This is my first Gravity Falls fanfic. Note: there will be Bill-Dipper shipping in latter chapters.

The once dream demon turned human lay motionless in the mud. The other demons had turned on him, forcing him into a human form, and carving that stupid cipher wheel he was obsessed with onto this back.

Bill had never been human before, and thus he had never been in so much pain. He had tried to fight back while they carved up his back with a knife, but that had only made them be rougher. He was pretty sure the curved bones in his chest had broken, and he had never seen human fingers bend the way the ones on his left hand were.

He turned his head slightly to keep his nose out of the mud, he had to breathe now, and every breath hurt. There was also and unpleasant rumbling in his gut that he could only guess was hunger. His all-knowing nature was quickly fading as his mind turned more human, less demon. He could feel human emotions now, and fear was filling his mind.

"If I really am human now, doesn't that mean I can die?" he worried. He needed help, that much he knew. But who would help him after all that he had done. The Mystery Shack was nearby, somewhere, if only Bill could get to it, Shooting Start just might take pity on him, if Ford or Stan didn't find him first.

He managed to get his hands under him, wincing at the intense pain of his broken fingers. Bill managed to push himself up a few inches before falling back into the mud. He was far too weak and unfamiliar with this body to get up.

The rain had stopped some time ago now, but darkness was setting in, and the monsters of Gravity Fall's forest were waking up, monsters Bill Cipher had once turned inside out for fun. With his blood in the air, they would find him, and they would seek revenge.

Cold and fear made Bill shake, his soaking wet pants didn't help matters. But then, he heard a voice in the distance. It was Shooting Star's, of that he was sure. She was calling for her pig, who must have gotten out, or been frightened out.

A grunting and rustling in the shrubs near Bill's head drained any hope the once demon had gained, until a pink noise appeared. It was Waddles. 'If that pig is here, Shooting Star will have to come this way!' the blond reasoned.

But then Bill heard another voice, one that was much closer than Shooting Star. It was Pine Tree. He was out here looking for the pig too, and he was walking straight toward the clearing where the defenseless Bill lay.

Dipper stumbled into a clearing, the evening light casting weird shadows. The first thing he saw was that blasted pig that his sister loved so much. Some tourist's dumb dog had scared the poor thing so bad it took off into the forest.

Dipper bent down and scooped the pig up. He was just about to call his sister over when he saw him. Dipper's body stiffened, instantly recognizing the shirtless teen as the evil triangle who had tried to kill him and his sister. He couldn't move, he was filled with hate and fear.

Bill tried to say something, anything, but all he managed to do was cough up some red liquid, which he was pretty sure was supposed to stay inside him. He could almost feel his life force draining from him as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Mabel found her brother a moment later, with a squirming Waddles in his arms and a murderous look on his face. Despite her distaste for the evil triangle, Mable's nurturing nature took over. She rushed to Bills side, moving her hands over his bloody back unsure of what to do. She glanced up at her brother, who had still not moved.

"Dipper!" she whined. "Now is not the time to go all weird on me. He needs our help, or is his going to die!" That snapped the boy back to reality.

"No Mabel," he pulled his sister away with one hand, the other holding the pig under his arm like a football.

"Dipper!" she protested.

"It's probably one of his tricks. He wants us to try to help him, then he will use us," Dipper tried to reason, but even he didn't sound sure. If the triangle really wanted to use them, he wouldn't have pretended to black out, he would have tried to talk his way into getting their help. Leaving the twins to make their own decision without his input was unlike Bill.

"Bro bro," Mabel said calmly, looking into her brothers eyes. "I know he's been bad before, but right now I think he is really dying. He doesn't look like a demon anymore, I don't know how it happened but I think he really is a human now." Dipper tried to protest but she calmly shook her head.

"We have to help him. We might regret it, but we will regret it more if we just let him die."

Dipper wasn't sure the last time his sister had been the one who was calm and collected, but he knew she was right. They were going to help him. Together, they hoisted the teen up, each with one of Bill's arms wrapped around their neck. He was a bit taller than Dipper, so his bare feet dragged a little in the mud, but that was the least of their problems.

Waddles followed closely behind Mable the whole way back, sniffing at drops of blood that fell from the wounded once-demon.

The moment the odd group stumbled out of the woods, Ford saw them. His face flushed with anger at what he rightly assumed was Bill Cipher, and then concern as he noticed the blood dripping from his mouth, not having seen his back yet.

His brother Stan was less understanding. The moment he made the connection with the strange blond teen his nephew and niece were dragging with the blood thirsty yellow demon who had once invaded his mind he picked up the nearest blunt object, one of the twins' baseball bat, and charged at the unconscious teen.

But Ford held up an arm, stopping his twin in his tracks, before going up to teens and relieving the two of Bill Cipher. He quickly spotted the blood on his back, not really able to make out just what had been carved there as the symbols where now caked with blood and mud.

The twins sat down with exhaustion, taking the moment to catch their breath. Ford made a series of quick calculations in his head before turning to his brother, who still held the bat half raised.

"Get the car keys now, he needs a hospital." Stan hesitated a moment, unsure if he had really heard correctly, before turning and running into the Mystery Shack.

"And bring a towel or a blanket! We have to stop this bleeding!" Ford called out as he carried the limp form of the once-demon to the car. Dipper and Mabel had caught their breath and rushed to open the car door for their great uncle.

Stan came out a moment latter and tossed a not quite white bath towel to Ford and Dipper in the back seat before climbing in the driver's side and taking off into the night, headlights blazing.

Mabel watched from shotgun as her brother and Ford did what they could for Bill. At one point on the ride to the hospital the demon opened his one yellow one blue eyes. Ford managed to get out of him that yes, he was indeed totally human now and unable to harm them, and that some demons had done this to him, before the near dead teen slipped back into unconsciousness.

How did you like it? Is it any good? Let me know, thanks!