Ah. Fanfiction doesn't really change, does it? HELLO THERE! Been a while! Few years really. Sorry about that. Kinda got a life and all.
I say life. I have a job, travel quite a bit for it, living far from where I was born, far from my parents, live with housemates. Life is good! Just gotta get a girlfriend yet. Haha!
So there's this game called Undertale. And here I am thanks to that game. I feel like sin. Ah well. Going to hell anyway.
Had this idea for a while and since I'm a total sucker for cops and the idea of being one, I had to write this! I'm a monster. I wrote this in two days. Seriously. Damn. Bear in mind that I will be using the British system for the police ranks, as if that wasn't obvious nearer to the start of the chapter. Because I live in Britain. And American cops scare me. Have you seen those cop TV shows? CSI Miami and all that? Let's just stick with the British police. Trust me, it's safer that way.
So here I go, entering the mouth of the beast that is Undertale! Do let me know if I am an idiot that can't read if I get any information wrong and criticism is welcome! Sometimes. :P Naw, I'm adorable, really!
Updates will be very irregular, they will come when they do. No set dates as my work is too hecktic and I travel far too often to give definite dates. Chapters will be about 5,000-10,000 words each (that's the hope! I sometimes get a bit carried away and do more harhar) and yes, there will eventually be Sans/Frisk. Because I ship that. And many more. YEAH.
There will not be smut in this version of the document, due to Fanfiction rules and regulations. There may or may not be some in the AO3 version of the document, so I'd check there. I'll let you know on the chapter if it turns up or not. Haven't decided yet!
The myth wasn't a particularly fascinating one to hear. It's the one thing everyone in Ebott knew, a legend made up to add some excitement to the quiet village where nothing of particular interest happened. Everyone knew each other in this quiet village, we had a few trouble makers, few drunken brawls on a Friday night and the occasional burglary. Nothing we can't handle.
However, ever since the legend was made up for that mountain, the streets cleared and were empty of anyone after 19:00 hours. All the shops shut, everyone ran home, the village became dead and children locked away in their houses until the next day. Why, you ask? Here, let me read you the legend.
A little village called Ebott sat at the bottom of a huge mountain, Mount Ebott. This mountain that held only dead trees, short yellow dying grass and crows a plenty was always shrouded in a level of mist, hiding a dark creature inside the depths. Every clear night, at 19:00 hours until the morning, the mist on the mountain would clear and Mt Ebott can be seen perfectly from the small village at the base. With the moon shining above the mountain, it was a beautiful sight, something the villagers used to admire. Not only was it a marvel to see from below, it was more enchanting to see from the top of the mountain. You could feel like the king of Ebott, standing on top of the mountain and see for miles around.
Then, one clear night, as the villagers gathered outside in the village to gaze at the wonder of the clear mountain, a child climbed the mountain, ready to gaze at the wonder of the village below. They had heard of the beautiful sight that could be seen from the top of the mountain and how they could become king should they reach the top. With the thrill for adventure, the child made their way alone to the top of the mountain.
They did not return.
Days. Weeks. Months passed. The local police force looked everywhere in village, around village and on the mountain itself, calling the child's name, their parents putting missing posters, leaving their number to call, a reward for their return. They did everything. But to no avail.
Soon, people had forgotten about the missing child, with no news and no leads, life returned as normal.
Until a second child did the same.
On a clear night, a second child had gone to climb Mount Ebott, searching for kingship and that chance to see the whole world below them. It would be like a dream, to be able to tell all of their friends that they were king of the mountain, and they were the dirty rascals that now had to bow to them as they had climbed Mount Ebott.
They did not return.
The parents and family of the second child repeated what the parents of the first child had done, leaving help posters, talking to the press for more help and helping the police force wherever they could to find the missing child. The search went on much longer, the village becoming worried as they had lost two children to the mystery of the mountain. Months passed and not a single trace of the children could be found. The village became distraught, was this a kidnapping? Was it a murderer? A child murderer? Or was the mountain cursed?
The village became wary, parents holding their children close and for them to not go far alone. Many residents asked for the mountain to be cornered off, a wire fence to be put around it to prevent any more children going missing on the mountain. The local authorities refused, deeming that unnecessary as they declared that no more children would go missing.
That remained true, for a time. Until, one day, something had appeared from the mountain.
A terrifying creature appeared in the town, walking slowly from the mountain. A tall creature, taller than any man, with gleaming yellow eyes, thick white fur, huge curled horns on top of its head, wearing long purple robes with a winged crest above three triangles in the centre and long droopy ears. In the arms of the creature lay their worst nightmare come true.
The dead body of the first child that had disappeared.
Terrified, the women and children who had been walking home that night screamed and ran for their homes. The fathers and brave people of the village yelled at the creature, hoping to terrify it away. But the monster ignored them all, simply walking forward towards a patch of golden flowers that stood at the centre of the village. More fathers and uncles came out to see the commotion that scared their families, guns at the ready as they spotted the monster with the dead child's body walking through the street without a care. At once, the people attacked the monster, petrified that it had appeared to kill more of their children. Terrified that the monster had appeared as a warning. Furious that the monster was showing off their kill.
The monster took the hits, barely flinching as the bullets cut through its body, though the monster never bled. The monster, however, came to a stop. Mystified, curious and afraid, the people stopped, too. The monster looked up and smiled. This smile, they say, was not a kind one. What emotion it was, they never say. With a shake of its head, the monster turned and walked back towards the mountain. The village let the monster go, believing that it would die on the way back and that their children were safe again.
And so, the village remained stern, watching the mountain with weariness rather than marvel when night fell, afraid that monsters would appear from the mountain again. Time passed and the town grew less weary, leaving their children to roam more freely as night after night, the mountain remained silent and dead as it had always been.
Until a third and fourth child went missing.
Both children had been chasing each other nearby the mountain, though had promised their parents that they wouldn't dare venture too high up the mountain. They remembered the story their parents told them, the mountain was not safe, if you travel too high, the wolves would eat them for touching their mountain. The eldest of the two children was carrying a mobile phone, promising that they would keep it on and call should anything happen. No call was made from the phone.
The next day, their parents called the phone when they didn't return, worried at the unusual behaviour. Straight to voicemail. Another day passed and the parents stopped calling and went to the police. An investigation was held, sniffer dogs sent out around the mountain to find the missing children. They found no bodies, no traces of the children in the misty mountain, nothing but the murder of crows, watching their every move.
A week later, another child went missing.
The fifth child had been close friends to the third and fourth and had become distraught to learn that their friends had gone missing on the mountain. In a daring rescue thought of only a fearless teen, they marched towards the mountain, a tough glove that they found from their father's wardrobe. That did not save him. Again, the parents got the police involved, an investigation was held, nothing was found. Not even footprints. It was then that the mountain was deemed cursed by the village folk and condemned. People stopped coming out of the village at night to gaze at the moon shining high in the sky above Mount Ebott, for fear that the monster who had appeared was stealing more children away at night, where no one could see them. Nobody would stay out of their houses after dark. Nobody would come out to see the clear night sky, because that is when the monsters could see the village clearly from the mountain.
It was several years before the next child disappeared. The village had grown paranoid and so the children hadn't been able to leave their homes to be taken from the monsters to the mountain. The sixth child, however, didn't have a home. They had lost their home not long ago, their mother had died from childbirth whilst the child survived and the father soon died of cancer. Without a house to live in, the child was sent to an orphanage. The child was a trouble maker. Nobody was fond of the child, the deaths of their parents damaging the child beyond repair, who lashed out at anyone who attempted to help them. It was in a fit of rage at their carer that they ran out of the building and up the mountain, intending to hide away from the world.
They got their wish, as they were never heard from again. Nobody looked for the child and nobody cried. They looked to the mountain, feeling glad that it was none of their children who had been swallowed up by the mountain this time. To this day, the villagers refused to allow their children to exit their homes on a clear night after 19:00 hours and hardly a soul will dare set foot near Mount Ebott, for fear that they will be taken next.
Until now, that is. If you ask me, that legend is a bunch of bollocks. Honestly, a white furred monster walking through the village with a dead child just gets shot and doesn't bat an eyelid? Please! It is true, to this day, people don't like hanging out after 7pm. I don't blame them, six missing children is nothing to sniff at. I wouldn't call it the work of monsters. I'd call it the work of a serial killer. After hearing the legend for the fifth time, you kind of become numb to this sort of thing. Working for the police probably helped with emotional deprivation as well.
My life revolves around this legend now, ever since I got that promotion from Sergeant to Inspector. I found that out the day after the party, still sporting a hangover in the morning. When I was given the case, I admit, I was pretty annoyed. This was a cold case, the sixth child went missing a long time ago and nobody put in a case for them, there was a name; Oliver Saunders. From what the orphanage told us, he was a boy who preferred to be left alone, was bullied but was able to take care of himself. He ran away after getting into a fight with a carer, losing his temper and was never seen again.
There was nothing to go on, other than the other children that had gone missing in a similar way, the five other children from the legend. Each had a name, the first missing person called Chara Daemon was an eight year old girl when she had gone missing, found dead in the arms of her murderer months later and her body was never seen again.
The second missing person was William Prince, a sweet innocent six year old who grew up with a wealthy family and was rather a spoilt kid. Who could blame him, with a family like he had, the skies were the limit.
The third and fourth children were actually related, though the legend doesn't mention that anywhere. They were called Godfrey and Bruce Walters. Godfrey was said to be a patient boy, quiet and reserved and the elder brother of the two. He took great care of his brother, Bruce, the two inseparable. Bruce was more outgoing than Godfrey was, but still not ever so. He was stubborn, however, he could sulk for days and wouldn't say no to any challenge given to him.
The fifth child was Allan Baker, he was around the same age as Godfrey in their early teens and was close friends with the Walters brothers. Allan Baker had been a rash child, always plundering head first without thinking first, all brawl and not much brain, but he did pretty well in his football team at school.
Then Oliver Saunders being the sixth child. Nothing new had turned up since then, the parents had no new information to give us, we were stuck in a rut with this case.
Except, a miracle happened this morning. Another child, the seventh child in the span of twenty or so years to have gone missing without a trace in Ebott, was reported yesterday. Beatrice Maxwell, a nine year old girl who loved animals more than anything. Bunnies were her favourite and she had gone near the bottom of Mount Ebott to go see the wild rabbits that liked to hang around the area in the Spring. She didn't return later in the night and her parents looked everywhere for her. They got in contact with me shortly after and we declared her missing. We let the press know and asked the neighbouring villagers if they knew where she had gone and if anyone had seen her around.
We finally got a lead after a simple door to door check. We reached Mr Rodgers' house, an active mountaineer who loved adventuring and wasn't often home. He must've returned recently as he answered the door after my knock.
"Excuse me, Mr Rodgers, Inspector Frisk Fanshaw of the local police department. Sorry to interrupt but do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I asked him, as per routine, bringing out my wallet to show him my I.D. "There is nothing to worry about, we are simply making inquiries as to the whereabouts of this girl, Beatrice Maxwell," I bring out of my pocket the photo the family gave to me to photocopy and ask the town.
Recognition hit Mr Rodgers' eyes as he looks at the photo, a smile resting on his face. It made my heart leap, thinking 'yes! We got a lead!' "Yes, I remember seeing her on Mount Ebott yesterday afternoon. I was climbing the mountain to go crow watching, I do it every so often to remind myself of home, when I saw her walking towards the top of the mountain. I called to her, asking if she was alright, but she said she was fine looking for rabbits so I left her to it." He replies, then a frown falls on his face. "Should I have stopped her?"
I let the relief show on my face, letting him know that he did a good job. "No, no, you had no idea she was lost, Mr Rodgers. Thank you for telling me, are you able to tell me what she was wearing and how far up the mountain she was?" I got my pen and notepad out, taking down notes on everything Mr Rodgers was telling me. I still couldn't get over the excitement of finally having a lead on a dying case, this was a dream come true! Imagine it, Inspector Frisk, saviour of children as she solves the mystery of the Ebott Disappearances. I didn't have to stop to wonder why Mr Rodgers had been up on Mount Ebott simply to go bird watching, that was just how he was. Fearless, full of adventure, only returning here to see his parents who retired to this quiet village.
Mr Rodgers explained that he remembered Beatrice wearing a pink apron with her lovely flowery white dress, the apron had been stained by dirt from playing around in it, Mr Rodger believed. There was a whining sound below me as I was writing down on my notepad and Mr Rodgers looked down at my side to see Shadow, my German Shepherd canine companion. We had three dogs working with us in the local police force; Shadow who was my dog, trained to chase after criminals and knock them down so we could arrest running criminals, Poppy a Springer our sniffer dog and Spot the Beagle, another sniffer dog, though not as well behaved.
I smiled fondly at Shadow, patting him on the head as he panted, wagging his tail. I looked back at Mr Rodger, "Thank you very much, Mr Rodger. Now, did you see anyone else with Beatrice when she was up on Mount Ebott?" Mr Rodgers told me he didn't see anyone else and there was nobody else there for the entire time he was birdwatching. "Alright, and what time approximately did you see Beatrice at?" He gave the answer about 12:30 give or take from what he remembered. "Thank you very much, Mr Rodgers. You've been a big help." I gave a bow, a tip of my hat and with a whistle to Shadow, we were on our way.
That was how my team and I were now on the peak of Mount Ebott, all three of our dogs with us, as per Chief Inspector's wishes. There is a group of about thirteen of us here, looking carefully on the ground as we kept an eye out for any clues as to the whereabouts of Beatrice and the other missing children (though they would be corpses by now).
"Dogs got a lead at all?" I ask the group in general, hoping for a positive answer.
Poppy's owner, Frank Darwin, shook his head in answer. "Not a thing yet, Guv." He frowned. "If you ask me, I don't see that girl being up here. This place gives me the creeps." He wasn't wrong, the place left everyone with shivers on their back. The place was dead, a thick mist covering the entire area making it difficult to see anything from far away and the dead almost black trees weren't helping anything either. The crows sitting on the trees were silent, staring at our every actions, judging, but making no noise. It was the silence that bothered me the most, besides ourselves, there were no birds chirping this high up, the sun couldn't penetrate through the mist to get rid of the gloomy feeling hanging over our heads. I was waiting to turn and see gravestones of the dead and felt surprised when I didn't.
Shadow felt the same, so it felt. He was tense by my side, his head looking this way and that, his fur wasn't laying flat, his hackles were at the ready to raise and I could hear a deep rumbling growl. He was very protective of me, as was in his nature. We lived alone together, I only had fleeting partners and never really stuck around, so Shadow never had to get used to sharing me. It's just me and him. I'm okay with that, never bothered me anyway, I'm at work too often to care about that.
"We'll keep at it for a couple more hours, then we'll call for a lunch break." I declared to the group, hearing sighs of relief from some and groans of despair from others. This place really had them rattled, but if there was even the slight chance of finding a clue to finding this poor kid, I wasn't going to let a scary forest on a mountain stop me. Yes, this was the best lead this case has had since the first child's body was found, I couldn't let this slip from my fingers!
Another hour passed by with nothing, not a trace, nadda, squat, absolute failure. I couldn't give up, however. There had to be something here, there had to be! We travelled a little further, keeping it slow for the sniffer dogs, as well as making sure we weren't separated. If this was a murder case, we couldn't be alone or risk someone getting killed. I was so glad I had my messenger bag by my side. I had always been a little bit of a geek, tablets, consoles, you name it. Smartphone, gotta have that. Walking on the mountain with this, my stab proof vest on, my gadgets and my uniform, however. That was a combination that made me regret having to deal with the weight of it. I thought bringing my tablet with my mp4 had been a good idea, my shoulder disagreed.
I dug into my bag, looking for the notes I wrote from Mr Rodgers interview. I was sure I wasn't wrong, this was the right area, they must've been around here somewhere. How does a person just disappear without leaving even traces of their footsteps? It was just one mystery after ano-
Shadow stopped moving. I stopped too. He stood, still as a statue, ears perked up, listening for something. The other dogs whined at his behaviour, worried, sniffing the air. I raised my hand a halt to my team. I had taught them well as they stopped without question. Well, one guy tried but the others hushed him quickly. I listened, but I couldn't hear anything, it was a good thing Shadow's hearing was a hundred times better than mine. The loud metal music I had on my mp4 quite often probably didn't help.
We stood for a long while, though it was probably only for a few minutes, before Shadow began growling, his head leaning forward and down, his hackles raised, ears up. Was someone there? Was something there? The other dogs, still sniffing, moved their nose to the ground and walked forward, their tails wagging. Did they catch something? Was there a clue? Were we having our breakthrough? God, I hoped so! A few more minutes passed by, before Spot lifted his head quickly, his tail going still before he barked. He barked a few times, before rushing off in a direction. He got something! Excitement and hope flowing through my veins, I ran after him, Shadow following close behind. I could hear the others following behind, shouting that we had to slow down.
I should have done, it wasn't safe to be separated, but I couldn't get Spot get away when he caught something! A breakthrough in a dead case! This could make my career, safe the whole village, prove that the stupid legend was just that, a legend! Tree branches whizzed past me, some catching on my arms as I pushed them away, but I didn't care. I could be solving this case that has haunted our village!
Of course, I was so excited that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.
Spot suddenly stopped, no warning, just stopped and because of the thick mist, I didn't notice until it was too late. My right foot caught on a tree root sticking up in the ground and I lost my footing entirely, going flying forward. My left leg must have kicked out in panic, hitting Spot as I heard a yelp from him and we both went falling into the deep pit in the ground I hadn't noticed until I was already falling. I could hear Shadow's bark as I fell and my echoed screams. I didn't hear anything else but my screaming for a long while.
Until I hit the ground with a crunch.
I landed, right foot first, as my left was limping from taking the damage of the tree root. I stopped screaming then, my voice gone from the blinding white pain as I felt my leg break. I ended up rolling onto my side, my bag hitting me a few times from the speed that I was thrown. Until I stopped after several more rolls. I immediately grabbed my leg, definitely broken, but somehow still alive. Holy shit, I was still alive! I should be more glad, more amazed, but all I could think of was the pain of my leg. It was absolute agony and I tried my best to remain as still as I could, trying my best to remember my basic first aid training and failing miserably. Tears fell from my eyes, sliding down my face and onto the ground as I lie there, immobile, in pain and trapped.
God. I'm such a fucking idiot. How did I not see that pit? How did we miss that? Why didn't I listen to orders? What kind of leader was I, if I was just gonna break the rules anyway?
It took a while, but the white blinding pain started to settle, how I hadn't been knocked unconscious was beyond me. It took until then to realise that there was a furry body nudging me, a cold, wet nose making me shiver. I opened my eyes, wiping my eyes with my arm as I saw that Spot was trying desperately to get my attention. He looked at me, his eyes wide, his tail down and a whine in his throat as he stepped closer. I smiled, at least I wasn't alone down in this pit, but that didn't help the situation at hand. We were trapped down here. I took the moment to look up at where we fell to see the light filtering at the top, dust falling on top of us and the light to the surface... so far away. I survived a fall that far? Man, I'm a lucky sonuva bitch.
I tried to sit up, but- fuck me! I couldn't, falling back down with a shout as my leg flared up in pain again. I was breathing heavily, the pain too terrible it left me winded. Spot whined again, walking to my face, licking me a few times to cheer me up. Well, it made me feel a little better.
"I'm sorry, bud." I said, at least hoping I was making some sense to him. It was the best I could do. "I can't get up. Guess we're stuck here." I noticed then that my hat was missing. A damn shame. My short brown hair left to flare across the ground. It was then that I noticed I wasn't lying on stone, granite or the like. I was lying on a patch of golden flowers that must be surviving from the light filtering from the top and rain every one in a while alone. Heh, how poetic. That was some comfort, at least, but that left questions as well. How big was this pit?
Trying my best to not move my body, I turned my head to try to get a feel for how big the pit was. Not ever so, but to the left of me, I could see the pit opening up into a pathway. What was down here? I couldn't see much more as the pit was too dark to see.
I heard growling. Spot turned, looking over me to the right and whimpered, hiding his head in my side and lowering himself to hide behind me. Fantastic that I happened to get the scared dog to follow me so the murderer would have no trouble waltzing up to me with a knife! I didn't want to turn around. I really didn't want to turn to look. I turned and looked.
There, stood a pair of blue blazing eyes, white fangs grinding together in a snarl and it was holding something. I shivered. Was this... was this the beast in the legend? Was it real? Oh God, please tell me-
And out of the shadows came... well, Shadow. My hat in his teeth. His snout back to relaxed, his tail wagging and eyes shone with happiness at the sight of me. I swear, my dog was going to kill me, someday. I let out a sign of relief. Heh, monsters. What am I, a child? No, monsters don't exist, just a stupid fairytale. I'd prove it was just a psychopath, a horrible paedophile, some serial killer or something.
A quick glance at Shadow revealed that he wasn't injured at all in the fall, not even limping, whilst Spot, standing back up and tail wagging once more, seemed out of breath and limping slightly on one side from where I must have kicked him accidentally. Unable to get up, I held out my arms up into the air, both Shadow and Spot taking this as an invitation to come into my arms. It wasn't the intention, but it was a welcome one. I couldn't help but smile, I wasn't alone in this, I had my partner Shadow and the new pup Spot by my side who loved me with all their hearts. Even if I was stuck in a hole with a broken leg, I wasn't alone.
But I was rather useless. I couldn't muser up the strength to lift myself off the ground with my right leg broken and left foot bruised to hell. Just turning to lie on my back had been an exhausting effort. I needed to splint my leg, I remember. If I could keep my leg straight, maybe lean against something that could handle my body weight, I could get off the floor.
"Hey, bud, Shads!" My voice was quiet, my throat hurt from the screaming I had done earlier, but Shadow still heard. His ears twitched as he recognised my tone, his tail wagging as he stared at me. "Cmon, get a stick boy!" It got a result, Shadow panted, wagged his tail and jumped over my prone body, walking off to the right and down the path. Wow, I hadn't expected that to work!
The first thing I did after Shadow left was try to get Spot out of my face. Easier said than done. He wouldn't leave me alone, it was only when I waved my hat up that he grabbed it and started running around me with it that I got peace enough to check my jacket pockets. Ah ha! My walkie talkie! It was completely intact, which only raised the question of how I hadn't heard anything from it yet. They must've realised I was missing, I wasn't sure how far behind they were but had they even heard my screams?
I pushed the button on the side; "813, this is Inspector Frisk Fanshaw, officer down request immediate assistance!" I opened up the comm to get a response. The response was simply static, a horrible screeching static that didn't sound like anything I had heard come from it before. What the...? I tried again. "Come in! Do you read me?" It hissed again in response. "Answer me! I've fallen down a pit on the tip of Mount Ebott, I need emergency response units immediately!" Still the same crackling, screeching hiss came from the walkie talkie. Was it broken? Could nobody hear me? With a sigh, I pocketed the walkie talkie. If only I had my phone...
Speak of the devil, Shadow trotted back with a bark. In his mouth was my messenger bag. Perfect! It had my phone and my tablet! If there was no internet signal and my walkie talkie was broken, at least I could try to get a signal from the satellites! It wasn't a stick, but it was a ticket to get help! My dog was awesome. So glad I had thought to pack my gadgets!
Immediately, I grabbed the bag out of his mouth when he came close enough and I rummaged to get a hold of my phone. Yes! It worked, the screen was cracked but the touch screen still worked and it wasn't dead! Thank goodness I wasn't in a horror film.
Or, maybe I was. No signal. Nothing, not even emergency services. There wasn't internet signal anywhere nearby either, nothing at all! What kind of place was this that could block the satellites!? Jesus Christ! It was hopeless! I'm stuck down here with a broken leg, unable to move and a couple of dogs who were just as helpless as I was. I couldn't even manage to crawl, my leg couldn't take any movement whatsoever. I'm stuck down here, trapped. This was not my day. This is what I get for thinking that I could help the village out, save a poor kid, do some good. A broken leg and stuck in a pit. Well, at least there were flowers here already for my funeral. Heh.
Shadow must've realised my gloom as he whined, nudging my face and licking my nose. It was nice that he was trying support me, but I didn't feel like there was anything else I could do. He couldn't handle my body weight and I didn't see Spot doing anything helpful either. There was nobody else here, just me and the dogs. I never did accomplish what I had hoped.
I laid there for a long while, nothing but the dogs panting, my heavy breathing as I lay there in pain, my face scrunching up every so often as I tried to remain still. They refused to leave my side, Shadow to my left and Spot to my right. Nothing had changed, the light still shone from the top and I failed to see anyone peak from above. My voice was too painful to shout, and if they hadn't heard my screams it was hopeless to try shouting now. I don't know how long I was there, trying not to absolutely lose my shit and panic. It wouldn't accomplish anything and I didn't want to worry Shadow or Spot more than I already was. Fuck. C'mon Frisk, chin up.
Shadow growled. Quick as a flash, he stood up, putting his front legs to my right and his hind legs to my left, his body towering over my crumpled form to protect me. He was snarling now, ears up high, hackles and fur raised. There! Footsteps! Was this help? Someone else was stuck here as well? I hoped, oh I hoped! I wanted to call out, I was so excited. Help was here! Someone to save me!
I turned my body around. I froze.
There. Down the pathway to my right stood a biped creature. They were barefoot, wearing only a purple dress with a blue emblem with a bird and three triangles on it reaching below their knees. One arm was to their side, their other to their mouth in a show of surprise and horror, their blue eyes wide open in shock. They were tall, like, really tall and covered in white fur with horns on their head.
Oh sweet mother of God. I couldn't believe it. White fur, massive in size, the symbol, horns on the head. The monster, the monster from the legend. The one who held the body of the first dead child. This was it! Fuckmeintheanus that thing is real! And it found me, here, lying helpless. Like a child. Ohfuckmeno.
My reaction was immediate. "Get away from me! I'll sic my dog on you if you come any closer!" Fuck that broken leg, there was a monster child murderer in front of me! But I was too frightened to move. The best I could do was glare and hope I looked angry enough for them to think twice. Wait, my taser! As I saw the monster lower her arm from her face, her other arm lifting and her feet moving as if to come towards me, I scrambled into my pockets to pull it out. "I'm warning you! I've got a weapon! Stay where you are, hands up or I'll tase you!"
Whether it was me or Shadow that looked frightening enough, it was enough for the monster to raise both arms in surrender. They held no weapon, no pockets for a weapon and they were alone. It made me feel a little better, but I wasn't going to relax.
"Please, my child." It spoke. A she, definitely a female voice, calmer than I imagined she was feeling. "You're hurt, I could hear your screams from my house. My name is Toriel, Keeper of the Ruins." The Ruins? What ruins? "I come here to help humans who fall from the surface. You're badly wounded. Please, I mean no harm."
She... she sounded sincere. Her eyes were wide and innocent, they seemed kind. She didn't seem to be lying. It was hard to be angry, hell it was like magic words, her voice a soft velvet, trying to calm me down. It worked on Shadow, he calmed down immediately, though he watched Toriel with careful, watchful eyes. And Spot. Immediately ran to her, jumping up trying to reach her face to lick. That dog was going to get killed so fast.
She smiled at this, really Spot was way too small to be even slightly terrifying, and patted him on the head. She looked back at me, still pointing the taser in her direction. "Is he yours?" I didn't answer.
She walked forward and I was stiff as a board again. I pushed the taser forward. "Stop moving! I'm not a child!" She did stop moving, but that didn't change the expression on her face. She still looked calmed, trying to placate me. No, I wasn't having any of it! "Not so interested now I'm not a child, are you? I won't let you get away with what you've done, child murderer."
That brought a reaction out of her. She stopped and her eyes seemed to gather moisture- was she crying? She was crying. Suddenly, she looked like she was about to burst into tears, holding her hands together near where I assumed her heart would be and her ears drooped. I was clueless.
"No, I. I tried to stop them. I tried to stop them going further past the Ruins. I tried to save them." This wasn't making any sense.
"You're the monster that came to our village, white fur, horns, that emblem. It has to be you! You fit the description! You killed the first child, you killed Chara!" She had to be! Who else could have done it? Nobody would ever find this place, it was the perfect hiding spot! She fit the description, monsters were real and there she was! It had to be!
And didn't I feel like a right bastard for solving it when she burst into tears at the mention of the name Chara. She reminded me of when I had to tell the other parents that their missing child, even if we found them, they would probably never turn up alive. Even if we found them alive, they'd never be the same again. Fuck, I felt like dirt. And yet, why? Why was this murderer feeling this upset, like one of her own children had died? She killed them, what right did she have to feel upset?
Through her sobs, I could hear her words. "Oh Chara. Chara, my dear child Chara. Asriel. My dear children!" Asriel? That was a new name, we had nothing on a child called Asriel, so who was that? Another human child? But, nobody heard about an eighth child going missing, so who was that?
Her sobbing, her words, it didn't make any sense! I closed my eyes, lowering my weapon to the ground as my arms collapsed under exhaustion both mentally and physically. I was frustrated. Nothing was making sense. Monsters were apparently real but hiding out in this cavern in the mountain, the child murderer apparently felt bad for what she had done to the point of hysteria and here I am with a fucking broken leg and more questions than answers. Fucking cut me a break, man!
Shadow wasn't helping either. He felt bad for Toriel and trotted his way to her, sitting beside her and gave her arm a lick. I opened my eyes to catch Toriel's shock, looking down at my dog and giving him a sad smile and a thanks. Traitor.
She looked back at me, after she was done wiping her eyes, now red from crying so much.
"Your words are cruel, my child." She ignored me 'am not a child!' "Yes, I killed those children." Fucking knew it! "I should have kept them here, I shouldn't have let them leave the safety of the ruins to be killed by other monsters." Fuckme really there's more!? "I should have destroyed that door a long time ago, blocked the way so no children could get themselves killed."
Okay. That answered zero questions. My face must've shown it, as she went further to explain. "All the children that fell down here met the same fate. They came. They left. They died. Now I see, this is my punishment for not saving them from their fate. They looked so happy for the chance to get home, I couldn't say no." Nope. Still not clearing the air here. "Please, your words cut harshly but... you are a good person at heart. I feel that. I see it in your soul. Let me help you."
She stepped closer. Oh no.
In a fit of panic, I forgot about my leg. I did it. I grasped the ground beneath me, feeling the flowers rustling in protest as I lifted myself and pushed myself away.
Fucking agony. A scream doesn't even describe it. Blinding white light covered my vision as I gasped, my voice gone in the pain, and grabbed my leg. I shut my eyes tight, trying to take deep breaths as I heard another gasp and suddenly someone was right besides me. My leg hurt. It hurt so bad. I couldn't concentrate on who it was that was besides me, my leg hurt! I vaguely remember someone picking me up, jostling my leg again that struck me hard enough that I finally passed out.
Welp. Gave it my best. Lemmi know if I did good. Or bad. Or anything. I will read all the comments, I just don't have the time or energy to answer them all, so don't be alarmed! I read them all and I'm sure you're all lovely! C:
(Please be lovely.)
Hope you enjoyed it! Have a Sansational day! (going to hell.)