Hawk spent hours worshiping them during the cold nights, much to their mutual satisfaction. And despite a few fights along the way, they still were best friends, now that title included partners (and then some).

"Of course," Hawk said. She slipped the blaster back into her holder. Harry flashed her a smile and tossed her a PADD. "Everything taken care of, Wolf?"

"'Nother couple hundred thousand credits," Wolf said, her lips smiling wide to show her teeth. "You got us our next head?"

Hawk smiled to herself as she reviewed the receipt. Everything appeared in order. It wasn't that she didn't trust Wolf. It was the Bounty Board she didn't trust, and she'd rather not have to deal with Wolf blasting her way through the local office again.

"Yes, and it's not so much a mission as returning a favor," Hawk said as she slipped the PADD into her belt. Wolf arched an eyebrow, her bright green eyes drawing her attention away from the hanger. They were asked to meet here, and they'd be traveling in the employers' ship.

"What favors? You know I don't like owing anyone," Wolf whined, pouting her lips. Hawk leaned forward, kissing her gently and distracting her from thinking any more about favors. Wolf moaned into the contact, wrapping her arms around her waist to lean into her fully. A warmth filled her, building up through her. She tightened her grip, pulling Wolf up to her. She willed herself not to tug at Wolf's armor to reach the warm flesh hidden from her roaming hands. One hand wrapped around her neck, the other reach down to play with Wolf's belt.

A cough broke their kiss and stopped her from getting them cited for indecent exposure again. Wolf whined again, nuzzling her neck much like her namesake. Hawk turned to see the two men, one a great deal older than any of them – the master – and the other about their again – the padawan. "Master Jinn, Padawan Kenobi." Hawk smiled widely at them, not ashamed of their situation.

"This will not happen often during our mission, will it?" Jinn asked, arching an eyebrow at them. She caught the silent laughter in his eyes as she shrugged her shoulders.

Wolf finally stepped back to turn back look at Kenobi. She bounded over to him, stopping less than a third of a meter from him, well within grasping distance. The two stared at each other, glaring almost before Wolf cracked a smile first. She threw her arms over him, receiving a tight hug that pulled her up off the floor.

Hawk smiled at the display. Despite being completely different, Wolf connected with Kenobi. Both felt a burden of their position, and even if they never trained in the ways of the Force, Wolf enjoyed how the Padawan explained the Force. Wolf slowly began to seek the big picture, mediating to calm the storm inside of her. Hawk found her magic fell more along Jinn's perspective: she now focused on the now and how fast it could change. Her magic responded accordingly, seeking the quick changes and following their prey.

"You are all set?" Jinn asked. "And thank you again for joining us. I do not expect much trouble, but -"

"Something is off," Hawk said, brushing a short brown lock out of her eye-sight. Kenobi finally let Wolf, wide smiles on both of their faces. "Wolf said as much on our return trip."

"A successful bounty I'm sure." A small smirk appeared on Jinn's lips. Hawk nodded, though since becoming hunters they rarely failed to bring in their prey. "We were lucky you were available to assist us."

"Like we'd turn you down," Wolf said as she came back to Hawk's side. "So, where are we headed?" Jinn removed the holodisk and held it out to Hawk. She took it and began to survey the relevant information with Wolf reading over her shoulder.

"We're heading to Naboo to aid in the negotiation between the Trade Federation and the planet." Jinn started to explain but Wolf waved him off.

"If you need our help, then you're expecting trouble," she said. She removed the disk from Hawk's hands and slipped it into the same pouch as she placed the padd into earlier. "And if you're expecting trouble, it isn't something that you want to deal with on your own. Not that you Jedi wouldn't be able to, but having two licensed bounty hunters should help to smooth any outside threats without revealing you're Jedi yet."

"Plus, you have more eyes on the lookout," Hawk said. She turned toward the waiting ship. "Shall we?"

"Please, before you give my Master a heart attack," Kenobi said, smiling lightly at their antics. Despite being more rigid than his master in most things, Wolf and Hawk managed to get Kenobi to begin to relax in his perceptions of the code, and in turn, his perspective of life. It helped they could still use the Force despite not being Jedi or trained within the Temple. But their background in magic opened them to the Force, let them balance their emotions and the power they could unleash without giving into the darkness inside everything.

Hawk breathed deeply, feeling the Force flow around her. Changes were on the wind. Spreading her wings, she tried to ride the currents, predict where they could go next. A storm was on the horizon. She felt the shifts in her bones. More than that, their time here was coming to an end, just like Wolf said it would eventually. She caught her partner's eye, and gave her a short nod.

They would be going home soon, for better or worse.