Weekends were the times when Hiyori hung out with them the most. She would tell her parents she would be sleeping over at Yama or Ami's house and come back Sunday night. When they agree (which was always), she would head straight to Kofuku's place.


It was a cool Friday afternoon and the sun was just about to set. The sky was a burnt orange, painting the leaves on the trees. Hiyori was admiring the scene, but was interrupted by a pink mass crashing into her.

"Hiyoriiin!" It squealed again.

"K-Kofuku! Hi!" She wrapped an arm around the girl's waist, while the other held tightly to her bag.

The god of poverty clung on to her a little tighter. "I haven't seen you all week! We missed you so much!"

"O-oh really! I missed you too!" Hiyori gasped out. She was having trouble breathing until someone came out and shouted.

"My lady! Stop suffocating the poor girl! Let's eat!" Daikoku yelled while grinning. The pink god hesitantly let go and smiled brightly at her. She ran up to take her shinki's arm and both beckoned Hiyori to come in.

"Drop off your stuff and sit down! I grilled my signature dish!"

She set down her bag in her room. Well, it was now called "Hiyori's room" since she had been staying here every weekend since she started high school. It now had small decorations here and there: a tall pink lamp, a white desk with a matching chair, a futon, and a cork board full of pictures pinned to it.

It was the one thing that stood out the most in her room, the one thing that held little snippets of memories from the world of gods. It had pictures of Bishamon and her regalia (or just her and Kazuma), pictures of Tenjin and his shinki, pictures of Kofuku and Daikoku and pictures of Yato and Yukine.

She stared at it for a few seconds until she ran downstairs and sat down at the dinner table.

"Hey Hiyori!" Yukine said to her. He was holding a stack of plates in front of him and began setting the table.

"Hey you!" She smiled at him. "Where's Yato?"

Yukine looked over her shoulder, and a figure landed on the seat next to Hiyori with a loud THUMP and a groan.


He grinned and winced. Rubbing his back, the god mumbled, "I'm not doing that ever again."

Yukine shook his head, but didn't say anything. He continued placing the chopsticks and bowls of rice on the table. Hiyori looked at him and both started snickering softly.

"Oi! Stop laughing! That hurt!" Yato whined at both of them, his face turning red.

They kept on laughing.

After dinner, the five went outside to look up at the clear night sky.

"Ooh! The moon is so big and bright tonight!" Kofuku exclaimed. Daikoku stood next to her and looked to where she was pointing. Yukine did as well and his eyes widened in awe and wonder. He was currently studying astronomy and seeing what he was reading in the text books made him realize that he was just a small spirit in a really big universe.

"Woah." He breathed and looked down at Yato and Hiyori.

They were sitting with their backs against the trunk of the tree. Both were staring up at the sky, their breaths being seen as puffs of air. The moon reflected of the ice blue eyes of the god, giving it a cool and soothing demeanor. The warm, pink eyes of the half phantom girl made the moon give off a healing and cozy feeling.

Altogether, it felt like everything was in place.

Everything felt right.

"Hey guys?" Yato said, still looking up at the stars.

"Yeah?" They all answered. Kofuku smiled and wrapped her arms around Daikoku's waist. Yukine kept his gaze at the moon and Hiyori turned to look sideways at the jersey-wearing god.

Blue eyes met pink and both were lost in its depths.

"This was a really good day today."

The End.

Thank you so much for reading! Until then,

Sayonara! (^_^)
