Okay, here we are with the final chapter of this fic and while I was going wait a while longer to post it, I just couldn't wait to see your guys' reactions to the ending so I caved in. I really appreciate your guys' reviews, favorites and follows for this fic and I hope you enjoy this chapter!~

Effie desperately wanted to run away in shame once she saw her classmates slowly coming back in hall once they were told it was all safe now. She also couldn't help the feeling of vulnerability as Ladybug and Chat Noir ran off, both of their transformations close to running out so they couldn't stay for long. She felt like she was glued to the seat Chat Noir had her sit down in and kept her now brown eyes trained on the floor, her broad shoulders hunched up.

The teenage girl honestly didn't know how her classmates were going to react to everything that she had done as Birthday Girl but still felt the need to apologize for her actions. Effie felt she owed them all that considering the fear she's caused. She wobbled a little bit as she stood up, more from feeling drained both physically and emotionally at this point than because of her shoes. Everyone went silent when Effie approached them, realization coming to their faces just who had been possessed by the akuma.

"Hey guys I'm… I'm really sorry about everything. And ruining everyone's evening. I'll… I'll be going now," Effie said, her voice ragged as she tried to stop herself from crying again. Last thing she wanted was for "crybaby" to be added to her no doubt ruined reputation. She didn't give any of them a chance to reply as she headed towards the exit of the hall, preparing for a cold and lonely walk back home, when Effie felt a gentle hand on her bare shoulder.

"Now hold on just a moment Effie. I didn't know it was your birthday. I don't think any of us knew about it," a voice she recognized as Nino, sympathy in his tone. He could understand those feelings once you realized you had spent who knows how long as a puppet and villain, having your desires twisted to cause others harm. This caused Effie to pause and turn around to actually look at Nino, bewilderment heavy on her face since how could they not know about her birthday?

"But… I sent out invitations at school yesterday that morning on everyone's desks at school. Hand-made invitations too! And yet you all threw them away in the garbage without even opening them…" Effie answered with a hint of bitterness and accusation in her voice. How could they have all missed her invitations, something was wrong with this picture.

"Throw them away? But I never saw any invitations on my desk at all yesterday. There weren't invitations on anybody desks," Alya spoke up with confusion evident in her voice, feeling guilt in the back of her head for somehow missing Effie's birthday considering the effort the latter had been making befriending everyone in class.

The gears began to turn in Effie's brain before it suddenly all clicked: Chloé. She had (or probably had Sabrina) snuck in the classroom after she had put her invitations out and throw them away before anyone saw them. This realization caused pure anger to alight in Effie's very being and she tossed the thought of walking away out the window.

'Screw the high road at this point. Not even the bullies back at my old school were this petty!' In Effie's enraged thoughts, she didn't notice Chloé approach her until the blonde's unpleasant voice registered in her ears.

"Why are you still here?! You weren't even invited to my party! Can somebody throw her out or something?" Chloé sneered and only Sabrina chuckled, everyone else was slowly starting to feel a little worried when Effie practically bared her teeth at her.

"Why you… you… you walking-one-dimensional-bleach-blonde-valley-girl-stereotype! You are by far one of pettiest, cruelest, spoiled, vile, ungrateful and mean-spirited person I have met in my ENTIRE LIFE! You are a such a royal pain that it's a mystery why ANYONE would want to spend five minutes within your vicinity without wanting to jump off a cliff! The only people who have any tolerance for you are those who are either spineless or complete saints! You. Are. The. WORST!" Effie ranted at the top of her lungs and was breathing heavily when she finally finished, almost like a weight was lifted from her shoulders letting that out.

Everyone, including Chloé, was left dead silent by Effie's tirade and a few peoples jaws had dropped throughout the whole thing.

"And the very fact that you went out of your way to show me photos that could screw your whole little plan over, shows me just how pathetic you are," she finished calmly before turning to everyone else with a mellow smile on her face again, feeling almost lighter than air now. Effie quickly fished her phone out of the pockets of her dress.

"I think I have an idea just why my invitations went missing," Effie proclaimed as she showed everyone the text and pictures Chloé sent her and understanding dawned on all their faces, disgust and anger following soon after. Now words could describe the great satisfaction that flowed through Effie over the fact that her classmates felt the same way as she did.

What she didn't expect was everyone to decide to abandon Chloé's party from this and a few even asked Effie if her party was still on.

For a rare third (or fourth) time this whole night, Effie gave a genuine smile and nodded her head, leading everyone to her house which was thankfully only 15 minutes or so from Hôtel Plaza Athénéé. She tried to hold down her smirk when she noticed some people even take their presents back and Chloé's screeching from everyone leaving, as well as her swearing at Effie that she wasn't going to get away with this.

What goes around comes around.

Everyone ended up partying at Effie's smallish home until the late hours of the night before heading home, wishing her a happy birthday. Once the final guest left, Effie collapsed on the couch feeling tired right down to her very bones but was a glow with happiness regardless. She had finally gotten what she wanted: a great birthday party with friends.

She knew she needed to clean up before her mother got home from work but couldn't get herself to get up off the couch no matter how hard she tried.

"Maybe I'll just rest my eyes and then clean up…" Effie mumbled to herself, closing her eyes and was immediately out like a light. Soft snores flowed through the silent household and didn't even falter when the front door opened, revealed a just as exhausted woman. Aqua blue eyes took note of the mess from the party before catching Effie curled up on the couch.

A small smile reached the woman's face at the sight of her daughter peacefully sleeping, quietly draping a nice fleece blanket over the young girl. They could clean this all up tomorrow morning, no need to wake her up just yet. Before leaving for her bedroom, her mother left a small wrapped up box on the coffee table for Effie to find when she wakes up.

"Happy birthday sweetheart… I'm so happy that we made that move to your new school," her mother, Nathalie Sancoeur, spoke softly, stroking her daughter's head while turning out the living room lights to let her child sleep peacefully.

Anybody catch the reference I put in? And don't worry, this isn't the last you guys will see of Effie, or should I say Effie Sancoeur. And now you see why I kept her last name unknown until just now. Kind of nervous about going this direction with Effie's characters but this idea was just too perfect to pass up really.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to leave a review!~