Yô minna ^3^)/ ~ here I am again with one more AceLu story *3* bc as I said I fell really hard for them and I have so many ideas attacking my brain every day, that I just have to get rid of them x)
Anyways, this is my 2nd fic about them, thus I'm yet getting used writing about them, so forgive me for any kind of oocness ;w; (tbh I think they're more in character in this fic than in my 1st one ovo but maybe they're just similar xD)

I was thinking of leaving this story as it is, but I thought better and I'm gonna add one more chapter. So this is a two~shot x3 ~
etto~ just a little 'warning': -w- I like the idea of writing about Luffy annoying Ace in a kawaii and innocent way and Ace feeling unable to resist him haha, so you're gonna read that a lot in my fics x]

And i don't think I have anything else to say ...
So, go enjoy this as much as it's possible *mistakes ahead TvT forgive me for them!*

Let's have a date!

"ACE! Let's have a date!" Luffy said cheerfully entering bluntly in Ace's room. Said male was ready to bite on a delicious sandwich, when those words reached his ears unexpectedly, making him forget about his snack and look at the other teen in disbelief.

"Wha… What...?" Ace wanted to form a coherent question but somehow the surprise was preventing him from doing so. Hopefully, Luffy was a boy who didn't need detailed questions to give other people the required answers.

"Like I said, let's have a date!" Luffy repeated even more cheerfully, his wide eyes shining childishly but with certain cuteness.

"No, no; I heard you well, I just… Where the hell does that come from?"

"Nami said that dates are normal for couples to have, so let's have a date!"

"What does that mean?" Ace had an idea already but still he wanted to make sure.

"You and I should have a date. Let's have a date!"

"Huh? Since when are we a couple?" Ace asked in disbelief.

"Since we were kids." Luffy answered simply without giving it much thought.

Ace looked at the younger boy taken aback. However, why was he even surprised? This was Luffy; it was obvious that he would misinterpret things and get the wrong idea; despite of having stupid and crazy ideas, of course.

"You are hopeless." The brunet stated the obvious, as a long sigh escaped through his lips.

"Anyways, that doesn't matter; Ace let's have a date!" Luffy demanded, once again, but frowning lightly this time. He stepped into Ace's room, leaving the door opened, and jumped into the older teen's lap, not noticing the sandwich he was about to eat. Of course it didn't take him too long to do it, and as soon as his eyes saw the delicious meal, his orbs almost jumped out of his eyes.

"Aah~ it looks so delicious~" He stated practically drooling over the other's hands.

"Ugh, God Luffy… here, you can have it." Ace said pushing the sandwich to Luffy's mouth, who swallowed it right away. Ace had wondered countless times now if Luffy ever chewed the food.

"Anyways more importantly, we are not a couple you idiot; we are childhood friends who turned into brothers. We can't just go and have a date." Ace explained as well as he could, hoping the other teen would understand him.

"Eeeeh~~!? Why not? Why don't you want to have a date with me? And we are a couple…" Luffy bemoaned pouting.

"Aren't you listening to me? We are not a- " Ace sighed, yet again, feeling too tired all of a sudden. How would he explain things to Luffy in a way that even he understood?

When he began to actually get desperate over that, a sudden idea came up to his mind and it seemed so simple that he was one hundred percent sure that even the clumsy of his younger brother would get it.

"Okay Luffy, listen to me carefully." Ace started and noticed how the other teen faced him more serious than moments ago. Ace felt relieved just seeing that kind of expression on Luffy.

"We are not a couple, like I said before, and do you know why?" Luffy tilted his head to the side lightly, letting Ace know the obvious answer. "Because we don't do the 'kinds of things' that real couples do."

"Kinds of things that real couples do?" Luffy repeated deep frowning looking at Ace.

"Yeah. And if we don't do those 'kinds of things', then we won't ever be considered as a couple." Ace explained feeling more relieved and confident as he saw Luffy's expression changing from confused to disappointed and something else he couldn't really identify, but that Luffy made sure to make it clear enough with his question.

"I see. And what 'kinds of things' real couples do?"

Ace was caught by surprise suddenly. Why was his brother so curious? "Geez; can't he just shut up and accept it like that?" He let out a silent sigh, already accepting his defeat against Luffy's curiosity.

"Well, things like holding hands when walking on the street; whispering sweet thing's in each other's ears; kissing; se-" Ace stopped with his detailed explanation as he felt that Luffy was just too pure to know more than that. The older male cleared his throat and finished, "So, those things are examples of what real couples are. As I said before we don't do any of these things, so we aren't a couple. Besides we are brothers forever, like we vowed as children, so it's impossible for us to have a date."

He looked at the crestfallen male on his lap and regretted being so detailed. Had he been too harsh and broken Luffy's heart? But this was the only way he had to make Luffy understand things easily; he couldn't just backtrack on his decision because of Luffy's sadness.

When Ace thought of opening his mouth once again, but this time to comfort the younger teen, Luffy surprised him, yet again, with his question and the mischievous grin that his lips formed.

"So, if we don't do any of those things that real couples do, we won't ever be a couple?"

Ace swallowed hard, fearing his own answer all of a sudden.


"I see; I see." Luffy said cheerfully, surprisingly, wrapping his arms around Ace's neck. "Then…" Before thinking of finishing his own speech, and let the older male do it too, Luffy smashed their lips together carelessly, which made them both cry out into each other's mouths as their teeth clashed painfully together.

Ace's eyes opened impossibly wide with Luffy's action. Honestly, he should have been expecting something like this, but he had wanted to believe that his brother would actually understand his simple explanation well enough. Yet, Luffy was a stubborn boy, so of course things would have to end up as he wished.

As if coming back to himself, Ace pushed the other teen away, who refused to break the forceful yet chaste kiss.

"Geez, this idiot!" He thought getting desperate and out of breath. His hands wandered all over Luffy's body, trying to distract him by tickling him on his sensitive spots. It took him a while to find them; however as soon as his fingers touched the right places, Luffy broke the unexpected kiss and began to laugh uncontrollably.

Ace took the opportunity to recover some of his lost air while the younger boy laughed hard and begged him to stop. Ace obeyed, indeed, but only to smack him on the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Luffy bemoaned lightly irritated.

"You damn idiot!" Ace started looking at Luffy with light pink cheeks and an angered expression. "That should be my line! Why would you do that?"

Luffy stared back at Ace innocently, scratching the place where he had been smacked before. "So now we are a real couple. Now we can go on a date. Naa, let's go on a date!" His lips formed the widest smile ever and Ace felt unable to argue back against the stubborn teen anymore. He let out a long sigh and accepted, once again, his defeat.

"You are impossible."


"It can't be helped, let's go on a date then."

"Yay date!" Luffy celebrated cheerfully, hugging Ace tightly, who ended up returning the innocent gesture. Yet, in truth Ace was distracted, starting to wonder if he ever would be able to win against Luffy. Probably not; he was a stubborn idiot who always knew how to convince Ace in the most surprisingly ways ever.

"Nope, I'm not giving up! Someday I'll be the winner." And so, as he tried to convince himself with his inner voice, Luffy caught him by surprise with one more chaste and quick kiss.

Taken aback, Ace flushed, and tried to complain but Luffy made sure to interrupt him with his childish laughter and speech.

"Now we are even more like a real couple."

"Huh…" He really tried to find words to form a sentence, but he felt too hopeless at the moment. "Whatever, I don't care anymore." Ace was really starting to believe that his defeat would last forever. Luffy would always get what he wanted, as long as Ace felt unable to resist to his innocent and childish side.

As I said in the beginning, this is a two~shot, and I think I'll post the second part of it by the end of next week *3*

Anyways, thanks for reading :'3

Bye~Bye, ❤⌒ヽ(*'、^*)chuu*

**Once again, forgive me for my ugly mistakes QwQ**

Also, bc the beautiful cover pic is not mine I just love the fanart too much thus i'm using it, credits to: pixiv ID=1882649